Evaluation of trypanocidal and anthelmintic efficacy of an Isometamidium – Ivermectin association in bovine

Evaluación de la eficacia tripanocida y antihelmíntica de una asociación de Isometamidium e Ivermectina en bovinos

  • Gustavo López-Valencia Universidad Industrial de Santande
  • Jesús Antonio Betancourt-Echeverry Universidad Industrial de Santander
  • Elias Ascanio-Evanoff Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Willia Berrío-Cataño Dirección de Granjas
  • Andrés Felipe Velásquez-Arboleda Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Jorge Gómez-Oquendo Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid
  • Gustavo Alonso López-Sierra Director en GSBPO
Keywords: Cattle, control, nematodes, test, trypanosomes


The objective of the present work was to evaluate the efficacy of the compound Hemoveex® (isometamidium chloride  2,4% and ivermectin 2,0%) of  Reveex,  a  Venezuelan  laboratory, on the control of mixed infections of Trypanosoma vivax and gastrointestinal nematodes in bovine. Sixteen one year old heifers, assigned to two experimental groups (intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SC)), were treated each with Hemoveex® at the dose of 1 mililiter (mL) /50 kg of body weight (BW); previously, all 16 heifers had been inoculated with 5 mL each of bovine blood showing 4 flagellates/100X microscopic field of Trypanosoma vivax initially obtained from a cow in Puerto Berrío, Antioquia, Colombia and further multiplied in a calf at the Jaime Isaza Polytechnic of Marinilla, Antioquia. The assignment to either group, was made on the basis of the “strongylid” nematode type egg per gram (epg) of faeces, using the McMaster technique. From day (d) 1 after treatment to d 63, when observations finished, no trypanosomes were seen in any of the sixteen heifers. As for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes, the association showed efficacies of 36, 12, 24 and 84%, on d 7, 28 and 42, and 63 post- treatment (PT), respectively, when applied by the IM route and of 47.8, 39.1 and 78.3%, on d 21, 28 and 63 PT, respectively, when administered (SC). Isometamidium + ivermectin was highly efficacious against Trypanosoma vivax, given either IM or SC presented a satisfactory anthelmintic efficacy only by d 63 PT.


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How to Cite
López-Valencia G, Betancourt-Echeverry JA, Ascanio-Evanoff E, Berrío-Cataño W, Velásquez-Arboleda AF, Gómez-Oquendo J, López-Sierra GA. Evaluation of trypanocidal and anthelmintic efficacy of an Isometamidium – Ivermectin association in bovine: Evaluación de la eficacia tripanocida y antihelmíntica de una asociación de Isometamidium e Ivermectina en bovinos. Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2021Apr.23 [cited 2024Jun.15];30(3):157-65. Available from: https://www.produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/cientifica/article/view/35748
Veterinary Medicine