Assessment of meat by-products by three processingmethodologies in african catfish (clarias gariepinus)

Evaluación de subproductos cárnicos por tres metodologías de procesamiento en bagre africano (clarias gariepinus)

  • José Llanes-Iglesias Empresa Desarrollo Tecnologías Acuícola
  • Anaysi Portales-González Empresa Desarrollo Tecnologías Acuícola
  • Urselia Hernández-López Instituto de Investigaciones de la Industria Alimentaria.
Keywords: Feeding, catfish, clarias, silage


To evaluate meat by-products (MB) by three processing methodologies in extruded diets for the pre-fattening and fattening stages of Clarias gariepinus in intensive cultivation was the objective of the work. Two simple classification designs of four treatments with three repetitions each were used. The pre-fattening treatments were three experimental diets with 25.0 % fish meal (FM) and by-products meal (MBM), chemical silage made with fresh MB (FMBS) and cooked MB (CMBS), which were compared with the SKRETTING® feed of 49.0% protein (control). In the second bioassay (fattening), the diets with 15.0 % FM and the same MB variants and the SKRETTING® feed with 44.0% protein (control) were used. In the pre-fattening stage, the growth of the fish was reduced when MB were ensiled fresh (71.36; 61.42; 69.98 and 68.05 grames, g). However, in the fattening the final weights (125.11; 46.92; 49.66 and 116.90 g) and the feed conversion (0.98; 3.72; 3.03 and 0.92) were affected with both silages. The use of MBM in both cultivation stages did not affect the productive indicators of the animals with respect to the controls. It was evidenced that the use of MBM was the viable variant in the elaboration of national foods for the development of catfish crops in intensive farming systems, with a positive economic effect.


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How to Cite
Llanes-Iglesias J, Portales-González A, Hernández-López U. Assessment of meat by-products by three processingmethodologies in african catfish (clarias gariepinus): Evaluación de subproductos cárnicos por tres metodologías de procesamiento en bagre africano (clarias gariepinus). Rev. Cient. FCV-LUZ [Internet]. 2021Mar.20 [cited 2024May18];30(2):94-101. Available from:
Animal Production