Coexistence of art studies in student guidance through biodanza theory

  • María Dolores Díaz Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Orientation (Student Guidance), Biodanza, Art, Coexistence and Corporeality


This research was developed in the Doctorate of Human Sciences of the Zulia University. The core of attention was on the subject: Orientation One for the acting students of the School of Performing Arts (EAE) of the Experimental Faculty of Art (FEDA). The challenge is to investigate how the student using the Biodanza Theory as a resource, coexisted with art from the point of view of Orientation. Its general objectives were to Theorize on the structural and dynamic elements that allow Living with Art from Biodanza. And generate a theoretical-methodological approach to address the Guidance processes. Systems Theory
and Human Systems in Orientation were contributors in its methodology processes; technique was framed in qualitative research, phenomenology and ethnographic methodology, permeated by hermeneutics. The results that synthesize the transformation in coexistence, constituted the basis for generating a Fullness Orientation proposal for future programs.


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How to Cite
Díaz, M. D. (2021). Coexistence of art studies in student guidance through biodanza theory. SituArte, 16(28), 26-33. Retrieved from