Effect of the use of lightening toothpastes on the structure and surface of the dental enamel.

Efecto del uso de dentífricos aclaradores sobre la estructura y superficie del esmalte dental.

  • Jairo Mariel Cárdenas Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Cantú Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Keywords: enamel, dentifrice, dental bleaching


Because of the dissatisfaction that exists on the part of some pa-tients in relation to the color or tone of their dental organs, commercial com-panies have designed and produced toothpaste formulations with the intention of obtaining a whiter teeth effect. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of whitening toothpastes on the hardness, roughness and surface of the adamantine tissue. Forty-eight healthy permanent incisors, extracted due to periodontal disease, were collected and analyzed and they were divided into six study groups: Group 1: No Brushing, Group 2: Control (No Toothpaste) and four Experimental (Colgate Triple Action, Colgate Luminous White, Crest and Crest 3D). Adamantine structure was analyzed with a micro hardness tester, roughness with atomic force microscopy and the surface with scanning electron microscopy. For the statistical analysis we used the software MINITAB version 19. Significant differences were identified in the increase in dental micro hard-ness, topographic changes in the adamantine surface and different polishing patterns produced by the use of the different toothpastes used.


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How to Cite
Mariel Cárdenas , J., & Gutiérrez Cantú, F. J. (2021). Effect of the use of lightening toothpastes on the structure and surface of the dental enamel.: Efecto del uso de dentífricos aclaradores sobre la estructura y superficie del esmalte dental. Investigación Clínica, 62(1), 63-72. https://doi.org/10.22209/IC.v62n1a06