Cryptosporidiosisin HIV infected persons in Venezuela: Potential impact of the country crisis.

Cryptosporidiosisin HIV infected persons in Venezuela: Potential impact of the country crisis.

  • Leonor Chacín-Bonilla Universidad del Zulia


Editorial 3Vol. 62(1): 1 - 3, 2021Cryptosporidiosisin HIV infected persons in Venezuela: Potential impact of the country crisis.The high opportunistic and severe life-threatening potential of Cryptosporidium in HIV infected patients is a global public health problem. Persons with AIDS are susceptible to a devastating form of cryptosporidiosis. No effective drug therapy or vaccine are yet available for the infection in these patients. The best approach to prevention and therapy of cryptospo-ridiosis in them is the maintenance of the immune system function by using ART that allows clinical recovery or parasite eradication.As a consequence of the crisis, Venezuela is facing a collapse of the health system and public services with the worse sanitary conditions and limited water supply enabling the spread and outbreaks of infectious diseases. This situation along with the limited availability of ART, and high levels of poverty and malnutrition warran-ty an increase in the prevalence and morbimortality of cryptosporidiosis in HIV infected patients.


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How to Cite
Chacín-Bonilla, L. (2021). Cryptosporidiosisin HIV infected persons in Venezuela: Potential impact of the country crisis.: Cryptosporidiosisin HIV infected persons in Venezuela: Potential impact of the country crisis. Investigación Clínica, 62(1), 1-3.