Health and work in the performance society and eloquent fatigue

Exit routes

  • Nelson Enrique Camba Trujillo Universidad del Zulia
Keywords: Tiredness, burnout, spirituality, meditation, labor happiness


The general purpose of this research was to analyze health and work in the society of performance and eloquent fatigue following the postulates of the South
Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han. Under this approach in contemporaneity there have been important changes in the way in which organizations face the challenges of the current environment. In this sense, the methodology used was based on a documentary research in which the sources of secondary information were books, refereed articles, case studies, supported by authors, such as Han (2015), Vásquez (2017), Collazos & Blandón (2019) and Niño & Solano (2020), among others. The documentary observation guide was used as a technique for data collection. The results obtained were discussed through the triangulation method which allowed to give way to different positions on the topic developed. In this new labor dynamic, we have moved from a model based on stable and predictable routines to a flexible market, with structurally agile companies subject to absolute mobility requirements that have had a decisive impact on the essence of the human person of the worker. Faced with this complex situation, there are some ways out to counteract the effects generated by this way in which individuals relate in the workplace, among them are mentioned, leadership, sense of humor, active pauses, happiness and subjective well-being and spirituality.


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Author Biography

Nelson Enrique Camba Trujillo, Universidad del Zulia

Abogado. Doctor en Derecho. Doctor en Ciencias Gerenciales. Profesor Titular de Derecho del Trabajo y Derecho de la Seguridad Social de Pre y Postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia. Especialista en Gestión de Recursos Humanos.


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How to Cite
Camba Trujillo, N. E. (2023). Health and work in the performance society and eloquent fatigue: Exit routes. Gaceta Laboral, 28(1), 8-21. Retrieved from