Criminal Law and Human Rights: A Complex Relationship

Keywords: criminal law, human rights, minimum criminal law, social comptroller, contemporary criminological theory


In today’s world the relationship between criminal law and human rights remains complex, both in doctrine and in practice, as evidenced by the various realities and theories around this matter, so it is convenient to reflect on the most viable ways and methods to humanize criminal law and criminal procedure to preserve human dignity. The purpose of the text lies in presenting the editorial of the special edition of Vol. 39, No, 70 of Political Issues. The arguments outlined allow us to conclude that, it would be illusory to suppose, as some jurists think, that the law by itself is sufficient to build a wall of contention in the face of the actions of the arbitrary powers that constitute an obstacle to fundamental rights, it is also necessary the political will of the actors of power to comply with and enforce the law in a human and rational way and, especially, the organized action of a citizenry willing to fight for the exercise of their human rights within the framework of any punitive action.


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Author Biography

Jorge J. Villasmil Espinoza

Doctor en Ciencia Política con estudios postdoctorales en Derechos Humanos, editor de la revista Cuestiones Políticas, profesor titular de la Universidad del Zulia en Maracaibo, Venezuela. Web of Science Researcher ID: AAO-7385-2020.


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How to Cite
Villasmil Espinoza, J. J. (2021). Criminal Law and Human Rights: A Complex Relationship. Political Questions, 39(70), 16-17.