Invest Clin 64(1): 5 - 14, 2023
Corresponding author: Jairo Mariel Cárdenas. Programa de Postgrado en Ciencias Dentales, Facultad de Estoma-
tología, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Av. Dr. Manuel Nava 2, Zona Universitaria, San Luis Potosí, SLP,
México. Phone: +52 (444) 4973830. Email:
Correlation between bacterial type/bacterial
quantity and bone loss detected by cone
beam computed tomography (CBCT)
in primary endodontic infections.
Ricardo Oliva Rodríguez1, Georgina Yaretzy Rangel Galván1, Ana María González
Amaro1, Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Cantú2, Abraham Israel Muñoz Ruiz2,
José Obed García Cortés2 and Jairo Mariel Cárdenas2
1Programa de Postgrado en Endodoncia, Facultad de Estomatología, Universidad
Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, SLP, México.
2Programa de Postgrado en Ciencias Dentales, Facultad de Estomatología, Universidad
Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, SLP, México.
Keywords: bone loss; cone beam; primary endodontic infection.
Abstract. Periapical lesions (PL) of endodontic origin are one of the most
common pathological conditions that affect peri-radicular tissues. The main ob-
jective of this study was to evaluate the amount and species of microorganisms
isolated from necrotic pulps, establish a correlation between these and the size of
periapical lesions, and how the amount and species of microorganisms decreased
with non-surgical root canal treatment. Twenty-seven patients with a clinical diag-
nosis of dental pulp necrosis and chronic periapical lesions were selected; a Cone
Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and microbial samples of the root canal
system were taken previous to a disinfection protocol, a post-instrumentation/
disinfection protocol, and a post-medication placement. Samples were processed
for colony-forming unit (CFU) counting, Gram staining technique, and bacterial
identification by the API-20 Strep/API-20A system. The API system identified 21
species of microorganisms in the pre-instrumentation samples, 11 species in the
post-instrumentation samples, and 11 in the post-medication samples. There was
a correlation coefficient of 0.598% between the initial size of the lesion and the
number of bacteria, with a coefficient of determination up to 35.7%, a correla-
tion coefficient of 0.486% and a determination coefficient of 23.6% between the
size of the periapical lesion and the number of CFUs. This study contributes to
the knowledge of the amount and species of microorganisms isolated and identi-
fied from necrotic pulps, establishes a correlation between the amount and spe-
cies of microorganisms and the size of the periapical lesions, and shows how the
decrease of microorganisms contributes to the healing of PL, corroborating the
importance of an adequate disinfection protocol.
6 Oliva Rodríguez et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(1): 2023
Correlación entre el tipo y cantidad de bacterias y la pérdida
ósea detectada por Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico
(CBCT) en infecciones endodóncicas primarias.
Invest Clin 2023; 64 (1): 5 – 14
Palabras clave: pérdida ósea; haz cónico; infección endodóncica primaria.
Resumen. Las lesiones periapicales (LP) de origen endodóncico son la
condición patológica más común que afectan los tejidos perirradiculares. El ob-
jetivo principal de este estudio es evaluar la cantidad y especie de bacterias ais-
ladas de pulpas necróticas, correlacionar la cantidad y especies bacterianas con
el tamaño de la lesión, y cómo disminuyen la cantidad y especies de microor-
ganismos con el tratamiento de conductos. A 27 pacientes con diagnóstico de
necrosis pulpar y lesión periapical crónica detectada con CBCT se les tomaron
muestras microbianas del sistema de conductos antes y después del protocolo
de desinfección y de la medicación intraconducto. Las muestras se procesaron
para el recuento de unidades de formación de colonias (UFC), tinción de Gram
e identificación mediante el sistema API-20 Strep/API-20A. Se identificaron
21 especies en las muestras pre-instrumentación, 11 en las muestras post-ins-
trumentación y 11 en las muestras post-medicación; se observó un coeficiente
de correlación del 0,598% entre el tamaño inicial de la lesión y la cantidad de
bacterias, con un coeficiente de determinación hasta el 35,7%, un coeficiente
de correlación del 0,486% y un coeficiente de determinación del 23,6% entre
el tamaño de la lesión periapical y el número de UFCs. Este estudio contribuye
al conocimiento sobre la cantidad y especies de microorganismos aislados e
identificados a partir de pulpas necróticas, establece una correlación entre la
cantidad y especies de microorganismos y el tamaño de las lesiones periapicales
y exhibe cómo la disminución de microorganismos contribuye a la curación de
LP, corroborando la importancia de un adecuado protocolo de desinfección.
Received: 18-05-2022 Accepted: 26-09-2022
Periapical lesions (PL) are one of the
most common pathological conditions that
affect peri-radicular tissues in the alveolar
bone 1,2 and are mainly classified as radicular
cysts or dental granulomas 1,3-5. The micro-
bial invasion and subsequent infection of the
root canal system play a decisive role in the
initiation, progression 1,4, and establishment
of peri-radicular conditions4 since bacteria
and their by-products act as antigens that
elicit a non-specific inflammatory response
as well as specific immunological reactions
in the peri-radicular tissues 2.
The bacterial species present in the
apical region may have a significant role in
the pathogenesis of apical periodontitis 6.
Gram-negative bacteria predominate in the
root canal system of teeth with pulp necro-
sis and PL 6. Some bacterial virulence factors
include the structural components and prod-
ucts of bacterial metabolism 6. It has been
established that the levels of endotoxins in
root canal infections are directly related to
the severity of peri-radicular bone destruc-
Correlation between bacterial type and quantity and bone loss detected by CBCT 7
Vol. 64(1): 5 - 14, 2023
tion 7. Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) that form
part of the bacterial cell wall and act like
endotoxins are especially important in end-
odontic infections because of their biologi-
cal effects, which lead to a complex interplay
with host factors 6, like chemical mediators
of inflammation, including the cytokines IL-
1a, IL-1b, TNF-α and prostaglandins related
to the pathogenesis of periapical lesions 5,
resulting in clinical symptomatology, inflam-
matory reaction, and resorption of miner-
alized tissues6. Also, teichoic acid (TA) and
lipoteichoic acid (LTA) are present in gram-
positive bacteria and share their pathogenic
properties with LPS, resulting in well-known
injuries to the dental pulp and periapical tis-
sues 6.
Most PL (>90%) can be classified as
dental granulomas, radicular cysts, or ab-
scesses 3, but the precise nature of such
lesions can only be determined histologi-
cally; for this reason, the true prevalence of
each pathological condition is unclear 5. PL
should be treated initially by a non-surgical
approach 1. The purpose of the non-surgical
root canal treatment is to shape and clean
the root canal system 1,4 to eliminate the ne-
crotic tissue and infective bacteria and their
antigens1, and finally seal the root canal sys-
tem three-dimensionally to prevent reinfec-
tion 4. PL usually heals as a response to me-
ticulous non-surgical endodontic treatment
4. The primary root canal treatment yields
predictable results with a survival rate of
95% after a 4-year follow-up 4. To assess the
healing potential of a PL, a period of 6 to 12
months after root canal treatment should be
considered, while complete healing of the PL
lesion might take up to four years. However,
treatment failure is possible due to different
microbial and non-microbial factors 4, lead-
ing to persistent intra- or extra-radicular in-
fection, and a surgical procedure should be
considered 1.
Nowadays, histopathological evaluation
is the gold standard for diagnosing PL, but
CBCT, MRI, and echography show promising
results in differentiating granulomas and
cysts 4. In addition, CBCT offers relatively
high-resolution and isotropic images. Po-
tential applications in endodontics include
diagnosis and evaluation of most aspects of
endodontic treatment, such as determina-
tion of the configuration and length of the
root canal, presence of accessory canals, and
PL evaluation 8.
The main objective of this study was to
evaluate the amount and species of microor-
ganisms isolated from necrotic pulps, estab-
lish a correlation between these and the size
of periapical lesions; and to determine how
the amount and species of microorganisms
decreased after the non-surgical root canal
This study was evaluated and autho-
rized by the Research Ethics Committee of
the Faculty of Stomatology, UASLP, with the
code CEI-FE-019-016.
Twenty-seven systemically healthy pa-
tients (18-60 years old) with a clinical di-
agnosis of dental pulp necrosis and chronic
PL associate (primary endodontic infection)
were selected for the study.
Microbial identification
Microbial samples of the root canal sys-
tem were taken from each tooth previous to
disinfection protocol, post-instrumentation/
disinfection protocol, and post-medication
Before each clinical procedure, the area
of intervention was cleaned with a brush and
Viarden® prophylactic paste (Viarden SA de
CV, Mexico). Next, each patient was anesthe-
tized with mepivacaine HCl 2% + epineph-
rine 1:100000. A rubber dam was placed and
sealed with LC Block Out in the enamel rub-
ber dam interface. The dental pulp chamber
access was performed using a carbide bur
#2, then the operative field was disinfected
with hydrogen peroxide 30% (Fermont, Pro-
ductos Químicos Monterrey SA de CV, Mexi-
co) for 1 minute, sodium hypochlorite 2.25%
8 Oliva Rodríguez et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(1): 2023
for 1 minute, and finally the solutions were
inactivated with the application of sodium
thiosulfate 10% for 1 minute (Fermont, Pro-
ductos Químicos Monterrey, México).
The endodontic working length was
established using an apex locator ID (Syb-
ronEndo, Kerr Corp. USA); then the pre-in-
strumentation bacterial sample of the root
canal system was taken; after, the root canal
was instrumented with Protaper Next rotary
system (X1, X2, X3) (Dentsply Sirona, USA).
The final irrigation protocol was used as fol-
low: 2 mL of EDTA 17%, followed by 2 mL of
NaOCl 2.25%, both solutions were activated
with an E11 #25 ultrasonic tip and a Vari-
os 370 ultrasound device (NSK, Shinagawa
Tokyo, Japan); finally 3 mL of sterile saline
solution were employed, a post-instrumen-
tation sample was taken at this point. Fi-
nally, the intracanal medication was placed
(Ca(OH)2) and the dental pulp chamber was
sealed with a temporary restoration (IRM,
Dentsply). On a second session (7 days after
session 1), each patient was anesthetized
with Mepivacaine HCl 2% + epinephrine
1:100000. A rubber dam was used and LC
Block Out was placed. The operative field
was disinfected, and the temporary resto-
ration was removed; then the intracanal
medication was eliminated using ultrasonic
tips; then the final irrigation protocol was
performed as follows, 2 mL of EDTA 17%,
followed by 2 mL of NaOCl 2.25%, both so-
lutions were activated by an E11 #25 ultra-
sonic tip and a Varios 370 ultrasound device
(NSK, Shinagawa Tokyo, Japan). Finally, 3
mL of sterile saline solution were used; the
operative field was disinfected as previously
described and the post-medication bacterial
sample was taken.
All the bacterial samples were taken us-
ing a sterile Capillary Tip (0.035mm) (Ul-
tradent®) connected to a 5 mL hypodermic
syringe. The sample was placed in Eppendorf
tubes with thioglycollate broth and incubat-
ed for 48 h in an anaerobic chamber (COY,
laboratory products, Incubator Model 2000
Great Lake, USA).
Once all the bacterial samples were col-
lected, the samples were incubated in an an-
aerobiosis chamber for 48 h, then samples
were processed for CFU counting, Gram
staining technique, and bacterial identifica-
tion by API-20 Strep /API-20A.
CBCT evaluation
A CBCT of the involved teeth was taken
before root canal treatment. The CBCT im-
ages were obtained by Kodak CS 9000 3D
tomography equipment. The image size was
established at 76 µm / 50 X 37 mm. Images
were examined using Kodak CS3D (version
3.2.12) software.
Of the 27 periapical lesions diagnosed,
ten were randomly selected and were mea-
sured using the PLM (Periapical Lesion Mea-
surement Index) previous to the root canal
treatment. Six months after non-surgical
endodontic treatment, a second CBCT was
taken to compare them. The bone volume
destruction was determined using axial, sag-
ittal, and coronal planes. The lesion’s width,
length, and depth were measured using the
axial, sagittal, and coronal planes. The im-
ages were evaluated by a calibrated external
observer using the Estrela’s index9: 0 = In-
tact periapical bone structures, 1 = Radiolu-
cency diameter 0.5-1 mm3, 2 = Radiolucency
diameter 1-2 mm3, 3 = Radiolucency Diam-
eter 2-4 mm3, 4 = Radiolucency diameter
4-8 mm3, Radiolucency diameter 8 mm3, +E
= Periapical cortical bone expansion, +D =
Destruction of the periapical cortical bone.
Microbial identification (API-20 Strep/
The biochemical method API identi-
fied 21 species of microorganisms in the
pre-instrumentation samples (Table 1), 11
species in the post-instrumentation samples
(Table 2), and 11 in the post-medication
samples (Table 3). The main microorgan-
isms identified were Actinomyces naeslundii
(16.66% pre-instrumentation/27.08% post-
Correlation between bacterial type and quantity and bone loss detected by CBCT 9
Vol. 64(1): 5 - 14, 2023
instrumentation/40% post-medication), and
Enterococcus faecalis (23.61% pre-instru-
mentation/29.16% post-instrumentation /
22.85% post-medication). Even when ade-
quate instrumentation, proper disinfection,
and use of intra-canal medication were car-
ried out, species were detected on samples
after non-surgical root canal treatment. This
confirmed the decrease of bacteria after
each therapeutic step procedure, but also
showed that the complete disinfection of the
root canal system is not possible.
For turbidity and CFU, descriptive sta-
tistic was performed (mean, mean error, stan-
dard deviation, minimum and maximum val-
ues) (Table 4) and compared between groups
(Table 5). The normality of the variables was
determined with the Shapiro-Wilk test. The
student’s T-test was used to compare groups.
A Pearson’s correlation coefficient was em-
ployed (95% confidence intervals).
According to the Gram stain, the bacte-
ria most identified in the present study were
CFU counting
According to the obtained results,
based on turbidity, there is a correlation co-
efficient of 0.598% between the initial size of
the lesion and the number of bacteria from
Table 1
Bacteria species found in pre-instrumentation
1Actinomyces naeslundii 23.61
2Enterococcus faecalis 16.66
3Aerococcus viridans 8.33
4Streptococcus sanguis 6.94
5Fusobacterium nucleatum 6.94
6Clostridium spp 5.55
7Streptococcus oralis 4.16
8Aerococcus viridans 2 2.77
9Porphyromona asaccharolytica 2.77
10 Bacteroides spp 2.77
11 Actinomyces israelii 2.77
12 Streptococcus intermedius 2.77
13 Aerococcus viridans 2.77
14 Propionibacterium propionicum 1.38
15 Streptococcus pneumoniae 1.38
16 Streptococcus mitis 1.38
17 Clostridium perfringens 1.38
18 Aerococcus otitis 1.38
19 Aerococcus urinae 1.38
20 Gardnerela vaginalis 1.38
21 Prevotella oralis 1.38
Table 2
Species found in post-instrumentation samples
1Enterococcus faecalis 29.16
2Actinomyces naeslundii 27.08
3Porphyromona asaccharolytica 8.33
4PrevotelIa oralis 8.33
5Fusobacterium nucleatum 6.25
6Clostridium spp 6.25
7Streptococcus oralis 4.16
8Bacteroides spp 6.24
9Aerococcus viridans 2.08
10 Streptococcus pneumoniae 2.08
Table 3
Species found in post-medication samples
1Actinomyces naeslundii 40.00
2Enterococcus faecalis 22.85
3Aerococcus viridans 11.42
4Porphyromona asaccharolytica 5.71
5Fusobacterium nucleatum 2.85
6Bacteroides uniformis 2.85
7Clostridium cadaveris 2.85
8Clostridium perfringens 2.85
9Bacteroides stercoris 2.85
10 Streptococcus sanguis 2.85
11 Prevotella 2.85
10 Oliva Rodríguez et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(1): 2023
the pre-instrumentation sample, with a coef-
ficient of determination up to 35.7%; a cor-
relation coefficient of 0.486% and a determi-
nation coefficient of 23.6% between the size
of the initial lesion and the number of total
CFUs with statistically significant difference
(* p = ≤0.001).
The quantification of CFU counting
showed a bacterial decrease between the
pre-instrumentation, post-instrumentation,
and post-medication samples, with a sta-
tistically significant difference between all
groups (Table 5), which means that each
step procedure contributed to the control of
the odontogenic infection.
CBCT evaluation
Ten random PL were evaluated by CBCT
after six months of the endodontic treatment.
According to the data obtained, there was a de-
crease in the volume size of the PL (Table 6).
The present study contributes to the
knowledge about the amount and species of
microorganisms isolated and identified from
necrotic pulps, and determines a correlation
between the initial size of a PL and the num-
ber of bacteria. It also corroborates that the
root canal shaping, cleaning, and use of in-
tracanal medication decreased the amount
and species of bacteria identified, but do not
eliminate them.
According to the obtained data, the
bacteria most commonly identified from the
root canal system were Gram-positive facul-
tative anaerobes, corroborating previously
reported literature 6. It has been established
that the microorganisms in the biofilm are
exposed to very different environmental con-
ditions from those in planktonic form, and
many species can change their metabolism
depending on the surrounding physiologi-
cal and physicochemical conditions 10. Peri-
radicular dental biofilm is characterized by
microorganisms adhered to the cementum,
to the dentin, or both, in the apical portion
of the root, surrounded by an external poly-
saccharide matrix (biofilm) that limits the
access of defense molecules (antibodies and
Table 4
Mean comparison of groups
Sample Mean Mean
Turbidity Pre-Shaping & Cleaning 4.826 0.330 1.713 2.500 7.500
Post-Shaping & Cleaning 2.278 0.203 1.056 1.100 4.500
Post-Intracanal Medication 0.937 0.063 0.328 0.500 1.600
CFU Pre-Shaping & Cleaning 165.300 18.300 95.000 25.000 300.000
Post-Shaping & Cleaning 48.440 4.720 24.500 6.000 100.000
Post-Intracanal Medication 9.890 2.550 13.240 0.000 40.000
Table 5
Comparison of groups
Pre-Shaping & Cleaning
Post-Shaping & Cleaning
Pre-Shaping & Cleaning
Post-Intracanal Medication
Post-Shaping & Cleaning
Post-Intracanal Medication
Turbidity 0.001* 0.001* 0.001*
CFU 0.001* 0.001* 0.001*
*Statistical difference (P=≤0.001)
Correlation between bacterial type and quantity and bone loss detected by CBCT 11
Vol. 64(1): 5 - 14, 2023
complement) and phagocytic cells (macro-
phages and neutrophils) 6. The microorgan-
isms forming biofilms are more resistant to
antimicrobials (up to 1000 times less sus-
ceptibility to specific antimicrobials) and
the host immune defenses than their plank-
tonic counterparts 10.
The purpose of root canal treatment is
to debride and disinfect the root canal sys-
tem and to eradicate intracanal bacteria or
at least reduce them to a level below that
necessary to heal and prevent periapical dis-
eases or allow their resolution 11. However, in
some cases when the apical seal fails (apical
filtration), the pathology persists 12, due to
residual microorganisms 4, or extra-radicular
microorganisms 6, both with access to peri-
radicular tissues maintaining the patholo-
gy4. In primarily infected root canals, micro-
organisms were able to access and colonize
the pulpal tissue and impair its function 6.
The most common pathologic factors in the
alveolar bone derived from necrotic dental
pulp are PL 13. Their microbial profile con-
sists of 10-30 species per canal 6. According
to the data obtained in our study, at least
21 different species of microorganisms were
identified previously to the root canal disin-
fection. The species number identified post-
disinfection and post-medication decreased
to 11 species.
It has been reported that microorgan-
isms like Fusobacterium, Porphyromonas,
Prevotella, Parvimonas, Tannerella, Trepo-
nema, Dialister, Filifactor, Actinomyces,
Olsenella, and Pseudoramibacter predomi-
nated in the root canal system; also, some
facultative or microaerophilic streptococci
are commonly found in primary infections 6.
According to our data, the main microorgan-
isms identified were Actinomyces naeslundii,
Enterococcus faecalis, Aerococcus viridans,
Streptococcus sanguis, and Fusobacterium
nucleatum, corroborating previous reported
literature. Cardoso et al. 7 revealed a positive
correlation between root canal volume, de-
termined by CBCT analysis, and CFU count
found in primary endodontic infections with
apical periodontitis 7. It also showed that
the presence of selected bacteria species,
such as L. buccalis, P. intermedia, C. graci-
lis, C. gingivalis, and C. sputigena, as well as
Table 6
Comparison of periapical lesion before and after non-surgical root canal treatment
Sample Initial Lesion
Initial PAI Lesion Size 6 Months
After Treatment
PAI 6 Months
After Treatment
1 8.20 mm35 6.96 mm34 15.12
2 13.80 mm3+D 7.90 mm34 42.75
3 7.00 mm34 4.59 mm34 34.42
4 5.92 mm33 3.19 mm33 46.11
5 23.00 mm3+D 7.92 mm34 65.56
6 8.96 mm3+E 4.34 mm34 51.56
7 7.15 mm34 4.60 mm34 35.00
8 25.74 mm3+E 11.13 mm3+D 56.75
9 50.31 mm3+E 22.99 mm3+E 54.30
10 5.60 mm34 3.04 mm33 45.71
Estrela’s Periapical Index (PAI): 0 = Intact periapical bone structures, 1 = Radiolucency diameter 0.5-1 mm3, 2
= Radiolucency diameter 1-2 mm3, 3 = Radiolucency Diameter 2-4 mm3, 4 = Radiolucency diameter 4-8 mm3,
Radiolucency diameter 8 mm3, +E = Periapical cortical bone expansion, +D = Destruction of the periapical
cortical bone.
12 Oliva Rodríguez et al.
Investigación Clínica 64(1): 2023
their interaction in the form of complexes,
was positively correlated with the presence
of clinical features. Cardoso et al. also re-
vealed that larger root canals hold higher
levels of culturable bacteria. Thus, the inter-
action of different virulent bacteria species
in complexes plays an important role in the
development of clinical features7. This data
is corroborated by the results reported in
this study, in which there is a relation be-
tween the number of bacteria and the pres-
ence of a PL. In a study performed in Taiwan
by Li-Wan Lee 14, it was found that the main
species of bacteria identified by matrix-
assisted laser desorption ionization-time
of flight mass spectrometry, were Porphy-
romonas endodontalis, Bacteroides fragilis,
Dialister invisus, Fusobacterium nucleatum
and Treponema denticola 14, the differences
of main species reported could be due to
the difference of population evaluated and
the laboratory techniques to isolate, cul-
ture and identify the microorganisms. One
of the main reported specie is E. faecalis, a
facultative gram-positive bacterium, capable
of surviving in an environment with scarce
availability of nutrients and minimal com-
mensality with other bacteria. It presents
different virulence and resistance mecha-
nisms, which hinder its eradication from
root canals 6.
Literature has reported that at a
6-month follow-up after the root canal treat-
ment, only half of the cases exhibit signs of
healing and that after a 12-month interval,
88% of these lesions exhibit signs of recovery.
In contrast, complete healing of the peri-api-
cal lesion might take up to four years 4. Our
study corroborates these findings since the
samples evaluated by CBCT 6 months after
the root canal treatment showed a size re-
duction of the PL. The control and resolu-
tion of the associated infection and healing
of PL depend on different factors, including
the amount and species of bacteria related
to the infection process and the capability of
the immune system to control the remain-
ing bacteria. Interactions of bacteria species
and their grouping into complexes make
endodontic infections even far more com-
plex for the immune system response, which
can lead to different clinical symptoms 7.
It has been reported that lesions 10
mm had an 80% of success rate while the
larger ones showed a success rate of 53% 12,
then the largest periapical lesions are associ-
ated with the worst prognosis 12. In our study,
it was possible to prove a directly proportion-
al relationship between the lesion size and
the amount and number of bacterial species.
Also, it has been established that the patho-
logic nature of the PL plays an essential role
in the clinical evolution of the periapical dis-
ease; a true periapical cyst is less likely to
heal after non-surgical root canal treatment
and might require peri-radicular surgery 4.
A definitive diagnosis of peri-radicular
cyst is reached only through histopathologic
evaluation 4,13 by serial cross-sectioning of the
lesion specimen 4. But nowadays, the CBCT
represents a non-invasive method for differ-
entiating periapical cysts and granulomas4.
Also, represents an ideal method to evaluate
the healing of a PL after root canal treat-
ment or surgical endodontic treatment, con-
sistent with the data reported in this study.
Nevertheless, according to the American
Association of Endodontists (AAE), CBCT
should only be used when the required imag-
ing question cannot be answered adequately
by lower-dose conventional radiography or
alternate imaging modalities 4.
The comprehension and understanding
of the microbial characteristics in the root
canal system play an essential role in the
treatment and resolution of periapical diseas-
es. This study determined that the amount
and species of microorganisms isolated from
necrotic pulps, established a correlation be-
tween the amount/species of microorganisms
and the size of periapical lesions, and showed
that the decrease of microorganisms through
the non-surgical root canal treatment con-
tributes to the healing of PL, corroborating
the importance of an adequate disinfection
protocol. It also established that the CBCT
Correlation between bacterial type and quantity and bone loss detected by CBCT 13
Vol. 64(1): 5 - 14, 2023
could be used as an objective method to
evaluate the evolution of a PL after root ca-
nal treatment. However, further studies are
needed to confirm the data reported.
Rangel Galván GY was the recipient of
a scholarship from the Consejo Nacional de
Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT), México.
This study was realized with funds of the Pro-
grama de Postgrado en Endodoncia, Facul-
tad de Estomatología, Universidad Autóno-
ma de San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, SLP,
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare not to present any
conflict of interest or competence with the
research work carried out.
Authors ORCID number
Ricardo Oliva Rodríguez (ROR):
Georgina Yaretzy Rangel Galván (GYRG):
Ana María González Amaro (AMGA):
Francisco Javier Gutiérrez Cantú
(FJGC): 0000-0001-7220-5791
Abraham Israel Muñoz Ruiz (AIMR):
José Obed García Cortés (JOGC):
Jairo Mariel Cárdenas (JMC):
Authors Participation
Conception and work design. ROR,
Collection/obtaining results. ROR,
Data analysis and interpretation.
Writing the manuscript. ROR, AIMR,
Critical revision of the manuscript.
Approval of the final version. AIMR,
Statistical advice. JMC
Ethical or administrative advice.
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