Invest Clin 63(2): 147 - 155, 2022
Corresponding Author. Changrui Sheng. Department of Ultrasound, Hwa Mei Hospital, University of Chinese Aca-
demy of Sciences, Xibei Road 41, Ningbo 315010, Zhejiang Province, China. E-mail:
Value of endorectal ultrasonography
in the assessment of invasion staging
of low rectal cancer with local progression
after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy.
Shanshan Gao1, Changrui Sheng1, Liming Yan2, Hua Yin1, Jingjing Hu1, Zhiying Ye1
and Xiuzhi Wei1
1 Department of Ultrasound, Hwa Mei Hospital, University of Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Xibei Road 41, Ningbo 315010, Zhejiang Province, China.
2 Physical Examination Center, Hwa Mei Hospital, University of Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Xibei Road 41, Ningbo 315010, Zhejiang Province, China.
Key words: endorectal ultrasonography; low rectal cancer; local progression;
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy; invasion; staging.
Abstract. Although stages T3 and T4 rectal cancer can be reduced
to T1 or T2 after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, the accuracy of the en-
dorectal ultrasonography (ERUS) for the post-radiochemotherapy evalua-
tion of low rectal cancer has seldom been reported. We aimed to investigate
the value of ERUS in the assessment of invasion staging in low rectal cancer
with local progression, and the factors affecting its accuracy, after neoad-
juvant radiochemotherapy. A total of 114 patients administered with neo-
adjuvant radiochemotherapy for stages II and III low rectal cancer (local
stage T3/T4) from February 2018 to December 2020 were enrolled in the
study. The changes in local lesions were evaluated using ERUS before and
after radiochemotherapy, and compared with the pathological T staging.
The accuracy of post-neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy re-staging examined
with ERUS was evaluated, and univariate analysis was used to identify the
factors affecting the accuracy. After neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, the
blood flow distribution within the lesion significantly declined (P<0.05),
the max length and max thickness of the longitudinal axis of the lesion
were reduced (P<0.05), and the uT staging was decreased (P<0.05), when
compared with lesions before the treatment. Compared with postoperative
pathological T staging, the accuracies of ERUS in T1, T2, T3 and T4 stages
were 11.11%, 28.57%, 27.27% and 100%, respectively. Univariate analysis
148 Gao et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(2): 2022
Valor de la ultrasonografía endorectal en la evaluación
de la estadificación de la invasión del cáncer rectal bajo
con progresión local, después de administrar
radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante.
Invest Clin 2022; 63 (2): 147 – 155
Palabras clave: pancreatitis; cloruros; soluciones isotónicas; tiempo de internación.
Resumen. Aunque el cáncer de recto en estadios T3 y T4 se puede redu-
cir a T1 o T2 después de la radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante, rara vez se ha
informado la precisión de la ecografía endorrectal (ERUS) para la evaluación
posterior a la radioquimioterapia del cáncer de recto inferior. Nuestro obje-
tivo fue investigar el valor de ERUS en la evaluación de la estadificación de
la invasión en el cáncer de recto inferior con progresión local, después de la
radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante y los factores que afectan su precisión. Se
incluyeron en el estudio un total de 114 pacientes a los que se les administró
radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante para el cáncer de recto inferior en estadios
II y III (estadio local T3/T4), desde febrero de 2018 hasta diciembre de 2020.
Los cambios en las lesiones locales se evaluaron mediante ERUS antes y des-
pués de la radioquimioterapia y se compararon con la estadificación patológica
T. Se evaluó la precisión de la re-estadificación examinada con ERUS, después
de la radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante y se utilizó un análisis univariado para
identificar los factores que afectan su precisión. Después de la radioquimiote-
rapia neoadyuvante, la distribución del flujo sanguíneo dentro de la lesión dis-
minuyó significativamente (P<0,05), la longitud máxima y el espesor máximo
del eje longitudinal de la lesión se redujeron (P<0,05) y la estadificación uT
disminuyó (P<0,05), en comparación con las lesiones antes del tratamiento.
En comparación con la estadificación T patológica posoperatoria, las precisio-
nes de ERUS en las etapas T1, T2, T3 y T4 fueron del 11,11%, 28,57%, 27,27% y
100%, respectivamente. El análisis univariable indicó que el tiempo de revisión
de ERUS, la estadificación T postoperatoria y la etapa de regresión rectal de
Wheeler fueron factores que afectaron la precisión de la re-estadificación con
ERUS. ERUS es más preciso para la re-estadificación de T4, el seguimiento seis
semanas después de la radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante y en tumores de baja
regresión, con un alto valor de aplicación para la evaluación de la eficacia de la
radioquimioterapia neoadyuvante para el cáncer rectal bajo.
Received: 08-09-2021 Accepted: 07-04-2022
indicated that review time of ERUS, post-operative T staging and Wheeler
rectal regression stage were factors affecting the accuracy of ERUS re-stag-
ing. ERUS is more accurate for T4 re-staging, follow-up reviewed six weeks
after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy and low regression tumors, with a
high application value for the assessment of the efficacy of neoadjuvant
radiochemotherapy for low rectal cancer.
Ultrasonography for low rectal cancer 149
Vol. 63(2): 147 - 155, 2022
Rectal cancer is a common malignancy
of the digestive system, and the incidence
rate exhibits an increasing trend annually1.
Different stages of rectal cancer should be ad-
ministered with different therapeutic strat-
egies. Local resection is feasible for early-
stage rectal cancer, and standard treatment
mode, neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy com-
bined with radical surgery, is recommended
for locally advanced rectal cancer2. Neoadju-
vant radiochemotherapy helps to reduce tu-
mor size, degrade the staging, increase the
sphincter preservation rate, reduce local re-
currence rate and prolong the survival time
of patients 3,4. The “watch-and-wait” strategy
can be adopted for rectal cancer patients
with clinical complete response after neo-
adjuvant radiochemotherapy. Hence, tumors
should be accurately re-staged after neoad-
juvant therapy.
The endorectal ultrasonography (ERUS)
offers an important means for preoperative
staging of the primary lesion of rectal cancer,
characterized by low cost, high efficiency,
and accurate rectal wall stratification, and
it is far superior to magnetic resonance im-
aging (MRI) in the differential diagnosis of
T1 and T2 stages 5,6. Although stages T3 and
T4 rectal cancer will be reduced to T1 or T2
after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, there
are currently only few reports on the accu-
racy of ERUS in the post-radiochemotherapy
evaluation of low rectal cancer 7. In this study,
ERUS was utilized to evaluate the primary le-
sion of stage T3 and T4 low rectal cancer be-
fore and after neoadjuvant radiochemothera-
py, aiming to evaluate the accuracy of ERUS
after radiochemotherapy and before surgery,
and to investigate the correlations between
clinical indices and accuracy.
A total of 114 patients diagnosed as
low rectal cancer in our hospital from Febru-
ary 2018 to December 2020 were enrolled,
including 69 males and 45 females, aged
(57.3±6.2) years old. Digital anal examina-
tion showed that the distance between the
tumor lower edge and the anal verge was 4-7
cm. The inclusion criteria were as follows: a)
patients who were diagnosed with stage II or
III low rectal cancer (regional stage T3/T4)
by ERUS and MRI for the first time, and ultra-
sound probe could scan the tumor complete-
ly through the intestinal cavity. b) those who
had no surgical contraindications, and were
administered with surgery at eight weeks after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (2 Gy/time,
22 times, for a total radiotherapy dose of 44
Gy, while oral capecitabine 2500 mg/(m2·d),
bid for two weeks followed by one week rest
as one cycle, for two cycles. And c) those who
underwent neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
and total mesorectal excision, with ERUS
examination at 4-8 weeks after neoadjuvant
therapy and before surgery, and postoperative
pathological staging and Wheeler rectal can-
cer regression grade (RCRG). The exclusion
criteria involved: a) patients whose dosage
of neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy did not
reach the standard, or b) those whose radi-
cal excision did not reach the requirement. In
the present study, the staging standard met
the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
(NCCN) guidelines of 2014.
Philips iU 22 color Doppler ultrasound
system (Netherlands) with C8-4V intracavi-
tary ultrasonic probe was selected. The fre-
quency of ERUS was 5-10 MHz. The probe was
inserted into the rectal cavity to complete a
“360-degree view” of the tumor. The location,
length, diameter, shape, echo, and depth of
invasion, followed by the number, size, and
echo of the peri-intestinal lymph nodes were
observed, and the blood flow distribution in
the lesion, the max length of the longitudinal
axis of the lesion, the max thickness of the
tumor, and T staging (T1: hypoechoic shad-
ow is confined to the first three layers; T2:
hypoechoic shadow is present in the fourth
150 Gao et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(2): 2022
layer, but the fifth layer is smooth; T3: hy-
poechoic shadow is present in the fifth layer;
T4: hypoechoic shadow is present in the in-
testinal lining and partly surrounding tissues
or organs) were determined. Color Doppler
blood flow imaging grading was performed
according to the intensity of blood flow sig-
nals: grade 0: no blood flow signal, grade I:
blood flow signals of focal region, grade II:
multi-point and strip blood flow signals, and
grade III: large amounts of dot and strip blood
flow signals. ERUS was compared with path-
ological T staging to evaluate under-stage,
over-stage and accuracy, and the correlations
of patient’s age, gender, distance between the
lower edge of the tumor and the anus, review
time of ERUS, nerve invasion, vascular inva-
sion, lymph node metastasis, postoperative T
staging and Wheeler rectal cancer regression
grade with ERUS re-staging accuracy after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy were sub-
jected to univariate analysis to identify the
factors affecting the accuracy.
SPSS 20.0 software was employed for
statistical analysis. Numerical data were ex-
pressed as percentage [n (%)] and analyzed
using chi-square test. Measurement data
were expressed as mean ± standard devia-
tion (χ ± s), and t-test was used for com-
parison between two groups. The factors
affecting the accuracy of post-neoadjuvant
radiochemotherapy re-staging examined
with ERUS was evaluated by logistic regres-
sion analysis. P<0.05 indicated that the dif-
ference was statistically significant.
Changes in indices after neoadjuvant
radiochemotherapy with ERUS
ERUS showed that the blood flow dis-
tribution within the lesion significantly
declined (χ2=159.723, p<0.001) after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy, when
compared with the pre-treatment lesion.
The max length of the longitudinal axis of
the lesion and the max thickness of the
tumor were reduced [(5.38±0.34) cm vs.
(2.15± 0.14) cm, (3.03±0.24) cm vs.
(0.96±0.12) cm] (t=93.792, p<0.001;
t=82.368, p<0.001). Compared with be-
fore pre-neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy,
uT staging had a significant difference
after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
(χ2=58.455, p<0.001) (Table 1).
Table 1
Changes in indices after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy with ERUS (n=114).
Group Pre-neoadjuvant
radiochemotherapy χ2/t p
Blood flow (n) χ2=159.723 <0.001
0 0 42
0 51
51 15
63 6
Max length (cm) 5.38±0.34 2.15±0.14 t=93.792 <0.001
Max thickness (cm) 3.03±0.24 0.96±0.12 t=82.368 <0.001
uT stage(n) χ2=58.455 <0.001
T1 0 12
T2 0 36
T3 63 52
T4 51 24
Ultrasonography for low rectal cancer 151
Vol. 63(2): 147 - 155, 2022
ERUS and pathological T staging after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
Compared with postoperative patho-
logical T staging, ERUS showed 88.89% of
over-stage in T1 stage, 21.43% of under-stage
and 50% of over-stage in T2 stage, 45.45% of
under-stage and 27.27% of over-stage in T3
stage, 0 of under-stage and over-stage in T4
stage, and 21.05% of under-stage and 47.37%
of over-stage in T stage (overall), and the ac-
curacies of ERUS in T1, T2, T3, T4 and T stag-
es (overall) were 11.11%, 28.57%, 27.27%,
100% and 31.58%, respectively (Table 2).
Clinicopathological factors affecting
ERUS re-staging accuracy after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
Univariate and multivariate logistic
analyses indicated that review time of ERUS,
post-operative T staging and Wheeler rectal
regression stage were factors affecting ERUS
re-staging accuracy. ERUS was more accu-
rate in patients with review time of ERUS ≥6
weeks after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy,
ypT4 and RCRG3 (Tables 3 and 4).
The incidence rate of low rectal can-
cer is higher among colorectal tumors.
The anatomical structure of the low rec-
tum is different from that of the high rec-
tum, and the effect of radical surgery is
poor for low locally advanced rectal cancer
in the past, with a poor prognosis. With
the extensive development, the role of
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy with the
advantages of increasing the radical cure
rate of low locally advanced rectal cancer,
reducing the recurrence rate, increas-
ing the sphincter preservation rate and
prolong the survival time, has been con-
firmed 7,8. In the NCCN guidelines, it has
been definitely proposed to perform neo-
adjuvant radiochemotherapy for stages II
and III low rectal cancer (regional stage
T3 and T4). For low rectal cancer within
5 cm from the anus, ERUS has unique ad-
vantages 9. In a previous study, it showed
that the accuracy of ultrasound is 63-96%
in the preoperative staging of low rectal
cancer, which is 87-98% in MRI 10. Howev-
er, there are still few reports on the evalu-
ation value of ERUS after neoadjuvant ra-
diochemotherapy and before surgery.
The accuracy of ultrasound in different
locations of rectal cancer differs greatly dur-
ing the determination of the degree of inva-
sion of the primary rectal cancer. Especially,
ultrasound endoscopic scanning is required for
middle and upper rectal cancer, which greatly
affects the accuracy, but for low rectal cancer,
intracavitary ultrasound probes can easily and
completely scan the primary lesion to evaluate
the length, thickness, depth of invasion, blood
flow, and circumferential margins 11,12. Under
ERUS, the normal rectal wall is a 5-layer struc-
ture with a thickness of 2-3 mm with alternat-
ing high and low echoes, containing mucosa,
mucosal muscle, submucosa, propria muscle,
serous membrane and subserosal layer, sur-
rounding with adipose tissues, mesangial fascia
Table 2
EURS and pathological T staging after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy.
EURS stage(n) Total EURS stage
uT1 uT2 uT3 uT4 Over staging Underestimate staging Accuracy
ypT1 3 9 15 0 27 0 88.89% (24/27) 11.11% (3/27)
ypT2 9 12 18 3 42 21.43% (9/42) 50.00% (21/42) 28.57% (12/42)
ypT3 0 15 9 9 33 45.45% (15/33) 27.27% (9/33) 27.27% (9/33)
ypT4 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 100.00%(12/12)
Total 12 36 52 24 114 21.05% (24/114) 47.37%(54/114) 31.58% (36/114)
152 Gao et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(2): 2022
outside the adipose tissues, and the primary
lesion is characterized by irregularly shaped
masses, with uneven low echoes, some mul-
tiple micro-calcifications, different depths of
invasion into intestinal wall, disappearance of
normal intestinal wall structure, abundant ar-
teriovenous blood flow in the tumor, and high
resistance of arterial blood flow 13,14.
Table 3
Univariate analysis results of factors affecting ERUS re-staging accuracy after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy
Item n ERUS stage
Accurate (n=36) Inaccurate (n=78) χ2p
Age (years) 1.661 0.197
≤60 48 12 36
>60 66 24 42
Gender 3.013 0.083
Male 69 26 43
Female 45 10 35
Distance from low margin of
tumor to anus (cm) 2.537 0.111
<3 60 15 45
≥3 54 21 33
Follow up check of ERUS (weeks) 9.204 0.002
<6 42 6 36
≥6 72 30 42
Nerve invasion 0.506 0.477
Negative 93 28 65
Positive 21 8 13
Vessel invasion 0.050 0.822
Negative 27 9 18
Positive 87 27 60
Lymph node metastasis 0.201 0.654
Negative 51 15 36
Positive 63 21 42
Post-operation stage 37.948 <0.001
ypT1 27 3 24
ypT2 42 12 30
ypT3 33 9 24
ypT4 12 12 0
PCRG 21.732 <0.001
PCRG1 33 3 30
PCRG2 39 9 30
PCRG3 42 24 18
Ultrasonography for low rectal cancer 153
Vol. 63(2): 147 - 155, 2022
After neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy,
the primary tumor is prone to pathological
features such as necrosis, fibrosis, reduced
density, and decreased blood supply, and the
original 5-layer structure of the intestinal
wall is destroyed, so that MRI or ERUS re-
staging accuracy is poor 15. Compared with
before pre-neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy,
ERUS showed that the blood flow distribu-
tion within the lesion significantly declined,
the max length of the longitudinal axis of
the lesion and the max thickness of tumor
were significantly reduced, most stage T3 or
T4 rectal cancer was reduced to T1 or T2,
and the uT staging was decreased after neo-
adjuvant radiochemotherapy.
These results demonstrated that ERUS
is of clinical guiding significance in the
evaluation of tumor length, thickness and
blood flow after radiochemotherapy, and
can effectively evaluate the efficacy of adju-
vant therapy. Compared with postoperative
pathological T re-staging, the results dis-
played that ERUS showed 88.89% of over-
stage in T1 stage, 21.43% of under-stage
and 50% of over-stage in T2 stage, 45.45%
of under-stage and 27.27% of over-stage in
T3 stage, 0 of under-stage and over-stage
in T4 stage, and 21.05% of under-stage and
47.37% of over-stage in T stage (overall),
and the accuracy of ERUS in T1, T2, T3, T4
and T stage (overall) was 11.11%, 28.57%,
27.27%, 100% and 31.58%, respectively.
The above results suggested that ERUS has
extensive under-stage in T1 and T2 stages,
and the accuracy is extremely poor. The
reason may be that neoadjuvant therapy is
absolutely effective for the primary lesion
of T1 and T2 re-staging, and the 5-layer
structure of the intestinal wall is difficult
to distinguish. Because of tumor regres-
sion, fibrous interstitial tissue prolifera-
tion, reduced distribution of tumor cells in
the interstitium, and decreased blood flow
of the tumor, the accuracy of the stratifica-
tion of the mucosal layer, mucosal muscle,
submucosal layer and muscularis propria is
poor, and the fibrous interstitial tissue with
incomplete shrinkage may be mistaken
for residual tumors, resulting in excessive
staging 16. A previous study indicated that
the total accuracy of ERUS T staging after
neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy is 48%,
with 38% of over-staging and 14% of under-
staging, tumor regresses notably in the pri-
mary tumor that is sensitive to radiochemo-
therapy, and the accuracy of re-staging is
poor 17, similar to the results of this study.
The results of this study showed that ERUS
was more accurate for T4 re-staging, be-
cause T4 re-staging indicates ineffective or
extremely poor effect of neoadjuvant radio-
chemotherapy. Studies have displayed that
the accuracy of ERUS and MRI is close to
100% in T4 stage with larger tumor, so the
depth of invasion is more accurate, and the
evaluation accuracy is higher. Further uni-
variate analysis showed that review time of
ERUS, postoperative T staging and Wheeler
rectal cancer regression grade are factors
Table 4
Multivariate logistic analysis results of factors affecting ERUS re-staging accuracy
after neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy.
Item Regression
error Wald χ2OR 95% CI p
Review time of ERUS
≥6 weeks 2.203 0.297 5.389 1.727 1.063~2.804 0.004
ypT4 2.687 0.172 6.835 2.010 1.928~4.400 0.000
PCRG3 2.236 0.238 4.623 2.581 1.689~3.479 0.022
Constant term 1.784 0.348 76.436 6.053 0.006
154 Gao et al.
Investigación Clínica 63(2): 2022
affecting ERUS re-staging accuracy in low
rectal cancer. The accuracy is higher in pa-
tients with review time of ERUS ≥6 weeks.
The reason may be that the edema begins to
subside 4 weeks after radiotherapy, and the
boundary of tumor regression is more obvi-
ous, achieving the maximum effect at 6-8
weeks. Hence, ERUS can more accurately
distinguish the intestinal wall level after six
weeks. Patients with ypT4 and PCRG3 have
poor response of tumor to radiochemother-
apy, consistent with RCR3 of regression,
and higher accuracy of T4 staging men-
tioned above. ERUS is poorly accurate for
regional re-staging of obvious regression af-
ter radiochemotherapy, and more accurate
for T4 re-staging of unobvious regression
after radiochemotherapy. Besides, different
operators with experience, different types
of probes and fuselages are also factors that
affect the results of ERUS.
In conclusion, ERUS can effectively
allow the evaluation of the efficacy of low
rectal cancer after neoadjuvant radioche-
motherapy, including length, volume and
blood flow. However, it is poorly accurate
for those with prominent effect of neoad-
juvant radiochemotherapy and T staging
with effective regression, and more accu-
rate for those primary lesions with non-
prominent effect of neoadjuvant radioche-
motherapy and poor tumor regression.
Besides, ERUS has a higher accuracy for
the review time at 6 weeks after neoadju-
vant radiochemotherapy. Regardless, this
study still has limitations. First, the sam-
ple size is small, and further verification
is needed with a large population. Second,
the scan range of ERUS is limited, which
cannot display tumors in the upper rectal
segment. Third, ERUS does not work well
for rectal cancer in the immediate vicin-
ity of the anus or mesorectal lymph nodes.
Particularly, patients after receiving neo-
adjuvant radiotherapy probably cannot
tolerate the pain during examination be-
cause the mucosa is damaged.
Financial support
This study was financially supported
by Supported by Medical Scientific Re-
search Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No.
Author’s ORCID numbers
Shanshan Gao: 0000-0002-5921-1131
Changrui Sheng:
Liming Yan: 0000-0002-4602-5137
Hua Yin: 0000-0003-1896-066X
Jingjing Hu: 0000-0002-0214-5372
Zhiying Ye: 0000-0003-2829-1068
Xiuzhi Wei: 0000-0003-1310-141X
Authors contribution
SG and CS designed this study and pre-
pared this manuscript; LY, HY, JH, ZY and XW
performed this study and analyzed the clini-
cal data. All authors have approved the sub-
mission and publication of this manuscript.
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