Invest Clin 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
Corresponding author: Alexis Rodríguez-Acosta. Laboratorio de Inmunoquímica y Ultraestructura, Instituto Ana-
tómico “José Izquierdo”, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Tel.+58
212 4917243. Email:
Clinical cardiac alterations and hemostatic
toxicities caused by scorpion (Tityus
discrepans) venom and its puried fractions
on zebrash (Danio rerio) larvae.
Aurora M. Álvarez,1, Marco Álvarez2, Lourdes Perdomo2 and Alexis Rodríguez-Acosta3
1Centro de Biociencias y Medicina Molecular, Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA),
Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
2Laboratorio de Microscopia Electrónica, Instituto Anatómico “José Izquierdo”
de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
3Laboratorio de Inmunoquímica y Ultraestructura, Instituto Anatómico “José Izquierdo”
de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
Key words: cardiotoxicity; Danio rerio; scorpions; Tityus discrepans; venom; zebrafish.
Abstract. Envenomation by the Venezuelan scorpion Tityus discrepans is
typified by local and systemic alterations. The current work investigated the
in vivo hemostatic processes, cardiac dysfunction and tissue destruction trig-
gered by Tityus discrepans purified toxins 1 (3 kDa) and 2 (5 kDa) fractions.
These fractions were obtained by C-18-HPLC chromatography. The hemostat-
ic and cardiovascular toxicities in zebrafish of both fractions was assessed by
means of specific phenotypic expressions and larvae behavior at 5, 15, 30, 40
and 60 min post-venom-treatment. The Tityus discrepans venom fractions 1
and 2 produced disseminated intravascular coagulation (presence of thrombus)
in the central vein of the larva, heart rate/rhythm alterations, and necrotic
events in more than 90% of all the larvae under their action. The outcomes have
established the potential hemostatic and cardiovascular toxicities by Tityus dis-
crepans venom, alerting on the possibility of cardiovascular injuries and throm-
boembolism in humans after scorpion stings envenomation.
326 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Alteraciones clínicas cardiológicas y toxicidades hemostáticas
causadas por el veneno del escorpión (Tityus discrepans) y sus
fracciones puricadas en las larvas del pez cebra (Danio rerio).
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (4): 325-338
Palabras clave: cardiotoxicidad; Danio rerio; escorpión; pez cebra; Tityus discrepans;
Resumen. El envenenamiento por el escorpión venezolano Tityus discre-
pans se caracteriza por alteraciones locales y sistémicas. El trabajo actual inves-
tigó los procesos hemostáticos in vivo, la disfunción cardíaca y la destrucción
tisular desencadenada por las fracciones de toxinas 1 (3 kDa) y 2 (5 kDa) puri-
ficadas. Estas fracciones se obtuvieron mediante cromatografía C-18-HPLC. La
toxicidad hemostática y cardiovascular en el pez cebra de ambas fracciones se
evaluó mediante expresiones fenotípicas específicas y comportamiento de las
larvas a los 5, 15, 30, 40 y 60 min post-tratamiento con veneno. Las fracciones
1 y 2 del veneno de Tityus discrepans produjeron coagulación intravascular
diseminada (presencia de trombos) en la vena central de la larva, alteraciones
de la frecuencia/ritmo cardíaco y eventos necróticos en más del 90% de todas
las larvas bajo su acción. Los resultados han establecido las posibles toxicidades
hemostáticas y cardiovasculares del veneno de Tityus discrepans, advirtiendo la
posibilidad de lesiones cardiovasculares y tromboembolismo en humanos des-
pués del envenenamiento por picaduras de escorpiones.
Received: 23-04-2021 Accepted: 09-09-2021
Scorpion envenomation is a Collec-
tive Health problem in numerous countries
in the tropics and subtropics geographical
regions, with important mortality in the
severe forms producing numerous organ
collapses. No other than scorpions of the
Tityus genus are of medical significance in
Venezuela, and Tityus discrepans is respon-
sible for the most severe cases of envenom-
ation and deceases.
On the other hand, during the last
years, zebrafish has become the most rel-
evant biological model among vertebrates,
after the mouse (1). It has been judged as a
vertebrate experimental model for the study
of developmental biology and genetics. The
zebrafish is a member of the Danio genus
(Cyprinidae family). Experimentation in ze-
brafish has demonstrated that most of the
important biological processes are highly
analogous between this species and mam-
mals. Amid the correspondences is already
known that the zebrafish genome is highly
similar to the human genome, with approxi-
mately 87% similarity and also the type of
proteins used to form diverse portions of the
body (2). The anatomical, physiological (in-
cluding the coagulation system) and molec-
ular physiology ranks, which explicates the
achievement of the zebrafish as a biological
model in disparity to other species (2). Tox-
in binding sites are generally well conserved
Cardiac alterations and hemostatic toxicities caused by scorpion venom 327
Vol. 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
between zebrafish and man; the cardiovascu-
lar, nervous systems and metabolic pathways
are extremely comparable with the anatomi-
cal, physiological and molecular aspects of
mammals; their pharmacological reaction
is analogous to humans, being useful in the
identification of theoretically therapeutic
tests (3, 4). Likewise, zebrafish permits ob-
taining a high quality recognition of target
substances and a validation in vivo of these
constituents during clinical trials in humans
In the present work, we have explored
this specific vertebrate model to evaluate
the toxicity of relevant toxins of the scorpi-
on (Tityus discrepans), through the observa-
tion of the adverse effects to their exposure,
identifying the end point of toxicity, mecha-
nisms of toxicity and the determination of
the toxic-dynamics of toxins, among others
(6). Here, we have estimated the cardiovas-
cular system of the zebrafish, a significant
guide to toxicity, since the venom fractions
caused simply observable effects, such as the
alterations in the circulation of blood flow
(thrombosis), the heart rate rhythmicity,
the cardiac output, the cardiac morphology,
the pericardial morphology, among others.
These results provided rapid, reproducible
and quantifiable information (7).
Chemicals and reagents used in this
research were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
Co. (St Louis, MO, USA), Thermo Fisher
Scientific (Waltham, MA, USA), and BD Bio-
sciences (San Jose, CA, USA). Low-range
“rainbow” molecular mass markers (38 to
3,5 kDa) were purchased from Amersham;
GE healthcare companies, USA.
Male mice (Mus musculus) C57/BL6
strain weighing 20 to 22 grams (g), from the
vivarium of the Instituto de Estudios Avan-
zados (IDEA), were used to determine lethal
activity (LD50). Animals were supplied with
water and food ad libitum, until use.
Scorpions Tityus discrepans and venom
A pool of venoms was obtained from 42
scorpions specimens kept in captivity, hydrat-
ed with distilled water and fed with caelifer-
ous larvae (grasshoppers). These scorpions
come from the vicinity of the municipality
El Hatillo, Los Salías (Fire Department) and
Baruta (Hoyo de la Puerta), Miranda state,
Venezuela. The scorpion’s ecological area
is situated in a climatic bioregion of humid
forest, located 1200 m up of sea level, with
an average annual temperature of 21°C and
relative humidity of 85% or more. The flora
is represented for an exuberant vegetation of
humid forest formation (8).
The Tityus discrepans scorpion venoms
were collected and pooled in the Vivarium of
the Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA),
(Miranda state, Venezuela). They were man-
ually milked by electrical stimulation of the
telson. Two electrodes connected to a stim-
ulator (SD5-Grass ™) were placed; one at
the base of the aculeus and the other on a
pedipalp. The contact area of the scorpion
was humidified and got in touch with the
electrodes. Three electric pulse trains with a
frequency of 6/pps, duration of 100 ms, and
60-volt intensity were applied (SD5-Grass
™: SM6-stimulator Gras Model = GM6, sig-
nal M2010x5, Instrument CO, Quincy Miss,
The ejected venom was collected in
non-heparinized capillary tubes and trans-
ferred to Eppendorf tubes, where it was
resuspended with 18-megaOhm water by
constant vortexing for 30 seconds (s) and
centrifuged at 20.000 g in a refrigerated
(5°C) centrifuge (Eppendorf 5417R) for
5 min. Then, the supernatant was filtered
using 0.22 µm millex-GS. It was labelled
with the date, group and number of milked
328 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Protein concentration of the scorpion
Tityus discrepans venom by
bicinchoninic acid method
The Tityus discrepans venom protein
concentration was measured by the bicin-
choninic acid (BCA) method (BCA ™ Pro-
tein Assay Kit, Pierce, Illinois, USA) kit.
The procedure was carried out in 96-
well culture plates, adding 25 µL of the sam-
ples from both the standard curve and the
test sample, plus 200 µL of the BCA reagent
(prepared as indicated by the commercial
company: 50 parts of reagent A with a part of
reagent B). The plate was shaken, while in-
cubated at 37°C for 30 min. Finally, the plate
was allowed to cool for 5 min at room tem-
perature and the absorbance at 562 nm was
measured with the ELISA reader (Biotek,
Synergy ™ model, USA).
Protein determination from fractions
1 and 2 of the Tityus discrepans venom
Protein concentration of 1 and 2 frac-
tions were spectrophotometrically estimat-
ed by assuming that 1U of absorbance/cm of
wavelength at 280 nm corresponds to 1mg
protein/mL (9).
Determination of Lethal Dose Fifty (LD50)
The LD50 for Tityus discrepans crude
venom was determined (48 h) by intraperi-
toneally (i.p.) venom injection in mice (18-
22 g) and calculated according to the Spear-
man-Kärber method (10). Five mice per dose
(4.5 mg/kg to 1.25 mg/kg) were used. These
doses were selected on basis of the previous
reports of lethality of the Tityus discrepans
crude venom in our laboratory (11). The
LD50 tests from fractions 1 and 2 were not
carried out, since the test required signifi-
cant quantities of fractions and we have not
the necessary amount of these fractions.
Ethical statement
Expert personnel set all the experimen-
tal techniques concerning the use of live an-
imals, including zebrafish embryos, larvae,
juveniles, adults and scorpions. Venezuelan
pertinent regulations as well as institutional
guidelines, according to protocols ratified by
the Institute of Anatomy Ethical Committee
of the Universidad Central de Venezuela in
accordance with the ethical principles in an-
imal research adopted by the World Health
Organization (12).
Fractionation of the scorpion
Tityus discrepans venom by HPLC
The Tityus discrepans venom (2 mg)
was fractionated using the high-resolution
chromatography method (HPLC). A Zorbox
3000SB-C18 chromatographic column was
used as the separating matrix. The proteins
were eluted off the column at room tempera-
ture with an acetonitrile linear gradient of
0%–80% (v/v) in 0.12% TFA for 60 min. A
Waters 1525 binary HPLC pumps with a Wa-
ters 2487 dual k absorbance detector (280
nm) were employed. Samples for biological
assays were lyophilized twice to remove po-
tential trace amounts of solvent. Ten differ-
ent HPLC runs were performed keeping the
same conditions. The fractions were collect-
ed at 1.5 mL/tube. All fractions were tested
for any activity on the larvae (type of move-
ment, presence or not of paralysis, blood
flow characteristics and/or death).
In the well-defined fractions could be
observed the fractions 14 and 55, with reten-
tion times of 11.87 min and 25.58 min, re-
spectively, which showed the highest activity
and purity. They were dialyzed against water
at 4°C and lyophilized to perform the subse-
quent assays in the zebrafish model.
Gel electrophoresis
Polyacrylamide gel (15%) electrophore-
sis following the (13) method was used to
determine the Tityus discrepans venom be-
sides 1 and 2 fractions molecular masses.
The lyophilized venom was reconstitut-
ed in denaturing buffer (10mM Tris-HCl, 2%
SDS, 0.1M DTT, 0.01% blue bromophenol,
and 1mM EDTA, pH 8.0). Low-range “rain-
bow” molecular mass markers (38.0 to 3.5
kDa) were used as reference for SDS elec-
Cardiac alterations and hemostatic toxicities caused by scorpion venom 329
Vol. 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
trophoresis. Proteins were stained with Coo-
massie blue stain.
Breeding of zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae
Zebrafish were bred and keep up in the
Electronic Microscopy Section, Anatomical
Institute ‘‘José Izquierdo,’’ Universidad Cen-
tral de Venezuela (Caracas, Venezuela), by an
adjusted method (14). The fishes were pre-
served in 20-L tanks, previously filled with
newly prepared filtered tap water (FTW), at
28°C, pH 6.6 - 7.0, with 12-h light/12-h dark
cycle. For reproduction reasons, six to eight
pairs of adult zebrafish were set up in 10-L
tanks with a mesh and allowed to breed with-
out restrictions. During the reproduction
period, 100 and 150 eggs were collected per
pair. They were gathered, washed and trans-
ferred to Petri dishes. Eggs containing dead
or decreased quality larvae were discarded.
The larvae were cleaned and well-arranged
by stage of development 5 d after fertiliza-
tion (dpf) to perform toxicity assays. The
fish larvae were located in FTW into microti-
ter plates, and then the fractions achieved
by the C-18 HPLC chromatography were ten
larvae per well tested, with fraction concen-
trations of 0.76 µg/100 µL/FTW. Negative
controls with FTW were utilized.
Larvae observation
Fully alive larvae pictures were taken-
with an Olympus IX-71 Series (Olympus, Ja-
pan) inverted microscope. Specific software
to capture images (MetaMorph-Microscopy
Automation & Image Analysis Software) and
a Sony SRS-PC71 device camera with micro-
color filter, adapted to 200 squares/s with 40
X magnification that was fix to quantify the
length of the images structures were used.
Zebrafish larvae under toxicity analysis
Inspection of the larvae under Tityus
discrepans venom fractions toxicity was usu-
ally carried out in 24-well plates. Larvae at
the 5 dpf stage (weight of 5 dpf larvae was
0.01 g) were hoarded and transferred to
assay wells (normally 10 larvae/well), by ten-
der pipetting to reduce injury to the larvae.
Then, its development was monitored hour-
ly post-fertilization and visually inspected
at room temperature, under a microscope
equipped with a digital video camera. All
abnormal morphological and performing
changes, including lethality, were recorded
and kept as exhaustive pictures and videos.
Ten wells have been examined for each frac-
tion, and the authors performed technical
and biological replicates.
Morphological modifications and larvae
Body larvae irregularities and motion
comportments were visualized during early-
and late-stage of development. The observa-
tion was reiterated, in order to validate any
detected harm, to confirm that the damages
and conducts were reliable and reproduc-
ible. The injuries and the mobility behaviors
were explicitly noted as ‘‘positive’’, when
remarked in >80% (i.e., 8 of 10) of tested
Hemorrhages and thrombosis
Looking for thrombus and/or hemor-
rhages presence, the larvae zebrafish ven-
tricle and cardinal vein (cardiovascular sys-
tem) was considered. It is accepted that
hemorrhages and/or thrombosis originate
from fissure of blood circulatory vessels in
any organ.
Cardiovascular evaluation
Cardiac frequency (heart rate) (pulsa-
tion per minute: ppm) from ten 5 dpf zebraf-
ish larvae were scattered into a microtitre
plate, in which Tityus discrepans 1 and 2
venom fractions were dispensed and tested
for 15, 30, 40, and 60 min at room tempera-
ture and examined under a Olympus IX-71
Series microscope. After incubation, ven-
tricular and atrial rates (ppm) were counted
during 30 s with a stopwatch and a counter
(7). The number of contractions was multi-
plied by two to calculate heart rate in pulsa-
tions per minute (7). Ten tests were taken,
330 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
and their median was statistically consid-
ered. In the tests, the ppm for 1 and 2 Tityus
discrepans venom fractions were measured
up to equivalent normal control larvae under
identical conditions.
Statistical analyses were carried out
employing an unpaired Student’s t-test (*p
< 0.05; ***p < 0.001).
Protein concentration of the scorpion
Tityus discrepans venom by
bicinchoninic acid
The Tityus discrepans venom protein
concentration by BCA was 7.5 mg/mL.
Meanwhile, the fractions 1 and 2 tested
were 0.25 and 0.13 mg/mL, respectively, as-
suming that 1U of absorbance/cm of wave-
length at 280 nm corresponds to 1mg pro-
tein/mL (9).
Fractionation of the scorpion Tityus
discrepans venom by HPLC
The Tityus discrepans venom was frac-
tionated using the high-resolution chroma-
tography method. In Fig. 1, well-defined
fractions can be observed. Fractions 14 (now
fraction 1) and 55 (now fraction 2), with re-
tention times of 11.87 min and 25.58 min,
respectively, were chosen to perform in the
zebrafish larvae the subsequent tests, such
as it was stablished above.
Electrophoretic profile of venom by 15%
Fig. 2 shows the Tityus discrepans
venom electrophoretic profiles. The distri-
bution of protein bands occurred within gel
regions corresponding to narrow range mo-
lecular masses. In Tityus discrepans crude
venom ~11 protein bands were evident. The
high intensity bands accorded with the
42, 35, 25, 8 and 3 kDa molecular masses.
Other lower intensity bands corresponded to
Fig. 1. Tityus discrepans venom separation by HPLC. Y axis indicates the absorbance at 280 nm, the X axis the
elusion time of the fractions. Fractions 14 (now fraction 1) and 55 (now fraction 2), with retention
times of 11.87 min and 25.58 min, respectively.
Cardiac alterations and hemostatic toxicities caused by scorpion venom 331
Vol. 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
proteins up to 42 kDa. Fractions 1 and 2
showed a single band of 3 and 5 kDa, re-
Lethality: determination of the LD50
of the Tityus discrepans crude venom
The LD50 of the Tityus discrepans crude
venom tested in mice was 3.5 mg/kg.
Larvae observation
From the relevant fractions (HPLC), the
doses were prepared to be confronted by the
larvae, and observed with an Olympus mi-
croscope, which allowed the analysis of their
physical, organic and behavioral changes. A
tool (Table I) was created to keep records of
the analyses.
Zebrafish larvae under toxicity analysis
The purest fractions that had the high-
est amount of proteins were tested. Frac-
tions 1 and 2 were chosen for study in the
zebrafish model showing several and differ-
ent effects (Table II and Figs. 3 and 4).
Cardiac and circulatory thrombosis
For untreated larvae, mortality and
spontaneous changing dysfunction naturally
happened at comparatively low frequency
(approximately < 3% of larvae).
Larvae developing in vivo toxicity by
Tityus discrepans fraction 1 showed after
15 min, visible internal organ damage, in-
cluding thrombus formation in the ventricle
and the cardinal veins (Fig. 5). This cardiac
Fig. 2. SDS-PAGE (15%) profile from Tityus discre-
pans crude venom stained with Coomassie
blue. (1) “Low-range rainbow” molecular
mass markers (38 to 3 kDa). (2) Tityus dis-
crepans crude venom (5µg). (3) Fraction 1
(5 µg). (4) Fraction 2 (5 µg).
Fractions Tested doses Observations
Fraction 1 0.76µg Types of motion
Paralysis presence
(0 or +)
of blood flow
Death (0 or +)
Other observations
Fraction 2 0.76µg
FROM THE ACTION OF Tityus discrepans
(0.76 µg/
Fraction 1 Circular movements
Circulatory paralysis
Decreased blood flow
Disseminated intravascular
Death at 40 min
Fraction 2 Alteration of circulation (late)
Little cardiac alteration
Detachment of the epithelium
Death at 60 min
332 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
thrombosis was evaluated using larvae in the
presence of 0.76µg of Tityus discrepans frac-
tion 1, in comparison with negative control
(FTW-treated) samples (Fig. 5).
Cardio-circulatory appraisal
The larvae confronted with fraction 1, af-
ter 5 min presented a reduction in irrigation
blood and intravascular coagulation (Fig. 3).
The larvae died past 40 min. On the other
hand, with respect to the fraction 2, the ef-
fect on blood circulation was late, when com-
pared with fraction 1. However, after 30 min
the blood circulation began to decrease, and
at 60 min, there was a necrotic detachment
of the epithelium (Fig. 3B), and death of the
Fig. 3. Microscopic observation of zebrafish larvae under Tityus discrepans fractions action (0.76µg). (A)
Normal control. (B) Fraction 1 showed an intravascular coagulation (arrows). (C) Fraction 2, an
epithelial necrosis was palpable (arrows).
Fig. 4. Comparison of cardiac frequency of zebrafish larvae among Tityus discrepans fractions 1 (rhombus),
fraction 2 (square) and normal control (star). The X axis represent time and the Y axis pulsations per
Cardiac alterations and hemostatic toxicities caused by scorpion venom 333
Vol. 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
larvae. The larvae confronted with fraction 1,
after 5 min presented an intense decrease in
heart rate. Fraction 2 caused a more moder-
ated decrease in heart rate (Fig. 4).
Utilization of the zebrafish model in
toxicology research has increased in the lat-
est years, converting it in one of the best
advantageous and convenient systems for
understanding parameters of toxins on the
hemostatic and cardiovascular systems (14).
Even though there is considerable evolu-
tionary separation between zebrafish and
humans, significant genetic and phenotypic
preservation in both systems have permitted
substantial progresses in our understanding
of how natural toxins act on the different
organs and tissues of the human body. The
potential of zebrafish, in the observation of
toxins activities on the hemostasis and car-
diovascular structures, allows for the possi-
bility to carry out at in vivo real-time obser-
vations of these systems, and their altered
functions, along with the simplicity. Simi-
larly, the different toxins modifying specific
hemostatic processes or cell alterations can
be recognized and typified.
A scorpion uses its venom to paralyze
and kill its prey (usually insects) that it is go-
ing to eat, and its gland takes approximately
three weeks to replenish its venom. The ven-
om is biologically composed of toxins with
diverse actions, for instance: cardiotoxins,
nephrotoxins, hemolytic toxins, phosphodi-
esterases, phospholipases, hyaluronidases,
glycosaminoglycans, histamine, serotonin,
tryptophan, bradykinin-enhancing and cyto-
kine-releasing peptides (15).
In the current work the Tityus discre-
pans venom was obtained from 42 scorpi-
ons, whose venom dry weight yield was 51.7
mg, which represents 1.22 mg of venom per
milked scorpion. Similar results were re-
corded (16), when milking, under the same
conditions, 92 T. caripiensis scorpions, ob-
taining a dry weight of venom of 96.6 mg
that represented 1.05 mg of venom per
milked scorpion. Likewise, these data corre-
lated with those described for the scorpion
T. pachyurus from Colombia, which gave a
yield between 0.3 and 1.0 mg of venom per
specimen (17). On the other hand, it has
been described that the color of venom ob-
tained by electrical stimulation is white,
such as it was our venom and did not turn
blue after milking. Contrastingly, the venom
Fig. 5. Thrombolytic activity from Tityus discrepans fraction 1. Images of the treatment of 5 dpf larvae with
Td fraction 1 (0.76µg), from 0 to 40 min, displayed ‘‘early-stage’’ (15 min) modifications, with evi-
dent thrombosis in the ventricle. (A) Low magnification of thrombus in the cardiac area (arrow); (B)
Normal control; (C) Cardiac thrombus (arrow) Tityus discrepans fraction 1; (D) Magnified thrombus
image (arrow) at 100 x.
334 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
collected manually rapidly becomes blue af-
ter milking (18).
In the Tityus discrepans venom HPLC
fractionation, around 60 well-defined frac-
tions were observed; those with the high-
est concentration were those belonging to
retention times in the range of 20 to 25
min. Previous studies (19) of Tityus discre-
pans venom fractionated with HPLC ( 65
fractions) had shown that the peaks elute
at similar retention times, where there were
groups of compounds with similar size and
Fractions that eluted during the first 10
min had molecular masses between 20 and
200 kDa; among these are toxins that have
Xa inhibitory factor, amidolytic and plas-
min inhibitory activity (20). The toxins that
elute between 10 and 30 min had masses be-
tween 3 and 5 kDa; In this range, there are
toxins with activity on potassium channels
(21, 22). The fractions that eluted between
30 and 40 min had masses ranging from 5
to 8 kDa; this range includes toxins capable
of modulating sodium channels in the mem-
brane (23). Less hydrophilic proteins with
high molecular weights elute sometimes >
40 min; the latter contains a curarizing pep-
tide TdFI33 and enzymes such as serine and
metalloproteases (20, 21).
This venom is a mixture 80 differ-
ent toxins, mostly of low molecular masses,
isolated and recognized by chromatography
and electrophoresis. Opposition assays have
proven their actions on the voltage-depen-
dent ion channels (mainly Na +, Ca ++,
K + and Cl-), and on excitable membranes
(glandular, nervous and muscular tissue),
transforming their ionic permeability, depo-
larizing them and yielding neurotransmitter
discharges in the post-ganglionic endings, of
the sympathetic and parasympathetic ner-
vous system. However, non-all of these frac-
tions are venomous to humans (24). Only
about 10 act on mammals and 3 of these
subtypes are toxic (containing between 61
and 62 amino acids). The venom is speedily
absorbed, agreeing to the findings of several
studies, since from the first 5 to 15 min obvi-
ous clinical signs of the action of the venom
were observed (21).
In our study, when facing the selected
Tityus discrepans venom fractions, numer-
ous changes were observed in the organic
structure and behavior of the specimens,
such as circular movements, tremor, de-
tachment of the epithelium, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, decrease in heart
rate and death. This gives us an indication
of the effect of these fractions, especially in
the circulatory system. The toxic effects of
scorpion envenomation are probably due to
a considerable discharge of sympathetic and
parasympathetic neurotransmitters; the se-
riousness is associated to cardiac and hemo-
dynamic alterations, with cardiogenic shock
and pulmonary edema causative of the cru-
cial causes of death (25).
It is also important to note that to date;
no other studies are known to use the zebraf-
ish model to assess the toxicity and lethal-
ity of the Tityus discrepans scorpion venom.
However, we had assayed this methodology,
characterizing a cardiotoxic effect in zebraf-
ish larvae, produced by a toxin (Mutacytin-1)
present in the venom of the Lachesis muta
muta snake (14) and Bothrops venezuelen-
sis venom. This toxin has coagulant activ-
ity (verified with the formation of a fibrin
meshwork in platelet-poor human plasma
and direct observation of clot formation in
the heart of the animal model) and induces
compromise of the cardiac system (decrease
in cardiac frequency and output) (44).
Electrophoretic analysis of Td venom
by 15% SDS-PAGE indicated that the Tityus
discrepans crude venom sample showed one
major band of protein with molecular mass-
es averaging around 8 to 10 kDa. D’Suze et
al. (22) had described proteins in the Tityus
discrepans venom of 3 and 5 kDa. According
to Diaz et al. (23), they found proteins from
5 to 8 kDa in the scorpion venom.
In the present work, the LD50 determi-
nation for Td crude venom was of 3.5 mg/kg,
demonstrating high lethality by the intraper-
Cardiac alterations and hemostatic toxicities caused by scorpion venom 335
Vol. 62(4): 325 - 338, 2021
itoneal route in C57/BL6 mice. When com-
paring the LD50 obtained in this work, with
those detected (2.5 mg/ kg) with the same
species, by other authors (11, 26), differ-
ences in the levels of lethality were observed.
Concerning hemostatic and cardio-
circulatory considerations, previous in vi-
tro trials carried out in human plasmas,
demonstrated that in the venom of Tityus
discrepans an anti-procoagulant fractions
exist (27, 28). This venom also contains
compounds capable of degrading fibrino-
gen (28). Furthermore, this venom pro-
duces an activity similar to the Xa factor
(procoagulant activity) (29) that was found
in fraction 1; this finding is consistent with
the synergy in amidolytic activity, described
by the commercial Xa factor. Probably, the
components with the activity similar to Xa
factor present in the venom and fraction 1,
induced the shortening of the coagulation
times. It is recognized that the α2β1 inte-
grin situated on the exterior of platelets
membranes are essential for thrombus for-
mation on exposed collagen, at locations of
vascular endothelium injury (30).
Toxicological responses of the heart to
Tityus discrepans toxins were analyzed and
interpreted, to establish the central axis of
this research in the field of cardiotoxicity.
The autonomous innervation of the heart
regulates the contraction and the force of
cardiac muscle. Catecholamines, released
by sympathetic stimulation produce the car-
diac chronotropic action (accelerating ac-
tion), but the inotropic action is the force of
cardiac contraction, which is controlled by
the ß-adrenergic receptors that are essential
for sustaining the rate and strength of con-
traction of the heart muscle (31). While the
adrenergic stimulus in supporting heart rate
has been described in adult zebrafish, the
precise responsibility of adrenergic regula-
tion in zebrafish larvae is still poorly known.
Several authors (32, 33) proposed that ze-
brafish larvae start to display a chronotropic
response to adrenergic agonists at 4 or 6-day
post-fertilization, since at that time zebra-
fish larvae have ß1 adrenergic and ß2 adren-
ergic receptors, both associated to the in-
crease in chronotropic and inotropic actions
of the cardiac muscle.
The Tityus discrepans fraction 1 in-
duced a severe decrease in the cardiac fre-
quency (negative chronotropic action)
leading the larvae to death. Fraction 2 also
presented a negative chronotropic effect,
but less intense than fraction 1. We cannot
determine whether the activity of both tox-
ins have a direct effect on the ß1 adrenergic
and ß2 adrenergic receptors, both linked to
increased chronotropism and inotropism of
the cardiac muscle. These actions are due to
the stimulating action on Protein G, which
increases adenyl cyclase activity, causing
high levels of cyclic AMP (34-37). Gibbins
(38) has suggested that the principal factor
to take in consideration about the cardiotox-
ic effect has been the modulation of heart
frequency that can be regularly measured by
a direct optical examination, by video-edge
detection systems.
It has been reported that the early
clinical signs are principally occasioned by
venom-induced adrenergic and cholinergic
effects (30, 39). Adrenergic expressions
are secondary to catecholamine discharge,
which include cardiac failure and arrhyth-
mias, tachycardia, arterial hypertension and
shock. Symptomatology usually starts with
further transient parasympathetic stimula-
tion. However, severity, on the other hand,
is largely established by the continuing im-
pacts of high catecholamine concentrations
in the cardiovascular system (40-42).
Finally, we have evidenced the useful-
ness of this kind of in vivo assay estimat-
ing histologically and functionally zebrafish
hearts in real-time, which allowed the evalu-
ation of responses to toxins in the short and
medium term. We want to propose the use
of the zebrafish model, to evaluate the scor-
pion toxins on the cardiac system, trying to
extrapolate the observed damages to that
occurring in humans, all through many epi-
demiological studies (43).
336 Álvarez et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
We acknowledge the use of the Zebraf-
ish Core Facility of the Laboratorio de Mi-
croscopía Electronica, Instituto Anatómico
de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.
This study was supported by the Funding
grant from the Science and Technology Fund
(FONACIT) programs (PEI 201400352)
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dr. A.
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