Invest Clin 62(4): 307 - 315, 2021
Corresponding author: Hawree Abdulsattar Hasan. Sulaimaniya Burn and Plastic Surgery Hospital, Sulaimaniyah,
Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Email:
Role of the facial artery musculomucosal
flap in the reconstruction of palatal defects.
Hawree Abdulsattar Hasan1, Ari Raheem Qader2, Ala Esmail Shakur1,
Ari Hasan Rashid1 and Shakhawan Saeb Zorab1
1 Sulaimaniya Burn and Plastic Surgery Hospital, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region. Iraq.
2 Collage of Medicine, University of Slemani, Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region. Iraq.
Key words: cleft palate; FAMM flap; inferiorly based; oral cavity; palatal fistula;
superiorly based.
Abstract. The facial artery musculomucosal flap (FAMM flap) is a conve-
nient option for covering complicated palatal defects, as it is a local flap inside
the oral cavity with good tissue quality and minimal drawbacks. The present
prospective study included 17 patients, 7 males and 10 females. Most of the
patients had palatal fistulae, after cleft palate surgical repair; only one had a
post-traumatic palatal defect. Superiorly based FAMM flaps were used for eight
patients, and inferiorly based FAMM flaps were used for nine patients. A speech
specialist assessed all patients, postoperatively. The range of follow-up time was
from two to four years. In the majority of cases, reconstruction was successful
and uneventful. Patients were satisfied regarding oral function. Complications
were minor, which include incomplete coverage, bulkiness, temporary hardness
and dimpling. The FAMM flap is a very useful, versatile, and technically easy flap
for covering difficult palatal defects.
308 Hasan et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Papel del colgajo músculo-mucoso de la arteria facial
en la reconstrucción de defectos palatinos.
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (4): 307-315
Palabras clave: fisura de paladar; colgajo FAMM; base inferior (flujo anterógrado);
cavidad oral; fistula de paladar; base superior (flujo retrógrado).
Resumen. El colgajo músculo-mucoso de la arteria facial (FAMM) es una
opción conveniente para cubrir los defectos palatinos complicados, como un
colgajo local dentro de la cavidad oral, con buena calidad de tejido y míni-
mos inconvenientes. Diecisiete pacientes, 7 masculinos y 10 femeninos, fue-
ron incluidos en nuestro estudio prospectivo. La mayoría de los pacientes
tenían una fístula de paladar después de la reparación quirúrgica de fisura de
paladar; solo uno tenía un defecto palatino postraumático. Se utilizaron los
colgajos FAMM de base superior en 8 pacientes, y los colgajos FAMM de base
inferior se utilizaron en 9 pacientes. Todos los pacientes fueron evaluados
en el postoperatorio por un especialista en habla. El intervalo de tiempo de
seguimiento fue de 2 a 4 años. En la mayoría de los casos, la reconstrucción
fue exitosa y sin incidentes. Los pacientes quedaron satisfechos con respecto
a la función oral. Las complicaciones fueron menores, e incluyeron cobertura
incompleta, aumento de volumen, dureza temporal y hoyuelos. El colgajo
FAMM es un colgajo muy útil, versátil y técnicamente fácil para cubrir los
defectos palatinos difíciles.
Received: 04-04-2021 Accepted: 31-05-2021
The FAMM flap is an axial flap composed
of mucosa and submucosa from the intraoral
cheek, part of the buccinator muscle and the
deepest part of the labial orbicular muscles
including the facial artery (1, 2). Pribaz et al.
discussed the FAMM flaps, which consist of
the mucosa, submucosa, a small amount of
buccinators muscle, the deeper plane of the
orbicularis oris muscle and the facial artery
and venous plexus (3).
The buccinator muscle is a wide, flat,
quadrangular muscle; its medial surface is
covered by submucosa and mucosa. Its con-
sidered part of the sphincteric muscle com-
plex used for sucking, whistling, propelling
food, and voiding the oral cavity. This mus-
cle’s blood supply is from the buccal artery
and small branches from the alveolar artery
(4). The facial artery, a branch of the exter-
nal carotid artery, hooks around the mandi-
ble body immediately anterior to the masse-
ter muscle. It courses deep into the risorius,
zygomaticus major, and superficial lamina of
the orbicularis oris muscle. It lies superficial
to buccinators, the levator anguli oris, and
the deep lamina of the orbicularis muscle.
The facial artery is located approximately
1.5 cm (range 9.2 to 19.8 mm) lateral to the
oral commissure, giving rise to the superior
and inferior labial arteries (5).
The FAMM flap can be designed accord-
ing to its need as either superiorly based
Facial artery musculomucosal flap covering palatal defects 309
Vol. 62(4): 307 - 315, 2021
(antegrade) or inferiorly based (retrograde)
flap, and both types have been proved to be
reliable (1,6). The superiorly based FAMM
flap can be used to cover the defects in
the hard palate, alveolus, nasal lining, up-
per lip and sometimes even the orbit. The
inferiorly based FAMM flap can be used for
defects in the alveolus, floor of the mouth,
lower lip and vermillion and tonsillar fossa
(7). FAMM flap can also be used in case of
post-ablation maxillofacial defects, an infe-
riorly based FAMM flap can be used only for
the facial artery. If possible, the linguofacial
vein has been preserved in neck dissections.
If the vein has been ligated, venous drainage
can still be ensured by preserving wide soft
tissue at the base (8).
Advantages over other regional flaps in-
clude its axial blood supply permitting the
extended length, minimal donor-site mor-
bidity, and flexibility to have either a supe-
rior or inferior pedicle. Drawbacks of FAMM
include its difficulty of tunneling for palatal
reconstruction in patients with intact denti-
tion. These kinds of patients have to use a
bite block to avoid chewing on the pedicle,
and another operation is required for flap di-
vision (9). Other complications, like any oth-
er flaps, are partial or complete necrosis of
the flap, buccal branch of facial nerve injury
that might lead to oral corner asymmetry,
particularly during difficult dissection (1).
To minimize complications, careful dissec-
tion should be done so that the facial artery
goes along the flap’s whole length. The flap
remains axial; also, care should be taken to
prevent twists or constraints on the pedicle.
With careful attention to these details, the
FAMM flap remains reliable, versatile, and
extremely useful (3).
The palatal defect can result mainly af-
ter excision of the tumor, cleft palate, oro-
nasal fistulas, and alveolar, the floor of the
mouth, and vermilion loss. Nasolabial flaps
have been performed to reconstruct midfa-
cial defects, and buccal flaps have been used
to reconstruct midfacial defects (10, 11).
Pribaz et al. (3) have designed by combining
the principles of nasolabial and buccal mu-
cosal flaps, FAMM flap.
This study’s objective was to review
functional results and complications that oc-
curred in our cases with palatal defects that
the FAMM flap have been used for them as
a primarily or previously operated on cases.
This prospective study included 17 cas-
es with a palatal defect that attended the Su-
laimaniya Burn and Plastic Surgery Hospital,
Sulaimaniya city, Iraq. The patient’s age was
between 2 to 40 years, 7 of them were fe-
male, and 10 patients were male. Nine flaps
were based inferiorly, and eight flaps were
based superiorly. The most common cause
of the palatal defect was palatal fistula after
cleft palate surgical repair (15 cases); other
causes of the palatal defect were primary
wide palatal defect (one case), and bullet in-
jury (one case) (Table I). Sixteen cases were
secondary cases previously treated with oth-
er conventional modalities that failed, like
turndown flap, tongue flap, buccal flap, and
one of them has been previously, unsuccess-
fully treated with a FAMM flap.
A list of patient characteristics, indica-
tions and type of procedure is shown in Table I.
The FAMM flap can be designed supe-
riorly or inferiorly based. All patients were
under general anesthesia with endotracheal
intubation. A mouth gag was inserted. Mark-
ing was outlined first outside using handheld
Doppler ultrasound; the flap centered over
the facial artery and one cm away from the
month’s angle, as shown in Fig. 1.
With the help of a small gauge needle,
we determined the flap’s edges from inside
and marking it after marking the Stenson’s
duct. Then we did double-checking from in-
side through using a handheld Doppler ul-
trasound, as shown in Fig. 2.
The flap’s orientation became oblique,
and the width of the flap is ranged between
1.5 to 2 cm and was well anterior to the
Stenson’s duct. This is illustrated in Fig. 3.
310 Hasan et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
No. Age & Sex History & Diagnosis Type of FAMM flap
1 12y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
2 8y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
3 9y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Superiorly based FAMM flap.
4 9y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Superiorly based FAMM flap.
5 10y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
6 8y, Anterior &mid palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap
7 8y, Anterior &mid palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
88y, Anterior &mid palatal defect due to fistula. Superiorly based FAMM flap.
9 2y, Anterior &mid palatal defect due to fistula,
with the history of buccal flap failure.
Right side.
Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
10 4y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Superiorly based FAMM flap.
11 18y, Mid palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap.
12 16y, Unrepaired wide bilateral cleft palate. Inferiorly based FAMM flap used
for aiding cleft palate repair.
13 18y, Bilateral alveolar cleft. Superiorly based FAMM flap &
cancellous bone graft.
14 40y, Bullet injury causing big palatal fistula. Superiorly based FAMM flap &
cancellous bone graft.
15 35y, Oronasal fistula, with a history of tongue
flap failure.
Superiorly based FAMM flap.
16 16y, Anterior palatal defect due to fistula. Inferiorly based FAMM flap,
failed due to necrosis.
17 4y, Anterior &mid palatal defect due to fistula,
which we did for her previously right
inferiorly based flap, and it failed
Left Superiorly based FAMM
Fig. 1. Marking of the FAMM flap from outside.
Facial artery musculomucosal flap covering palatal defects 311
Vol. 62(4): 307 - 315, 2021
After infiltration of lidocaine with
adrenaline and waiting for 7 minutes, we did
an incision using Colorado-tipped electro-
cautery through mucosa, then submucosa.
After incision of the buccinators mus-
cle we searched for the facial artery as it is
demonstrated in Fig. 4.
The dissection is carried out from distal
to proximal according to the base of the flap,
which is either superior or inferior as shown
in Fig. 5.
After identifying the facial artery, liga-
tion and cutting of the artery was done, the
rest of the flap was incised, and dissection
was done just deep to the facial vessels with
taking a small amount of the buccinators
muscle and deep plane of the orbicularis oris
The facial artery was included along the
whole axis of the flap, which is critical for
making the flap axial and well perfused, and
the length of the flap was between 8 to 13
cm with length to width ratio 5:1, as stated
in Fig. 6.
Then we did two layers of closure, which
was possible in all 17 cases, by approximat-
ing the buccinators flap. We put a bite block
in some cases of the superiorly based flap.
All cases were subjectively assessed in
the postoperative period to determine the
anatomical separation of the nasal cavity
from the oral cavity and improve the patient’s
speech by a speech therapist. The results
showed a good satisfactory improvement
which was noticed in all of our cases. In the
majority of cases, reconstruction was suc-
cessful and uneventful. The flap’s bulkiness
was also noticed especially in the early weeks
after surgery, without causing any problem
during speech and eating. This problem was
Fig. 2. Double-checking with the aid of a handheld
Fig. 3. Marking of the flap from inside.
Fig 4. Dissection of the flap.
312 Hasan et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
gradually decreased in size with time. In one
case, we were not able to close the defect
completely by just using the FAMM flap due
to the size of the defect, so there was a good
improvement in the patient’s speech with
the help of speech therapy but still, the pa-
tient have fistula and nasal regurgitation.
Flap viability
In one of our cases (5%), a 4-year-old
female with a mid and anterior palatal de-
fect, due to fistula post cleft palatal repair;
a right side inferiorly based flap was used,
the flap developed complete necrosis. The
reason behind this was not explained, we did
Fig. 5. a) Superiorly and b) inferiorly based FAMM flap
Fig.6. a) length and b) width of the flap.
Facial artery musculomucosal flap covering palatal defects 313
Vol. 62(4): 307 - 315, 2021
debridement and redo the surgery with the
use of contralateral superiorly based FAMM
flap with the good flap survival and viability.
Another case (5%) developed partial necro-
sis of the flap, we also did debridement of
the necrotic tissue but fortunately, it did
not affect the coverage of the defect and the
overall result of the surgery.
Donor side
In all of our cases, primary closure was
possible at the donor side. In the beginning,
there were some kinds of tightness, espe-
cially during mouth opening, but this effect
became better after time.
One case developed dimpling in the
lower part of his check at the donor side.
No muscle weakness during facial anima-
tion has been observed in all 17 cases as the
facial nerve branches were preserved. Figs.
7- 9 are demonstrated in some of our cases.
Patient satisfaction
Patients were satisfied regarding oral
function. Complications were minor, which
include incomplete coverage, bulkiness,
hardness at the donor site, dimpling, facial
asymmetry and partial necrosis.
Fig. 7. 10 years old female. (inferiorly based FAMM flap done to close an anterior palatal fistula).
Fig. 8. Bilateral alveolar clefts (Superiorly based FAMM flap was done).
314 Hasan et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(4): 2021
Palatal defects are difficult problems be-
cause they functionally affect the patients by
nasal regurgitation and speech problems, apart
from the anatomical defects. It most commonly
occur as a complication of cleft palatal repair,
resulting in a wide and scarred fistula. One of
the most reasonable solutions for that is the
use of a FAMM flap, composed of mucosa and
submucosa with a part of the buccinators and
orbicularis oris muscles along with the facial
artery and vein. It can be designed according
to the position and state of the defect either
inferiorly or superiorly based (3). Being a kind
of axial flap means the facial artery is included
along the whole length of the flap which helps
covering of a defect with the size of 3-8 cm
without the risk of flap viability; in this way, it
can be used for covering small to medium size
palatal defects (1). The other benefit of the flap
is the lack of risk of nerve injury as the facial ar-
tery is far deeper than the facial nerve branch-
es, that is why the facial artery can be included
safely in the flap through the whole length of
the flap. There is also the advantage of replac-
ing like with like as it uses oral mucosa for cov-
ering the mucosal defect. There is no external
scar by using the FAMM flap as with nasolabial
flap, so there will be a good aesthetic result.
Furthermore, it can be used along with the tu-
mor excision and reconstruction in the same
operative field at the same operation time.
Our study shows the use of a FAMM flap
for reconstruction of a palate defect. Due to
the rich blood supply of the region, the flap
could be raised safely. In all of our cases, pri-
mary closure was possible at the donor side.
The flap is robust and thick, therefore gives
enough bulk to the palate and allows the de-
fect to be closed. Due to the leakage, using
a prosthesis to closure of soft palatal defects
mostly creates a poor functional outcome.
Closure of large palatal defects have been
usually accomplished with palatal prosthetic
devices (12).
Other studies investigated the use of
FAMM flap for reconstruction of palate de-
fects. Doldere et al. (12) investigated the
use of an extended FAMM flap with the ap-
propriate mucosal muscle skin tissue for
reconstruction of a soft palate defect. They
concluded that this flap allows not only the
treatment of the palatal defect, but also
management of dribbling secondary to a
marginal mandibular palsy.
Sumarroca et al. (1) investigated the
reconstruction of oral cavity defects with
Fig. 9. A 40 years old man with palatal fistula and bone defect following a bullet injury. unilateral superiorly
based FAMM flap done.
Facial artery musculomucosal flap covering palatal defects 315
Vol. 62(4): 307 - 315, 2021
FAMM flaps. In that study, reconstruction
was successful in 92% of cases. Oral func-
tion and ingestion were satisfactory in all
patients. Therefore, they concluded that the
FAMM flap is useful and reliable for recon-
struction of some small to medium-sized
intraoral defects. The functional reconstruc-
tion of the oral cavity can be achieved with
a low risk of complications (1). Xie et al.
(13) studied modified FAMM flaps for recon-
struction of posterior skull base defects. Us-
ing the fascia of the masseter muscle, they
have developed a new modified FAMM flap.
In addition, they concluded that the retro-
grade FAMM flap should only be applied as
an alternative when other clinically proven
options are not appropriate. Fang et al. (14)
investigated various buccinator musculomu-
cosal flaps for palatal fistulae closure after
cleft palate surgery. They concluded that the
flap is a suitable option for fistula repair. It
is good for greater fistulae at the junction of
hard and soft palate or at the anterior por-
tion of the hard palate (14).
As a review of our cases, we believe that
the FAMM flap is a very reliable and versa-
tile flap used for palatal defect with a techni-
cally easy procedure with many advantages
and minimal post-operative complications.
We recommend its use for difficult small to
medium sized palatal defects as a result of
cleft palatal surgery complications or even
any other causes of palatal defects.
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