Invest Clin 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
Corresponding author: Karla Alejandra Vizcarra Zevallos. Escuela Profesional de Medicina Humana, Universidad
Privada San Juan Bautista, Chorrillos, Lima, Perú. Telephone: 051926546720. Email:
The landscape of diabetic foot in Peru.
Ericka Saravia-Hernández
, José Salvador-Carrillo
, Alejandra Zevallos
and Jorge Calderón-Ticona
Escuela Profesional de Medicina Humana, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista,
Chorrillos, Lima, Perú.
Escuela Profesional de Medicina Humana, Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista,
Chincha Alta, Ica Perú.
Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista, Av. José Antonio Lavalle, Chorrillos, Lima,
Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza, Lima, Perú.
Facultad de Medicina “San Fernando”, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,
Cercado de Lima, Lima, Perú.
Key words: diabetic foot; diabetes mellitus; Peru; Public Health.
Abstract. Diabetic foot (DF) is one of the main complications responsible
for the significant deterioration of the quality of life in diabetic patients, par-
ticularly, in developing countries. In Peru, 18.9% of diabetic inpatients present
DF and 61% develop a foot sepsis. Therefore, the burden of DF is considerable
in the country. In this work, we summarize the current scientific evidence of DF
in the Peruvian population describing its epidemiology, risk factors, increase
of time of hospitalization, bacterial resistance, rate of amputations, and the
theoretical medical costs for disease management. According to the reviewed
literature, we suggest that more local research should be conducted to better
understand the impact of the DF on the Peruvian population.
Diabetic foot in Peru 277
Vol. 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
El panorama del pie diabético en el Perú.
Invest Clin 2021; 62 (3): 276-289
Palabras clave: pie diabético; diabetes mellitus; Perú; Salud Pública.
Resumen. El pie diabético (PD) es una de las principales complicaciones
responsables del deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes diabéticos, par-
ticularmente en países en vías de desarrollo. En Perú, el 18,9% de los pacientes
diabéticos hospitalizados presentan PD y el 61% desarrolla una sepsis del pie.
Por lo tanto, la carga de PD es considerable en el país. En el presente trabajo, se
ha resumido la actual evidencia científica sobre el PD en la población peruana
de esta manera, describiendo su epidemiología, factores de riesgo, incremento
en el tiempo de hospitalización, resistencia bacteriana, tasa de amputación y el
costo médico teórico del manejo de esta patología. De acuerdo con nuestra re-
visión de la literatura, se considera que más estudios locales deben ser conduci-
dos para mejorar el entendimiento del impacto del PD en la población peruana.
Received: 28-12-2020 Accepted: 04-05-2021
Diabetes mellitus (DM) burden repre-
sents a serious problem for public health in
Latin America. In fact, it is expected that it
will affect up to 49.1 million people by 2045
(1). Diabetic Foot (DF) disease is considered
as one of the principal complications of DM
and it usually has a multifactorial origin.
Among its principal contributors are periph-
eral neuropathy and vascular disease, which
can be found in 10% of diabetic type 2 pa-
tients and can lead to foot ulceration (2,3).
The lifetime risk of developing at least one
diabetic foot ulcer is between 15 to 25% (4).
In general, this pathology is character-
ized by ulceration, infection or destruction
of foot tissue (5). More than half of diabetic
foot infections lead to foot ulcers, which
usually ends in lower extremity amputation
(6). Other complications that are often pres-
ent coupled with DF are nephropathy, reti-
nopathy, ischemic heart disease and cere-
brovascular disease (7,8). DF is attributed
for increasing hospitalization time, amputa-
tion rates, costs for the health system and
deterioration of the patient’s quality of life
To date, DF prevalence in DM patients
who were hospitalized is 18.9%, represent-
ing an important disease burden in Perú (12).
Therefore, this work aims to present a review of
the scientific data published about DF in order
to improve the understanding of the epidemiol-
ogy, clinical characteristics and the economic
impact of this pathology in the country.
In order to limit our research, we
looked for papers in SCOPUS, PubMed, Sci-
ELO, LILACS and Google Scholar databases
from January 1 to October 30, 2020. The
keywords used for the search were “diabetic
foot” AND “diabetic foot ulcer” AND “dia-
betes” AND “Peru” AND “epidemiology”. For
the Spanish database, equivalents keywords
were used according to the Health Sciences
Descriptors (DECS). Reference lists of all
the included papers were reviewed to iden-
tify potential papers.
Papers written in Spanish, Portuguese
or English were considered and studies in-
volving the Peruvian population were includ-
ed. We did not restrict the study´s design
278 Saravia-Hernández et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
(population-based, medical records review,
clinical-based, others) or the level (national
or regional) of the studies. Two investigators
reviewed the titles and abstracts of papers
independently. Relevant articles were select-
ed, and disagreements were discussed and
solved by the senior investigator.
According to the World Health Orga-
nization (WHO) DF is an infectious process
which leads to the destruction of deep tis-
sue of the feet, associated with neurological
abnormalities, such as loss of sensitivity to
pain, and peripheral vascular disease of vary-
ing severity in the lower limbs (13).
In Latin America, a cross-sectional and
multicentric study (from nine countries, in-
cluding Peru) found that the rate of DF in
11,357 inpatients (mean age 61.7 years)
was 14.8% (CI 95%; 14.1-15.4) (14). In Perú,
Yovera-Aldana et al. (12) reported that the
prevalence of DF inpatients was 2.8% (95%
CI: 2.4-3.1) and the prevalence among DM
inpatients was 18.9% (CI 95% 16.7–21.1).
In this study, 8,346 patients from 39 health
centers were included (age 62 ± 12 years).
On the other hand, Ramos et al. (15) de-
scribed that the rate of DF was 6% in DM
patients (including inpatients and outpa-
tients), leading as the second most frequent
complication in this population. This study
included 2,959 diabetic patients (57.2 ±
15.7 years) from 18 hospitals that belonged
to the diabetes surveillance system of Peru
during 2012.
Additionally, Lazo-Porras et al. (16)
showed an 18-month incidence in diabetic
patients at risk of foot ulcers (risk groups
2 or 3 according to the International Work-
ing Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF)).
DF ulcers cumulative incidence was 17.7%
(28/158) in the total sample (mean age 61
years); however, it was higher among pa-
tients with a history of previous ulceration
(27.8%, 25/90).
In literature, these papers were the only
ones that described the prevalence and in-
cidence of DF among Peruvian diabetic pa-
tients; nevertheless, more studies should be
conducted to improve the understanding of
the epidemiological situation of DF in vul-
nerable populations (17,18).
DF represents one of the main causes of
hospitalization due to infections in diabetic
patients, especially in elderly patients with
long standing illness (19). It is estimated
that DF is the cause of approximately 50%
of diabetes-related hospital admissions (20).
In a study made in Peru, from an analysis
of 1,230 admissions of diabetic patients in
a tertiary care public hospital, it was found
that DF was the most common cause of hos-
pitalization, which accounted for up to 20.5%
of the total analyzed samples (21). Similarly,
Gonzales-Grández et al (22) found that DF
infection was the second leading cause of
hospitalization (20.8%) in 424 diabetic pa-
tients (40.6% over 65 years). These results
are lower than those reported in other coun-
tries (20,23,24), but similar to other studies
carried out in South America such as Brazil,
where complications related to DF were the
cause of 18.2% of all hospital admissions in
diabetic patients (25).
The DF patient’s quality of life is deeply
affected across familial, economic, and social
levels (25,26). Amputation by DF not only
causes disability, functional impairment or
consequential dependence on relatives (27),
but it also leads the patient to develop emo-
tional disorders such as depression (28).
Risk factors play an important role in
the pathology of DF since they are related to
its evolution and complications. In Peru, risk
factors has been described in some studies
such as peripheral neuropathy (PN), periph-
eral vascular disease (PVD), disease time,
inadequate glucose control, comorbidities,
among others (26,27). The most frequent
Diabetic foot in Peru 279
Vol. 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
factors associated with DF in the Peruvian
population are described below:
Peripheral Neuropathy
This pathology is one of the main com-
plications of DM and is one of the most com-
mon risk factors for the development of DF.
It can be found in up to 69% of diabetic pa-
tients and it is directly associated with the
long-standing DM (28). In Perú, the fre-
quency of PN among patients with DF can
depend on some factors, such as time of dis-
ease and type of patient care (outpatient vs
inpatient). Torres-Aparcana et al. (27) found
that PN was present in 95% of all the hos-
pitalized diabetic patients in a tertiary care
public hospital (n=166; 59.4 ± 12.0 years).
The average time of disease was 12.5±8.1.
On the other hand, Damas-Casani et al (29)
found that just 35% of total ambulatory pa-
tients (n=370; 60.3 ± 11.1 years) presented
PN. In this study, 60% of patients had more
than 5 years since the diagnosis of the dis-
ease. Additionally, PN was defined differently
in both studies.
A case-control study carried out by Ar-
ribasplata and Lena-Muñoz (26) showed a
significant association between DF with PN
(OR: 2.88, 95% CI: 1,45 – 5,72) in univariate
analysis. However, this association was not
observed in multivariate analysis (p>0.05).
The sample (n=165) comprised patients
treated at the Endocrinology Service in a
tertiary care public hospital. PN was present
in 69% of them. Furthermore, 70.3% of pa-
tients were older than 60 years and 70.9% of
the subjects had a diabetes diagnosis of over
10 years. The criteria to identify peripheral
neuropathy was not disclosed by the authors.
Peripheral vascular disease
Patients with DM have a high risk of de-
veloping PVD. This complication alone can
rarely cause ulceration, but when PVD is pres-
ent with NP and a minor trauma, this can lead
to tissue breakdown (30) and critical compli-
cations such lower limb amputation (31,32).
Torres-Aparcana et al (27) also described the
frequency of PVD in their retrospective cross-
sectional study. This pathology was present in
51.2% of all the patients (n=166; 59.4 ± 12.0
years). In addition, PN was the most frequent
co-morbidity in patients with PVD (88.2%).
Damas-Casani et al (29) found that PVD was
present in 38% of the total patients (n=370;
60.3 ± 11.1 years) who were treated at the
Diabetic Foot Unit of a tertiary care public
hospital. These different outcomes may be ex-
plained through patient´s characteristics as
well previously commented in the PN section
(time of disease and type of patient care).
These differences were consistent with anoth-
er study that evaluated 301 diabetic patients
attended in a tertiary care public hospital in
the city of Trujillo, a northern Peruvian city.
PVD was present in 18.6% of all the patients,
but it was present in 89% of the patients who
were over 50 years old, and 61.5%, with a time
from diagnosis higher than 5 years (33).
In the study of Arribasplata and Lena-
Muñoz (26), PVD was reported in 56.4% of
DF patients and a significant association
was found between those two variables (OR
= 2.54; 95% CI = 1.31 - 4.94) in univariate
analysis. Nevertheless, similarly to PN, this
association was not observed in multivari-
ate analysis. For a more detailed information
about population baseline characteristics,
the PN section summarized this data.
Time of disease from diagnosis
The time of disease is a critical factor
associated with DF degree of severity. Torres-
Aparcana et al (27) found that the average
time from the diagnosis of diabetes to the
appearance of the first lesion in the foot was
12.5 ± 8.1 years in hospitalized patients
(n=166; 59.4 ± 12.0 years). Studies carried
out in developing countries reported simi-
lar data (24,34,35); however, in developed
countries, the time to the first lesion is high-
er (19,36,37). As a matter of fact, DF time
to disease is delayed in developed countries
due to higher education levels and broader
access to adequate treatment and health
care services (38).
280 Saravia-Hernández et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
In Latin America, a multicenter study
executed in 1,677 hospitalized patients
who had DF (14), reported a median time
of disease of 10 years. Furthermore, it found
that patients with lesions 0 and 1, accord-
ing to the Wagner scale, had shorter time
from diagnosis when compared to patients
with Wagner lesions ≥2 (p<0.001). Seven
Peruvian public hospitals of 135 Latin Amer-
ica health centers contributed towards this
study (14). The population average age was
61.7 years.
Additionally, in the work by Arribaspla-
ta-Espinoza and Luna-Muñoz (26), multi-
variable analysis evidenced that people with
a time of disease greater than 10 years had
a higher risk for developing DF in this study
(OR: 12.77, 95% CI: 4.12 - 39.60).
Inadequate glucose control
Poor long-term glucose control is criti-
cal for the development of diabetic foot ul-
ceration and other complications (35,36).
Although this fact is important for the man-
agement and prevention of DF in diabetic
patients, developing countries do not usu-
ally have a health care system that ensures
adequate glucose control in their popula-
tion (38).
In Peru, a study carried out in 18 Pe-
ruvians hospitals with 2,959 patients evalu-
ated glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fast-
ing glycemia levels at two time points: at the
time of enrollment and the last follow-up vis-
it. The outcomes showed that 73.4% of all pa-
tients had levels ≥ 7.0% HbA1c while 63.5%
had values 130 mg/dL of glycemia. The av-
erage time from diagnosis in this population
was 5.6 years, and the average age was 57.2
± 15.7 years old (15). Furthermore, this
work showed the rate of treatment abandon-
ment in Peruvian diabetic patients (65.3%)
and the high frequency of inadequate glu-
cose control within them.
Inadequate glucose control in diabetic
patients has also been associated with DF. In
the study of Arribasplata and Lena-Muñoz
(26) it was found that patients with poor
HbA1c management presented a risk of 6.2
times higher for DF development (95% CI =
1.79-21.41) in multivariate analysis.
The presence of other comorbidities
leads to an increased risk for the develop-
ment of DF. Nevertheless, only one work
considered them in its analysis in Peruvi-
an medical literature. In this case-control
study, chronic kidney disease, obesity, ar-
terial hypertension, dyslipidemia, and ony-
chomycosis were present in 36.4%, 85.5%,
67.3%, 49.1% and 94.5% of total samples
(case group: 55 DF patients), respectively.
However, only chronic kidney disease (OR:
3.023, CI 95%: 1.014- 9.013) and ony-
chomycosis (OR: 7.1; CI 95%: 1.5-34.1)
increased the risk for DF in logistic re-
gression analysis. Obesity and arterial hy-
pertension were significant in univariate
analysis but not in multivariate analysis.
On the other hand, dyslipidemia behaved
as a protective factor (OR: 0.24; CI 95%
0.11 – 0.48)(26). The apparent contradic-
tion of these outcomes with the interna-
tional literature (35,36,39) may probably
be explained by the size of the samples. In
accordance with this, some variables had a
wide CI 95%. In this study, more than 70%
of total patients were older than 60 years
old and had a diabetes diagnosis of over
10 years.
Age of patients
The age of patients is also an important
factor in the development of DF. A cross-
sectional study that reviewed the medical re-
cords of 166 patients hospitalized due to DF
in a tertiary care public hospital found that
60.8% of the individuals were aged between
50 and 69 years old (27). Moreover, Arribas-
plata and Lena Muñoz (26) found that 70.3%
of DM patients (n=165) with DF were older
than 60 years. However, an age over 60 years
was not significantly associated with the de-
velopment of DF (p = 0.22).
Diabetic foot in Peru 281
Vol. 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
DF is usually the main reason for the
admission of diabetic patients in hospitals
and it has a significant socioeconomical im-
pact in the health care system budget (40).
Hospital length-of-stay tends to be longer in
diabetic patients with DF. According to the
National Diabetes Foot Care Audit (NDFA)
Hospital Admissions Report 2014-2017 (41),
more than 95,000 hospital bed-days were oc-
cupied by DF patients, and median hospital
length-of-stay for major amputation was 25
days. Another report showed that the length-
of-stay for inpatients with DF is longer than
those without diabetes (median stay: 8
nights vs 5 nights, respectively) and it repre-
sented 5,912,837 bed-days per year (4).
In Latin America, a multicenter study
made with 11,357 DF patients from 135
health centers (seven health centers from
Peru reported that the median length of hos-
pital stay was 10 days (14). In Peru, a lon-
gitudinal observational study found that DF
patients (n=424) spend longer periods of
time hospitalized among the diabetic inpa-
tients (average of 21.2 days and a maximum
stay of 90 days). In this population, the me-
dian age and time from diagnosis was 64 and
9.5 years, respectively. Furthermore, more
than half of the patients had some diabetes
complication. These risk factors were prob-
ably the reason for the higher length of hos-
pitalization in this study (22).
Similar outcomes were found in a
retrospective study in three tertiary care
public hospitals in Cusco, a southern re-
gion of Peru. The median of hospital days
of diabetic patients with DF (20 days, in-
terquartile range (IQR): 14 - 31 days) was
higher in comparison to those without DF
diagnosis (9 days, IQR: 5 - 14 days). An
increase in the number of hospitalization
days (17 days more, 95% CI = 5.7-28.3
days, p = 0.003) was attributed to DF. The
median age and time from diagnosis of
this population (n=153) were 61 and 13
years, respectively (42).
On the other hand, Torres-Aparcana
et al (27) found different hospital length-
of-stays among 166 patients with DF at-
tended in other public hospitals. Patients
who received only medical treatment pre-
sented an average hospital length-of-stay
of 13.32 ± 12.0 days, which was consider-
ably lower than those who underwent some
type of surgical treatment [32 ± 13.4 days
(p <0.001)]. In this population, the aver-
age age and time of disease was 59.4 ± 12
years and 12.5 ± 8.1 years, respectively.
The increase of hospital length-of-stay in
an operatively treated DF patient in com-
parison with a non-operatively treated DF
patient was consistent with other studies
Infections are one of the main causes
of hospitalizations, amputations, and death
in patients with DM in Peru, and DF is one
of the most frequent types of infections
(22,45–47). When a patient with infected
DF is attended, they are first empirically
treated a then sampled in order to provide
a personalized treatment based on culture
and antibiogram results. However, the deci-
sion-making process might become complex
according to bacterial resistance and the
population-based clinical evidence available,
as well as the severity of the infection, previ-
ously prescribed antibiotics, and stock avail-
ability in the hospital (48).
A retrospective and descriptive work
carried out at a third-level public hospital
evaluated the infection of DF in 95 patients
(average age 61.7 ± 11.6 years and time
from diagnosis 10.75 ± 7.9 years). In this
work, 109 infection events were identified,
and 132 bacteria strains were isolated. Gram
(+) bacteria were isolated in 73 cases (55%),
in which Staphylococcus aureus was the
282 Saravia-Hernández et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
most frequent (48%). Among the remaining
cases, the most frequent Gram (-) bacteria
were Escherichia coli (49%). When suscepti-
bility to antibiotics was analyzed, S. aureus
was sensitive to clindamycin, oxacillin, and
vancomycin in 25%, 32%, and 100% of the
cases, respectively. Imipenem was 100% ef-
fective against bacteria from the genus En-
terobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aerugi-
nosa. On the other hand, 0% sensitivity was
found for some antibiotics in the case of P.
aeruginosa against ceftriaxone and aztreo-
nam, and Enterococcus spp. for clindamycin
and oxacillin. Patients with DF who belong
to risk groups 1 to 3, according to the Wag-
ner scale, had an increased risk of being in-
fected with Gram (+) bacteria rather than
with Gram (-) (OR = 3.11, 95% CI: 1.2-7.8).
In addition, patients with DF which presents
neuropathy or vascular diseases concomi-
tantly, had a higher risk of infection by Gram
(+) germs with resistance to oxacillin (OR
= 8.2, 95% CI = 1.5-43.5 and OR = 6.3, 95%
CI = 1.2-32.4, respectively) (49).
Another cross-sectional study evaluated
bacterial resistance and associated factors in
88 patients with infected DF with no major
amputation outcomes, attended at a third-
level public hospital. The average age of the
patients was 60.6 ± 12 years with a medi-
an time from diagnosis of 15 years. Among
them, patients classified as grades 3 and 4
in the Wagner scale were the most frequent
(39.8% and 40%, respectively). Polymicrobial
cultures represented 42% of the total and the
most frequently isolated bacteria were Esch-
erichia coli (23.4%), Enterococcus faecalis
(14.1%) and Staphylococcus aureus (13.3%).
In terms of antibiotic resistance, 33% of En-
terobacteriaceae were beta-lactam resistant
and Extended-Spectrum Beta-lactamases
(ESBL) producers. On the other hand, Gram
(-) bacteria such as P. aeruginosa and A. bau-
manii were highly resistant to carbapenem
agents (83% and 100%, respectively). Inter-
estingly, no cases of vancomycin resistance
in S. aureus or E. faecalis were reported. The
presence of ESBL positive bacteria was as-
sociated with a previous DF infection, high
levels of C-reactive protein (PCR) and scores
in the Laboratory Risk Indicator Necrotizing
fasciitis (LRINEC) higher than 6, when com-
pared to patients carrying ESBL negative
bacteria (p < 0.05). The presence of positive
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) was
only associated with high CRP values in dia-
betic patients (p < 0.05) (46).
Another third cross-sectional study re-
viewed the medical records of 5007 patients
with infected DF, and the aerobic cultures
data was treated in the Diabetic Foot Pro-
gram of a Peruvian public hospital (average
age 60.7 ± 12.2 years, but time from diag-
nosis was not detailed). A total of 652 mi-
croorganisms were isolated: 407 Gram (-)
and 245 Gram (+) bacteria were identified.
There were reported microorganisms with
more than 90% of antibiotic sensitivity to
vancomycin, teicoplanin, meropenem, and
ertapenem. On the other hand, microorgan-
isms were also found with more than 80%
of antibiotic resistance to cotrimoxazole,
amoxicillin, dicloxacillin, oxacillin, penicil-
lin, cephalexin, and amoxicillin/clavulanic
acid. Unlike the two aforementioned studies
(46,49), this work did not conduct addition-
al analysis (50).
These three studies (46,49,50) were
the only papers found in Medical Litera-
ture that describe bacterial resistance in
the Peruvian population with DF. The bac-
terial resistance was different among pop-
ulation studies, possibly due to unequal
patients’ conditions, the severity of DF,
previous infections, and presence of co-
morbidities. We grouped the microorgan-
isms with total bacterial resistance to at
least one antibiotic found in these works
in a heat map (Fig. 1).
Amputation patients represent pro-
longed hospital length-of-stay, increased by
high dependency/Intensive Care Unit, mul-
tiple readmissions and a critical cost of pa-
Diabetic foot in Peru 283
Vol. 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
tients for public health (43). The lower-limb
amputation in diabetic patients is eight
times higher than in nondiabetic individuals
(51) and approximately 85% of all amputa-
tions are preceded by DF ulceration (52). In
addition, it is reported that every 30 seconds
one leg is amputated due to DF ulceration
worldwide (20).
In Perú, most of the limb amputations
occurred in lower-limb amputation (78.1%)
and it is caused mainly by diabetic angiopa-
thy (53). During the period 1989-1997, the
frequency of amputation among DF patients
was 61% (n= 206 DF inpatients, mean age
was 61.4 years (range 27.-86)) (47). Inter-
estingly, another study conducted at the
Fig. 1. Microorganisms with total bacterial resistance to at least one antibiotic found in patients with diabetic
foot, attended at three hospitals of Peru. Microorganisms with 100% bacterial resistance to at least
one antibiotic found in Peruvian patients with infected DF attended at three hospitals (46,49,50) were
considered for this heatmap. Green to red gradient depicting resistance to antibiotics (0 to 100%).
No data for microorganisms/antibiotic matches is represented by grey background. Pip/Taz: pipera-
cilin/tazobactam; Tic/Cla: ticarcilin/ clavulanic acid; PV: Proteus vulgaris; KP: Klebsiella pneumo-
niae; MM: Morganella morganii; CF: Citrobacter freundii; ECI: Enterobacter cloacae; PA: Pseudomonas
aeruginosa; AB: Acinetobacter baumannii; EF: Enterococcus faecalis; SA: Staphylococcus aereus; Ent:
Enterococo spp.
284 Saravia-Hernández et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
same institution reported an increase of
overall rate amputation to 64% in the period
of 2006-2008 (n=166 DF inpatients, mean
age was 59.4±12.0 years) (27). Despite that,
the major amputation rate decreased be-
tween both periods (from 69.05% to 59.2%).
The reduction of the major amputation rate
is probably due to an improvement in the
early approach to DF patients, as well as the
effect of multidisciplinary actions; however,
more studies are necessary to confirm this
The cornerstone of DF patient care to
reduce the amputation rate is the early iden-
tification of the risk factors associated with
this endpoint in the population. Local knowl-
edge of these factors and their influence on
this outcome is critical for multidisciplinary
teams to develop adequate management and
treatment plans for their population (54);
however, in Peru, few studies have been con-
ducted to study these factors. Risks factors
to amputation in Peruvian DF patients were
summarized in Table I; however, these stud-
ies showed some limitations such as sample
size (55,56).
As previously commented, DF-related
complications represent a high human
(95% CI)
Nicho L.
et al (57)
218 Time from
(> 10 years)
Case-control 88.10% 3.21 (1.58 – 6.51)
Male gender 87.20% 2.46 (1.22 – 4.97)
glucose control
(≥100 mg/dL)
52.30% 3.68 (2.06 – 6.60)
Wagner score of
lesion severity
(grade 4)
79.80% 5.62 (3.08 – 10.28)
Torres H.
et al (26)
166 Peripheral
vascular disease
Cross-sectional 84.70% 6.59 (3.03 – 14.33)
91 Time from
(> 10 years)
Case-control 77.80%
Wagner score of
lesion severity
(grade 4)
77.80% 7.79 (3.12 – 20.53)
Absence of pulse
only in pedial and
posterior tibial
73.3% 7.79 (3.07-19.80)
Diabetic foot in Peru 285
Vol. 62(3): 276 - 289, 2021
and financial cost for health systems and
society. In England, the cost of health
care for ulceration and amputation in dia-
betes during 2014-2015 was estimated at
between £837 million and £962 million;
and it represented 0.8% to 0.9% of the Na-
tional Health Service (NHS) budget (57).
In Brazil, the direct medical costs related
to DF ulceration was estimated at US$180
million in 2014 (58). On the other hand,
in Peru, the direct annual cost of preven-
tion and management attributable to DF
patients at high-risk ulceration was calcu-
lated at $ 74.5 million in the sub-optimal
care system in 2012 (59); however, the
comparison of cost for this pathology be-
tween developing and developed countries
is difficult to perform.
Also, the authors calculated the di-
rect annual cost of prevention and man-
agement of DF patients in two different
care systems: a standard care system ac-
cording to the International Diabetes Fed-
eration (IDF), and an intensive strategy
based on standard care plus temperature
monitoring. Both were compared with the
sub-optimal care system. The implementa-
tion of the first system in Peru decreases
the cost-of-illness by $ 71.8 million dollars
with the prevention of 791 deaths. On the
other hand, with the implementation of
the second care system, the cost increases
to $ 96.8 million dollars, but 1,385 deaths
can be halted.
These results show that the current
sub-optimal care system is not cost-effec-
tive and death by diabetic foot can be pre-
ventable; however, this study has various
limitations due to the lack of reliable in-
formation to estimate some costs as mo-
bilization costs and waiting time, among
others. In the light of the theoretical esti-
mates, we suggest these results should be
While the present review shows impor-
tant studies to understand the impact of the
DF on the Peruvian population and health
system, certain limitations should be ac-
knowledged regarding Peruvian literature in
DF: a) poorly labelled studies may have been
unintentionally omitted in the synthesis of
the Peruvian literature, since some papers
are not published in indexed journals in elec-
tronic databases. Greater investment in the
appropriate indexing of Peruvian research
in electronic databases is urgently required
(18,60). b) The majority of works are sin-
gle-center studies and focus on population
attended at hospitals of Lima (the capital
city). This fact makes the extrapolation of
the outcomes at national level difficult. c)
Finally, most of the studies analyzed clinical
charts of DF patients, provided data at only
one point of time and, in some cases, worked
with a small sample. Longitudinal and pro-
spective studies are required to improve the
level of evidence about this problem in Perú.
In general, the literature available in
Latin America about DF is scarce and pres-
ents similar limitations to those present in
the Peruvian studies (14,17,61).
Although early identification of risk fac-
tors for DF is crucial for its epidemiological
control, we have to face great challenges to
improve diagnosis, management and treat-
ment of these patients in Perú, to reduce
the medical and economic burdens of this
disease as it mainly becomes detrimental to
patients from low-socioeconomic status. In
addition, more national research should be
conducted to better understand the real im-
pact of DF on the Peruvian population.
286 Saravia-Hernández et al.
Investigación Clínica 62(3): 2021
The authors would like to thank the
Universidad Privada San Juan Bautista for
the economic funding (N° 032-2019-VRI-UP-
SJB) to carry out this work.
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