Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 79
Recibido el 04/04/23 Aceptado el 02/08/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 79 (2023), 373-383
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Legal Regulation of the Status of
Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine:
Theoretical and Administrative Aspect
Artem Volodymyrovych Marchenko *
Viktoriia Yurovskа **
Artur Zamryha ***
Vadym Ulozhenko ****
Bohdana Bohdan *****
The aim of the research was to reveal the legal regulation of
the status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine in terms of
theoretical and administrative aspects. A positive step towards
realization of the rights and guarantees of forced migrants consists
in the introduction by the Government of Ukraine of the following
areas of assistance: monetary assistance, promotion of their employment,
introduction of compensation for the costs of payment of communal services
for families who have taken in displaced persons free of charge. It has been
established that such a public initiative as «Prykhystok» («Shelter») plays
an extremely important role in exercising the rights and guarantees of
forced migrants. The following methods were used in the research: analysis
of biographical sources, synthesis, deduction, comparative analysis and
meta-analysis, etc. Conclusions: it has been shown that programs such as
«Prykhystok» are a positive step towards proper implementation of the
rights and guarantees of IDPs, but at the moment they are not working
properly. Even fullling all the conditions, many forced migrants have not
yet received their funds, they have been denied their certicates and most
employers do not want to hire people belonging to this category.
* Postgraduate, Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Aairs, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0009-0003-9674-5882. Email:
** PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of Legal Regulation of Economics,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0001-7126-049X. Email:
*** Ph.D., of Economics, Doctor of law, Associate Professor of the Department of Public and international
Law of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: Email
**** PhD., Associate Professor at the Department of Public and International Law, Kyiv National Economic
University named after Vadym Hetman, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
7791. Email:
***** Candidate of Science of Law, Associate Professor, Department of Public and International Law,
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0002-0422-7021. Email:
Artem Volodymyrovych Marchenko, Viktoriia Yurovskа, Artur Zamryha, Vadym Ulozhenko y
Bohdana Bohdan
Legal Regulation of the Status of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine: Theoretical and
Administrative Aspect
Keywords: internally displaced; vulnerable citizens; guarantees for the
rights of internally displaced persons; rights of the child;
dignity of the human person.
Regulación jurídica del estatuto de los desplazados
internos en Ucrania: Aspecto teórico y administrativo
El objetivo de la investigación fue revelar la regulación legal del estatus
de los desplazados internos en Ucrania en términos aspectos teóricos
y administrativos. Un paso positivo para hacer realidad los derechos y
garantías de los inmigrantes forzosos consiste en la introducción por parte
del Gobierno de Ucrania de las siguientes áreas de asistencia: asistencia
monetaria, promoción de su empleo, introducción de compensación por
los costos de pago de los servicios comunales para las familias que se
han acogido personas desplazadas de forma gratuita. Se ha establecido
que una iniciativa pública como “Prykhystok” (“Refugio”) desempeña
un papel extremadamente importante en el ejercicio de los derechos y
garantías de los inmigrantes forzosos. En la investigación se utilizaron los
siguientes métodos: análisis de fuentes biográcas, síntesis, deducción,
análisis comparativo y metaanálisis, etc. Conclusiones: se ha demostrado
que programas como “Prykhystok” son un paso positivo para la adecuada
implementación de los derechos y garantías de los desplazados internos,
pero por el momento no están funcionando adecuadamente. Incluso
cumpliendo todas las condiciones, muchos inmigrantes forzosos todavía
no han recibido sus fondos, les han negado sus certicados y la mayoría
de los empleadores no quieren contratar personas que pertenezcan a esta
Palabras clave: desplazado interno; ciudadanos vulnerables; garantías
para los derechos de los desplazados internos; derechos
del niño; dignidad de la persona humana.
The events of recent years, namely the annexation of the Crimea in
March 2014 and the armed conict that began in the East of Ukraine in April
2014, led to a signicant and massive displacement of civilians both within
the country and abroad. In connection with the beginning of the full-scale
war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the number of internally
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 373-383
displaced persons in our country has increased signicantly. Therefore,
according to the report of the International Organization for Migration,
more than 7.7 million Ukrainians have become internally displaced persons
since 24 February, 2022.
Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine Maryna Volodymyrivna Lazebna
reported that as of 25 April, 2022, more than 2 million people had been
registered as internally displaced persons. She notes that today the Unied
Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons has information on
3.4 million people. Of them, over 2 million people were forced to move after
the introduction of martial law. And of them, 1.9 million people were forced
to move for the rst time.
After leaving their homes, these individuals not only lost a roof over
their heads, but also lost ownership of their property, they were left without
work and means of supporting their existence. In connection with this,
problematic situations arise and in these situations such persons cannot
always fully exercise their rights. And therefore there is a need to determine
the main problems of the legal status of internally displaced persons as well
as ways to solve such problems.
1. Literature review
Legal regulation of the status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine
has been partially considered by such scientists as Halaburda Nadiia,
Leheza Yevhen, Chalavan Viktor, Yemov Volodymyr, Yemova Inna etc.
(Halaburda et al., 2021).
According to part 1 of Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring
the Rights and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons”, an internally
displaced person is a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner or a stateless person
who is in the territory of Ukraine on legal grounds and has the right to
permanent residence in Ukraine, who was forced to leave his or her place
residence as a result of (or in order to avoid negative consequences of)
an armed conict, temporary occupation, widespread manifestations of
violence, violations of human rights and natural or man-made emergencies
(Law of Ukraine, 2014).
Therefore, one of the important circumstances that determine provision
of the legal status of an internally displaced person to citizens of Ukraine,
foreigners and stateless persons is the need to leave one’s own place of
residence against personal will in order to avoid consequences of an armed
conict and the temporary occupation of certain territories of Ukraine, as
a result of well-founded fears for own life, health and protection of rights
and interests.
Artem Volodymyrovych Marchenko, Viktoriia Yurovskа, Artur Zamryha, Vadym Ulozhenko y
Bohdana Bohdan
Legal Regulation of the Status of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine: Theoretical and
Administrative Aspect
However, it should be noted that, in our opinion, the term “internally
displaced person” does not adequately describe this category of persons.
We fully agree with Y. Lushpiienko, who noted that the term “internally
displaced” literally means a person who has changed his/her location
within the state, while the concept of “forced” means a coercive nature
and performance of an action against the person’s will under the pressure
of circumstances. Therefore, the term “forced migrant” ensures a more
successful description of the category of persons who changed their place of
residence for reasons beyond their control, since the very concept of “forced”
in its meaning explains presence of problems as a logical consequence of a
certain event (Lushpiienko, 2017. 190).
At the same time, taking into account the dynamic changes in this
area, the indicated problems require a more comprehensive and complex
analysis, in particular, legal regulation of the status of internally displaced
persons in Ukraine is needed.
2. Materials and methods
The research is based on the works of foreign and Ukrainian researchers
regarding legal regulation of the status of internally displaced persons in
Ukraine, etc.
With the help of the epistemological method, the legal regulation of the
status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine was claried, etc., thanks
to the logical-semantic method, the conceptual apparatus was deepened,
the legal regulation of the status of internally displaced persons in Ukraine
was determined, etc. Thanks to the existing methods of law, we managed to
analyze the essence of legal regulation of the status of internally displaced
persons in Ukraine, etc.
3. Results and discussion
The category of “internally displaced person” is quite close to the category
of “refugee”. The main dierence is that the latter leave the country where
they are citizens and do not wish to return to their country of permanent
residence due to fear of becoming a victim of persecution (Kobrusieva et
al., 2021).
It is worth noting that the concept of “internally displaced person”
appeared in the legislation of Ukraine in connection with the accident
at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on 26 April, 1986. As a result of
radioactive pollution, approximately 200,000 people were forced to change
their place of residence (Deliia, 2020). In 1986-1987, approximately 15,000
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 373-383
apartments and dormitories for more than 1,000 people, 23,000 buildings,
as well as approximately 800 social and cultural institutions were built for
immigrants. (Tsymbalistyi, 2019: 129). The rst legislative act on this issue
was the Law of the Ukrainian SSR “On the Status and Social Protection of
Citizens Aected by the Chernobyl Disaster”, which was adopted only on 28
February, 1991.
We should point out that today the legal status of internally displaced
persons is regulated by the Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights
and Freedoms of Internally Displaced Persons”; this law directly denes
the rights and obligations of internally displaced persons, it establishes
economic, social and legal guarantees for protection of their rights
and legitimate interests on territory of Ukraine in accordance with the
Constitution of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine, as well as the
principles and norms of international law (Law of Ukraine, 2014).
The basic (constitutional) rights of internally displaced persons as
citizens of Ukraine are enshrined in Chapter II “Human and Citizens’
Rights, Freedoms and Duties” of the Constitution of Ukraine (Law of
Ukraine, 1996).
The Law of Ukraine “On Ensuring the Rights and Freedoms of Internally
Displaced Persons” contains a list of rights of this category of persons
and guarantees of their implementation. Therefore, the Law provides for
the right to receive documents certifying the identity and conrming the
citizenship of Ukraine, or documents certifying the person and conrming
his/her special status; the right to employment, pension provision,
mandatory state social insurance, social services, education; electoral rights
(Law of Ukraine, 2014).
Article 9 of this Law contains other rights of an internally displaced
person, including the following: family unity; assistance by state executive
authorities, local self-government bodies and private law entities in the
search and reunication of family members who have lost contacts with each
other due to internal displacement; information about the fate and location
of missing family members and close relatives; reliable information about
presence of a threat to life and health in the territory of person’s abandoned
place of residence, as well as the place of his/her temporary settlement, the
state of the infrastructure and the environment, ensuring person’s rights
and freedoms; assistance in moving person’s movable property; assistance
in returning to the previous place of residence; provision of medicinal
products in cases and according to the procedure dened by the legislation;
provision of necessary medical assistance in state and communal health care
institutions; placement of children in preschool and general educational
institutions; provision of free-of-charge travel for voluntary return to the
abandoned place of permanent residence in all types of public transport
in the event of the disappearance of the circumstances that caused such
Artem Volodymyrovych Marchenko, Viktoriia Yurovskа, Artur Zamryha, Vadym Ulozhenko y
Bohdana Bohdan
Legal Regulation of the Status of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine: Theoretical and
Administrative Aspect
displacement; receiving humanitarian and charitable aid (Law of Ukraine,
Duties of internally displaced persons have their own specicity, taking
into account the peculiarities of the status of such persons. Imposition of
such duties is necessary to maintain the relevant status, conrm information
and facilitate the provision of these persons of special rights, guarantees,
assistance to these persons.
In our opinion, it is an indisputable fact that forced migrants need various
types of assistance, namely: assistance in obtaining pensions, social benets,
nding a job, housing, means of subsistence, etc. Legal support to this
category of people should be aimed at solving the following basic problems:
employment of healthy (employable) adults and family members; nding a
place of residence, housing, temporary accommodation of IDPs; provision
of humanitarian aid; provision of psychological support; organization of
leisure; regulation of work performed by charitable foundations and public
organizations providing assistance to IDPs, in accordance with the intrinsic
dignity of the human person (Matviichuk et al., 2022).
It is worth noting that in connection with the beginning of the full-scale
war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of
Ukraine brought a number of changes to the normative legal acts regulating
the issue of ensuring the mechanism for execution of the rights of internally
displaced persons.
Therefore, the legislation currently provides for two methods of
obtaining a registration certicate of an internally displaced person, which
is the main document conrming the fact of internal displacement. Before
the start of the full-scale war, in order to obtain such a certicate, these persons
had to personally or through a representative apply for registration to the structural
unit for social protection of the population of district, district in Kyiv state
administrations, executive bodies of city, district in cities (in the case formation)
councils. During the period of martial law, an internally displaced person can also
apply to the authorized person of the executive body of the village, settlement, city
council or administrative services center to obtain the respective certicate (Law
of Ukraine, 2014).
In addition, today, in order to obtain the certicate in addition to
applying to the above-mentioned authorities, this category of persons
(if technically possible) can submit an application for registration and
inclusion of information about an internally displaced person in the Unied
Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons; this can be done
through the Unied State Web-portal of electronic services (“Diya” portal)
which greatly simplies this procedure. To submit an application, a person
only needs to install the mobile application of the “Diya” Portal on an
electronic device connected to the Internet, with the geolocation function
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 373-383
enabled, and undergo electronic identication and authentication using an
integrated electronic identication system, an electronic signature based
on a qualied electronic signature certicate, or other means of electronic
identication that enable unambiguous identication of an individual (Law
of Ukraine, 2014).
Also, it is worth noting that in order to implement the guarantees of
internally displaced persons, the Government has introduced three lines of
assistance, including namely: monetary assistance, promotion of displaced
persons’ employment and introduction of compensation for the costs of
paying for communal services to families who sheltered displaced persons
free of charge.
Therefore, in accordance with the Procedure for providing
accommodation assistance to internally displaced persons, approved by
the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 20 March,
2022 No. 332, monetary assistance is provided monthly from the month of
application before April 2022 inclusive for each internally displaced person
whose information is included in the Unied Information Database on
Internally Displaced Persons, in the following amounts: for persons with
disabilities and children - UAH 3,000; for other persons - UAH 2000. In
order to receive assistance, an internally displaced person shall ll in an
application, which is formed by means of the Unied State Web-portal
of Electronic Services; in particular, this can be done using the mobile
application of the “Diya” Portal (Law of Ukraine, 2022)
Also families that are internally displaced persons, which include:
three or more children with at least one child under the age of two; or two
or more children, with at least one disabled child, can receive monetary
assistance in the amount of UAH 1,220 for each family member per month,
but not more than for ve persons, such assistance shall be made in a
single payment calculated per three months, in connection with the entry
into force of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the
Implementation of a Joint Project with the United Nations International
Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) on Additional Measures of Social
Support for the Most Vulnerable Categories of the Population” dated 05
April, 2022 р. No 405 (Law of Ukraine, 2022).
In addition to the above-mentioned nancial assistance programs,
internally displaced persons can receive international targeted monetary
support implemented jointly with the Government of Ukraine. In
particular, this support can be obtained by them from: The Mission of the
International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine in cooperation with
the Red Cross Society of Ukraine (the CMU Resolution No. 487 “On the
implementation of a joint project in cooperation with the Mission of the
International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine and the Red Cross
Society of Ukraine regarding additional measures for social support of
Artem Volodymyrovych Marchenko, Viktoriia Yurovskа, Artur Zamryha, Vadym Ulozhenko y
Bohdana Bohdan
Legal Regulation of the Status of Internally Displaced Persons in Ukraine: Theoretical and
Administrative Aspect
certain categories of the population” ), United Nations Refugee Agency, UN
World Food Program, International Organization for Migration; Norwegian
Refugee Council (Forced migrants can receive international monetary
assistance. What programs are available, 2023).
Therefore, one direction of assistance to internally displaced persons
consists in promotion of their employment through state compensation
of costs to the employer for each employed person of this category. In the
“Diya” Portal, an employer can submit an application for compensation
of expenses in the amount of UAH 6,500 per month for each employed
person, for whom a single contribution is made to the mandatory state
social insurance, for the period of wartime and within 30 calendar days
after its cancellation or termination.
Employers can also submit this application in paper form - personally
during a visit to the employment center or by means of ling the application
to the e-mail address of the relevant employment center located at
the respective location. This is a positive step, since, in our opinion,
employment of this category of people should be the basis of their support,
because their monetary savings and budgetary support opportunities are
gradually running out, therefore it is extremely important to promote the
self-suciency of displaced persons while restoring the economy.
An extremely important role in the implementation of the rights
and guarantees of forced migrants belongs to such a public initiative as
“Prykhystok” (“Shelter”) ( On this website,
owners of homes where they wants and are able to accommodate internally
displaced persons can post their own oer, and displaced persons can nd
their temporary housing.
In addition, home owners can receive compensation of costs for provision
of temporary housings to internally displaced persons who moved during
the period of martial law and do not receive monthly targeted assistance for
internally displaced persons to cover living expenses, including payment of
housing and communal services.
For this purpose home owners need to register their housings on the
“Prykhystok” website, then, no later than the next day, they should submit
an application to the local self-government bodies (executive committee),
indicating the name and patronymic of each of the accommodated persons
and attaching copies of personal identity documents of these accommodated
persons, and they should apply to the executive committee of the village,
settlement, city council at the location of the residential premises in order
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 373-383
to receive nancial assistance. The amount of compensation is about UAH
450 per month (UAH 14.77 per day for each accommodated person).
It is worth noting that these programs are a positive step for the proper
implementation of internally displaced persons’ rights and guarantees,
however, at the moment, they are not functioning properly. Even providing
compliance with all conditions, many forced migrants still have not received
their funds, their certicates have been refused and most employers do not
want to hire people belonging to this category.
In order to solve the abovementioned problem, in our opinion, when
receiving and analyzing information about labor opportunities of displaced
persons state employment centers should oer such persons to businesses
and this will restore work of state enterprises and institutions, promoting
employment of the latter.
Thus, we have analyzed only a small part of the problems of the legal
status of internally displaced persons and we have come to the conclusion
that in recent years the legislator has managed to settle a number of
problematic issues.
A positive step for realizing the rights and guarantees of forced migrants
consists in introduction by the Government of Ukraine of the following
areas of assistance: monetary assistance, promotion of their employment,
introduction of compensation for the costs of paying for communal
services for families who sheltered displaced persons free of charge.
Digitalization of this process, including operation of the “Diya” Portal, is
of great importance for simplifying the procedure of registering persons
as internally displaced ones, submitting applications for receiving nancial
assistance, compensation of expenses.
However, as practice shows, today there are still existing problems
concerning registration of persons as internally displaced ones, as well
as concerning access to habitable housing, protection of property rights,
obtaining means of supporting existence, nding durable solutions and
access to information and these problems need to be solved.
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Administrative Aspect
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 79