Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 79
Recibido el 22/04/23 Aceptado el 19/07/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 79 (2023), 253-277
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
The impact of metacognitive changes
of digitalized consciousness on public
administration policy
Maksym Lepskyi *
Igor Kudinov **
Natalia Lepska ***
Alexander Rusetsky ****
Using the method of observation and analysis of ocial
documents, the article explores the inuence of the digital
creative class on traditional state institutions, which ultimately
leads to metacognitive changes in the digitized consciousness of
society. Currently, state institutions face challenges in the digital
age, such as the «information bubble,» irrational and emotional
user choices, and competition for attention based on impressions, «likes,»
and diverse opinions. Articial intelligence technologies have inuenced
various industries and public administration, causing a shift from
traditional interaction to virtual formats with state institutions. An example
of this transformation is the Ukrainian online service DIIA, which oers
document circulation, access to open records, identication and identity
conrmation, and data tracking and analysis systems. It is concluded that,
the interaction between public administration and digitization processes
falls into four main categories: as a prototype of complement, reinforcement
of the «exoskeleton», connection and blending of solutions in human-AI
interaction, and delegation or replacement of human decision-making by
Keywords: actor; information retrieval worldview; digitization; public
decision making; metacognition.
* Doctor of Philosophy, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of Sociology
Department, Zaporizhzhia National University Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0001-5604-641X. Email:
** PhD., Associate Professor of Sociology Department Zaporizhzhia National University Zaporizhzhia,
Ukraine. ORCID ID: Email:
*** PhD., Associate Professor of Political Science Department Zaporizhzhia National University,
Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID: Email: lepskanv@gmail.
**** PhD., Director of Laboratory of Geopolitical Modeling Caucasus International University, Tbilisi,
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
El impacto de los cambios metacognitivos
de la conciencia digitalizada en la política de la
administración pública
Mediante el método de observación y análisis de documéntalos ociales,
el artículo explora la inuencia de la clase creativa digital en las instituciones
estatales tradicionales, lo que, en última instancia, conduce a cambios
metacognitivos en la conciencia digitalizada de la sociedad. En la actualidad,
las instituciones estatales se enfrentan a retos en la era digital, como la
«burbuja de la información», las elecciones irracionales y emocionales de
los usuarios y la competencia por la atención basada en impresiones, «me
gusta» y opiniones diversas. Las tecnologías de inteligencia articial han
inuido en varias industrias y en la administración pública, provocando
un cambio de la interacción tradicional a formatos virtuales con las
instituciones estatales. Un ejemplo de esta transformación es el servicio
en línea ucraniano DIIA, que ofrece circulación de documentos, acceso a
registros abiertos, identicación y conrmación de identidad, y sistemas
de seguimiento y análisis de datos. Se concluye que, la interacción entre
la administración pública y los procesos de digitalización se clasica en
cuatro categorías principales: como prototipo de complemento, refuerzo
del «exoesqueleto», conexión y mezcla de soluciones en la interacción entre
humanos e IA, y delegación o sustitución de la toma de decisiones humanas
por la IA.
Palabras clave: actor; cosmovisión de recuperación de información;
digitalización; toma de decisiones públicas;
Modern events such as COVID 2019 and the Russian-Ukrainian war
with full-scale Russian aggression from February 24, 2022 have led to
important changes in the development of digital technologies and their
application during global threats to society and the activities of its main
central institution – state.
In our opinion, the most signicant changes that inuence on public
administration are in:
the division of labor related to the formation of the Internet space,
and therefore challenges to public administration regarding the use
of digital professions in it and digitization of workplaces;
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
the transition of public administration to the provision of public
services in a digital format using innovative information and
communication technologies (ICT), and the possibility of creating
digital safeguards against corruption (the creation of front and back
oces in public administration, the possibility of journalistic, civil
and criminal investigations using the global Internet memory (for
example, Wayback Machine (2023) and others);
the replacement of some functions and even positions through
articial intelligence;
the development of a creative class that has sources of nancing
and conducting business from digital technologies, which in the
interaction of “politics-state-business-civil society” will inuence the
state through politics, civil society, business on public administration
(the main process in the institution of the state);
the waging informational and hybrid wars with informational and
psychological special operations (IPSO) of various conict actors or
even wars between states, where state institutions remain the main
regulator and actor of conict resolution.
Therefore, the purpose of the article is to discover how exactly current
trends aect the formation of metacognitive changes of digitalized
consciousness on public administration policy.
The study of the impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized
consciousness on public administration policy determines the solution of
such tasks:
1. Determination of the process of formation of consciousness and the
impact of signicant changes, which determines and forms a new
contour of worldview, in our case, digital or information-retrieval
consciousness. First of all, the most important task in this process is
to determine the role of digital consciousness, which develops on the
basis of previous historical types of consciousness that consistently
emerged, dominated for a certain time, and then moved from a
central role to a peripheral one, but did not disappear. So, we are
talking about the mythological, religious, philosophical, scientic,
and modern digitalized worldview.
2. Determination of metacognitive changes in digitalized consciousness,
which is considered from the understanding of the metacognitive
level of consciousness of people, in our study – civil servants and
local ocials. The center of assembling the solution to this task is the
understanding of metacognitive processes, metacognition. Within
the framework of the theoretical conceptualization, metacognitive
competences, metacognitions in the eectiveness of cognitive
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
processes, metacognitive processes, generalizations, judgments
of strategies that have a higher structure, general and integrative
character in relation to cognitive processes are considered.
3. The third task is the study of how digital metacognitive thinking
aects and can aect the public sphere and the process of public
administration in the future.
1. Methodology of the study
The study is based on observation and analyzing of ocial documentation,
current legislation, ocial websites of public authorities and producers
of specialized software, especially those web resources that directly focus
consumers’ attention on the possibilities of using their products as a tool for
management processes automation. The study includes analysis of public
policy reality, the sphere of public administration, and the activities of the
management process actors (subjects), analysis of existing (documented)
examples of innovative information technologies implementation in public
The empirical basis for the analysis consisted of materials from the media,
examples of successful application of various information technologies for
automating the provision of public services, materials from international
non-governmental organizations, and so on.
The team of the authors of the article has been involved in the international
research project since 2023 – “Metacognitive theory of political crisis
management and the Laswell-Flywell metacognitive scientic monitoring
system of political behaviors”, which is supported by the Caucasus
International University. The study of the impact of metacognitive changes
of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy is based on
the basic theoretical propositions that form the methodological foundation
of our research. Firstly, we consider historical types of consciousness that
consistently arise, at some stages are advanced and dominant, but at the
next stage of development do not disappear but exist on the principles of
co-evolution and mutual complementation. We dene such historical types
of worldviews as mythological, religious, philosophical, and scientic. And
now a digitalized, information-retrieval worldview is being formed, which
has its own specics.
Concerning the worldview, the article is based on theoretical points
of M. Lepskyi (Lepskyi, 2022), namely on such structural elements as:
worldview type, institutional medium that forms the environment, system
of meanings (event, meaning actor, actor of practices and meaning, plot
unit, element), sphere of aggression (socially acceptable aggression, socially
unacceptable aggression).
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
The comparative analysis is based on the following components:
1. A system of meanings is an event and a plot element, as something
that reects qualitative changes in the objective world and,
accordingly, people’s ideas about them; since in the social world
events always have their pioneers and innovators (the rst one
creates something new important for this worldview, the second
implements it into social practice). Therefore, we consider actors
(subjects) of meaning (pioneers) and actors (subjects) of practices
and meanings (innovators who embody innovations in practice).
2. Sphere of aggression (as what determines the activity of transforming
the world). Here we are supporters of Erich Fromm’s point of view
about constructive and destructive aggression, which at the level of
society is reected as socially accepted aggression (and sometimes
approved) and socially unacceptable aggression (which is precisely
not acceptable in society). These criteria for comparing historical
types of worldviews are especially important in the study of conicts,
wars, and global catastrophes. The lack of activity, determination,
and capacity for action as an energetic attitude towards the world
leads to the removal of subjectivity and the transition to the state of
a victim, that does not change the worldview, but only determines
adaptation and inaction.
3. Institutional large-scale medium that forms the environment. In
this component we state that pioneers and innovators constitute the
form and eectiveness of their activity and behavior, its worldview
meanings in social institutions which are reproduce and transmit
worldview and practical activity through social institutions that
are created, developed, and consolidated at a new historical stage
marked by a type of worldview.
2. Analysis of recent research
The worldview level of analysis requires theoretical analysis of meta-level.
Therefore, the study of metacognitive processes of changes in the formation
and development of digital consciousness in public administration policy
are an important process.
American researcher J. Flavell introduced the concept of “metacognition”
into scientic circulation, as he tried to experimentally prove the cognitive
processes of purposeful and planned thinking of the second order (according
to J. Piaget), which has a reexive nature of observing and managing one’s
thinking. This content is manifested in formal operations in regulatory
actions of cognitive activity and knowledge, which are united by its concept
(Hacker, 1998).
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
Similar denitions of metacognition as control of one’s own thinking and
its specics in relation to educational activity (Cross & Paris, 1988); with an
emphasis on self-reective knowledge in the process of controlling one’s
cognitive processes (Metcalfe, 2009); but the main features of this process
are knowledge about one’s own thinking, the ability to observe, implement
and adjust cognitive activities based on them, etc. It is regulatory actions,
self-observation of thinking, and control over cognitive activity that are
attributed to the attributive characteristics of metacognition. M. Martinez
denes thinking as the center, core, observation (monitoring) and its control
(more precisely, self-control) (Martinez, 2006), K. Lyons and P. Zelazo
consider such a characteristic as awareness and the process of managing
one’s own thinking (Lyons & Zelazo, 2011), but in general it continues the
tradition of J. Piaget about cognitive processes of a higher order, which is
indicated in the concept by the prex “goal”.
Today, metacognition is studied in various theoretical concepts:
models of cognitive monitoring by J. Flavell, a process-oriented model
of metacognition by J. Borkovsky, hierarchical model of metacognitive
monitoring of knowledge by S. Tobias and H. Everson, two-level model of
metacognitive regulation by T. Nelson and L. Narens.
Digitization in the eld of public administration refers to the process
of converting analog processes, products, and services of the state into a
digital format using the latest (cutting-edge) information technologies. The
essence of digitization is the process of replacing traditional methods of
data storage, processing, and transmission with digital ones, which allows
to increase their eciency and availability, reduce costs, and shorten the
time for performance of work. It is associated with the growth of the use of
computers, networks, and other electronic devices in various spheres of life,
which leads to an increase in the amount of information (data).
It was the gradual accumulation and rapid growth of the amount of
data that became the impetus for the development of a new paradigm in
information science, which is associated with the appearance of the term
“Big Data”. The term denotes signicant (large) information assets in
terms of volume, speed and/or variety (Suthaharan, 2016), which cannot
be eectively stored or processed by traditional methods, and therefore
require the use of innovative information processing methods. The opposite
direction is the formation of micro-targeted and individualized technologies
for the formation of “information bubbles” around the user, i.e., in the ght
for people’s attention, people get corresponding news and messages.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
3. Results and discussion3. Results and discussion
3.1. Essence of information-retrieval worldview
Let’s examine the essential attributions and elements of the worldview
rst. Then move to the metadynamics of worldviews and the impact of the
main trends of digital processes on public administration policy.
Free thinking and the search for rational foundations of knowledge
and wisdom have always been associated with the philosophical and the
scientic worldview that grew out of it. The philosophical worldview was
formed both in the polis and in the religious medium – the monarchical
state. It became the dominant worldview in the Renaissance, forming the
project of Modern times, the project of science.
The main ideas of the kingdom of reason and wisdom were determined
by the ideals of wisdom, truth, justice, human and state centrism. These
ideas made their way for a long time. The main collection of ideas occurs
in the defense of the role of a citizen and a city resident, since the relations
of the civil community required rational argumentation, evidence from
practice and the results of the search for laws and patterns.
Philosophers and scientists who carried out theoretical and practical
activities became the main actors (subjects) of understanding. At the
same time, the users of knowledge became engineers, statesmen and
entrepreneurs: those who created prototypes and models, production, and
commercialization systems. The national state, rejecting the sacralization of
power, searched for unity in the division and balance of power. Rationally
based models became units of meaning.
The main events determining the dynamics of meanings were the
discoveries made by a scientic innovator. A whole ideological and
contextual series of prototypes of innovators in the economy, politics,
culture, technology, military aairs, etc. appeared in the division of power
and spheres of life activity of the state.
It was the nation-states that became the main engines of the industrial
and mass-media society with the transition from print (newspapers,
outdoor advertising) to radio, television, that is, to technical means of
mass information. Industrial methodology of rationalization of cognitive
processes, connected, rst of all, with systemic, structural and functional,
synergistic models of public administration. The models had the character
of public engineering of public administration as the engineering of
bureaucratic algorithms, principles, regulations, orders, external legal
norms, internal by-laws, record keeping formats, etc.
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
In addition to rationalization in the digitized process, the software forms
an assembly for users in public administration, therefore, the formatting
of the software has metacognitive properties precisely in the developers of
this software. The modern transition through digitization from mass media
to referential contact-mass communication in social networks involves the
digitization of the main carriers of meanings and images.
In this format and software civil servants depend on the format
of metacognitive processes of developers. Emotions determined the
communicative basis of a new worldview, in which previous types of
worldviews also found a place, and at the same time, its own specicity
was formed. Superstate formations in the form of social networks, search
engines, data banks, such as Wikipedia, etc., became the medium of this
If earlier it was assumed that it would be an information-cognitive
worldview, than now, based on the essential specics, it is rather an
information-retrieval worldview that forms its meanings and practices,
as, in fact, the division of labor with the predominance of the process of
searching for information and content is formed in the direction of this
This worldview is based on the society of consumption and hyperreality,
but it is not reduced to it, which was ingeniously predicted and analyzed by
J. Baudrillard. Digitized meanings make up a huge Internet memory – that’s
why all this requires from the consumer (user) constant sliding, surng,
informational and territorial localization in social groups and communities.
The basis of the information-retrieval worldview is not knowledge, but
information (in-form), novelty, emotions, and impressions of the ow of
information, often without knowledge. Information-retrieval news thinking
is dominated by aects and emotions. Attempts to rationalize them in the
concept of emotional intelligence are not very successful in the practice of
newsfeeds and streams.
There is a rollback in the augmented and virtualized digital environment
to the neo-mythic, to what Umberto Eco labeled as neo-feudalization, in the
images of the early Middle Ages with localization and fragmentation, with
neo-priests-experts and elders.
The actors (subjects) of understanding the information-retrieval
worldview are media workers (including actors of social networks –
bloggers, experts, Instagrammers, site and company ambassadors, etc.)
and those who use content, who are contextual and thematic strategists,
advertisers, marketers, targeting and SMM specialists, whom we indicate
as information and network technologies, emphasizing their goal-oriented,
algorithmic, replicated and articial characteristics of activity.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
Therefore, for example, the relevant ministry in Ukraine (Ministry of
Digital Transformation) was headed by the founder of IT company “SMM
studio” Mykhailo Fedorov, who managed to identify the author of cyber-
attack on the main digital product of the ministry called «DIIA» (in the
form of creating a duplicate (fake) of this mobile application) and to develop
another scenario for such an event – instead of imposing sanctions, he
invited the author of the forgery to work in his Ministry (Huliichuk, 2021).
The main events that determine the dynamics of this worldview are
news, new content (new that attracts attention), their units are content
games, actors of content and context are newsmakers, which, in the rst
approximation, are divided into attractive everyday life and routinization
of the ow of information, extreme catastrophe, extreme deviations,
subcultural communities. Therefore, each organization, structural divisions
have their ocial sites or pages, along with a constant newsfeed – a stream
of news and new documents that determine changes in legislation, by-laws,
orders, internal procedures that determine the actions of users, citizens,
and potential scripts for digital solution of issues.
Network technologists, information-retrieval worldview form their
neo-mythical and neo-religious worldview prototypology: hater, troller
(in mythology klikusha), “fake exposers” (prototype of inquisitors and
censors), astroturfers (internet callers), bloggers (heroes, fools, and clowns
of information), pranksters and fraudsters (tricksters), etc.
During the war, the main actors of the digital society have a military
(military) color: mass consciousness is inuenced by military (military) and
political bloggers, experts. The opinion of people during the war is aected
by the number of subscribers and their popularity. Therefore, public
relations structures and spokesmen of public administration structures
as timely reaction to fakes and informational and psychological special
operations of the enemy are actualized in public administration.
In regular information situations in public administration, actions
regarding cyber-attacks, overloading of websites by organized mass access to
these resources are actualized too. In addition, during the war, the problems
of electricity grids, which can be attacked by an aggressor, and the presence
of the Internet network (which, if not equipped with ber optic cables lose
the ability to connect consumers along with the loss of electrical supply) are
added. Missile attacks on the electricity and Internet networks of Ukraine
during the war determined in the self-reection of public administration
the need for remote work and communication of employees or a change
in the spatial location of the work of civil servants since decision-making
centers become the primary targets of missile attacks.
Therefore, remote work is a characteristic of systemic work in a digital
society even during wartime, as well as metacognitive processes that
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
provide public administration have activity provision of online or remote
work, operational communication, and interaction within the framework
of communication platforms. During the modern war, analog means of
communication were almost completely removed.
Military events determined new digital solutions for humanitarian aid to
Ukraine and its citizens. United24 is a global initiative to support Ukraine,
launched on May 5, 2022 by the Ukrainian authorities during the Russian-
Ukrainian war, that works as a fundraising platform (Pavlysh, 2022). As of
December 7, 2022, it was possible to collect more than 237 million dollars.
Financial aid from 110 countries. Ambassadors of United24 became Andriy
Shevchenko, Elina Svitolina, Liev Schreiber, Imagine Dragons team,
Demna Gvasalia, Barbra Streisand, Mark Hamill, Alexander Usyk, Scott
Kelly, Timothy Snyder, Brad Paisley, Michelle Hazanavicius, Catherine
Vinnyk, Bear Grylls, Natus Vincere, etc.
Rationalization begins to be replaced or supplemented by aectation
and mimesis (imitation) of the masses in emotional contagion. Sensitivity
determines the extreme forms of emotion – the catastrophizing of
consciousness, which replaces the ideology of safety and risk in a consumer
society. The information-retrieval system in the structure of the economy
occupies a niche of surplus prots, in exchange, distribution, delivery
speed of individualized, mass-aective chains of consumption with the
mediation of information-retrieval digitized systems. The catastrophizing
of consciousness in a digitalized society has the characteristics of a newsfeed
that repeats threats, their combination with real life conditions, and the
loss of digital opportunities to work and communicate.
To understand the formation of the future, we will also consider negative
extremes, borderline characteristics, precisely in the metadynamics of
historical forms of consciousness. In the mythological worldview, the future
is dened as a non-scientic form of anticipation (anticipatory reection)
a prophecy related to the tradition of oral description of the nal event
associated with the acting characters. Extremely negative is everything that
is dened as evil, in the form of an enemy, a stranger, a villain, a breaker of
vows, a stream of gloom and terror (for the Greeks and Romans, this is the
river Styx), as well as the underworld. Thus, the river Styx led to amnesia
and oblivion even of the gods who did not keep their oaths and vows for
The underground world itself in the analytical psychology of K.G. Jung
was rather a reection of repressed fears, the shadow side of the human
psyche. Most often, as J. Frazer noted, natural cataclysms are presented
in myths, for example, the myth of the ood, myths of retribution, etc.
These cataclysms determine the images of fears. In the religious worldview,
the future is determined by insight, revelation, prophecy, the most vivid
images of communication are still at the stage of manuscript transmission
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
of knowledge. For example, what is dened in Islam as “Maktub” – “so it is
said in the book”, is assumed in the Book of Fate.
The modern struggle for attention and clicks or switches in the
information space has various platforms, such as Youtube, Facebook,
Twitter, Tik-Tok, other platforms and private messengers, on which pages
of state structures and public gures are often also created. But user surng
often has the characteristics of a chaotic movement or a mythological image
of a journey.
Many researchers claim that the sequence and chronology of the Bible
and the Koran determined the historicism of religious thinking – its
linearity. Thus, one of the hypotheses, for example, the explanation of
the most speculative book of Nostradamus’ prophecies is considered as a
statement of the reverse course of events of the prophecies in the Bible. The
future is dened by eschatology, with apocalypse, with a terrible judgment
and revival.
Extreme forms of fear are presented in the form of retribution for sin as
a terrible judgment, these images are presented visually, in the imagery of
church painting, for example, in H. Bosch’s “The Seven Deadly Sins and the
Four Last Things” and P. Bruegel the Elder’s “Seven Deadly Sins” and “The
Seven Virtues (Suite of Seven)”. In these works, especially by H. Bosch, fear
was formed by images of illness, death, a terrible judgment with an exit to
heaven or hell (in which terrible monsters carry out retribution for sins).
Internet platforms cause their shadow zones, mortal sins and determine
their faith-based values. Moreover, in the information space, people often
nd themselves in an “information bubble”, as micro-targeted advertising
throws to the user topics in which he has already shown interest. Therefore,
there is a great challenge to the state as the central institution of society:
“How to organize relations with the community in the information space
and to break through the “information bubbles”? State institutions should
be “inertial”, which determines their stability and reliability, at the same
time exible and sensitive to the integrity of society.
Platforms that have a high ranking on the Internet and appear on
top in search queries are the most inuential in relation to users, so the
competition is increasingly based on the processes of impression, choice,
likes and views. So, bots and chat-bots are increasingly used as well as other
systems of promoting by public administration structures, which have their
own measurement systems in the digital society. But it is the irrational and
emotional side of the user’s choice and click that has a mythological and
religious basis for the description-narrative, its images and belief in the
reliability of information.
In the philosophical and scientic worldview, the future is determined
by forecasting and science ction scientic types of anticipation,
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
scientically based assumptions about the future. The peak of scientic
(more precisely, scientic, and technical) prognostication fell in the 70-80s
of the XX century. Extremely negative extremes were considered as scientic
modeling of forecasts-warnings of global crises, threats of the death of all
mankind as a result of world wars, natural and technological disasters.
Accordingly, the theories of “global cooling”, “global warming”, nuclear
winter, epidemics, the spread of mass types of weapons, etc. were formed.
It was these theoretical directions that allowed the world to stay in the cold
war between the two world systems without large-scale catastrophes and to
form a dialogue between them.
The modern information-retrieval worldview, based on aective-
informational mythology, is dened by a return to archetypes at the global
level and their replication in the virtual world, sometimes returns to the non-
scientic anticipations of experts, information and network technologists
in the catastrophizing of consciousness, emotional aectivity, which
attracts attention and keeps it, in the formation of panic and “contagion”,
in imitation and deprivation as informational marketing strategies in social
And this is the most important component of hyperreality – the
catastrophizing of consciousness. It is based on the fear of death from
global threats, which may be scientically rationalized on a global scale,
but may not be objectively, scientically researched. Multidirectional large-
scale threats of a terrorist, military, natural, social, biosocial (supernatural),
man-made nature increasingly bear the aective and sensational properties
of hyperreality disasters.
The reproduction of the worldview is always determined by new systems
of education, which makes a new identication of people by education, and
therefore a new dierentiation of people. As the Strugatsky brothers once
wrote, a new identication leads to a new social division. We continue this
view; identications add new social and political conicts and tensions
and attempts at state resolution. All this denes new challenges to public
administration. Because user training and deep learning systems are being
formed for those who create the programs they use.
3.2. Modern mainstream in public administration policy
As for the transformation of public administration systems, regardless
of the country, it has a clearly dened direction, namely the focus on the
active implementation of articial intelligence and machine learning
technologies. Articial intelligence is a new type of technological science
that researches and develops theories, methods, technologies, and system
applications for modeling, improving, and enhancing human intelligence.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
Articial intelligence is designed to allow machines to think like humans
and to give them “minds” (Søraa, 2023, pp. 5-6).
Articial intelligence is closely related to machine learning. Machine
learning is one of the main areas of this interdisciplinary eld. According
to Tom Mitchell’s denition, machine learning is described as follows: “a
computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some
class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in
T, as measured by P, improves with experience E” (Articial Intelligence
Technology, 2023, p. 4). Generally speaking, the processing system and
machine learning algorithms develop predictions by discovering hidden
patterns from existing datasets. This is an important subeld of articial
intelligence, which is combined with such directions as data mining and
knowledge discovery. The combination of the last two areas has created a
subeld in machine learning called deep learning.
The main advantage of using articial intelligence and machine learning
is the ability to quickly analyze large volumes of data, the speed and accuracy
of detecting anomalies and, accordingly, the ability to make predictions
and/or obtain new information based on the analysis of existing data.
For example, network monitoring systems equipped with machine
learning algorithms can correlate events and segment data to identify
contingencies and correct those that could undermine network performance
before an outage occurs. Machine learning is one of the options for
implementing articial intelligence. According to a study by the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 89% of all patent applications
relate to this eld of articial intelligence, and 40% of all patents related
to articial intelligence are based on machine learning algorithms. In
machine learning, in turn, the most developed and revolutionary areas are
distinguished – deep learning and neural networks (WIPO Technology
Trends 2019: Articial Intelligence, 2019).
According to a WIPO study, 26 of the top 30 articial intelligence patent
applicants in the world are companies, and four are universities or research
organizations. The leaders in patenting articial intelligence in various
elds are Japan, USA and China. Although Japan led the rst articial
intelligence patents, since 2014 China has led the world in the number of
rst patent applications, followed by USA. Together, these three-patent
oce’s account for 78% of the total number of patent applications in this
eld of technology (WIPO Technology Trends 2019: Articial Intelligence,
This rapid growth of patent activity determines the mainstream in the
digitalization of social relations through the mediation of the Internet
environment. And mainstreams determine the wave of reformation
through self-organizing processes or through conscious politics. We
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
believe that these processes have a tendency towards co-evolutionary, joint
It should be noted that the COVID 19 pandemic had both real medical
consequences and informational digital ones – with the activation of online
technologies, information ordering of deliveries, physical distancing, and
the formation of information and search normality. Therefore, the logistics
of providing material products or aid of public administration becomes
Military events determined the issue of coping strategies in the public
administration of providing public services for the sake of its population,
such as the creation of “green corridors” for the evacuation of the population,
their placement, provision, medical assistance – electronic recording of the
services provided and the logistics of solving these issues.
On the other hand, public logistics does not have to harm the logistics
of military personnel conducting combat operations or reveal their
movements in social networks and open data. Modern OSINT platforms
are becoming rapid wartime intelligence gathering platforms. In general,
military events aect all spheres, since all threats are considered and often
implemented during the barbaric waging of wars, when the aggressor does
not limit himself to either genocidal or war crimes.
Public administration, as the main process of the central social
institution of the state, must respond to signicant changes in society that
occur during a new type of war that is taking place in Ukraine. Therefore,
the trends of digital transformation of society during the war determine the
direction of changes in public administration. We will consider the trends
of digital transformation during the war based on the conclusions of event
of 2022 year in Ukraine (Lepskyi, 2022).
Firstly, the organizational process is a communicative process, since
digitization determines changes in “public memory” such as the formation
and updating of databases and messages, dynamic processes of information
change (information streams, feeds, etc.). Signicant changes in “public
memory” occur from communicative processes.
Digital technologies determine the speed of lling, the form of these
databases and software (the algorithmic basis of these processes).
Secondly, the digitization of information aims to obtain information
rapidly, the formation of high-speed communications that unite the
movement of information in social time and space. The movement of
essential information determines all spheres of life – economics, politics,
socio-cultural sphere, technology, military, and others. Digitization of the
communication process allegedly permeates the organizational structure of
these spheres, aects institutions and their activities, sets their information
formats precisely in digitization.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
Thirdly, fast communication processes in the dynamics of organizational
processes create conditions for decision-making. In this organizational
process of directing activities and selecting alternatives, digital technologies
have the characteristics of an alleged “information prosthesis” (an
additional decision-making support tool), an exoskeleton (selecting and
enhancing those decision-making functions that are most signicant), or/
and a decision-making “blender” as the unity of human rationality and
intuition in human decision-making and the articial intelligence of an
information device, a gadget.
Fourthly, recently, articial intelligence often becomes a “substitute”
(a replacement) when decision-making, perhaps by default, is transferred
to articial intelligence and human intelligence becomes a prosthesis for
articial intelligence. In these processes (addition, reinforcement, linking
or mixing, and replacement) digitalization is gradually shaping the change
of public consciousness in the implementation of articial intelligence.
Fifth, the digitization of information also aects the physical and material
sphere of society’s life. Digital technologies form the movement of society
– the organization of logistics processes, information provision of eective
supply chains in society. The orientation of society is also decisive, starting
with the distinction and recognition of people, groups, organizations,
the form and content of activity and behavior, their cooperation and co-
evolution. This is the alleged scaling of observation and movement in social
space and time, in the “bodily organization of society”.
The industries in which articial intelligence technologies were used the
most were telecommunications, transportation, life sciences and medicine.
In telecommunications, the main areas of application were computer
networks and the Internet, radio and television, broadcasting, telephony,
video conferencing, and VoIP (voice over the Internet).
In the eld of transport, articial intelligence technologies have been
applied in aviation, creation of autonomous vehicles, driver/vehicle
recognition, transport and road engineering systems. In biology and
medicine, the main areas of use are concentrated in bioinformatics,
biological engineering, biomechanics, drug research, genetics, medical
imaging, nonresearched, medical informatics, nutrition, monitoring of
physiological parameters, and public health (Chan, Hogaboam, & Cao,
The sphere of public administration is under the inuence of these
trends. One of the rst areas where innovative information technologies
were actively used can be considered the sphere of public nance (public
procurement), and more precisely, the sphere of detecting fraud and money
laundering (Responsible Articial Intelligence: Challenges for Sustainable
Management, 2023).
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
The specic trends caused by the modern Russian-Ukrainian war
are the tendencies of confrontation between countries and the role of
digital processes in this process and the actions of Ukrainian state in this
dimension of striving for victory, preservation of sovereignty and territorial
integrity, democratic system, European choice of civilizational foundations
of development, preservation of Ukrainian identity.
If viewed from the position of an average citizen, the digital
transformation of the state is a change from the traditional (live) format
of interaction of a natural or legal entity with state (public) institutions to
a virtual (online) format. While from the point of view of the state and the
legal system transformation is a set of certain gradual stages, namely:
The rst stage of the transformation is the implementation of electronic
document circulation systems, electronic reporting and the corresponding
recognition of their legal force on a par with analog documents.
The second stage is related to the creation of online platforms (services)
with open data (registries) related to the results of public authorities and
local self-government bodies activities, provided that data access levels are
previously determined, and protection against unauthorized access and
falsication is ensured.
The third stage combines the two previous stages and ensures the
implementation of actor (subject, user) identication technologies in the
virtual space, that is, the creation of digital signature systems that can be
used during document circulation, reporting and gaining access to open
data registers. At this stage, identication systems protection technologies
are being developed.
The fourth stage is the stage of implementation of advanced data
analytics systems: both open (published) and hidden (depending on the
degree of secrecy) data (information), which provide proactive (preventive)
activities to improve the processes of the previous stages.
Finally, the digital transformation receives its nal design in the concept
of the state as a digital platform, that is, a place (source) of obtaining certain
state goods or services.
We will illustrate the stages of digital transformation that we have
indicated on the relevant example of Ukraine, in most cases, the DIIA
(2003). If you consider the functionality of this online service, you can nd
elements of each of the listed stages.
1. The use of the DIIA service provides document circulation between
individuals and state authorities in matters of registering one’s
own business, obtaining permit documentation, licenses, social
assistance, and other certicates without the need for direct contact
with state authorities.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
In general, the year 2003 can be considered the beginning of the
electronic document management system in Ukraine, when the Law of
Ukraine “On Electronic Documents and Electronic Document Management”
(Pro elektronni dokumenty ta elektronnyi dokumentoobih. Zakon Ukrainy
vid 22.05.2003 №851-IV [About electronic documents and electronic
document ow. Law of Ukraine dated May 22, 2003 No. 851-IV], 2003)
was adopted, which actively started to be implemented from 2014. Since
this time, many information solutions appeared in the country: M.E.Doc,
SOTA, FREDO, FlyDoc (Barannik, 2021) or Art-Zvit Plus, iFin, Sonata,
Privat24 for Business (Malakhova, 2021).
2. DIIA service allows individuals and legal entities to access data from
open registers, namely registers of motor vehicle owners, registers
of lawsuits, trac nes or the passport oce. One of the forms of
presentation of this information is the so-called electronic certicates
– driver’s license, foreign passport, e-Document, taxpayer card,
vaccination certicates, child’s birth certicate, vehicle registration
certicate, which have become especially popular during the large-
scale invasion of the Russian Federation in 2022 year. According to
the EU portal on the quality of open data, Ukraine in 2022 took the
2nd place with a compliance level of 97%. Ukraine was overtaken by
France thanks to the quality of data provision and portal sustainability
(Open Data in Europe 2022, 2023).
Analogues of DIIA (with the possibility of monetization of own
services) in the sense of receiving data from open registers are YouControl,
OpenDataBot, LigaContrAgent, PravoSud, Court on the palm (Morkovnik,
2021). Applications of the electronic procurement system Prozorro (2023)
can be classied as this category, which, on the one hand, is a system
that regulates the process of document circulation in the eld of tender
documentation. On the other hand, application allows to get access by any
interested persons to this data (open part) and to carry out analytical and
statistical analysis of the data, which already refers to the fourth phase.
3. The DIIA service is not only a service for obtaining data or generating
digital copies of documents, but also means of identication and
identity conrmation DIIA-signature allows to sign digital
documents and carry out such operations as obtaining assistance,
obtaining certicates, granting permission for the joint use of motor
vehicles. Before the appearance of DIIA, one of the fairways in
this direction was the applications of JSC AB “Privatbank”, which
allowed each individual or legal entity to obtain an EDS (electronic
digital signature) in a few minutes, from 2021 due to a change in the
legislation – KEP (qualied electronic signature).
4. The DIIA service, like any online application, has obviously its
own data monitoring and analysis system, or separate ones are
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
being created (Dozorro, 2023). Regarding this direction, it can be
condently stated that in the vast majority of online applications, the
function of analytical and statistical analysis of data (both registers
and user requests) is provided on a prepaid basis, since the capacity
of own data centers may not be enough to support the corresponding
functions, for which it is necessary to rent additional capacity (in
the cloud) elsewhere, for example on Amazon, Microsoft or Google.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the Amazon corporation opened
its representative oce in Ukraine in 2021, and from 2022 a law
came into eect in Ukraine, according to which “electronic services
that non-resident companies (which do not have a permanent
representative oce in the country) provide to natural persons on
the territory of Ukraine, are subject to VAT (20%)” (Pro vnesennia
zmin do Podatkovoho kodeksu Ukrainy shchodo skasuvannia
opodatkuvannia dokhodiv, otrymanykh nerezydentamy... Zakon
Ukrainy vid 03.06.2021 №1525-IX [About making changes to the
Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the taxation of taxation of income
taken by non-residents ... Law of Ukraine dated 03.06.2021 No.
1525-IX], 2021). Cloud computing is in a great demand in Ukraine.
5. There is a possibility that thanks to DIIA the so-called “military-tech”
applications will be developed and implemented, one of the examples
of which is the function “eVorog” (iEnemy) (Fedorov: Ukraina stane
providnoiu derzhavoiu u rozvytku viiskovykh innovatsii [Fedorov:
Ukraine will become a leading power in the development of Ukrainian
innovations], 2023).
It is known that articial intelligence is based on three pillars: data,
algorithms and computing capabilities. But it is not enough for the
application of articial intelligence in the eld of public administration
since there is a need to consider scenarios. Data, algorithms and computing
capacity can drive the technical development of articial intelligence, but
technological development will only be spread over volumes of data without
scenarios usage. That is why articial intelligence technologies need to be
integrated with cloud computing technologies, big data, and the Internet of
Things (IoT).
Currently, the development and application of articial intelligence
needs to solve the following four problems (Articial Intelligence
Technology, 2023).
1. High professional standards: To be involved in the eld of articial
intelligence, personnel must have signicant knowledge of machine
learning, deep learning, statistics, linear algebra and mathematical
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
2. Low eciency. Model training requires a long work cycle, which
consists of data collection and cleaning procedures, model training
and adjustment, followed by its optimization.
3. Defragmented capabilities and experience. Applying the same
articial intelligence model to other scenarios requires repeating
data collection, data cleaning, model training and tuning, and
experience optimization, as the capabilities (performance) of the
articial intelligence model cannot be directly transferred to the next
4. Dicult update and enhancement. Model update and ecient data
capture are very dicult tasks.
By now, smartphone-centric articial intelligence has become the
industry consensus. More and more smartphones will have articial
intelligence capabilities. According to estimates by several consulting
agencies in the UK and the US, approximately 80% of the world’s
smartphones will have articial intelligence capabilities by the end of 2023
(Articial Intelligence Technology, 2023). Therefore, it becomes clear why
the state platform “DIIA” is oriented specically for use on smartphones.
In the conditions of the war, the state platform “DIIA” showed its
eectiveness, starting with the preservation of electronic storage of
documents in case of forced migration or the destruction of housing, where
the most important documents for a citizen were located; re-registration
of vehicles; simplication of the system of nancial support of the Armed
Forces of Ukraine; receiving assistance to people aected by hostilities;
implementation of innovations supported by Elon Musk – Starlink,
ChatGPT and so on.
During the modern war, which in terms of communicative content is the
rst war that has reection and representation in real time in social media
and physical space. It has been compared to the war in Vietnam, which in
terms of communication was the rst war to be represented on television.
Sixth, the main purpose of war is to preserve one’s own will to ght in the
vital activity of society and to destroy the will of the opponent. In this matter,
the war appears in the information-digital dimension as demoralization,
as the creation of signicant conicts in the “memory and consciousness
of warring societies” – these processes are known as propaganda and
counter-propaganda, the conduct of military-psychological warfare with
the help of digitalized means (which have disorientation processes, untruth
– fakes, special information operations, intimidation and panic formation),
destruction of consciousness and historical memory, lowering of the moral
component of the military-political leadership, society and the Armed
Forces, or/and the creation of conicts between them.
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
Disorientation and demoralization have both a spiritual and
psychological component, as well as a material and physical one – in
cyberwar – by means of the destruction of speed processes, the destruction
of the eectiveness of the “information prosthesis”, “exoskeleton”, “mixer”
and “substitute” in human interaction in war and articial intelligence,
and de-scaling of movement and observation. The opposite process is not
destruction, but the development of speed and eciency of information
and digital technologies as a means of obtaining competitive and military
Among the signicant changes during the war are: rstly, military tools
for destroying the enemy’s will in the moral and volitional dimension;
secondly, tools for the protection of public “consciousness”, “memory” and
“body” of the military-political leadership, society and the Armed Forces;
thirdly, the development of information and digital tools and articial
intelligence as faster and more eective compared to the enemy.
We discovered metacognitive changes as the evolution of worldviews
and their impact on public administration policy, focusing on the shift
from a philosophical and scientic worldview to an information-retrieval
Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of one’s own thought
processes, or “thinking about thinking”. It involves the ability to reect on,
monitor, and control one’s cognitive processes, such as problem-solving,
learning, memory, and decision-making. Metacognition is a unity of
regulatory actions, self-observation of thinking, and control over cognitive
The philosophical worldview, which was dominant during the
Renaissance, emphasized wisdom, truth, justice, and human and state
centrism. It was shaped by philosophers, scientists, engineers, statesmen,
and entrepreneurs who created prototypes, models, and production
systems. Nation-states drove the development of industrial and mass-
media societies.
With digitization, the information-retrieval worldview emerged,
characterized by a focus on information, novelty, emotions, and impressions.
This new worldview is dominated by aects and emotions, with content and
context being provided by media workers such as bloggers, inuencers, and
social media managers. The main events driving this worldview are news
and new content that captures attention.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
This shift has impacted public administration, with the rise of social
media, search engines, and data banks as new mediums for disseminating
information. In times of war, digital society actors take on military and
political roles, inuencing public opinion and shaping the actions of public
administration structures. Remote work has become a crucial aspect of
systemic work during pandemic and wartime, with metacognitive processes
enabling online collaboration and communication.
The modern struggle for attention is evident in various digital platforms,
leading to an “information bubble” challenge for state institutions. The
irrational and emotional side of user choice on these platforms is rooted
in mythological and religious beliefs, and the competition for attention is
based on impressions, likes, and views.
Articial intelligence and machine learning are actively being
implemented in public administration systems, focusing on processing
large volumes of data, detecting anomalies, and making predictions. The
trends of digital transformation impact the direction of changes in public
administration. Key aspects of this transformation include: 1) digitization
of the communicative process, aecting public memory through the
formation and updating of databases, and dynamic information changes;
2) rapid information dissemination through high-speed communication
channels, aecting various spheres of life such as economics, politics,
socio-cultural, technology, and military; 3) the use of digital technologies
as decision-making support tools, exoskeletons, or “blenders” that combine
human rationality and articial intelligence; 4) the gradual replacement
of human intelligence with articial intelligence, reshaping public
consciousness in the implementation of articial intelligence; 5) the impact
of digital technologies on the physical and material aspects of society, such
as logistics, supply chains, and the organization of social movements.
Articial intelligence technologies have signicantly impacted various
industries, including telecommunications, transportation, life sciences, and
medicine. In public administration, digital transformation has resulted in a
shift from traditional interaction to virtual formats with state institutions.
This transformation comprises several stages: 1) implementing electronic
document circulation systems and recognizing their legal force; 2) creating
online platforms with open data registries, ensuring data access levels
and protection; 3) implementing actor identication technologies in the
virtual space, such as digital signature systems; 4) implementing advanced
data analytics systems for proactive activities to improve earlier stages;
5) conceptualizing the state as a digital platform providing state goods
and services. The Ukrainian online service DIIA exemplies these stages,
oering document circulation, access to open registers, identication
and identity conrmation, and data monitoring and analysis systems.
It is anticipated that “military-tech” applications will be developed and
implemented through DIIA.
Maksym Lepskyi, Igor Kudinov, Natalia Lepska y Alexander Rusetsky
The impact of metacognitive changes of digitalized consciousness on public administration policy
Articial intelligence technologies rely on data, algorithms, and
computing capabilities, but their application in public administration
requires the integration of cloud computing technologies, big data, and IoT.
Signicant changes are accelerated during wartime. Any war involves
military tools for destroying the enemy’s will, tools for protecting public
consciousness and memory, and the development of information, digital
tools, and articial intelligence to outpace the enemy. During the modern
war in Ukraine, DIIA proved eective in various aspects, including
document preservation, vehicle re-registration, nancial support and
assistance to people aected by hostilities. The current war reects the
impact of digital transformation and articial intelligence technologies in
the communicative sphere, with real-time representation in social media
and physical spaces.
Regarding metaprototypes aecting the interaction of public
administration and digitization processes as the formation of information-
retrieval thinking and shaping the future in interaction with articial
intelligence, it is possible to present the main classication of this
interaction at the metalevel. The classication of digitized technologies in
human-articial intelligence interaction is shown:
as a prototype of a supplement – a “prosthesis” (with two options of
supplementing a person with articial intelligence and supplementing
articial intelligence with the missing qualities and processes of a
strengthening of the “exoskeleton” (strengthening of a person and
his abilities with articial intelligence);
connecting and mixing solutions in human-articial intelligence
interaction “mixer” (creating the diversity of human-articial
intelligence interactions in various software and information
applications, with the main process of self-organization and
formation of attractors of this interaction);
delegation or replacement of human decision-making by articial
intelligence – “substitute” (replacement of individual processes
of human communication and decision-making by articial
intelligence based on mass determination of people’s choices and the
application of statistical decision-making procedures, and therefore
the transition of operational actions in public administration to the
delegation of these procedures to articial intelligence.
These prototypes can determine the development of the “consciousness”,
“memory” and “body” of society – its resilience and will or vulnerability and
destruction during war.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 253-277
Bibliographic References
BARANNIK, Y. 2021. Shcho take systemy elektronnoho dokumentoobihu?
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 79