Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 79
Recibido el 11/05/23 Aceptado el 24/08/23
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 79 (2023), 197-212
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Digitization of public authorities:
Global experience
Maksym Pendiura *
Alona Lukashenko **
Oksana Lapka ***
Valeriia Kryvenko ****
Denys Tykhomyrov *****
The research focuses on the study of digitization processes at
the Ukrainian and international level as an innovation in public
management, as well as on the prospects for its implementation
in the processes of state formation and communication with civil
society. It was concluded that digitization of public authorities
should be harmonized with generally recognized international
standards, developed and adopted in the context of national
characteristics and traditions. Based on the assessment of global trends
in the development of digital technologies and the study of international
experience, the key areas of activity of public authorities in Ukraine were
determined, which can be taken as a basis by other developing countries,
with special emphasis on: decentralization, simplication, deregulation,
institutional capacity building and communication support.
Keywords: digitalization; e-democracy; state authorities; civil society;
digital technologies.
* Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Manager of the Department of Theory of State and
Law of National academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
3589-0184. Email:
** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public
Administration of National academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0002-7623-9144. Email:
*** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory
of State and Law of National academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0002-7017-1273. Email:
**** Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory of State and Law of National academy of
Internal Aairs; Inspector of Department of Preventive Communication of Department of
Preventive Communication of General Directorate of the National Police in Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine;
ORСID ID: Email:
***** Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of
National academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
8564. Email:
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
Digitalización de los poderes públicos:
Experiencia mundial
La investigación se centra en el estudio de los procesos de digitalización
a nivel de Ucrania e internacional como innovación en la gestión pública,
así como en las perspectivas de su implementación en los procesos de
formación del Estado y de comunicación con la sociedad civil. Se concluyó
que la digitalización de las autoridades públicas debe armonizarse con
estándares internacionales generalmente reconocidos, desarrollados y
adoptados en el contexto de las características y tradiciones nacionales.
Sobre la base de la evaluación de las tendencias mundiales en el desarrollo
de tecnologías digitales y el estudio de la experiencia internacional, se
determinaron las áreas clave de actividad de las autoridades públicas en
Ucrania, que pueden ser tomadas como base por otros países en desarrollo,
con énfasis especial en: descentralización, simplicación, desregulación,
desarrollo de la capacidad institucional y apoyo a la comunicación.
Palabras clave: digitalización; democracia electrónica; autoridades
estatales; sociedad civil; tecnologías digitales.
Modern society is characterized by signicant growth and active use
of digital technologies, which leads to the need for global modications of
many social processes. Digitization also aects the most important state-
legal institutions related to the formation of state authorities and the
exercise of public power, and through it, conditions are created that can
aect the type of modern representative democracy. The implementation
of relevant innovations can have a qualitative impact not only on certain
sources of state-management activity, but the use of relevant technologies
simplies and maximally reduces the cost of communication between the
state and the population in the eld of providing administrative services,
expression of will, administration of justice, etc.
Using information technologies in public administration with the
possibilities of nding alternative ways of entering data, performing
the functions of collecting, storing, processing, transferring and using
knowledge increases the eciency of public administration, which makes
it possible to nd the necessary resources for this. The serious impact of
digitalization is also felt on the functioning of the justice system, because
modern digital technologies provide the possibility of creating a digital
environment that can replace the system of individual bodies in the sphere
of activity of state authorities.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
Today, the vast majority of democratic countries in the world implement
the tools of electronic democracy for the formation of policies, the basis
of which are the relations between the state and civil society, based on
transparency and full trust of the two parties to each other. World leaders
in the development of e-democracy were able to reach its level when all
tools represent a single eective communication system that strengthens
and promotes the most eective two-way dialogue between the government
and society.
Thus, the digitization of state institutions and management processes
leads to the need to transform these institutions, and also poses new tasks
for society and the state, which cannot be solved by proven and known
methods (Togobytska, 2021), and the transfer of all public services to
electronic format and the use of the latest technologies to maximize the
eciency of the processes of providing public services is a key vector of the
development of many democracies of the world.
At the same time, scientists and practitioners highlight a number
of problems of the implementation of digitization at the national and
local levels: personnel shortage and the need to retrain old personnel
in accordance with new competencies; improvement of the system of
providing administrative services and digitization of most of them; the
imperfection of the legislative provision of digitization processes in the
context of decentralization, the need to expand the current legislative
framework; insucient technical and nancial support for the purpose of
integrating the latest technologies into one’s activities; corruption (Korzh,
2018; Nelipa, 2022).
The study of the world’s leading practices of the implementation of
electronic democracy will contribute to its development and application at
the national level, the determination of priority tasks of state policy in order
to optimize the mechanisms of public dialogue and institutions of direct
democracy, will make it possible to formulate relevant conclusions aimed
at restarting the nature of public relations between the state and society in
order to improve quality of satisfaction of citizens’ interests.
1. Methodology of the study
To solve the tasks set in the scientic article, the basis of its methodology
is a complex of methodological approaches and general scientic and
special scientic methods of scientic knowledge of social phenomena
and processes: theoretical generalization, semantic, comparison, analysis
and synthesis for clarication and improvement of the conceptual and
categorical apparatus, in particular, to clarify the essence of the concepts
«digitalization», «electronic democracy», «electronic government»;
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
systemic analysis to reveal the regulatory and legal regulation of digital
processes in public authorities at the national and local level, as well as to
consider the changes that occurred as a result of the activation of digital
transformation, decentralization, pandemics and military actions and the
consequences of their impact on the functioning of the public authority
system in Ukraine; comparative analysis and extrapolation to determine
the advantages and problems of digitization of public authorities in Ukraine
compared to relevant foreign practices; expert evaluations to determine
the current state of development of e-democracy in the world and at the
national level; logical generalization for the development of conclusions
and recommendations regarding the development of mechanisms of
digitalization of public administration bodies in accordance with modern
global trends.
The normative basis and information base of the scientic article are
the legislation of Ukraine on the development of the information society
and e-government, the resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine and the decrees of the President of Ukraine on the development
of the information society, the implementation of e-government, the use of
modern information and communication technologies by state authorities,
the legislation of foreign countries in the eld of e-government regulation,
legal acts of local state authorities and local self-government bodies, web
pages and portals that provide access to e-democracy technologies.
2. Analysis of recent research
A signicant number of scientic works are devoted to the fundamental
foundations, theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of the
development of electronic democracy in various aspects of social and
administrative life, which repeatedly emphasized the presence of individual
local and systemic barriers to the introduction and use of digitalization,
suggested ways to solve them on the legislative, managerial, economic and
other levels.
In general, without denying that the active introduction of information
technologies into the system of socio-political relations signicantly
expands the opportunities of citizens regarding their participation in
solving common issues and creates conditions for the formation of a
qualitatively new level of citizen activity, however, the expediency of
a comprehensive study of the issues of further development of state
implementation mechanisms does not lose its relevance and ensuring, at
the national level, world-leading digitization practices in the activities of
public authorities. Among the complex of main problems, the problem of
improving the normative and legal regulation of social relations during the
use of information technologies is extremely important.
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
The purpose of the article is to analyze the national and international
aspects of digitization in public authorities and assess the achievements of
the leading countries of the world and Ukraine in its implementation and
3. Results and discussion
One of the prerequisites for eective interaction between a democratic
state and civil society is proper regulatory and legal support. In this part of the
study, we will analyze the state of legal regulation of digital transformation
in Ukraine, which reects the state and development of reforming various
spheres of public life and the participation of public administration subjects
in the specied process.
The Sustainable Development Strategy «Ukraine-2020» states that one
of the priority reforms is the reform of «state administration, the result of
which should be the creation of an eective, transparent, open and exible
structure of state administration with the use of the latest information and
communication technologies (e-government) to ensure the development
and implementation of a comprehensive state policy aimed at social
sustainable development and adequate response to internal and external
challenges» (Decree Of The President Of Ukraine No. 5/2015, 2015).
On May 3, 2022, amendments were made to the Law of Ukraine «On
Electronic Communications» regarding the improvement of the eciency
of the organization of the work of providers of electronic communication
networks and/or services under martial law (Law Of Ukraine No. 2240-IX,
2022) in order to improve the eciency of the organization of the work of
providers of electronic communication networks and/or services in martial
law conditions. This Law will ensure the stable functioning of the state’s
electronic communication network in conditions of martial law and will
prevent interference by enemy forces in its functioning.
Also, on July 8, 2022, a Resolution was adopted on the approval of
the tasks of the National Informatization Program for 2022-2024, the
result of which was the approval of the program tasks and ensuring the
implementation of informatization in state authorities, in particular, this is
digital development, development of electronic government, information
society, digital innovations and technologies in state institutions (Resolution
Of The Verkhovna Rada Of Ukraine. No. 2360-IX, 2022).
Among all the variety of adopted legal acts, the following main areas
of digitization of public authorities can be identied, reected in the
documents specied in these documents: functioning and content of web
resources and web pages; electronic services; participation of citizens in
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
making management decisions; electronic document ow and electronic
digital signature; protection of information and personal data.
In Ukraine, in general, an appropriate legislative and regulatory
framework has been created in the direction of digitalization of the
activities of public authorities, but it is not without such shortcomings
as: declarativeness, non-systematic nature, incompleteness, vagueness,
insucient mutual agreement of documents and compliance with
international norms.
The problem of the quality of the preparation of normative legal acts
at the state level remains relevant: in some places, the acts are developed
without conducting a thorough analysis of the problem that requires legal
regulation and taking into account the risks of their introduction, public
discussion, conducting high-quality socio-economic and legal expertise,
taking into account the need for their interaction with other acts, etc. These
factors lead to the fact that Ukraine lags behind the leading countries in
the world in terms of digitalization rates. Also, today there is no integral
mechanism of legal enforcement of tasks related to the digitization of
relations between the state and society, legal nihilism of citizens and
businesses, and imperfect practice of law enforcement.
The Government’s long-term priorities are determined by the Program
of Activities of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which is a framework
document, the content of which is disclosed in particular through strategies
that represent long-term planning. In our opinion, the prospect of adopting
a basic document that would outline the strategic orientations of the
digitalization of public authorities is becoming extremely important,
and the development of the action plan should take place in the context
of sustainable development goals adapted by Ukraine and aim to achieve
specic goals and indicators.
According to the Plan of the Working Group on Digitization in Ukraine,
it is necessary to: ensure the stable functioning of the digital economy/IT
industry; restoration of destroyed digital infrastructure; implementation of
complex electronic public services, restoration of the network of centers
for the provision of administrative services; protection of state information
resources (Project of the Recovery Plan of Ukraine, 2022).
The main obstacles to the implementation of the mentioned ideas
in life are: complex bureaucratic processes; conservative approaches
to document management; production of electronic communication
equipment; partial destruction as a result of the production of cable
products, which complicates logistics processes; the need for advanced
training and retraining of a signicant number of specialists in the eld has
been mobilized, replacement of qualied specialists; lack of guarantees for
conducting IT activities and the diculty of attracting foreign citizens as
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
e-residents due to martial law; lack of state regulation of the virtual asset
market; the outow of startups and technological specialists abroad as a
result of hostilities; lack of budgetary funding for cyber security projects;
constant aggression against the country in cyberspace, which requires
a response and limits resources for the implementation of cyber security
projects; risks of physical destruction of infrastructure.
In general, it should be noted that the legislation of Ukraine, which is
burdened by the conditions of war and is directly related to the introduction
and use of digital technologies in the activities of public authorities, despite
its fragmentation and certain chaotic nature, creates legal grounds for the
wide use of IT technologies in the state administration, electronic document
circulation and electronic interaction of state authorities. At the same time,
the regulatory, administrative, organizational, technical, and economic
components of the digitalization process of public authorities need to
be further improved in order to eectively implement internationally
recognized digital tools for the interaction of the state and civil society at
the national, regional, and local levels.
As evidenced by world experience, only a strong political will aimed at
achieving clear goals, enshrined in relevant strategies, programs, laws on
the development and implementation of e-government, with appropriate
amounts of nancial resources, can positively inuence the development of
e-government in Ukraine. In our opinion, in the future, in accordance with
the approved e-Governance Strategy until 2030, appropriate state programs
for the development of e-Government with specic tasks, executors, task
performance indicators and funding amounts for a specic period should
be adopted.
Signicant changes in the system of public administration, which
were activated with the beginning of the process of joining Ukraine to
the European Union and continue to this day under the inuence of the
processes of decentralization and digitalization, became a guarantee of the
active development of the country in general. At the same time, today’s
challenges related to military operations on the territory of the country
encourage the adaptation of national legislation and the practice of its
application in various spheres of life in order to ensure dialogue between the
state and citizens, so that the latter can exercise their rights and freedoms
without hindrance.
The leading states of the world and the European Union are boldly testing
various programs of digital social security, launching ambitious public
service projects, stimulating public institutions to provide a wide range of
administrative and other services. Let’s pay attention to individual elements
of the digitalization process, because the perspective of further exploration
is the study of the experience of foreign countries, the determination of the
most eective mechanisms, digital technologies that can be adapted to the
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
modern conditions of the functioning of the state mechanism of developing
As foreign experience shows, transparency, a low level of corruption, free
and equal access to public services, and public control over the budget and
tenders contribute to improving the lives of citizens, a positive reputation
of the state in the world, and even greater inuence on foreign audiences.
Singapore became the rst country in the world to operate an electronic
government. The Netherlands is one of the rst European countries to
introduce electronic interaction between the state and citizens.
A single portal for the provision of administrative services was created
and introduced by service universes with the aim of providing services to
the public in addition to the existing traditional means of communication
between the citizen and the state, the use of identication cards for the
provision of administrative services began (Mykhailiuk, 2016). In Croatia,
the main areas of activity regarding the provision of electronic services are
enshrined in the «Strategy for the Development of Electronic Government
of the Republic of Croatia», according to which «the development of new
public services should be based on the use of information and communication
technologies (Strategija razvoja Elektronièke Uprave u Republici Hrvatskoj
za razdoblje od 2009 do 2012 Godine, n/y).
In dierent countries, strategies for the formation of e-government are
oriented towards an internal or external model of activity, are determined
by the highest political leadership and are implemented at the levels
of ministries or departments. The American approach to the creation of
electronic government is based on economic criteria, the European approach
is based on social criteria and the level of human capital development.
One of the important tools of e-governance is electronic document ow,
which directly aects the optimization of the entire process, as it creates
conditions for increasing the eciency of the activities of state authorities
and local self-government bodies, ensuring the improvement of the
quality and availability of public services, restructuring relations with the
population, overcoming information inequality and involving citizens to
participate in state aairs, etc. The active introduction and use of digital
technologies in state bodies allows for complete changes in all spheres of
public life and gives rise to such a global phenomenon as «digitalization».
However, we note that the restraining factor of this phenomenon in many
countries remains traditional approaches to the organization of document
circulation, which needs further improvement and development, primarily
in the direction of digitalization.
Distinctive characteristics of the continental European model include:
legislative regulation of information relations and information ows
circulating in the European information space (Klimushyn and Sernok,
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
The main advantages of the Australian model include «the ability
to provide an optimal structure for the management and nancing
of educational institutions based on a single e-government policy.
Characteristic features of Australian e-government: creation of a single
information space; simplication of the process of training and retraining,
etc. (Klimushyn and Sernok, 2010).
Distinctive characteristics of the Anglo-American model are:
Reforms of the entire structure of public administration; creation of
information portals that allow providing universal service to citizens and
access to information; the use of a strategy focused on external activities,
with a relatively low level of development (Canada); releasing civil servants
from performing routine procedures during interactive interaction with the
population (Zastrozhnikova, 2018: 148-152).
The Anglo-American e-governance model is particularly interesting,
because the participating countries of this model occupy fairly high positions
in the e-governance development rating. This level of e-government
development is called the connectedness stage, which assumes that «the
government transforms itself into a unied whole that meets the needs of
citizens through the development of an integrated support service. And this
is the most advanced level of electronic governance, which is characterized
by the presence of: horizontal, vertical and infrastructural connections,
connections between the government and communities.
A successful example of the international practice of applying electronic
governance mechanisms is the experience of Great Britain, which is based
on the provisions of the «White Book on Government Modernization» and
is framed in the «Strategic Concept of Serving Society in the Information
The main purpose of the concept is to specify the process of transition to
the government of the Information Age. An interesting level of interaction
is the interaction of state institutions among themselves (G2G), which
is aimed at increasing the reliability of data and the eciency of their
use, reducing the cost of services, improving the use of databases, and
improving the public administration system in general (E-government.
A strategic framework for public service in the Information Age, n/y).
Relations between the central and local authorities and their bodies have
been established in such a way that, if necessary, it is possible to obtain all
the necessary information on issues that are assigned to the competence of
another body.
A number of Scandinavian and Baltic countries have also digitized
a number of government processes and digitized public services. For
example, in Estonia, it has been possible to vote in elections online since
2005. The electronic voting system is actively used in the USA and is being
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
implemented in the countries of the European Union, at the level of the
union itself (Krasnopolska and Myloserdna, 2020).
At the same time, it is worth warning that despite serious technical
achievements, the introduction of appropriate technology, which is based
on the formation of special trust in the authorities in general and in the
digital space formed by them, has serious risks associated, on the one hand,
with the problems of the legitimacy of the results online voting, and on the
other hand, with the psychological features of citizens’ participation in this
Also, analyzing the global research of the Riverbed Technology company
in nine developed countries, such as the USA, Brazil, Germany, France,
China, Singapore, India, Great Britain, Australia (the objects of the survey
were enterprises in the eld of sales, transport, industry, security health),
95% of respondents stated that they are currently unable to implement
digitization in their own business processes. First of all, the main problems
on the path of digital transformation are a limited budget and an outdated
network infrastructure. The negative factors also include the non-
transparency of the work of end users, low qualication of personnel and
low interest of the management in conducting digital initiatives (Riverbed
Technology: 95% of companies are not ready for digital transformation,
In addition, the growth rate of digitalization directly depends on the
country’s institutional environment, which concerns state policy, legislative
and regulatory acts, and scal instruments. The long absence of an
innovative base in the country’s economy, the reluctance of representatives
of large and medium-sized businesses to invest in innovative projects
weaken digital transformation.
We come to the conclusion that in most countries of the world, the
reasons for reforming the public sector, the initiators of which are mostly
state authorities or local self-government bodies, are the objective need to
improve and simplify communication between the state and the society of
citizens in the provision of online electronic services. The government of
Ukraine has set itself a similar goal.
The UN has provided certain recommendations for the transition
of countries to digital governance and digital transformation. The
recommendations are a change in thinking in the digital plane at the
individual and systemic levels, a change in the institutional and regulatory
framework in public policy, the availability of information through open
government data and equal access to it (Mikhrovska, 2020).
As practice shows, the European Union will continue to consider
virtualization as one of the main areas of development of science and
innovation, at least until the end of 2027, while the new Framework
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
Program for research and innovation «Horizon Europe» (2021-2027) and
the program of the European Parliament and Council of the European Union
«Digital Europe». Accordingly, it can be concluded that for the European
Union, digital technologies, articial intelligence and robotics, the next
generation Internet, high-performance computing and big data as the most
important and popular digital technologies are areas of special interest not
only now, but also in the strategic perspective (Strizhkova, 2019).
Given that the country’s political course for joining the European Union
was xed at the constitutional level, we can say that the above-mentioned
documents, namely the Framework Program for Research and Innovation
«Horizon Europe» (2021-2027) and the program of the European
Parliament and The Council of the European Union’s «Digital Europe» will
become mandatory. We share the point of view of S. Yesimov, who notes that
the Association for the Development of Ukraine and the European Union
closely links the development of Internet technologies with the reform of
public administration, which will enable state authorities to provide high-
quality, in-demand and aordable electronic services.
At the same time, it will allow the state authorities to carry out constant
analysis and improvement of the system of providing administrative services,
to identify negative eects on the quality and widespread distribution of
administrative services based on the indicators of the assessment of the
quality and availability of electronic administrative services (Yesimov,
In order to speed up the process of digitalization of public services, in
particular at the level of territorial communities, an international project
under the U-LEAD program has been implemented in Ukraine, which is
nanced by the European Union and its member states Germany, Poland,
Slovenia, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia.
The specied project is aimed at improving the provision of public
services in local self-government bodies by developing and implementing
a system of electronic interaction, information systems and administrative
services with the aim of providing a signicant number of public services
entirely electronically (E-government. A strategic framework for public
service in the Information Age, n/y). Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine
aected the completion of this and other digitization programs of public
authorities and society. However, digitalization processes continue even
under such dicult conditions and are successfully implemented, including
thanks to the support of the world community.
The general problems of the development of various models of
e-government include the fact that in many countries, government
institutions do not provide opportunities for joint operation of their
information systems, and a signicant part of procedures and services
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
are performed manually. Such a variety of features of the development of
dierent models is due to dierent, distinct goals of building electronic
governance in dierent models, to which the goals of individual countries
are also added.
In the Anglo-American model, the goal is “openness, transparency, and
responsibility to citizens, simplication and cheaper interaction of citizens
and business representatives with state structures”; continental-European
– providing government information online, ensuring the conditions for
fullling one’s civic duty in, using the possibilities of electronic voting
or internet testing, government services for paying taxes and nes;
satisfaction of the information needs of the population and the introduction
of communication and information technologies to various spheres of life
are characteristic of the Australian and Latin American ones.
In general, it should be said that the need for digitization of public power,
development of electronic government, online services objectively requires
state authorities, local self-government bodies, budgetary and communal
institutions not only to modernize the material and technical base for
the performance of their own and delegated powers, but also actively
implement infrastructure projects aimed at improving the communication
infrastructure (laying of Internet networks, operation of servers, hosting
companies, increasing the level of data security, etc.).
Such challenges today are a characteristic feature of modern industrial
society, regardless of the political regime and the state system. For the
modern system of state power, it is not only necessary, but also natural
to use advanced information and communication technologies - to be an
“electronic government” - not for the sake of “technological fashion”, but
for the sake of a new quality of administration that corresponds to modern
trends of socio-economic development, including modern threats to the
institution of the state and law.
If we talk about the adoption of the best global experience in the eld
of digitization of public authorities, then the quick response to the needs
and current requests of the population in the conditions of martial law
in Ukraine has become an indicator of the eectiveness of cooperation
between the authorities and citizens: the authorities promptly respond to
today’s challenges, safely, quickly, eectively and transparently creating
services and online services for citizens. Taking these measures requires the
involvement of a signicant number of highly professional specialists for
a fast and high-quality process of digital transformation, the development
of specially developed information programs in the eld of providing and
developing administrative services to the population in electronic form, etc.
At the same time, we share the point of view of scientists that today we
need such legal norms that would contribute to the development of a global
Vol. 41 Nº 79 (2023): 197-212
and open single digital market by unifying legislation and simplifying the
rules and procedures applied in dierent countries (Glibko and Yefremova,
2016). Acceleration of the transition to a model of digital administration
of public authorities requires reengineering of management systems,
processes and functions in accordance with the opportunities provided
by new technologies, in particular with the use of a process approach to
management and the formation of network connections, the creation of a
single regional platform, interactive databases, introduction of electronic
democracy elements into decision-making processes.
Digitization of public authorities should be understood as a system of
measures for transformation, improvement through the integration of
information and telecommunication technologies of the activities of public
administration subjects and their ocials with the aim of developing
an open information society, proper communication between the state
and civil society, increasing productivity and economic growth. The
implementation of digital technologies in the activities of state (public)
authorities is an activity of public administration entities in the eld of
digitization (development of the digital economy, digital innovations and
technologies, e-government, electronic document ow and electronic
information resources, etc.) regulated by laws and other legal acts. by
making management decisions and providing administrative services
established by law.
The analysis of the normative and legal regulation of the activities of
public authorities in Ukraine proved the existence of a multi-level model of
legal support for the implementation of digitization tools, which combines
legal prescriptions of various legal powers, which were reected in acts
of informational, administrative, civil, economic and criminal procedural
legislation, and also illustrates the mutual inuence and interaction of
these branches of law in today’s conditions.
The process of digitalization of the activities of public authorities is
accompanied by such shortcomings as: declarativeness, non-systematic,
incompleteness, vagueness, insucient mutual agreement of documents
and compliance with international standards. At the same time, in
accordance with the approved e-Government Strategy until 2030, further
improvement is required in the regulatory, managerial, organizational,
technical and economic components of the process of digitization of public
authorities in order to eectively implement internationally recognized
digital tools for the interaction of the state and civil society at the national,
regional and local levels.
Maksym Pendiura, Alona Lukashenko, Oksana Lapka, Valeriia Kryvenko y Denys Tykhomyrov
Digitization of public authorities: Global experience
The scientic analysis of the foreign experience of implementing
digitization tools in the activities of public authorities leads to the
conclusion of the need to reformat the activities of public authorities by
introducing information and telecommunication technologies into their
activities, improving the mechanisms of electronic governance in the
eld of telecommunications networks, e-commerce infrastructure and
online interaction business subjects, digital skills and electronic document
ow, improvement of communication infrastructure (laying of Internet
networks, operation of servers, hosting companies, increasing the level of
data security, etc.).
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 79