Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 78
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
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de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Di rec to ra
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 78 (2023), 698-707
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/04/2022 Aceptado el 03/05/2022
Formation of the ethnic symbolic
politics as the mechanism of interaction
between society and the political elite:
Impact of information technologies
Kylychbek Erkinbekov *
Anvar Bugazov **
Gulmira Karabalaeva ***
Alexey Smutko ****
Amantur Aidaraliev *****
The purpose of the article was to examine the role of information
technologies in the formation of symbolic politics through
the prism of mass media, communications and new Internet
technologies. The methodological basis of the study is formed
by legislation and historical literature, using dialectical and comparative
methods, as well as general methods of scientic analysis. Symbolic politics
is one of the mechanisms of information interaction between society and
the political elite; in a new form, it allows solving social and socio-political
problems. It has been established that full communication between
the political elite and the population is impossible without elements of
symbolic politics, such as public relations agencies, Internet blogs and
social networks, etc., whose purpose is not only to form a positive image
of politics and leaders, but also, it serves to establish an agreement of
understanding in society. The authors conclude that new mechanisms of
interaction between the elite and society, such as e-receptions, destination
portals and digital government, lead to greater government transparency
and increased eciency of its activities.
Keywords: symbolic politics; information technologies; digital
government; political elite; political image.
* International University of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan. ORCID ID:
** Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan. ORCID ID:
*** Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyzstan. ORCID ID:
**** National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
***** International University of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 698-707
Formación de la política simbólica étnica como
mecanismo de interacción entre la sociedad y la élite
política: impacto de las tecnologías de la información
El propósito del artículo fue examinar el papel de las tecnologías de la
información en la formación de la política simbólica a través del prisma
de los medios de comunicación de masas, las comunicaciones y las nuevas
tecnologías de Internet. La base metodológica del estudio está formada
por la legislación y la literatura histórica, utilizando métodos dialécticos y
comparativos, así como métodos generales de análisis cientíco. La política
simbólica es uno de los mecanismos de interacción de la información
entre la sociedad y la élite política; en una nueva forma, permite resolver
problemas sociales y sociopolíticos. Se ha establecido que la comunicación
plena entre la élite política y la población es imposible sin elementos de la
política simbólica, como agencias de relaciones públicas, blogs de Internet
y redes sociales, etc., cuyo propósito no es solo formar una imagen positiva
de la política y de los líderes, sino también, sirve para establecer un acuerdo
de entendimiento en la sociedad. Los autores concluyen que los nuevos
mecanismos de interacción entre la élite y la sociedad como las recepciones
electrónicas, los portales de destino y el gobierno digital, provocan una
mayor transparencia del gobierno y un aumento en la eciencia de sus
Palabras clave: política simbólica; tecnologías de la información;
gobierno digital; élite política; imagen política.
In modern society, the media and communications, as well as new media
and Internet technologies, have a signicant impact on the thoughts and
actions of people and thus play a large role in the life of society (Kuzmenkov
et al., 2021). The interaction of power and society, in particular in the
information eld, is a common and necessary component of the current
political situation. In turn, the most important tool for ensuring information
and communication interaction between the government and society is
symbolic politics. Such interaction is manifested, rstly, in the development
of communications between ordinary citizens and the political elite, which
ensures stable management of society and allows solving many social,
socio-political problems.
For example, such as maintaining and improving the welfare of
citizens, improving the administrative system, as well as promoting the
Kylychbek Erkinbekov, Anvar Bugazov, Gulmira Karabalaeva, Alexey Smutko y Amantur Aidaraliev
Formation of the ethnic symbolic politics as the mechanism of interaction between society and
the political elite: Impact of information technologies
implementation of large-scale ideas and projects in the social sphere,
economy and other areas. Secondly, information interaction ensures
the exchange of valuable symbols, meanings and ideas necessary for the
functioning and development of society (Buhaychuk et al., 2022). Thus,
symbolic politics is one of the mechanisms of information interaction
between society and the political elite.
Modern politics is considered to be symbolic, due to the fact that the
mass media have acquired the status of one of the most signicant socio-
political institutions in any modern society, regardless of the level of its
socio-economic development.
The relevance of the research topic is also emphasized by the fact
that at the moment, among researchers there is still no consensus on the
phenomenon of symbolic politics.
Questions about the subjects, functions, mechanisms and types of
manifestation of symbolic politics are debatable. This circumstance
indicates the need to continue theoretical and practical research on this
form of interaction between government and society, including the example
of certain social groups and local authorities.
The need to analyze the role and place of mass consciousness in the
process of political decision-making still remains relevant. In particular, the
denition of tools and mechanisms for the inuence of mass consciousness
on the development of the agenda for the work of state institutions of
power. It is necessary to study the perception by the mass consciousness
of the place and role of various groups of the political elite, as well as the
translation of political requests from the population, the prospects and
opportunities for increasing the impact of public interests and needs on the
content of the domestic and foreign policy pursued by the authorities.
1. Methods
In the framework of the study authors used general scientic research
methods including specialized research methods of comparative history
science, logical and legal analysis, and concretization. The methodological
basis of the study, rst of all, consists of dialectical and comparative
methods, as well as general and special methods of scientic analysis,
acting as tools of scientic knowledge, such as socio-philosophical analysis,
structural-functional method.
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 698-707
2. Results and discussion
The theoretical foundations for the study of symbolic politics were laid
by the American political scientist Murray Edelman (1985) and the German
scientist W. Sarcinelli (1998), whose main achievement is the designation
of the subject eld and the main subjects of symbolic politics. Subsequently,
the theory of symbolic politics became a fairly popular topic in the works of
well-known specialists in the eld of philosophy, sociology, political science
and other areas of social knowledge.
For example, the symbolic aspects of the political sphere were considered
in detail in the works of such foreign thinkers as J. Baudrillard (1992),
P. Berger (1995), C. Manheim (1994), S. Moscovici (2011), P. Ricoeur
(1995), P. Champagne (1997), A. Cohen (1969), Russian researchers S.G.
Kara-Murza (2003), O.A. Karmadonov (2004), N.I. Shestov (2005), L.G.
Fishman (2006) and others.
Subsequently, several models of symbolic “staging” were formulated:
theatrical, dramatic and performance (Meyer, 1992). A special approach to
the study of symbolic politics is considered to be cultural-anthropological,
which pays more attention to the socio-psychological aspects of symbolic
acts. Symbolic politics, despite being a subject of study for a long time, is
still in the focus of modern political philosophy and political science. In
domestic political science, this is a relatively new subject of study.
Such attention to symbolic politics is explained by the fact that at
present this phenomenon is the main mechanism for the translation of
meanings and interpretation of political events. The method of inuence
of power on the formation in the minds of the masses of the desired value
norms and attitudes. The eectiveness of symbolic politics is determined
in the construction of the emotional state of the population in the political
process. Although this is not the only understanding of the meaning and
purpose of symbolic politics.
The classical political and philosophical idea assumes the main provisions
in the understanding of politics, pointing to its social characteristics, which
means that any modications in the political sphere will be conditioned
by modications of sociality. In the second half of the 20th century, a
revolutionary upheaval took place in the history of mankind: the emergence
of virtual reality and the global information space in human society
(Lyubutin and Pivovarov, 1993).
This change is a natural result of the expansion of various spheres of
human life, i.e. evolution of his scientic thought and creative abilities. First
of all, we are talking about the transformation of the mode of legitimation
of power in a democracy. Mass democracy is not so much a thought process
of decision-making as feelings, emotions and experiences. A sort of new
political style based on the principles of performance and show.
Kylychbek Erkinbekov, Anvar Bugazov, Gulmira Karabalaeva, Alexey Smutko y Amantur Aidaraliev
Formation of the ethnic symbolic politics as the mechanism of interaction between society and
the political elite: Impact of information technologies
Modern power, unlike past eras, dramatizes itself through television,
radio, photography and lm production, which leads to an increase in
the possibilities of symbolic politics. Today, visual information acquires a
special role, changing the traditional, academic and bookish discourse for
mosaic and iconographic imagery.
The technique of rational-rhetorical “persuasion” of the public is replaced
by visual suggestion and advertising “temptation”, which qualitatively
increases the demand for symbolic politics (Potseluev, 1999: 138). The
inuence of the media and new digital technologies on modern society has
led to a change in the perception of the world and man. A countless number
of scenarios for the development of social processes taking place in the
world have appeared. These authors in their works in dierent perspectives,
the process of the impact of mass media on a person and society as a whole.
At the same time, they all noted that the eect of the media on a person’s
worldview depends not so much on his personal characteristics: gender,
age, education, political position, but rather on the individual’s sense of his
belonging to society.
Today, it is impossible to study society, ignoring virtual reality,
where information technologies are not just a means of communication
and information, but a formative and transformative construct of the
relationship between a person and society. The perception of virtual reality
as a form of manifestation of social life is limited only by the capabilities of
computer technology.
In fact, a new social space has emerged, where there is no traditional
space-time continuum. New social platforms have appeared and are actively
functioning, where there are no borders and closed zones, where there is
unlimited freedom and lack of control. A parallel reality arises, where, as in
a “normal” society, there is money or means of exchange (cryptocurrency),
labor is increasingly intellectual in nature, and the result of labor is a
product of design and modeling (Prilukova, 2004).
Not surprisingly, the political sphere of activity is also undergoing
signicant changes. Its content today is determined by the communication
strategy, and the form is increasingly reminiscent of a show with its
mandatory attributes - entertainment and attractiveness. Politicians
become the “stars” of the show, while sports, stage, movie stars, etc. in
various capacities are involved in politics. Socio-political activity in all
its forms is transferred to cyberspace and television. At the same time, it
acquires the features of a business based not on the values and interests of
the masses, but on the laws of entrepreneurship and marketing, which, in
turn, are regulated and implemented by a narrow circle of professionals:
consultants, image makers, political technologists, etc.
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 698-707
Politics is increasingly becoming a symbolic activity, it includes design,
modeling and construction. Today, not a single serious politician, political
movement or party in their activities can do without such important
components as “creating a political image”, “modeling elections”, “political
design”, etc. Moreover, if until recently the formation of the image of a
political leader was determined, rst of all, by his personal qualities. That
today is the construction of the image, the media, based on the expectations
of the electorate.
Often both things happen at the same time. All this is possible if there is
a political elite that has not only nancial capital, but also resource capital: a
management structure that makes it possible to put pressure on opponents,
connections and inuence on the adoption of political acts, the ability to
control and manipulate public opinion.
In practice, there is a representation of political processes and power,
which is based on the media image - there is a reincarnation of power, the
image itself is not politics, it only “reveals” politics. The images of politics are
formed by high-tech means of describing an object - modern technologies
that assume the role of “creators of prototypes”.
Representation takes place in politics - the process of replacing the
original, sample, original, a kind of demonstration of a reproduction of
something, but not the original itself, that is, this is the representation of
one in the other and through the other. Although this is not surprising, even
Plato said that “the image of an idea and the idea are not the same thing,
the idea is the prototype” i.e. the mode of representation begins to give
meaning to what should be represented, and as a result, what is represented
(represented) becomes represented and, conversely, what is represented is
what is represented.
In this connection, one of the most prominent French theorists
of postmodernism, J. Baudrillard, proposed replacing the term
“representation” with “simulation” (Baudrillard, 2000: 64-70) because
the sign and meaning are identical in it. He called society a “society of
simulation” or a society not of things, but of their images. At the same time,
what conveys a sign does not have to be real.
Studying this phenomenon, we can conclude that the representation and
its perception occurs with the help of consciousness, i.e. the combination of
the individual’s sensory abilities and knowledge, in the process of creating
all kinds of collective images, sensory experiences and knowledge begin
to intertwine, which has a signicant impact on the process of forming an
essential component of the image of power and politics.
A person who receives information will not think about the fact that
there is an intermediary between him and the image on the screen. These
can be: an editor, screenwriter, commentator, director, etc. Therefore,
Kylychbek Erkinbekov, Anvar Bugazov, Gulmira Karabalaeva, Alexey Smutko y Amantur Aidaraliev
Formation of the ethnic symbolic politics as the mechanism of interaction between society and
the political elite: Impact of information technologies
the state needs step-by-step testing of all stages of the implementation of
manipulations that lead to success.
This is especially important when the scenarios of the “color” revolution
are threatened, since it is manipulative technologies that form an “alternative
reality” among the population, a dierent vision of what is happening,
form a distorted idea of what is right and what is not. In modern “color”
revolutions, there are four information elds in which a erce struggle is
being waged: “Television, the press, the street and the Internet” (Morozova
and Miroshnichenko, 2011: 56).
Human intervention can be carried out by technically changing the
image in the process of shooting, set in a certain place by the camera, using
neuropsychological mechanisms of inuence, for example: information
transfer rate, eye hypertrophy, etc. All these aspects make the image more
attractive and more realistic than the prototype itself .
It follows from this that the direct instrument of image formation is the
human brain at the mental-operational level. Therefore, the state and power
structures, creating huge semiotic machines, constantly need a specialized
mechanism. The vast growth of screen culture and the possibility of reaching
a huge audience create favorable conditions for the existence of symbolic
politics. The provided images are perceived emotionally convincingly, and
the events are built into the everyday life of a person, making it impossible
to rationally analyze the socio-political situation.
The information provided through the mass media has become the main
form of manifestation of symbolic politics. Information has ceased to be
just a message; it has become a carrier of various meanings and symbols
that form the discourse of political situations. The power elite and the state
stage themselves with the help of a computer and television, using, at the
same time, the mass media, covering large masses of the population and
actively inuencing their consciousness.
The avalanche-like growth of incoming information, absorbed by
ordinary consciousness through electronic sources and transmitted
almost at the speed of light, leads to an increase in the possibilities for the
manifestation of symbolic politics. Theoretically, symbols are necessary to
maintain social order, but the current situation in society, through television
and computer screens, translates authenticity into something articial. The
message about some event becomes more important than the event itself,
the latter comes into existence only because it was reported.
The modern world is lled with virtual communication, which requires
high-tech tools and organization principles. Entire social institutions
have lost their role and place in the hierarchical structure of the culture
of society: “Turning into a mass for which the habitat is the street, where
people wander aimlessly, being subjected to police control” (Sirota, 2011:
Vol. 41 Nº 78 (2023): 698-707
States and societies, regardless of the socio-economic level of
development, are involved in virtual reality. The modern world has
become fragile and transparent, lled with symbols that have no basis in
any reality. The real world has become a world of simulacra, an exact copy
of the reality that never existed. The current system of communications
provokes a person to “fabricate” reality, information is transformed into
an independent entity, and the mass media is transformed into a political
institution (Cobba and Elder, 1983: 131).
Thus, in modern society, in ensuring the interaction between
authorities and the population, the decisive role belongs to the media and
communications. It is they who increase the eciency and eectiveness of
symbolic politics.
The use of symbolic policy methods contributes to the formation and
consolidation of the community, the awareness and expression of public
interests, and the political enlightenment of citizens. At the same time, the
use of symbolic politics may be accompanied by negative phenomena, such
as the manipulation of public opinion, a discrepancy between promises and
real actions of the authorities.
An important component of symbolic politics is the information and
communication interaction between the political elite and society. Known
forms of communication between the authorities and the population,
which are based on unilateral inuence on the part of the authorities, are
no longer sucient and relevant today. There is a need for information
exchange, which implies the conjugation of the interests of the political elite
and society.
Today, full-edged communication between the political elite and the
population is impossible without elements of symbolic politics, such as PR
agencies, Internet blogs, social networks, etc., the purpose of which is not
only to form a positive image of political leaders, but also to establish an
agreed mutual understanding in society.
New mechanisms for the relationship between the elite and society:
electronic receptions, target portals, digital government and others, cause
greater transparency of power and increase the eciency of its activities.
The dissemination of positive information about the decisions of the
authorities through ocial websites and blogs contributes to the awareness
of the population about the intentions of the governing bodies, thus
forming an information contact between the authorities and society. The
technological means of symbolic politics are also important tools in the
process of population mobilization.
Kylychbek Erkinbekov, Anvar Bugazov, Gulmira Karabalaeva, Alexey Smutko y Amantur Aidaraliev
Formation of the ethnic symbolic politics as the mechanism of interaction between society and
the political elite: Impact of information technologies
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 78