Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 77
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 77 (2023), 612-629
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/11/22 Aceptado el 08/01/23
Environmental crisis overcoming
as a factor for achieving economic
sustainability in the context of the
European green course
Valentyna Voronkova *
Vìtalina Nikitenko **
Roman Oleksenko ***
Regina Andriukaitiene ****
Olexsander Polysaiev *****
By means of the modeling methodology, the object of the
study was the theoretical and practical aspects of overcoming
environmental crises as a factor to achieve sustainability. In
today’s world, several crises are combined: social, political,
cultural and moral, the crisis of democracy, ideology and the general crisis
of the capitalist system. More specically, the economic and environmental
crises are linked to the nancial crises and the existing disorientation is
due, to a large extent, to the nancial risks that have aected the ecological
footprint of civilization. As a result of the tasks set, the concept of planetary
boundaries has emerged as an eective means of measuring the state of
the planet and its threats. In this sense, the concept of an economy in
need of transformation has been formed, as environmental growth and
technological progress are accompanied and even accelerated by economy
and resource eciency. It is concluded that, current trends on Earth are
not sustainable, and traditional responses to these problems often depend
on the type of economic growth that is strongly associated, simultaneously,
with additional resource consumption and the policies that make it possible.
Keywords: environmental crises; economic sustainability; climate
change; carbon dioxide emissions; European green course.
* Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Dmytro Motornyi Tavria state agrotechnological University, Melitopol, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://
**** Marijampole University of Applied Sciences, lect. of Lithuanian Sports University, Marijampole,
Kaunas, Lithuania. ORCID ID:
***** Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav, Pereiaslav, Ukraine. ORCID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
La superación de la crisis medioambiental como factor
para lograr la sostenibilidad económica en el contexto del
curso verde europeo
Mediante la metodología de modelización el objeto del estudio fueron los
aspectos teóricos y prácticos de la superación de las crisis ambientales como
factor para lograr la sostenibilidad. En el mundo actual, se conjugan varias
crisis de tipo: social, política, cultural y moral, la crisis de la democracia, la
ideología y la crisis general del sistema capitalista. Mas especícamente,
las crisis económicas y ambientales están vinculadas a las nancieras y la
desorientación existente se debe, en gran medida, a los riesgos nancieros
que han afectado la huella ecológica de la civilización. Como resultado de
las tareas planteadas, el concepto de límites planetarios se reveló como
un medio efectivo para medir el estado del planeta y sus amenazas. Es
este sentido, se ha formado el concepto de una economía en necesidad de
transformación, ya que el crecimiento ambiental y el progreso tecnológico
están acompañados e incluso acelerados por la economía y la eciencia
de los recursos. Se concluye que, las tendencias actuales en la Tierra no
son sostenibles, y las respuestas tradicionales a estos problemas suelen
depender del tipo de crecimiento económico que está fuertemente asociado,
simultáneamente, al consumo adicional de recursos y a las políticas que lo
hacen posible.
Palabras clave: crisis ambientales; sostenibilidad económica; cambio
climático; emisiones de dióxido de carbono; curso verde
The modern world is in a crisis that is not only cyclical, but also is
growing and not limited to the nature around us. In today’s society, there
are such crises - social, political, cultural and moral, crisis of democracy,
ideologies and general crisis of the capitalist system. The economic crisis
is compounded by the environmental crisis (Gulac et al., 2022). The global
population has grown from 1 billion in the eighteenth century to almost 7.6
billion today. At the same time, per capita consumption of energy, water,
space and minerals has increased. This dual development has rapidly led us
into a “full world” that has begun to demand a new Enlightenment suitable
for a “full world”.
Civilization has faced a storm of problems caused by overpopulation,
excessive consumption by the rich, the use of technologies that are harmful
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
to the environment, unprecedented inequality. It has been proven by
science that nearly half of the topsoil on the earth has been depleted in the
last 150 years, with almost 90% of the shery resources being recovered
almost completely. Climate stability is in danger; the earth is now, for the
sixth time in its history, experiencing a period of mass extinction.
In addition, the scale of refugees is increasing: in 2017, there were
already 60 million refugees in the world. The crisis is linked to the spread
of poverty in many countries and the loss of work for a large part of the
population worldwide. Billions of people are in such a psychological state
that they no longer trust the governments of their countries.
The Oxford Initiative for Combating Poverty and Human Development
(ORNI) has proposed the introduction of a Multidimensional Poverty Index
(МРІ), which focuses not only on income but also on ten other indicators
related to health, education and living standards. Using this index, in 2016,
the ORNI initiative numbered 1.6 billion people living in “multidimensional
poverty” - almost twice as much as people living extremely poorly by income
alone (Andriukaitiene et al., 2019).
Boundaries have become apparent and palpable in almost all types of
human activity. The model was unable to see the impressive development
of pollution controls that allowed many countries to partially avoid the
tragedies of air, water and land pollution. Of course, technological advances
have their limits. In addition, traditional economic models, and lines or in
nature, which are not able to solve the problem of nonlinearity of natural
systems, such as the climate system (Eco Forum, 2021)
1. Formulation of the problem
The economic and environmental crises are linked to the nancial crisis.
Disorientation is largely related to nancial risks. Scientists are worrying
about the trends of the last 30 years that have grown when considering the
explosive bank balance sheet, backed by declining equity and large-scale
One of the consequences was a temporary boom caused by the private
sector. Another consequence is the signicant growth in the global nancial
sector (nance, insurance, real estate), called “nancialization”, which led
to the nancial crisis of 2008-2009.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
2. An analysis of the latest research and publications that
started this issue and that the authors rely on
The authors are based on works by such authors as: Ernst Ulrich von
Weizseker, Anders Wykman “Come On! Capitalism, shortsightedness,
population and the destruction of the planet. Report to the Roman Club”
(Ernst Ulʹrikh fon Vaytszeker and Viykman, 2019; Nikitenko, 2019a);
Meadows Donella, Meadows Dennis, Rangers Jørgensen “Growth Limits.
30 years later (Donella, et al., 2018); Naomi Klein “Everything changes.
Capitalism against climate” (Naomi, 2016); Maxton Graham, Randers
Jorge “In Search of Welfare. Managing economic development to reduce
unemployment, inequality and climate change. Report to the Roman Club”
(Maxton, Randers, 2017).
An important role for us was played by Appello Jurgen’s works
“Management 3.0. Agile management. Leadership and Team Management”
(Jürgen, 2019), James Wumek, Daniel Jones. How Toyota’s production
system will help prevent material loss and ensure your company’s
prosperity” (Woomeck and Jones, 2019: 16), Drucker Peter F. “Challenges
for 21st Century Management” (Drucker, 2020), which creates the
conditions for a new paradigm management as a factor of sustainable and
balanced development.
Co-presidents of the Club of Rome Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Anders
Wijkmann “Come On! Capitalism, short-sightedness, population and the
destruction of the planet (Chkhеailо et al., 2021). Report to the Club of Rome
“, under” Come On! “Called the “new Enlightenment 2.0”, which means the
balance between nature and man, between long-term consequences and
tactical tasks. The article was written in the context of the topic conducted
by the V Specialized International Zaporizhia Ecological Forum “Eco Forum
- 2021” September 14 - 16, 2021 Kozak Palace, in which the authors of the
study participated with their developments (Eco Forum, 2021).
The purpose of the study is theoretical and practical aspects of
overcoming environmental crises as a factor in achieving sustainability.
Objectives of the study:
using the system dynamics and modeling method as a method of
scientic research
identifying the idea of planetary boundaries as an eective means of
measuring the state of the planet and its threats;
developing the concept of an economy in need of transformation, as
environmental growth and technological progress are accompanied,
and even accelerated, by the frugal and ecient use of resources;
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
payment for environmental pollution as a factor in achieving social
the problem of global warming and joint development of climate
management policy;
identifying gaps between theory, education and social reality.
forming the concept of the new Enlightenment 2.0 as a philosophy
of balance;
explore modern ways to reduce carbon emissions, which will serve
as an indicator of success;
to analyze The European Green Deal as a set of policy initiatives
put forward by the European Commission with the general aim of
making the European continent climate-neutral by 2050.
3. Research methodology
Modeling as a method of scientic research is gaining heuristic
importance and spreading in connection with the development of systematic
and logical and mathematical approaches in modern science. Modeling
in modern scientic knowledge acts as a means of displaying complex
systems, as a special form of mediation, when the researcher places between
themselves and the object of research, an intermediate link - a model.
The modeling of these processes involves the creation of a mathematical
apparatus, through which you can summarize the various characteristics
of the global environmental process. Models created using mathematical
modeling methods have the purpose to trace the conditions of overcoming
crisis phenomena in the interaction between society and the environment,
and also have the character of a factor of sustainable socio-economic
development (Appello, 2019).
The theory of system dynamics and computer simulation is used to
analyze the long-term causes and eects of population growth on the planet
and the economy. The World3 computer model used in the MIT study
was rather inexible and assumed that the relationships between various
parameters, such as industrial products and pollution, would remain
unchanged (Cherep et al., 2019).
4. Discussion of the problem
Outline of the main research material with justication of scientic
results (Nikitenko, 2019b).
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
4.1. Identifying the idea of planetary boundaries as an eective
means of measuring the state of the planet
Based on the results of scientic research, the concept of planetary
boundaries as an eective means of measuring the state of the planet
indicates that since the Industrial Revolution, human activity has gradually
become a major driver of global environmental change. In a report to the
Roman Club, scientists identify nine planetary boundaries:
1) destruction of the ozone layer in the stratosphere;
2) loss of biological diversity and extinction of species;
3) chemical contamination and release of new chemical objects (new
substances of articial origin, in particular, radioactive materials,
genetically modied organisms, nanomaterials that have the
potential of undesirable geophysical and / or biological eects);
4) climate change;
5) ocean acidication;
6) landscape changes;
7) fresh water consumption and global hydrological cycle;
8) nitrogen and phosphorus emissions into the biosphere and oceans;
9) concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere (Eco Forum, 2021).
4.2. An economic transformation linked to environmental
growth and technological progress, which can be accompanied,
and even accelerated, by the economy of resources and
Almost all trends in resource consumption, climate change, biodiversity
loss and land degradation reect the discrepancy and aw in the vector of
public policy, business strategies and social values that underlie them.
Improving resource eciency is just a step in the right direction. Equally
important is the movement towards an economy based on renewable
materials, material circulation and taxes used to balance demand. If it does
not work, the benets of increased eciency are quickly eliminated and
the combination of returns and economic growth combined. Most political
projects of the past did not take these ascetics into account and, as a result,
failed to fully decapitate these eects, as demand for resources exceeds the
pace of economic growth (Hrem and Yorhen, 2017).
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
4.3. Payment for environmental pollution
Climate capitalism (Ernst Ulʹrikh fon Vaytszeker et al., 2019). In
North America and Europe, the economic crisis that began in 2008 is still
being used as an excuse to reduce the costs of helping other countries and
curtail their environmental programs. Environmental protection projects
are being canceled across Southern Europe. This is especially noticeable
in Spain, where subsidies for renewable energy developers are decisively
eliminated. Solar and wind power plants are moving towards default and
closing. In Britain, David Cameron’s ling also reduced funding for green
programs (Drucker, 2020).
In order to signicantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the only
rational way is to use the principle already existing in Western legislation
- the payment for environmental pollution. A carbon tax should be put in
place that will reduce inequalities in society by raising the cost of greenhouse
gas emissions.
Funding for environmental programs must come from environmental
pollution charges. There is a need for a long-term plan of action by
government ocials at every level and a desire to withstand the pollutants
that put us all at risk. This will not happen until the uncontrolled
corporations that shaped our political culture for three and a half decades
are destroyed (Kelly, 2018).
4.4. The problem of global warming and joint development of
climate management policy
Global warming continues. 2016 has been a record hot year over 2015,
which itself exceeded the previous 2014 record. Some 2016 studies have
found new evidence for the scale of the ocean’s warming. A huge surplus
of energy accumulates in ocean waters, which means that much of that
surplus will remain on the planet for many more centuries.
In 2017, there were massive tropical hurricanes in Asia and the Americas
that caused massive destruction in Texas and Florida. Climate change is a
problem to which international agreements are needed. The world is still
moving in the direction of at least three degrees Celsius. All this indicates
that joint development of climate management policy is needed (Klein,
4.5. Gaps between theory, education and social reality
The divide between economy and ecology, which has lasted for
almost two centuries, is a striking instrument of a common problem. The
fragmentation of knowledge leads to the loss of perspective and vision
of the interconnections and interdependencies between the elements
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
and the wider whole to which they belong. This has led to a policy that
tries to address highly specialized issues and does not take into account
their impact on other areas. It was for this reason that until the 1970s,
no one considered environmental studies important when planning new
commercial or community projects.
The economic model is not generally designed to reect the world, but is
a way of exploring what theoretical assumptions and abstractions can lead
to. The gap between academic study and the needs of the real world leads to
even greater gaps in all areas.
The concept of the new Enlightenment 2.0 as a philosophy of balance has
been formed. The philosophy of the new Enlightenment (Enlightenment
2.0) must strike a balance between:
1. between humans and nature, namely the use of residues of natural
landscapes, water bodies and minerals mainly as resources for ever-
increasing human development and consumption;
2. between farsightedness and myopia (in balancing these problems);
3. between speed and stability (today’s dependence of civilization on
the speed of development destroys the structures, habits and culture
that emerged on the basis of sustainability);
4. between the private and the public (history has led to pendulum
uctuations between the dominance of the private and public sectors,
but history has not struck a balance between the two spheres);
5. between equality and remuneration for achievement (without
remuneration for the achievement of society to lose in competition
with other societies, but a system of justice and equality must be
guaranteed by the state);
6. between state and religion (one of the enormous assets of the
European Enlightenment was the separation of public leadership
from religious, with full respect for religious values and communities)
(Klein, 2016).
The problem of preventing climate change, in particular global warming,
needs to be looked at more broadly, as we are talking about radical changes
in the way man lives on this planet. Climate change can lead to various
social, political and economic transformations that lead to shock as
society’s response to cataclysms. Most assumptions about natural disasters
as a result of human activity conrm the fundamental changes taking place
on our planet. In other words, if the air temperature reaches a certain limit,
unpredictable and potentially irreversible changes can begin, which will
have a large-scale destructive eect.
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
After that, the process will not be stopped, even by reducing carbon
emissions, the real plan of reduction of which may be based on the
achievements of other disciplines - physics, chemistry, biology, engineering,
political science, economics. The use of fossil fuels has changed our planet
so much that it is now necessary to change the level of its use. As an example,
since 2012 there has been an unprecedented melting of the Greenland Ice
Sheet, which leads to disastrous consequences and poses a great danger to
civilization (Ernst Ulʹrikh fon Vaytszeker et al., 2019).
The planet is warming and this is due to human activities, which entails
serious consequences and one day they will reach catastrophic proportions,
as hotter climates create problems (res in Turkey, Greece), the temperature
of our planet rises due to human impact on nature. The increase in the
number of forest res is inuenced by climate change, which is the result of
human activity (human factor). Excess carbon dioxide and warming aect
ora and fauna, as an increase in average temperature of 2 degrees Celsius
will reduce the range of vertebrates by 8%, plants - by 16%, insects - by 18%
(Graham et al., 2021).
Excess heat will negatively aect livestock, resulting in more expensive
meat, eggs and dairy products, as animals will give them less and will
die more often at a young age, and as a result of rising temperatures by
2 degrees will disappear and coral reefs that provide seafood more than a
billion people.
Twice as many people will not have constant access to clean water.
As the temperature rises, these problems will increase in scale, strength
and frequency. Mankind has faced droughts, natural disasters, changes in
temperature, res and oods, which also aect human health. Thus, the
climate catastrophe will change everything and there is little time left to
aect the nature of these changes and the changes caused by man have
already begun.
There is nothing we can do without radically changing our way of life,
without abandoning our economy and without losing some of the great
industries, and civilization must undergo fundamental changes in values
(Voronkova et al., 2020a).
This requires action in line with the economic paradigm of the state,
ie focusing on the political steps that states can take, but each of us can
help avoid a catastrophe - the head of government, an entrepreneur, an
ordinary citizen. The problem is very complex and aects almost every type
of human activity. Mankind already has some tools to reduce emissions, but
they should be used to the maximum.
Climate change in public policy should be taken into account, focusing
on vulnerable categories (women, youth); help farmers reduce the risks
of unpredictable weather conditions; create a government program to
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
diversify the cultivation of crops and animals; help reduce the risks posed
by climate change; nd new resources to nance adaptation projects; use
geoengineering at the local level; stop emitting greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere; pursue sound public policies to help address global warming,
air pollution and other global issues; develop a program of adaptation to
the eects of climate change (Meadows et al., 2018).
The Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC, 1992) and the Paris Agreement (2015) recognize that
adapting to global climate change in the light of the UN Framework
Convention on Climate Change is a global challenge aecting all local,
regional, national and regional and internationally. Adaptation is a key
component of a long-term global response to climate change to protect
people, livelihoods and ecosystems. The UN Climate Change Adaptation
Cycle includes four key components:
1. Assessing impacts, vulnerabilities and risks. At the present stage,
an initial assessment of the degree of impact of climate change on
natural systems, as well as society.
2. Planning adaptation measures. Here, the necessary adaptation
measures are developed and evaluated, including the study of the
necessary costs and potential benets. This is necessary to choose the
best of the available options. Carrying out comprehensive planning
is designed to prevent duplication of measures, their incomplete
implementation, as well as to promote sustainable development.
3. Implementation of adaptation measures. Adaptation measures are
implemented at various levels, including national, regional and
local. Various tools are used, such as the implementation of projects,
prole programs or strategies. This can be both individual measures
and integrated approaches that are taken into account in strategic
decisions and plans for sustainable development.
4. Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation measures. These steps
are taken throughout the adaptation process. The knowledge,
information and experience gained can be used to ensure the success
of further adaptation measures. Progress in the implementation of
measures is taken into account during the monitoring. Evaluation
also serves to study the eectiveness of actions (Metelenko and
Voronkova, 2021).
4.6. Modern ways to reduce carbon emissions as an indicator of
Reducing carbon emissions by 2030 and reaching 0 on balance is a great
global ambitious goal of our time, which cannot be achieved without the use
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
of modern technology. If we aim to reduce emissions a bit by 2030, we are
focusing on measures that could complicate or even break the main goal -
zero balance. For example, by reducing carbon emissions by 2030, there
is a temptation to replace coal-red power plants with gas-red ones, and
this will actually reduce carbon dioxide emissions (Klein, 2016). Only every
thermal power plant built in the next 10 years will still be in operation and
produce greenhouse gases in 2050.
She has to work for decades to pay o. That is, the country will fulll
the item “cut to 2030”, but will lose the chance to “get to zero”. On the
other hand, if we consider “reducing to 2030” as an intermediate stage in
reaching “zero in 2050”, it is pointless to waste time and money on the
transition from coal to gas.
It is better to combine two strategies: to focus on aordable and reliable
supply of carbon-free electricity and ensure maximum electrication - cars,
industrial processes, heat pumps, as electricity is still produced from fossil
fuels. If the country is interested in purely reducing emissions by 2030, this
approach will be a complete failure. In 10 years, the gures will decline,
but countries will build a bridgehead for long-term success, and every
breakthrough in generation, storage and supply will rapidly bring humanity
closer to zero (Woomeck and Voronkova, 2019).
Therefore, if experts are looking for a measure of who is successfully
resisting climate change and who is not, it is necessary to judge not only
by reducing emissions. We should look for countries that are preparing a
bridgehead to zero, which may not be showing eective emission reductions
at the moment, but deserve praise for choosing the right trajectory. And if
countries start today with the power of science and innovation, they will have
a chance not to make the same mistakes.
The key is to apply innovations that serve a new method or process, but
they demonstrate the ability to oer new approaches to business models,
supply chains, markets and regulation that will help the invention come to
life and be realized worldwide. Innovation is new tools and new ways of doing
things (Voronkova et al., 2021c).
Mankind already has a number of competitive low-carbon solutions at its
disposal, but there are not enough of them to achieve zero global emissions. It
is necessary to use new technologies that will improve ways to reduce carbon
emissions and serve as an indicator of success:
1) carbon-free hydrogen production;
2) batteries that can store energy for the city for the whole season;
3) electric fuel;
4) improved biofuels;
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
5) carbon neutral cement;
6) carbon neutral steel;
7) carbon neutral fertilizer;
8) a new generation nuclear reactor;
9) nuclear fusion;
10) carbon capture (directly from the air and point);
11) underground power lines;
12) carbon neutral plastic;
13) geothermal energy;
14) hydroaccumulation;
15) accumulation of thermal energy;
16) carbon neutral substitutes for palm oil (Hrem and Yorhen, 2017).
To this end, 1) funding for applied research and development in the
eld of clean energy and climate should be increased vefold; 2) bet more
on ambitious but risky research; 3) cooperate with the industry; 4) build
appropriate infrastructure; 5) change the rules of the game so that new
technologies become competitive; 6) set the price for carbon; 7) develop
the Renewables Portfolio Standard; 8) develop standards for clean fuel;
9) develop standards for clean products; 10) speed up the process of
legislative incentives for taxation and regulation of energy companies; 11)
use an integrated approach to accelerate innovation. The path is dicult
but reliable (Voronkova et al., 2021c).
4.7. The European Green Deal as a set of policy initiatives put
forward by the European Commission with the common goal of
making the European continent climate-neutral by 2050
The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives put forward by
the European Commission with the common goal of making the European
continent climate-neutral by 2050 (Voronkova et al., 2021b). Modern
civilization depends on extraction, devastating the exhaustive deposits of
combustible minerals that will not recover even for a longer period of time
than our species exists.
Big companies and free market ideology are blocking already uncertain
attempts to combat climate change. Provision of fossil fuels and electricity
and their use is the biggest cause of anthropogenic pollution. Of course, the
combustion of any combustible minerals involves the oxidation of carbon,
resulting in CO emissions. Water pollution is mostly the result of accidental
spills of oil or acid my water.
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
The main changes in water use are caused by surface coal mining,
construction of large hydroelectric dams and the formation of reservoirs,
and more recently the construction of large areas for wind and solar energy.
Most of the current laws and regulations protecting the environment have
been developed without taking into account climate change. The challenge
of reaching a climate consensus is the diculty of international cooperation.
It is dicult to reach unanimity from all countries of the world, especially
when it comes to the additional costs of stimulating carbon emissions.
Hence the extraordinary value of the Paris Climate Agreement: more than
190 countries have pledged to limit their emissions. If everyone keeps their
word, by 2030 emissions will fall from 3 to 6 billion tons per year, which is
less than 12% of current levels. We already know the number of emissions -
51 billion a year (Voronkova et al., 2021b).
The problem is very complex and aects almost every type of human
activity. We already have some tools to reduce emissions, so they should be
used to the maximum, and this requires many discoveries and technologies.
Thus, hundreds of innovative ideas in science and technology are needed
to overcome this problem (Trusova et al., 2021). A global consensus needs
to be reached and a political course needs to be developed to drive change.
It is necessary to get rid of the shortcomings of the modern energy
problem and preserve its advantages. Decarbonize the grid, making
extensive use of clean energy sources and investing in advanced
developments and technologies for generating, storing and transmitting
electricity. Government regulation and funding need to ll this gap by
focusing on areas where new carbon-free technologies need to be invented.
Independent political and nancial support will unlock the potential of the
idea (Cherep et al., 2019).
Thus, the government’s task is to invest in applied research that will help
solve this complex problem at both the center and regional levels. This will
help innovations that will reduce the cost of carbon-free steel production.
Barriers arise from a lack of sta information or incentives - and this is
where good public policy can change the situation. Markets, technology and
legislation are the three levers that can separate humanity from fossil fuels,
which should complement each other and, therefore, stimulate innovation,
the emergence of new companies and the rapid entry of new products into
the market.
And to do this, build an infrastructure that will bring new technologies to
market; develop standards for clean electricity, clean fuel, clean products.
Develop the European Green Course; local initiatives within the European
Green Course; implement the Roadmap for Ukraine’s participation in the
European Green Course; to promote climate change in the framework of
the European Green Course and to adapt to the eects of climate change;
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 612-629
prepare the regulatory framework and market structures by 2030;
implement an integrated approach to accelerate innovation in Ukraine and
around the world (Voronkova et al., 2021c).
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement to limit greenhouse
gas emissions. The main purpose of the agreement: to stabilize the level of
concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level that would
not allow dangerous anthropogenic impact on the planet’s climate system.
Figure 1 - Member States of the Kyoto Protocol (marked in green).
Source: (United Nation, 1992).
Conclusions of the study
Current trends on Earth are not sustainable, and the traditional answers
to these problems usually depend on the type of economic growth that is
strongly associated with the additional consumption of resources. Being
combined with the continued growth of the population, this fact deprives
further today’s trends of sustainability. The inevitable result of this process
is local and global economic collapse that will completely eradicate the
Sustainable Development Goals.
The Declaration accompanying the Goals formulates a vision for the
future where the development and use of technology shows its resilience,
taking into account climate change, respecting biological diversity. A world
in which humanity lives in harmony with nature and in which wildlife and
other biological species are protected.
Valentyna Voronkova, Vìtalina Nikitenko, Roman Oleksenko, Regina Andriukaitiene y
Olexsander Polysaiev
Environmental crisis overcoming as a factor for achieving economic sustainability in the context
of the European green course
Practical recommendations
Introduce a new taxation philosophy that rewards job creation and nes
the consumption of natural resources, while continuing to respect the need
for everyone to have access to the resources they need. It is necessary to
investigate the consistency between the Goals and the methods by which
the stated goals will be realized:
1) the need for urgent action to combat change in goals;
2) the importance of maintaining and moderately using the oceans, seas
and marine resources in the context of sustainable development;
3) protecting, reproducing and promoting the sustainable use of
land ecosystems, sustainable forest management, combating
environmental devastation; stopping land degradation and
restoration, as well as halting biodiversity loss. The problem of socio-
economic decits will be addressed by attempts to accelerate growth
and trade.
Prospects for further exploration in this direction
Sustainability improvement should be developed as a compromise
between socio-economic and environmental goals that will contribute to
the achievement of food security, providing humanity with sucient water,
overcoming the eects of biological diversity, and achieving human well-
The Human Development Index is a composite indicator of education,
health per capita, and is used to measure people’s well-being in dierent
countries. However, there is no country in the world that demonstrates
a high socio-economic level (the Human Development Index) and at the
same time has reached stable indicators (less than 1.8 ha) when measuring
its environmental footprint.
This means that there is no country in the world with a high level of
productivity on all three pillars (economic, social and environmental).
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en abril de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 77