Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 77
Recibido el 14/02/23 Aceptado el 28/03/23
ISSN 0798-1406 ~ Depósito legal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 77 (2023), 116-125
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Structure of the administrative and
legal mechanism for ensuring national
security of Ukraine in the context of
European integration
The aim of the article was to reveal the structure of the
administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring the national
security of Ukraine in the context of European integration. In
the course of the study the following methods were used and
combined: axiomatic, analysis and synthesis, classication, hermeneutic,
deductive, dialectical and metaphysical, logical and semantic and modeling.
In the results of the research, it is generalized that the framework of national
security provision in the circumstances of European integration is similar
to the basic elements of any other instrument of provision of activities. In
practical terms it is dened, what material and conceptual elements are
included in the structure of the administrative legal mechanism. In the
conclusions it is emphasized that these legal and administrative components
can be: on the one hand, normative, institutional, instrumental, analytical,
etc.; and, on the other hand, organizational, practical and implementation
and mixed.
Keywords: administrative and legal mechanism; collective security;
European integration; national security; Eastern Europe.
* Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of General Law
Disciplines of the National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
** Doctor of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Professor of the Department of General Law Disciplines of
the National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of General
Legal Disciplines of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
**** PhD in Law, Senior Scientic Associate of the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine.
***** Candidate of Legal Sciences, Doctoral Student of the Scientic Institute of Public Law. ORCID ID:
Iryna Nakonechna *
Andrii Blahodarnyi **
Liudmyla Servatiuk ***
Grygorii Denysenko ****
Vitalii Makarchuk *****
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 116-125
Estructura del mecanismo administrativo y legal
para garantizar la seguridad nacional de Ucrania en el
contexto de la integración europea
El objetivo del artículo fue revelar la estructura del mecanismo
administrativo y jurídico para garantizar la seguridad nacional de Ucrania
en el contexto de la integración europea. En el curso del estudio se
utilizaron y combinaron los siguientes métodos: axiomático, de análisis y
síntesis, de clasicación, hermenéutico, deductivo, dialéctico y metafísico,
lógico y semántico y de modelización. En los resultados de la investigación
se generaliza que el marco de provisión de seguridad nacional en las
circunstancias de la integración europea es similar a los elementos básicos
de cualquier otro instrumento de provisión de actividades. En términos
prácticos se dene, qué elementos materiales y conceptuales se incluyen en
la estructura del mecanismo jurídico administrativo. En las conclusiones se
destaca que estos componentes jurídicos y administrativos pueden ser: por
una parte, normativos, institucionales, instrumentales, analíticos, etc.; y,
por la otra, organizativos, prácticos y de aplicación y mixtos.
Palabras clave: mecanismo administrativo y jurídico; seguridad
colectiva; integración europea; seguridad nacional;
Europa del este.
The task of ensuring national security and defense should be a priority
in the activities of the State, since the very existence of the country depends
on the state of national security. Its implementation directly depends on
the proper mechanism for the formation and incorporation of the relevant
State policy (Shilin et al., 2022). This concept cannot be considered as some
isolated phenomenon, separated from public life.
If the national security of Ukraine is considered as the protection of
State sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders, security
and stability of the democratic constitutional system, protection of the
rights and freedoms of an individual and citizen, protection of the national
interests of Ukraine, then it becomes clear that such a state of security of
society and the country, of each individual can be achieved as the result
of joint eorts of State authorities, local self-government bodies, public
associations and citizens. War stirred up by the Russian Federation
possesses special threat to the national security of Ukraine; it is widespread
and violates the military, economic, informational, ecological, ideological
and other types of security of Ukraine.
Iryna Nakonechna, Andrii Blahodarnyi, Liudmyla Servatiuk, Grygorii Denysenko y Vitalii Makarchuk
Structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring national securityof Ukraine in
the context of European integration
As any direction of state activity, ensuring national security requires
scientic approaches and the development of appropriate basic principles,
on which the country’s activity is based, including in the security and defense
sector. Within such a model of the Ukrainian state development, there is a
need to revise the existing views on the understanding of the essence, goals,
tasks and principles of administrative and legal support of the security and
defense sector in Ukraine.
Having studied within other scientic works the issue of the categorical
and conceptual aspect of the administrative and legal mechanism for
ensuring the national security of Ukraine in the contexts of European
integration, we established that it is a system of mutually coordinated,
interdependent and conceptually united elements with a common goal,
which are planned to be adapted to key requirements, standards and the
rules of EU security and defense legislation, the proper functioning of
which contributes to the achievement of the state of security of Ukraine
from dangerous factors, drivers and events relevant for a certain period,
harmful to both individual and state security, as well as collective security
in general.
Given the limited possibility of considering the issues of the administrative
and legal mechanism for ensuring Ukraine’s national security in the context
of European integration within one scientic publication, we consider it
necessary to continue its consideration with an emphasis on identifying the
system of elements mentioned above, which is the goal of our Article.
1. Methodology
Using axiomatic method, the view on the national security as the object
of administrative and legal regulation is formulated.
The application of methods of analysis and synthesis contributed to the
identication of the features of the national security system and the system
of ensuring national security.
With the use of the classication method, the elemental composition
of the administrative and legal mechanism, including the one we are
investigating, is studied.
Hermeneutic method made it possible to examine the views of a number
of scholars on the issue under consideration.
On the basis of the deductive method, structural elements of the
mechanisms of administrative and legal support for various spheres of the
State activity are highlighted.
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 116-125
The use of dialectical and metaphysical methods made it possible to
investigate the ways of formation and development of national security as
a legal category.
Logical and semantic method and the method of analysis of dictionary
denitions are used to deepen the understanding of the conceptual
apparatus of the Article.
The application of modeling method helps to formulate the authors’ view
on the structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring
Ukraine’s national security in the context of European integration.
2. Literature Review
As a general rule, the elements of the administrative and legal mechanism
of security activities are legal, organizational, economic and material ones.
At the same time, they must necessarily be adequate to the tasks facing the
state and aimed at achieving the implementation of the goals (Bezpalova,
2014) of this function of the State.
However, as Kovalenko (2018) points out, the denition of the elemental
composition of the administrative and legal mechanism, including the one
we are investigating, is complicated by the fact that to this day scientists
interpret the structural content of this phenomenon, in particular, and the
legal mechanism, in general, in dierent ways.
The scientist analyzes the views by other scholars regarding the denition
of the structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for protection,
countermeasures, provision, etc., of various spheres of life and comes to the
conclusion that the structure of the administrative and legal mechanism
of information support for combating corruption in law enforcement
agencies of Ukraine has two levels: basic and additional. Consequently,
the main level consists of the following structural elements: 1) subject; 2)
administrative and legal relations; 3) rules of administrative legislation; 4)
acts of implementation of the relevant norms, in particular, orders, on the
accumulation and systematization of information; 5) guarantees, which are
measures, means, forms, methods, with the help of which the State policy
is translated into practice. In turn, the additional level covers the structural
elements of this mechanism, which, although they are not mandatory
ones, nevertheless, optimize, contribute to increasing the eciency of its
functioning; this is legal awareness; legal education; special educational
Skakun (2000) notes that the legal mechanism consists of interconnected
and relatively independent functional systems, to which the scientist
includes: 1) regulatory system; 2) legal system; 3) system of legal self-
Iryna Nakonechna, Andrii Blahodarnyi, Liudmyla Servatiuk, Grygorii Denysenko y Vitalii Makarchuk
Structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring national securityof Ukraine in
the context of European integration
However, the problems of the administrative and legal mechanism of
ensuring Ukraine’s national security in the context of European integration
generally do not have their scientic coverage, which indicates the relevance
of considering its structure.
3. Results and Discussion
The implementation of the laws of Ukraine in the area of national
security, defense, normative legal acts, and other laws of Ukraine on
security and defense, as well as program documents is impossible without
interaction, coordination and main participation in the process of ensuring
national security of all actors of the security and defense sector, their bodies
and forces support. Bodies are understood as the legislative, executive and
judicial branches, and forces are executive agencies empowered to ensure
national security on the territory of Ukraine (Sobakar and Kovaliv, 2016).
The analysis of scientic views of administrative scientists makes
it possible to single out the principles of rule-making in the sphere of
implementation of the national security of the state: 1) principle of legality
of departmental rulemaking (projects of departmental legal instruments
must be developed taking into account the requirements of laws and
by-laws and regulations of the highest State bodies); 2) the principle
of reasonableness (decision on the advisability of developing a specic
departmental regulatory act must be properly justied); 3) the principle
of planning and forecasting (in institutional rulemaking it is necessary to
clearly articulate the objectives that must be achieved as a result of the
adoption of a specic regulatory act; to determine the most eective ways
to achieve the goals; to identify current and prospective tasks that must
be set before specic entities implementing law enforcement function of
the State); 4) the principle of scientic integrity (scientic soundness of
normative activity is particularly relevant,, because unscientic nature of
legal instruments entails their ineectiveness and instability) (Bezpalova,
Administrative and legal activity carried out by the actors of the security
and defense sector is expressed in everyday organizational and practical
measures for the implementation of external and internal administrative
in order to solve the tasks set in the eld of ensuring the components
of national security, in particular, military, economic, environmental,
informational, food, ideological and other types of security and to ensure
the security of the individual, society and the State.
Ukraine’s choice of European integration, entry into the European
legal space, orientation to European standards – all this determines the
need to take into account foreign practice when adopting relevant legal
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 116-125
instruments. The adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of
the European Union and the norms of international law plays crucial role.
Passing departmental regulatory legal acts by the specied bodies, in turn,
must comply with laws and other regulatory legal acts of national legislation
that correspond to the legislation of the European Union and the rules of
international law. That is, the bodies that adopt normative-legal 153 acts,
when developing them, must comply with the relevant directives of the
European Union, international standards.
Turuta (2010), distinguishes the following levels in the structure of
the legal mechanism for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens:
1) regulatory, consisting of two elements: a) regulatory and material;
b) regulatory and procedural; 2) institutional (system of State bodies);
3) procedural – formation of experience by the designated bodies on
the adoption of administrative, judicial, notarial decisions; 4) eective
eective consequences of procedural decisions made by judicial and
administrative agencies, expressed in their implementation.
Slabunova (2013) singles out the following blocks in the structure of
the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring the rights of citizens
by the prosecutor’s oce: 1) regulatory (set of legal norms and legal acts,
legal facts); 2) institutional and organizational (the system of prosecutor’s
oce in the eld of ensuring citizens’ rights); 3) procedural and functional
(principles and tools, methods of regulation, as well as procedures and
algorithms for the implementation of activities of the prosecutor’s oce to
ensure rights and freedoms of citizens, including management techniques
and technologies); 4) support (personnel, information, material and
technical, etc.); 5) informational and analytical (analysis of the state of
development and existence of the security object).
Without specifying levels, as an example, the structure of the mechanism
for ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, Lazur (2009) denes as
follows: a) rule of law; b) legal relations; c) principles of rights and freedoms
of citizens; d) stages of their provision; e) guarantees of exercising the rights
and freedoms of citizens; e) legal facts; g) acts of legal norms application.
An entirely dierent view of the structure is expressed by Frolkov (2013)
in his research on the mechanism of administrative and legal protection
of consumer rights, which includes special means, appropriate guarantees
and legal liability as elements of such a mechanism.
Bezpalova (2015) denes the structure of the mechanism of
implementation of the law enforcement function of the State as follows:
1) institutional component (subjects); 2) administrative and legal norms;
3) principles; 4) forms and methods; 5) legal relations, which translate the
requirements contained in legal acts into practice; 6) resource component
(personnel, information, material, technical support, etc.).
Iryna Nakonechna, Andrii Blahodarnyi, Liudmyla Servatiuk, Grygorii Denysenko y Vitalii Makarchuk
Structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring national securityof Ukraine in
the context of European integration
According to Shorskyi (2018), the above opinions by Bezpalova
and Slabunova regarding the separation of structural elements of the
mechanisms of administrative and legal support of various spheres are the
most thorough, because: rstly, they cover various elements of a primary
and secondary nature; secondly, they describe in detail the meaningful
essence of the mechanism itself; thirdly, they allow to consider separately
each of the principles of functioning of the mechanism for their further
improvement; fourthly, they contain an exhaustive systematized list of
structural units necessary for further activation of the mechanism.
The scientist also notes that despite the possibility, and in some cases,
the expediency, of separating each constituent element of the mechanism of
administrative and legal support in various spheres, it should be taken into
account that, being an established system, its functioning is ensured by all
collective elements and the relationship between them, as well as the levers
of inuence that bring it into action.
Therefore, the analysis of the above leads to the conclusion that, in
general, the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring various
spheres includes:
1) organizational elements such as: norms of administrative law,
objectied in the system of legal instruments; subjects of establishing
and implementing the rules of conduct set out for a specic circle of
legal relations; security objects;
2) elements combining organizational and practical manifestation such
as legal relations in the eld of its implementation, principles and
guarantees regarding the activities of its incorporation;
3) practical implementation elements – forms, methods, procedures of
activities of authorized subjects, as well as information and analytical
We should also note that the mechanism for ensuring information
security is the system of various means (political, personnel, operative and
search, informational, legal), which actually ensure the protection of the
informational interests of the State, society, and individuals from internal
and external threats (Nashynets-Naumova, 2017), as information security
of the country is a component of national security (Chernysh et al., 2022)
Logically, the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring information
security should be the system of administrative means of protection.
In order to understand the essence of the indicated opinion, let’s clarify
that the commonly accepted meaning, “means” is understood as reception,
some special action that makes it possible to accomplish something, to
achieve something; way; that which serves as a tool in any action, business.
At the same time, “reception” is a way of performing or carrying out
Vol. 41 Nº 77 (2023): 116-125
something; a certain measure for the implementation of something, the
achievement of some goal; means of expression.
“Method” is a certain action, technique or system of techniques that
makes it possible to do, accomplish something, achieve something; that
which serves as tools, means, etc. on any case, action. “Tool” is the set of
actions or means to achieve, implement something. That is, means is a
technique; reception is a method or measure; method is a certain action;
tool is the set of actions (Zamryha, 2018).
Accordingly, the scholar limits the essence of this mechanism to an
exclusively instrumental approach. In our opinion, by analogy with the
administrative and legal mechanism of regulation, it is appropriate to take
into account that the disclosure of their elements only on the basis of the
instrumental component is incomplete. It is necessary to take into account
the organic unity of all elements making written truths a practical reality.
Therefore, the analysis conducted leads to the conclusion that the
structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring Ukraine’s
national security in the context of European integration includes:
1) rules of administrative legislation, which determine:
a) the need to carry out security activities in the area of national
security in the context of European integration and the
conditions and grounds for the activation of protective,
security and support measures;
b) the status of the actors of its implementation, the main
principles of their activity;
c) the functionality of this mechanism and the framework of life
support objects, etc.;
2) administrative and legal relations regarding the provision of national
security of Ukraine in the context of European integration;
3) actors of ensuring the national security of Ukraine in the context of
European integration;
4) forms, methods and procedures of ensuring the national security of
Ukraine in the context European integration;
5) regulatory and legal principles of implementation of the administrative
and legal mechanism for ensuring the national security of Ukraine in
the context of European integration.
Iryna Nakonechna, Andrii Blahodarnyi, Liudmyla Servatiuk, Grygorii Denysenko y Vitalii Makarchuk
Structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring national securityof Ukraine in
the context of European integration
The structure of the administrative and legal mechanism for ensuring
Ukraine’s national security in the context of European integration is
similar to the basic elements of any other administrative and legal
mechanism of security activities. These elements can be, on the one hand,
regulatory, institutional, instrumental, analytical, etc.; and on the other –
organizational, practical and implementation, mixed.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en abril de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 77