Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.41 N° 76
Recibido el 29/10/22 Aceptado el 14/12/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 41, Nº 76 (2023), 116-135
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Prospects for the development
of investment and innovation
activity in Ukraine
Taliat Bielialov *
Iryna Shtuler **
Dina Tereshchenko ***
Nataliia Horiachova ****
Lesia Pashniuk *****
The article is based on general and special scientic knowledge
methods by means of which the main investment trends in
Ukraine and in the leading economies of the world are revealed.
It highlights the prerequisites for stable economic development
of the country and, at the same time, investigates the factors
of investment attraction. The main problems of the development of
investment activities on the territory of Ukraine are described and strategic
guidelines for the formation of a positive investment climate are given.
As a result of the research, the short- and long-term policy prospects for
improving investment and innovation activities in war and post-war times
have been determined. In addition, the priority directions of foreign capital
investments are considered, which include defense industry, energy,
information technologies, processing industry, nancial activity and trade.
It was concluded that stimulation of intellectual and investment activities
in Ukraine requires the introduction of an eective tax system, promotion
of international cooperation, improvement of legislation and provision of
adequate protection of intellectual property rights.
Keywords: strategic investments; investment activities; innovations;
human capital; intellectual capital.
* Doctor of Science in Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and
Business, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://
** Doctor of Economics, Professor, First Vice-Rector, National Academy Management, Kyiv, Ukraine.
*** Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of Department of sociology and
public administration, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv,
Ukraine. ORСID ID:
**** Ph. D. in Economics, Detached structural subdivision "Mariupol Professional College of the State Higher
Educational Institution "Pryazovskyi State Technical University", Dnipro, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://
***** Ph. D. in Economics, Deputy Director of Economics, Selyshchanskyi Granite Quarry, Ltd, Rivne,
Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
Perspectivas políticas para el desarrollo de la actividad
de inversión e innovación en Ucrania
El artículo esta basado en métodos de conocimiento cientícos generales
y especiales mediante los cuales se revelan las principales tendencias de
inversión en Ucrania y en las principales economías del mundo. Se destaca
los requisitos previos para el desarrollo económico estable del país y, al
mismo tiempo, se investiga los factores de atracción de inversiones. Se
describen los principales problemas del desarrollo de las actividades de
inversión en el territorio de Ucrania y se dan pautas estratégicas para
la formación de un clima de inversión positivo. Como resultado de la
investigación, se han determinado las perspectivas políticas a corto y largo
plazo para mejorar las actividades de inversión e innovación en tiempos de
guerra y posguerra. Además, se consideran las direcciones prioritarias de
las inversiones de capital extranjero, que incluyen la industria de defensa,
la energía, las tecnologías de la información, la industria de procesamiento,
la actividad nanciera y el comercio. Se concluyó que la estimulación de las
actividades intelectuales y de inversión en Ucrania requiere la introducción
de un sistema scal ecaz, la promoción de la cooperación internacional,
la mejora de la legislación y la provisión de una protección adecuada de los
derechos de propiedad intelectual.
Palabras clave: inversiones estratégicas; actividades de inversión;
innovaciones; capital humano; capital intelectual.
The most important source of economic growth of any country is
investment, the economic nature of which is determined by the laws of the
process of extended reproduction. It consists in using an additional share
of the social product, national income, to increase the number and quality
of elements of the productive forces of society. Lack of investment slows
down economic growth, which leads to crises, a decrease in the production
of goods and services, a decrease in employment, ination, etc. (Lazorenko,
In modern economic conditions, the eciency of the investment
process is the key basis for the successful functioning of the state economy
and individual enterprises. Among the key factors that inhibit the inow
of investments, scientists single out corruption, currency instability and
stalling of reforms, an inecient judicial system (impossibility to protect
property rights or fairly resolve a business dispute), the issue of land
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
allocation and value added tax reimbursement, as well as overcoming
technical trade barriers and passing customs procedures (Kushnir, 2020).
This issue is especially relevant for modern Ukraine, which in the last
few years has faced a number of problems that have signicantly aected
its economic system. The war on the territory of Ukraine, the annexation
of its separate territories, the instability of the economic and political
system caused the process of reducing the inow of foreign investments
into the country and, at the same time, determined the inability to achieve
economic development in all spheres of life at the expense of one’s own
nancial resources. Under such circumstances, many questions arise: did
investors manage to save their fortunes? How many of them are currently
motivated to invest in business in Ukraine? What priority investment areas
should be chosen?
Also, one of the main problems in the development of the vast majority
of industries is the lack of capital, so improving investment attractiveness
and establishing a stable investment process in the country are of great
importance. In the conditions of the innovative economy, investments in
the human capital of the enterprise are made with the aim of increasing
the pace of innovative development and obtaining, on this basis, a positive
socio-economic eect in the current and future periods (Slastyanikova,
Innovations and intellectual capital are key factors in the modernization
of the economy and further economic growth, which is indirectly conrmed
by the research of Miyamoto and Hulten (Miyamoto, 2008; Hulten, 2013).
Based on the analysis of statistical information from many countries,
including developing ones, they testify that investment in intellectual
capital and innovation is an important source of economic growth and is
positively correlated with gross domestic product per head.
Socio-economic transformations taking place in Ukraine require proven
technologies of management and capital building. The accumulation and
application of innovative knowledge has become crucial as an intellectual
factor in the formation of a new type of production. Under such conditions,
intellectual capital appears not only as a means of increasing general capital,
but also as, in principle, an adequate reection of reality and determination
of priority directions for the transformation of the national economy
(Ostropolska et al., 2020).
Taking into account the global diculties, at the stage of formation of
a developed market economy in Ukraine, the solution of problems related
to the introduction of innovations in all spheres of social life in the war
and post-war period is becoming more and more urgent. After all, due to
objective circumstances, the economy of Ukraine lags behind the world
level, and the development and implementation of innovations requires the
use of a comprehensive approach and taking into account defense costs.
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
Thus, the relevance of the research topic is determined by the importance
and complexity of investing in innovative projects, human and intellectual
capital, the specics of the functioning of the Ukrainian economy in
wartime conditions, and the insuciency of the treatment of certain issues
in scientic and special literature.
1. Methodology of the study
The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is the scientic
works of domestic and foreign scientists on economic theory, investment
theory, human and intellectual capital.
The following methods of research of economic phenomena and processes
were used to solve the problems: dialectical and abstract-logical method of
cognition - when summarizing theoretical and methodological aspects of
investment innovation activity in Ukraine and other leading countries of the
world, as well as when forming conclusions; monographic method - when
studying the experience of regions and countries in the growth of innovative
and intellectual investments to ensure the quality of life; analytical grouping
method - when grouping the countries of the world according to the level of
investment and innovation activity and the development of human capital;
the method of building an econometric model and the method of scenario
modeling - when evaluating and developing directions for the development
of investment and innovation activities.
The information base of the study consists of ocial analytical and
statistical materials and publications of the World Property Organization
WIPO, results of scientic, scientic and technical, innovative activities,
technology transfer, as well as data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine,
monographs and periodical literature, analytical materials of national and
foreign research institutes institutes and centers.
2. Analysis of recent research
Paying tribute to the scientic development in the direction of researching
investment activity at the macro and national levels, it is necessary to state
that scientic works have not nally resolved the issue of substantiating
the integral direction of the formation of state policy in the sphere of
investment in innovation and human capital under conditions when the
main eorts of the state are aimed at restraining foreign aggression, which
not only signicantly complicates the adequate modernization of the
national economy, but also calls into question the existence of many state
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
Under such conditions, there is a real threat of losing not only resources to
ensure overall economic development, but also the paradigmatic principles
of regeneration of eective social existence and stable functioning of the
economic system (Ostropolska et al., 2020).
In view of this, the purpose of the work is to research the world’s leading
investment-innovative economies and to develop, based on this, prospects
for attracting investments to the economy of Ukraine in the war and post-
war period.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. General characteristics of investment innovation activity
Investments play a key role in the maintenance and growth of the state’s
economic potential, acting as a guarantor of its sustainable economic
development. Without them, it is impossible to implement the tasks
set at the enterprise, to carry out modernization, which will increase the
technological level of both the enterprise and the industry as a whole, will
provide an opportunity to increase the gross national product, increase the
level of competitiveness in the foreign market, as well as the implementation
of social programs and high wages for employees.
According to the Law of Ukraine «On Investment Activities»:
«investments are all types of property and intellectual values that are
invested in objects of entrepreneurial and other types of activity, as a result
of which prot (income) is created and/or social and environmental eects
are achieved» (On Investment Activity, 1991).
Investments are necessary to ensure the eective functioning and
development of the enterprise. They perform a number of functions:
ensuring the growth of the market value of the enterprise; a tool for the
implementation of innovation policy; source of formation of production and
resource potential; asset structure optimization mechanism; formation of
long-term capital structure; a mechanism for ensuring simple and extended
reproduction of xed assets and intangible assets.
From the standpoint of reforming the economy, increased investment
activity is the basis for obtaining an economic eect. Without an increase in
the rate of investment growth, an increase in the share of investments in the
gross domestic product, it is impossible to overcome the gap in the growth
of the gross domestic product and industry, low protability of production,
low wages of employees (Horyachova, 2020).
Thus, investments can be characterized as a reection of relations,
which is associated with the early investment of nancial, property and
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
intellectual values invested in the objects of the enterprise, in xed assets
and scientic and technical development of the enterprise, obtaining in the
future economic eect and net income
Certain authors, dening the term «investments», believe that they exist
only in monetary form. But capital investment can also be made in any
property form or in the form of non-property assets; totality of technical,
technological, commercial and other knowledge; production experience;
the right to use land, water, resources, buildings, as well as other property
rights (Mayorova, 2009).
Innovation means newly created (applied) and (or) improved competitive
technologies, products or services, as well as organizational and technical
solutions of a production, administrative, commercial or other nature,
which signicantly improve the structure and quality of production and
(or) the social sphere; these are real processes of creating new knowledge,
systems and means of production, technologies and their implementation
in the sphere of economy or public administration, trade or international
relations (Guk et al., 2022).
The relevance of investing in innovative activity lies in the fact that in
Ukraine the investment process is mostly considered separately from the
innovation process, and in order to make positive changes, it is necessary
to determine the main problems and prospects for the development of the
investment and innovation market itself.
The signicant impact of the state innovation policy on the innovation
sustainability of the country was emphasized by Freeman, who understood
the national innovation system to be a network of public and private
institutions, thanks to their cooperation, new technologies are initiated,
imported, modied and disseminated (Freeman, 1987). Therefore, eective
innovation investment involves the synergy of the state and private
resource base with the aim of forming a full-edged infrastructure, avoiding
discrimination, encouraging partnerships at various levels of the innovation
and business ecosystem, implementing the concept of sustainable economic
development for the sake of a high quality of life.
The development of the innovation and investment system in the
conditions of a market economy is an objective and practically unceasing
phenomenon that requires regulatory organizational and economic
mechanisms and levers that will allow to eectively inuence the dynamics
and structure of changes in the economic system, since investments have a
powerful transforming eect on the national economy. Thanks to a correctly
formed innovation and investment policy, it is possible to create such a
structure of the national economic complex that would ensure the most
ecient use of available resources and prerequisites for the sustainable
development of the country.
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
3.2. Leading global practices of investment innovation activity
The development of the world economy is characterized by the
acceleration of the innovation process, the growth of labor productivity,
and the intensication of competition on the world market. Under such
conditions, an important indicator that characterizes the external inuence
of factors and aects innovation activity is the indicator of costs for
innovation activity, since it characterizes not only the use of production
potential, but also the presence of demand for competitive products to
improve the economic status of the enterprise and the country.
As the experience of developed countries shows, the main factor in
the development of innovations is a stable political environment, socio-
economic, informational, technical condition and other factors, in particular,
the use of labor resources that are able to perform both intellectual and
physical work as eciently as possible.
To assess the state of innovative activity in the world and the spread
of progressive practices and models, the World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) annually compiles a ranking of countries the
Global Innovation Index, which is formed by 2 groups and 7 subgroups of
indicators, 82 variables (Global Innovation Index, 2021).
Since 2011, Switzerland has remained the leader in innovative activity.
The 20 leading countries in terms of innovation include 5 Asian countries
- the Republic of Korea (5th place), Singapore (8th place), the People’s
Republic of China (12th place), Japan (13th place), Hong Kong (14th place).
In 2021, the record number of Hague system applications was recorded by
Asia with 22% of the total number of applications, while Europe’s share
is more than 70%. The most active users are applicants from Switzerland,
Germany, the United States of America (hereinafter the USA, the Republic
of Korea, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Great Britain and Turkey (World
Investment Report, 2021).
General statistics for 132 countries ranked by the Global Innovation
Index (Global Innovation Index, 2021) prove a direct relationship between
the level of economic development and innovation. But the issue is not only
the availability of resources, but also the quality of resources. And since
innovations are primarily intellectual capital, we can state the exceptional
importance for every country of building an eective education system and
ensuring equal access to it for all social groups.
The countries of North America and the USA are among the leaders
among the regions of the world in innovative activity and the production
of high-tech products. Due to the large scale of the US market, businesses
have the opportunity to mass sell their products. After the emergence of
competition in this direction from Japan and Germany in the 1970s and
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
1980s, the leadership of these countries began to pay more attention
to the development of innovative activities, as well as to increasing the
competitiveness of products produced in the country.
Thus, in 1980, the USA nanced 60% of inventions and had 28,000
patents, of which only 4% were implemented at enterprises. Almost 33%
of the state budget is allocated for the salaries of scientists engaged in
development. 90% of nancing for innovative activities is carried out by
large companies at their own expense (World Investment Report 2021).
In the US, innovation investment volumes are closely related to the
country’s budget and large industrial enterprises in the agricultural sector,
nanotechnology, materials science, and medicine. Representatives of large
industrial enterprises are interested in receiving long-term innovative
projects nanced by state budget funds. The main areas of development
of innovative activity in this country in recent years are: “industry of
medicine, transport industry, infrastructure development, energy-ecient
technologies, technologies in education, space research, development in
the eld of computer technology (Horyachova, 2020: 101).
Innovative activity in the USA is mostly created at the expense of
enterprises. At the same time, the country has a stable legislative framework
for the protection of intellectual property objects, obtaining preferential
loans, and the economic interest of enterprises. Considerable attention is
paid to the support of scientic and technical knowledge, as well as scientic
research laboratories and universities that are engaged in research work
and have a connection with industrial enterprises.
It is worth noting that the innovative activity of the USA occupied the rst
place in the world for some time and despite the fact that the submission
of applications for the object of industrial property has decreased in the
country, the quality of innovative products is more qualitative than the
products of China and most countries of the European Union.
China scores highly in the global innovation index for the number of
trademarks, patents and industrial designs, but lags behind other countries
in areas such as human capital and higher education. China is the leading
country in the world in submitting applications for industrial property
objects and spending on innovative activities. The number of applications
submitted for the period from 1985 to 2021 is about 22 million applications
for: inventions – 36%, utility model – 37%, industrial design – 27% (World
Investment Report, 2021).
The most developed innovative industries in this country are: electronic
and information technologies, biotechnology, technologies of new medical
preparations, aerospace technologies, nuclear technologies, marine
industry, new materials and technologies and their implementation,
energy-saving technologies, environmental protection, agricultural
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
technologies. The most famous in China are the following technology parks:
«Zhongguancun» technology park in Beijing; open technology zones in
Guangzhou and Nanjing; high-tech parks «Zhangjiang» in Shanghai and
During the period from 2010 to 2021, there was an increase in all types of
industrial property objects in the PRC. The largest number of applications
were submitted for trademarks, inventions and industrial designs, which
indicates that innovative products of the PRC are in demand on the world
market. At the same time, the growth of industrial production decreased
somewhat (World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO). In general, as
evidenced by our analysis, innovative activity in China is developing every
Great Britain is increasing its innovative potential in the eld of
nancial technologies, and is currently one of the world leaders in this area.
There are 2,500 ntech rms operating in the country, which currently
focus on managing investments in the technology space. Today, the focus
is shifting from nancing servers and physical assets to cloud capabilities
and data usage. Leading investment managers allocate about 50% of the
budget to these most important strategic priorities, and the automation
and robotization of business operations are among the strategic priorities,
which is due to the need to constantly increase margins and the need for
companies to meet the requirements of regulatory documents (Guk et al.,
The specied areas of innovation are among the most expensive.
Investment managers are paying more attention to investing in ntech
companies: in 2021, a record number of nancing rounds with a total
amount of $4.5 billion, in which investment companies participated, was
recorded. And some medium and large investment managers are expanding
their activities and providing services to other smaller fund managers. The
collaboration model helps not only to increase prots, but also to retain
customers due to a more customized set of services (Painter, 2022).
High rates of scientic and technical progress require simultaneous
transformations in education, mastering of digital technologies and
constant updating of knowledge. Therefore, the issue of improving the
quality of education is one of the priorities in Germany as well. And since
innovative development is determined by a complex of factors, increasing
the eciency of innovative activity requires consistency of strategies and
coordination of actions of the relevant line ministries, a clear numerical
expression of target benchmarks, etc.
Previously, the leading direction of investment in Norway was the
development of the oil industry. Currently, the country is implementing a
diversication model and is refocusing on the development of biotechnology
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
and agriculture as new promising directions. But at the same time, Norway
felt a shortage of specialists and knowledge in these areas of activity.
The standard in today’s conditions is the experience of investment
innovation activity of the leader of the global innovation index rating -
Switzerland. A signicant factor in the country’s leadership in innovation is
the large amount of nancing for innovation. It is one of the countries with
the highest R&D expenditures relative to their gross domestic product. The
private sector accounts for more than two-thirds of Swiss spending on such
works, currently accounting for more than 3% of gross domestic product, or
about 22 billion Swiss francs. The state’s participation in funding research
depends mainly on the proactive work of researchers, the principle of
competition and international cooperation. State institutions at various
levels invest in research. Projects for funding are selected on a competitive
basis (Research and Innovation in Switzerland, 2021).
Switzerland is active in various areas to create a favorable innovation
and investment climate. The priority tasks of the state policy of
innovative development include ensuring: the quality of education at all
levels; accessibility of their state institutions; reliable political and legal
In Switzerland, at the legislative level (Our activities and objectives.
Division of Business and Economic Development, 2022), the support of
the Confederation of Innovation Infrastructure, namely: the Swiss National
Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for the Promotion of
Innovation (Innosuisse), 30 research institutions of national importance, is
established , the Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences, the institution «ETH»
environment. The country also participates in numerous international
research organizations and research programs, such as CERN and multi-
annual framework programs of the European Union, and also promotes
bilateral research cooperation with certain priority countries (Research and
Innovation in Switzerland, 2021).
From the above, we can conclude that the factors of an eective innovative
development model in Switzerland are: sucient amounts of funding for
innovative activities, strong state support; adherence to the principles of
competition, which allows eective use of state nancial resources; creation
of parity conditions for the development of science and research in dierent
In general, the leading countries of the world have a balanced resource
potential of innovative activity and the results of innovation, and about 80%
occupy leading positions in ve out of seven criteria, namely: according
to the resource potential of innovative activity, it is institutional support;
according to the results of the implementation of innovations, this is the
development of technologies and the economy; results of creative activity;
human capital and research; business development.
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
The analysis of the state of the global investment market made it
possible to identify the following trends: 1) annual increase in costs
for innovative activities (primarily Switzerland, the Republic of Korea,
the USA, other countries of Asia and the European Union); 2) close
cooperation of universities and research organizations with business
and enterprises brings signicant income to the economy of the leading
countries of the world, which creates the basis for the implementation of
innovative developments and their commercialization; 3) in general, the
quality of innovative developments of the USA is higher than the quality of
innovative developments of most EU countries and Asian countries; 4) for
several years in a row, Switzerland has taken the rst place among the EU
countries as a country with high innovative development (it is this model of
investment activity that can become a benchmark for Ukraine).
3.3. Ukrainian prospects of investment and innovation activity
It is dicult to overestimate the role of the state in the formation of
an eective national innovation system. In view of the purpose of our
research, as well as taking into account the questions that were revealed in
the previous sections of the scientic article, we consider it appropriate to
consider the priority directions of foreign capital investments in Ukraine.
One of the key means of ensuring economic growth and progressive
development of Ukraine is foreign investment. According to the analysis
of past years, the most priority industries in Ukraine were: processing
industry (25%), nancial activity (15%), trade (10%) and other directions
of foreign capital investments (27%). The lowest priorities include:
electricity production and distribution (1%), agriculture (2%), extractive
industry (3%), transport (4%) and construction (5%) (Huk et al., 2021 , p.
17). However, the war in Ukraine forced a reassessment of the attitude to
investment. Some tools proved to be reliable, some were underestimated,
and some did not work at all.
It is necessary to single out the conceptual problems of the development
of investment and innovation activity in the economy of Ukraine: the
imperfection of the legislation regarding the development of innovation
activity; indeterminacy of priorities for the development of basic
sectors of the economy and lack of favorable conditions for attracting
investments in order to ensure the development of high-tech production;
underdevelopment of innovation infrastructure (innovation centers,
innovation business incubators, technopolises, technology parks, science
parks, technology transfer centers and industrial clusters); low rates of
introduction of high technologies; high energy intensity of the domestic gross
product; insucient volume of savings of the population, funds of business
entities and the state for investment in order to implement investment and
innovation projects; the uncertainty of the legal instrument for attracting
non-state investments for the purpose of economic development.
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
In particular the mechanism for ensuring the development of public-
private partnerships; depreciation of xed assets; non-compliance by
business entities with the requirements of legislation regarding the
registration of objects of intellectual property rights and the absence of a
mechanism to encourage the introduction of such objects into commercial
circulation; imperfection of the mechanism of commercialization of the
results of scientic research and development; a small number of domestic
manufacturers of high-tech products participating in the international
exchange of technologies; insucient state support for the introduction
of innovations to ensure the development of small and medium-sized
Among the reasons for the unfavorable investment climate in Ukraine
and, therefore, the restraint of economic development, numerous domestic
and foreign studies note the instability of Ukrainian legislation, excessive
regulation of most markets, insuciently developed market infrastructure,
including the stock market, strong tax pressure, bureaucracy and
government corruption.
As rightly noted in the scientic literature, transformational processes
that take place in the national economy and aect changes in the investment
system are caused by improper organization and institutional support
of the investment process (Guk et al., 2021). For example, one of the
biggest problems in Ukraine regarding the introduction of innovations in
the industrial sector is: low level of development of clusters; insucient
procurement of technological equipment by enterprises due to lack of
nancing; low level of foreign investment attraction and technology
Analyzing the investment and innovation activity of Ukraine, it should be
emphasized that despite the availability of stable resources, in recent years,
trends towards the country’s loss of human capital have been observed.
In the conditions of war, and this is not surprising, insucient funds are
allocated for the development of innovations in Ukraine. Real reforms in the
eld of higher education are necessary, on which human capital depends on
the further development and implementation of intellectual investments.
Tax policy has a signicant inuence on the stimulation of investment
activity, however, due to the high tax burden and signicant dierentiation
of taxes by type of activity, nancial resources are washed out of industry
in favor of the nancial and trade spheres, which leads to a decrease in
industrial potential, i.e. technologically complex and knowledge-intensive
industries lose their nancial resources, which cannot contribute to
investment in innovation and modernization of the economy (Mytyai and
Slatvinsky, 2014).
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
Therefore, it is necessary to revise and introduce schemes for tax
incentives for innovative activities, to conduct a favorable state policy for
venture nancing; provide tax benets only to those investors who nance
projects that correspond to the priority directions and strategy of innovative
development of the state (Tymoshenko et al., 2022).
Investment attraction is also inuenced by regulatory and legal
regulation of investment activity and its institutional support. Despite the
fact that the regulatory and legal framework in Ukraine is quite developed,
at the same time, its multi-level and complexity makes its implementation
quite dicult, therefore, accordingly, it needs to be simplied.
Under the existing socio-political and economic situation in Ukraine, in
order to stimulate investment in modernization on an innovative basis in
the short-term, it is necessary rst of all to radically improve the investment
climate, as well as to increase the eciency of the functioning of state
institutions, provided: the formation of legal foundations, the reduction
of investment risks based on the improvement of the functioning of the
judiciary systems and improving the quality of guarantees for the protection
of investors’ rights; implementation of a set of measures in which all
participants in the investment process will participate on an equal basis
both the state and enterprises; reorientation of the nancial and monetary
systems in accordance with modern requirements for the needs of updating
industrial production and modernization of the economy, in particular,
promoting the reduction of interest rates to a level corresponding to the
eciency of capital investments in xed assets.
In the long term, it is necessary to take into account the development
model of countries (rst of all, the USA, Switzerland, Germany and other
EU countries), which provide for an orientation towards innovation. Since
the use of innovations is related to ensuring exibility in the conditions
of the market environment, it is necessary to create conditions for doing
business. It should be understood that strict regulation of the economy
negatively aects investment in innovation and modernization. Thus, we see
the feasibility of simplifying the administrative regulation of the economy
and creating conditions for the interest of enterprises in innovation and
modernization, which will stimulate investment.
Undoubtedly, each country has its own model of innovative development
and its “blind” copying is impractical for Ukraine with its own characteristics,
however, common for any country is the achievement of the eect of
building eective interaction at various levels for the purpose of progressive
development and improving the quality of life. At the state level, direct and
indirect measures to stimulate innovative activity should be developed,
a favorable investment climate should be created; at the level of private
business, investments in the production of innovations and technology
transfer should be implemented; at the level of other participants of the
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
ecosystem, the formation and development of innovative infrastructure
should be ensured.
In July 2022, at a conference in Lugano, Ukraine presented a powerful
and comprehensive plan for the recovery of the country. The implementation
of this strategy is designed for 10 years and it received favorable evaluations
and support from international partners. Ukraine sets itself an ambitious,
but quite realistic goal: by 2032, to make the leap from a transitional
(transit) economy to a developing economy.
In order to attract foreign investors to the Ukrainian economy, a unique
electronic platform Advantage Ukraine has already been created, which
collects more than 500 investment projects and opportunities in 10 sectors
of the economy. Each potential investor, after registering on the platform,
will receive comprehensive information about investment opportunities,
specic projects and the benets that he will have from investing in the
economy of Ukraine (Koznova, 2022).
It should be pointed out that the Government of Ukraine is doing a lot of
work to improve the conditions for doing business and unlocking obstacles
to business development. Current deregulation in wartime conditions
makes it possible to optimistically assess the prospects for the recovery of
entrepreneurial activity under the conditions of a favorable course of the
wartime situation. An example is the relocation of enterprises, because the
recovery of the Ukrainian economy largely depends on the activation of
Ukrainian business.
Thus, from the start of the relocation program until August 3, 2022,
almost 700 enterprises moved to safe regions as part of the relocation
program, and 692 companies moved to safe regions, of which 484 started
working. Among the relocated enterprises that have already resumed
their activities, the largest share is the companies of wholesale and retail
trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (39% of the total number),
processing industry (33%), information and telecommunications (6%),
professional, scientic and technical activities (5%) (projects (Overview of
business support tools during the martial law in Ukraine, 2022).
At the same time, it is expedient to create a separate plan of measures
to increase lending to small and medium-sized enterprises on terms
acceptable to business. To this end, it is necessary to speed up the unblocking
of obstacles to the functioning of programs and nancial mechanisms
introduced by the state, as well as the attraction of funds from micronance
organizations and donor countries for the implementation of important
socially signicant projects (Overview of business support tools during
martial law in Ukraine, 2022).
Also, the war against Ukraine and the possibility of an energy crisis
accelerated the development of «green» initiatives. It is important for
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
investors to consider this fact when forming and adjusting their long-term
investment strategies. There are many companies that are structurally
important to the green market. These are both producers of green energy
(wind, solar) and companies that supply raw materials (rare earth metals,
components for technological solutions, etc.).
Quickly restoring the power system after damage is a dicult task, so
the issue of attracting technical and grant assistance for the restoration of
the power system is very important. The Government of Ukraine in general,
and the Ministry of Energy in particular, are working hard to attract funds
and resources from international partners so that energy workers have
everything they need to eliminate the results of shelling. For example, it
was recently announced that the European Investment Bank had provided
EUR 550 million for the restoration of energy infrastructure. Separate
purchases are made by USAID at the expense of international donors
within the framework of programs implemented by the Ministry of Energy
(Bondarchuk, 2022).
The results of an online survey of 430 private investors from all regions
of Ukraine regarding investment initiatives are interesting. Thus, 40% of
respondents intend to continue to spend free funds to help the country,
the military, and volunteer initiatives during the war. This high indicator
is quite expected and understandable, because the help of the army and
volunteering is the main «investment» in the future of Ukraine, without
which all other projects are unlikely to be successful. A third, or 33% of
respondents believe that investments in the domestic economy can become
one of the tools that will help avoid devaluation risks. So, we have another
conrmation of quite serious intentions of a retail investor – to support the
country in the most dicult times (Karpilovskyi, 2022).
In addition, according to the results of the survey, the most promising
industries for the retail investor were those related to basic human needs,
which is quite similar to Maslow’s pyramid. Agriculture and construction
received 56% and 50% of responses, respectively. Next come infrastructure
(transport, warehouses, post) and processing - 41% and 40% (Karpilovskyi,
2022). According to some analysts, after the war, Ukraine will need
businesses in the following areas: logistics (creating rail connections with
European capitals); processing of agricultural products; construction;
services; Light industry; creation of new technologies (in particular, in
combination with the defense industry); a new system of education and
training of specialists; development of energy eciency (Business and
investment in the conditions of war: how Ukrainian entrepreneurs are
looking for new opportunities for development). Considering the state of
war in which Ukraine is today, we believe that in the near future we should
expect the emergence of startups in Ukraine in such areas as defense, cyber
security, green energy, medicine and construction. And here, without a
doubt, state support will be needed.
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
We share the point of view of scientists, that in view of the importance
of the prospective development of the domestic production of weapons
and military equipment in order to ensure the territorial integrity and
independence of Ukraine, to minimize threats to national security, venture
capital, under the condition of state support and the appropriate defense
industry policy, can become a locomotive for the innovative development
of the defense industry, which will give an impetus to the active shift of
the innovative «center of gravity» to civilian sectors of the economy, while
ensuring the rapid development of high-tech projects (Tymoshenko et al.,
There is no doubt that the eective post-war recovery of the country is
possible only if appropriate state policy is implemented, including a liberal
innovative economy (creating conditions for fair business competition
and cooperation, attracting investments and forming a high level of trust
in the state; developing human potential; stimulating the development
of innovations and modernization (including digitization) of the
economy, barrier-free movement of capital and anticipatory development
(recognition) of virtual assets, etc. (Dligach, 2022).
Finally, we note that in the conditions of war in which Ukraine found
itself, the development of a full-edged innovative infrastructure in all
regions will be facilitated by: paying signicant attention to the factor
necessary for innovative development quality education; encouragement
of international cooperation, which will contribute to eective export-
import of innovations, attracting additional funding from the European
Union to improve the quality and eectiveness of innovative activities.
We share the point of view of scientists, that in view of the importance
of the prospective development of the domestic production of weapons
and military equipment in order to ensure the territorial integrity and
independence of Ukraine, to minimize threats to national security, venture
capital, under the condition of state support and the appropriate defense
industry policy, can become a locomotive for the innovative development
of the defense industry, which will give an impetus to the active shift of
the innovative «center of gravity» to civilian sectors of the economy, while
ensuring the rapid development of high-tech projects (Tymoshenko et al.,
There is no doubt that the eective post-war recovery of the country is
possible only if appropriate state policy is implemented, including a liberal
innovative economy (creating conditions for fair business competition
and cooperation, attracting investments and forming a high level of trust
in the state; developing human potential; stimulating the development
of innovations and modernization (including digitization) of the
economy, barrier-free movement of capital and anticipatory development
(recognition) of virtual assets, etc. (Dligach, 2022).
Taliat Bielialov, Iryna Shtuler, Dina Tereshchenko, Nataliia Horiachova y Lesia Pashniuk
Prospects for the development of investment and innovation activity in Ukraine
Finally, we note that in the conditions of war in which Ukraine found
itself, the development of a full-edged innovative infrastructure in all
regions will be facilitated by: paying signicant attention to the factor
necessary for innovative development - quality education; encouragement
of international cooperation, which will contribute to eective export-
import of innovations, attracting additional funding from the European
Union to improve the quality and eectiveness of innovative activities.
For the modernization of the economy, innovation and intellectual
capital play a key role, the use of which has led to the prosperity of the
world’s leading economies. The current situation in the economy of Ukraine,
caused in particular by the military actions, does not allow us to carry out
an eective policy to stimulate investment in modernization and ensure the
stable development of the country’s economy.
In this regard, in the short term, the stimulation of investment in
innovation should be based on the radical improvement of the investment
climate, the formation of legal frameworks for the reduction of investment
risks, the increase in the eciency of the functioning of state institutions,
the reorientation of the nancial and monetary systems in order to stabilize
investment processes.
The long-term perspective of improving investment and innovation
activities consists in the introduction of simultaneous changes in state policy
and approaches to the activities of business entities. In the state policy,
emphasis should be placed on creating a favorable economic environment,
educational policy oriented to the requirements of the time, and the
application of economic approaches to stimulate investment in innovation
while carrying out structural restructuring of the country’s economy.
Stimulation of intellectual investment activity in Ukraine requires the
introduction of an eective taxation system, improvement of legislation in
the eld of investment and provision of proper protection of intellectual
property rights. The country should become a direct leader of investment
and innovation development, a customer and organizer of research and
development in the most modern directions of scientic and technical
progress, as well as promote their implementation in all spheres of economic
The most attractive form of investment in Ukraine today are priority
sectors for foreign investment, such as: defense industry, energy, nancial
activity, information technology and trade. It is expedient to improve the
country’s investment attractiveness through the direct participation of the
Vol. 41 Nº 76 (2023): 116-135
state in guaranteeing the protection and safety of the investor’s capital
investments, the formation of the necessary legislative framework in the
eld of innovation and investment processes, the construction of an eective
investment strategy, and the harmonization of domestic legislation with the
standards of the European Union.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2023, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.41 Nº 76