Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 74
Recibido el 13/06/22 Aceptado 25/08/22
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
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Pedro Bracho Grand
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 74 (2022), 497-514
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Strategic directions of the national
policy in the context of the asymmetry of
the regional development
Mariia Dykha *
Valentyna Lukianova **
Valentina Polozova ***
Nataliia Tanasiienko ****
Tatiana Zavhorodnia *****
The purpose of the study was to substantiate strategic
directions to overcome the asymmetry of regional development.
The methodological basis involved a systemic approach that
allowed, in turn, a holistic approach to clarify the linkages and
patterns of regional development asymmetry and justify strategic
measures to overcome it. In the results, it was found that the region’s
development strategy is a set of interrelated measures aimed at ensuring the
principles of sustainable development, improving the quality of life, creating
conditions for economic growth, ensuring the ecient use of resources,
improving regional self-suciency, economic security and competitiveness
of the region. It is argued that the region’s development strategies should
be based on: a) associative approach to the formation of goals and tools
to achieve them; b) eciency in the use of resources; c) participation of a
wide range of stakeholders in the substantiation of strategic development
directions; d) overall coordination of planning and control processes for the
achievement of the set objectives. It is concluded that it is proven that the
strategic directions of overcoming the asymmetry of regional development
must be led by strategic thinking.
* Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics of Enterprise
and Entrepreneurship, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
** Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Economy of Enterprise and
Entrepreneurship, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
*** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics of Enterprise and
Entrepreneurship, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
**** PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic theory
and Economic security, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Institutskaya Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
***** Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Automated Systems and
Modeling in Economics, Khmelnytskyi National University, 11 Instytutska Str., Khmelnytsky, 29016,
Ukraine. ORCID ID:
498 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
Keywords: regional policy; asymmetry of development; strategic
directions of development; strategic policy; regional
Direcciones estratégicas de la política nacional en el
contexto de la asimetría del desarrollo regional
El propósito del estudio fue fundamentar las direcciones estratégicas
para superar la asimetría del desarrollo regional. La base metodológica
implicó un enfoque sistémico que permitió, a su vez, un enfoque holístico
para esclarecer los vínculos y patrones de asimetría del desarrollo regional
y justicar medidas estratégicas para superarlo. En los resultados, se
encontró que la estrategia de desarrollo de la región es un conjunto de
medidas interrelacionadas, encaminadas a asegurar los principios del
desarrollo sostenible, mejorar la calidad de vida, crear condiciones para el
crecimiento económico, asegurar el uso eciente de los recursos, mejorar
la autosuciencia regional, la seguridad económica y competitividad de
la región. Se fundamenta que las estrategias de desarrollo de la región
deben basarse en: a) enfoque asociativo para la formación de metas y
herramientas para alcanzarlas; b) eciencia en el uso de los recursos; c)
participación de una amplia gama de partes interesadas en la sustanciación
de las direcciones del desarrollo estratégico; d) coordinación general de los
procesos de planicación y control para el logro de los objetivos jados.
Se concluye que está comprobado que las direcciones estratégicas de
superación de la asimetría del desarrollo regional deben estar dirigidas por
el pensamiento estratégico.
Palabras clave: política regional; asimetría del desarrollo; direcciones
estratégicas del desarrollo; política estretegica;
desarrollo regional.
It is generally accepted that the system acquires a certain «ideal» state in
the absence of discrepancies in the indicators of the state of its components.
That is, considering the national economy as a system consisting of a set
of regional economic systems, the smaller the discrepancy between the
economic condition of its regions, the better the system itself and goes to
a certain «ideal» state of its development. However, it should be noted
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
that the divergence and increasing asymmetry between regional economic
systems has been progressing recently.
It is impossible to achieve full equality, because there are always
dierences between regions in resource opportunities, potentials, territorial
features, and so on. Issues of asymmetry of regional development are
faced by government ocials, as their growth can lead to socio-political
upheavals, general dissatisfaction and their manifestations among the
population of backward areas, threaten economic security and disrupt the
consolidation of socio-economic space of the national economy.
The issues of asymmetry of regional development of the business
structure are not left out. Because, in some regions there are greater
opportunities to attract the population in the form of labor for production,
but in regions where more unemployed there is less demand for products.
Also, the issue of asymmetry of regional development is acute for the
population, which aects the dierentiation of income and ensuring living
conditions and quality.
The problem of asymmetry in territorial development is also facing the
member states of the European Community, as the new EU members have
much lower GNI per capita than the old EU members. Resolving dierences
in regional development, convergence of regions are among the leading
goals of regional policy and strategies for regional development.
This and other causes the actualization of the issues of strategic direction
of overcoming the asymmetry of regional development, leveling imbalances
in the social, economic and environmental spheres.
The purpose of this study is to substantiate the strategic directions
of overcoming the asymmetry of regional development. To achieve this
goal, the authors set and achieved the following goals: substantiated the
feasibility of scientic research in this area in order to justify strategic
directions to overcome the asymmetry of regional development; the bases
of the strategy of regional development taking into account the processes
of decentralization are substantiated; the asymmetry of the development of
the regions of Ukraine in terms of GRP values per capita and the share of
GRP in general; the consequences and reasons for the growing asymmetry
of regional development are identied, as well as possible threats to the
spread of regional development dierentiation; the strategic directions
of overcoming the asymmetry of regional development and the vectors of
their direction are substantiated.
The methodological basis for substantiating the directions of overcoming
the asymmetry of regional development is a systematic approach, which is
an instrument of scientic knowledge, which allows to combine into a single
system dierent methods of research to prove the validity and eectiveness
of strategic directions to overcome the asymmetry of regional development.
500 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
A systematic approach provides an opportunity to take a holistic approach
to clarifying the links, processes and patterns of asymmetry of regional
development and justify strategic measures to overcome it.
The system approach makes it possible to agree on the goals, objectives
of state and regional governance, to direct the methods and tools of strategic
governance to overcome the asymmetry of regional development. The use
of such an approach makes it possible to consider the regions as a whole
organism, a certain system with inherent specic features and capabilities
and at the same time as a subsystem of a higher order, namely a component
of the national economy.
1. Literature Review
The scientic directions of the following scientists are devoted to the
strategic directions of regional development: Borbasova (2021); Burgos
(2019); Cao (2006); Derhaliuk (2021); Giedrė (2021); Grigoraș-Ichim
(2018); Grosu (2021); Herspergera (2019); Kholiavko (2021); Krasnostanova
(2021); Kristensen (2018); Mukhametzhan (2020); Nurse (2017); Paniyaz
(2021); Popelo (2021, 2022); Revko (2020); Righettini (2021); Samiilenko
(2021); Samoilovych (2021); Shevchuk (2021); Tulchynska (2022) and
The authors of the article (Mukhametzhan et al., 2020) developed
an econometric model for estimating the impact of asymmetries in
the development of the urban economy on regional socio-economic
development. Scientists have assessed the asymmetry of regional
development using the coecient of variation of the relevant indicators of
socio-economic development of cities and regions, taking into account lag
According to scientists, the proposed model allows to determine the
convergence model of regional development, the nature of the impact of
asymmetries of urban development on regional economic development in
conditions of economic growth and decline, as well as identify key factors of
asymmetry of regional development. development.
Scholars (Cao et al., 2006) consider the way in which regional asymmetry
emerged and how it was reproduced at dierent stages of Argentina’s
history. The authors consider a number of hypotheses about its main
features at the present stage.
The aim of the article (Giedrė, 2021) is to study the impact of economic
specialization on regional economic development and analysis of the
denition of promising areas of regional economy. The authors argue that
neither economic specialization nor economic diversity is a clear solution
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
to economic growth. Research has shown that specialization measures,
in particular the allocation ratio, cannot fully reect the dynamics of
the sectoral structure, which may be important for shaping regional
development strategy.
The scientic article (Paniyaz et al., 2021) is based on the denition
of strategic priorities of regional development and verication of the
connection between regional development within the country and world
geopolitics. The authors analyze the main problems and opportunities of
economic development in dierent regions of Kazakhstan and propose
measures to modernize the labor market as a key priority of eective
economic development.
The authors (Borbasova et al., 2021) proved that the eectiveness of the
implementation of strategic plans is the most important condition for the
implementation of strategic planning systems, in particular at the level of
the territory as the closest to the population. The study concludes that due
to the development of strategic management and planning, the relationship
of strategic priorities of regional and industrial development, the pace of
socio-economic development of territories is increasing.
Scientic research (Krasnostanova et al., 2021) proves that the main
priority of regional policy aimed at increasing the competitiveness of regions
should be the development of their scientic, technical and innovative
potential. The authors have developed recommendations for managing the
innovative development of the region.
Researchers have identied priority areas for improving the tools
for managing the innovative development of the region, including: the
development of public consciousness, innovation and entrepreneurial
culture; motivation of the population and entrepreneurship to active
innovation; improving the content of specialized training of managerial
sta for innovative development; algorithmization of the activity of regional
leaders in the management of innovative development of the region.
Researchers claim that the implementation of these areas will promote
innovative development, increase the eciency of the regional economy,
improve living standards.
The paper (Righettini, 2021) examines the theory of joint governance to
determine how it can support the analysis of new participatory practices at
the local level and to assess the impact of these processes on the formation of
sustainable development policy strategies. Researchers focus on analyzing
the reframing process - in particular, it notes that the study uses a top-
down system to promote civil society participation in strategic regional
development planning.
The article (Herspergera et al., 2019) argues that strategic spatial
planning is increasingly being practiced around the world to develop a
502 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
coordinated vision to guide the medium- and long-term development
of regions. The analytical framework proposed by the authors reects
current planning practices and intends to help consolidate the European
understanding of strategic spatial planning, while providing a basis for
dialogue with broader discourses on sustainable development in a global
The scientic work (Burgos, 2019) analyzes the articulation of
mechanisms of economic development in the framework of territorial
planning, supported by the transversal nature of this civil service and
in the interests of achieving one of its goals: balanced socio-economic
The authors (Kristensen et al., 2018) investigated that the existence and
preservation of regional disparities between European regions requires
special policies to promote structural change. The research focuses on
disadvantaged regions and the use of smart specialization - a strategic
approach to regional development based on innovation.
Researchers (Nurse et al., 2017) are exploring the extent to which funds
such as the European Regional Development Fund can be used eectively to
focus on issues that are considered important at the local level. The authors
analyze how successfully the European Regional Development Fund-
funded schemes are developed, using the experience of key stakeholders
working at each level of the funding process.
However, despite numerous studies on this topic, the issues of strategic
directions to overcome the asymmetry of regional development need to
become increasingly relevant and require further research.
2. Results
It should be noted that in Ukraine there is an increase in the asymmetry
of economic development between regions. Such inequality quickly
increased and led to the concentration of nancial, human, material and
intellectual resources in the leading regions, which further aggravated the
economic and social situation in the outsider regions.
The implementation of reforms in the direction of decentralization of
power has not only expanded the capacity of regional and local authorities
to overcome existing problems, but also increased resources for strategic
measures to improve the eectiveness of regional development policy.
Decentralization provides an opportunity to use an individual approach to
specic areas in order to overcome the existing pressing problems of socio-
economic development.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
Such reform provides a specic territorial orientation in the application
of regional policy tools that are more eective than the implementation
of strategic measures in general for all territories. Outlined and other, it
is possible to note that strategic measures for the economic development
of specic areas are more eective in applying an individual approach to
solving existing problems.
The region’s development strategy is a set of interrelated measures
aimed at ensuring the principles of sustainable development, improving
the quality of life, creating conditions for sustainable economic growth,
ensuring ecient use of resources, increasing regional self-suciency,
economic security and competitiveness.
Regional development strategies should be based on:
partnership approach to the formation of goals and tools to achieve
them, which involves mutual understanding between government,
public and business representatives;
eciency in the use of resources to achieve goals;
involvement in substantiating the directions of strategic development
of a wide range of stakeholders and relevant analytical tools on the
possibilities of achieving the set goals;
general coordination of planning and control processes to achieve
the set goals.
In the Table 1 presents the value of GRP per capita and the share of GRP
in total to the country by region in 2015 and 2020, as well as the value of the
rank of the region by these indicators.
Table 1. GRP indicators in 2015 and 2020
2015 2020
GRP per capita
(in actual prices,
Rank of the region
The share of GRP
in total,%
Rank of the region
GRP per capita
(in actual prices,
Rank of the region
The share of GRP
in total,%
Rank of the region
Ukraine 46413 - 100 - 94661 - 100 -
Vinnytsia 37270 12 3,0 10 83175 93,3 10
504 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
Volyn 30387 18 1,6 20 73215 14 1,9 17
Dnipropetrovsk 65897 310,8 2122379 49,8 2
Donetsk 26864 21 5,8 449422 22 5,2 6
Zhytomyr 30698 17 1,9 16 70247 12,1 14
Transcarpathian 22989 23 1,5 22 48861 23 1,5 22
Zaporizhzhia 50609 54,5 991498 63,9 9
Ivano-Frankivsk 33170 15 2,3 13 63254 18 2,2 13
Kyiv 60109 45,2 5123367 35,5 4
Kirovohrad 39356 10 1,9 17 77816 13 1,8 19
Luhansk 10778 25 1,2 24 18798 25 1,0 24
Lviv 37338 11 4,8 785198 85,4 5
Mykolaiv 41501 82,4 12 82149 11 2,3 12
Odesa 41682 75,0 682903 10 5,0 7
Poltava 66390 24,8 8134449 24,7 8
Rivne 30350 19 1,8 19 58332 20 1,7 20
Sumy 37170 13 2,1 14 70576 15 1,9 18
Ternopil 24963 22 1,3 23 54833 21 1,4 23
Kharkiv 45816 66,3 392864 56,2 3
Kherson 30246 20 1,6 21 59987 19 1,6 21
Khmelnytsky 31660 16 2,1 15 65916 617 2,1 15
Cherkasy 40759 92,6 11 86319 72,6 11
Chernivtsi 20338 24 0,9 25 46136 24 1,0 25
Chernihiv 35196 14 1,9 18 78118 12 2,0 16
Kiev city 155904 122,7 1320885 123,9 1
Source: compiled according to statistics.
According to Table 1, it can be noted that the dierence in the rank
of regions on such indicators as GRP per capita and the share of GRP in
general often do not dier much and often uctuate within 1-2 steps. The
biggest discrepancy is observed in the Donetsk region, which in 2020 ranks
22nd in terms of GRP per capita, but ranks 6th in terms of GRP share in
the overall distribution of the country. This situation is primarily due to
hostilities that began in Ukraine in 2014 and led to signicant displacement
of the population from the occupied part of the territory.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
In 2015, the GRP per capita in Kyiv was 155,904 UAH, and in Luhansk
region 10,778 UAH, ie the dierentiation is 14.47 times. At the same time,
the city of Kyiv in 2015 accounted for 22.7% of the total national product,
and the Luhansk region 0.9%.
In 2020, the largest value of GRP per capita also falls on the city of Kyiv
and is 320885 UAH, and the smallest amount of GRP per capita is 18798
UAH, the dierentiation is 17.07 times. In total, the share of GRP in Kyiv
in 2020 was 23.9%, which is 1.2% more than in 2015, and the share of GRP
in Luhansk region decreased from 1.2% in 2015 to 1.0% in 2020. That is, in
ve years the asymmetry in terms of GRP per capita has deepened by 3.07
Even greater asymmetry is found in the shares of GRP in the total gross
product. Thus, in 2015, Kyiv produced 22.7%, and the share of Chernivtsi
region was 0.9% of the total. That is, the dierentiation was in 2015 - 25.2
times. In 2020, the share of Kyiv in the total GRP increased to 23.9%,
and the smallest share fell on Chernivtsi and Luhansk regions 1% each.
Dierentiation in 2020 was 23.9 times.
In regions with low GRP per capita values, general unfavorable trends
are observed, including:
predominant raw material orientation of production;
low share of nal products in GNP;
insucient development of production infrastructure;
low rates of introduction of innovative technologies in production
and its general modernization;
low competitiveness of products in both domestic and foreign
These and other common shortcomings inherent in depressed,
backward regions prove the ineectiveness of regional policy and require
the development of new strategic directions aimed at maximizing the
available and unleashing the latent potential of territories to boost economic
development through their own resources.
From the point of view of regional reproduction, the dierence between
regions lies in the inherent specic features that characterize the set of
regional proportions and aect reproduction. At the same time, despite the
signicant dierences, all regions are part of the overall system of national
and economic complex of the country, ensuring the achievement of strategic
interests of the country as a whole. It can be noted that the root causes of
asymmetry of development are (Fig. 1):
506 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
signicant dierences in the natural resource potential of the
location of the region;
imperfection of development of production and social infrastructure;
level and composition of the population, etc.
Fig. 1. Causes and threats of asymmetry of regional development. Source: built
by the authors
However, the growing disproportion of regional development is due to
ineective regional policies to address specic problems of development of
specic areas. Ineective state regional policy may consist of:
creating discrimination or preferences in certain regions;
the presence of lag time gap in the implementation of economic
reforms at the regional level;
unregulated legal bases of regional development management;
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
imperfection of the mechanism of implementation of current
duration of rigid nancial decentralization;
low eciency of the state regional policy on the solution of urgent
problems of regional development;
granting unjustied preferences and benets to certain regions;
imperfection and non-transparency of the mechanism of
redistribution of resources between regions;
corruption schemes and the inuence of business elites on the
redistribution of nancial support for regional development
projects, etc.
In turn, increasing the asymmetry of regional development
exacerbates the problems of economic development of regions and
the country as a whole, consisting in:
reduction of protability of enterprises of backward regions as a
result of reduction of eective demand, and as a consequence of
reduction of regional tax revenues and nancial self-suciency of
reduction of production, which leads to rising unemployment in the
reduction of investment ows to depressed regions, which leads to
an even greater outow of business structures;
outow of labor capital from underdeveloped regions, which reduces
the population and leads to even greater degradation of territories;
discrepancy between local budget expenditures and their revenues
in underdeveloped regions, which puts a burden on other donor
weakening interest in joint interregional cooperation and disrupting
cooperation between regions;
increasing social tensions in depressed areas.
These and niche factors that arise under the inuence of disparities
can, in turn, be the causes of disintegration trends in the regions, the
growing threat of economic alienation of territories and the formation of
closed economic spaces. Formation of two polar groups of regions on the
one hand, those who are not interested in supporting other donor regions
and depressed underdeveloped regions that are recipients of grants. This
leads to the lack of interest of the regions in the consolidation of spatial
508 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
development. This and others require the formation of strategic directions
to overcome the asymmetry of regional development.
Directions for overcoming the asymmetry of regional development
should be aimed at:
overcoming structural imbalances in the development of regions
by increasing the adaptability of regions with dierent regional
structures to modern challenges of economic development;
strengthening the export orientation of the regions, especially in
relation to innovative products that are new and competitive in the
world market;
introduction of post-industrial economy on the basis of smart
attracting investment in innovative development of regions;
identication of regional growth points and multipliers of regional
development, taking into account the specic potential of the
focusing and directing the regions to self-development based
on their own resources and capabilities, use of latent potential,
diversication of economic spheres of activity;
reducing the importance of subsidized instruments to support the
regions and overcoming the paternalistic expectations of the regions
regarding state support;
weakening decentralization to regulate regional development
processes, etc.
At the same time, the main aspect of using strategic measures of the
state regional administration to overcome the asymmetry of regional
development should be aimed at using more exible methods and tools of
inuence, which would ensure the interest of regional and local authorities
in enhancing the potential of territories. self-suciency.
Strategic directions for overcoming the asymmetry of regional
development should be aimed at (Fig. 2):
development and adoption of institutional support for the regulation
of regional policy in the context of decentralization p
development and control over the implementation of regional
development programs taking into account the existing potential
and latent opportunities;
ensuring an eective system of territorial organization, which helps
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
to increase the eciency of local budgets in the direction of their
lling and use;
creating conditions for the placement of production and
intensication of small business development in economically
backward regions;
implementation of incentive measures for full and rational use of
existing potential in accordance with the principles of sustainable
elimination of dierences in the socio-economic security of the
inhabitants of the regions, as well as dierentiation between
rural and urban populations, which will help stabilize migration
strengthening the regional awareness of residents about the
possibility of realizing their potential at the place of residence;
increasing the innovative culture of the population and the
perception of digitalization of economic processes.
510 Mariia Dykha, Valentyna Lukianova, Valentina Polozova, Nataliia Tanasiienko y Tatiana Zavhorodnia
Strategic directions of the national policy in the context of the asymmetry of the regional development
Fig. 2. Strategic directions of overcoming the asymmetry of regional
development. Source: built by the authors
The main feature of the strategic direction of overcoming the asymmetry
of regional development should be a policy aimed at comprehensively
stimulating the development of regions in order to overcome the most
critical and urgent development problems.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 497-514
The study allows us to note that the asymmetry of regional development
tends to increase, it requires the use of strategic regulatory tools aimed at
overcoming the disparities in regional development. Strategic regulation
directs the activities of the authorities in the vector of activating the business
environment of the regions to inuence the overcoming of the asymmetry
of the development of regional economic systems.
The need for state strategic regulation of regional development is due to
the impact on the shortcomings of regional development processes, which
include the asymmetry and repression of certain areas. Strategic regulation
should be based not on policy levers of inuence, but on the possibility
of choosing various tools for managing and activating local authorities
in the direction of development and self-suciency of territories. The
levers of regional development regulation are an eective tool for complex
disproportion systems, which make it possible to achieve ordering of system
components and reduce the asymmetry of their measurability.
Further research is needed to develop regional development strategies
based on their economic development indicators in order to enhance the
use of existing opportunities to ensure sustainable economic growth and
increase self-suciency, which will help overcome the general asymmetry
of economic development between regions.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 74