Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 74
Recibido el 03/05/2022 Aceptado el 07/07/2022
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 74 (2022), 148-159
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Firearms as a means of committing
criminal oenses
Diana Serhieieva *
Maryna Kulyk **
Polina Antoniuk ***
Sergii Marko ****
Nataliia Isagova *****
The article analyzes the current legislation on weapons and
the opinion of scientists on rearms, ammunition, explosives or
explosive devices. The fundamental importance of rearms in the
forensic characterization of crimes is emphasized. It is noted that
rearms are goods subject to a special regime of regulation, which
can be carried out only by the Law of Ukraine. It is a particular
type of weapon intended for attack, defense or sound signals,
which is set o by the energy of gunpowder combustion gas. The authors’
denition of rearms is given and the characteristic features of ammunition,
explosives and explosive devices are highlighted. It is concluded that, for the
purpose of legislative regulation of relations arising during the circulation
of civilian rearms, as well as similar to weapons and ammunition products,
in particular, to avoid free interpretation of the assessment of the actions
of a person involved in crimes with the use of weapons, the development of
a corresponding law comprehensively regulating this criminal methery is
Keywords: criminal oenses; forensic characteristics; rearms;
ammunition; explosive devices.
* Doctor of legal sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure and
Criminalistics, Law Institute Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv; Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
** Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of the Criminal
Proсеdure of National Academy of Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
*** PhD in Law, Professor of Criminology and Forensic Science Department of National Academy of
Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
**** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal
Procedure and Criminology of the Faculty No 1 of the Institute for Training Specialists for the National
Police of Lviv State University of Internal Aairs, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
***** Graduate student of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of National Academy of
Internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 148-159
Las armas de fuego como medio para cometer delitos
El artículo analiza la legislación vigente en materia de armas y la opinión
de los cientícos sobre armas de fuego, municiones, explosivos o artefactos
explosivos. Se enfatiza la importancia fundamental de las armas en la
caracterización forense de los delitos. Se señala que las armas de fuego son
bienes sujetos a un régimen especial de regulación, que solo puede llevarse
a cabo por la Ley de Ucrania. Es un tipo particular de arma destinada al
ataque, defensa o señales sonoras, que se pone en marcha por la energía de
gas de combustión de pólvora. Se da la denición de armas de fuego de los
autores y se destacan los rasgos característicos de municiones, explosivos
y artefactos explosivos. Se concluye que, a los efectos de la regulación
legislativa de las relaciones que surgen durante la circulación de armas
de fuego civiles, así como similares a armas y productos de municiones,
en particular, para evitar la libre interpretación de la evaluación de las
acciones de una persona involucrada en los delitos con uso de armas, se
necesita el desarrollo de una ley correspondiente que regule integralmente
esta metería penal.
Palabras clave: delitos penales; características forenses; armas de
fuego; municiones; artefactos explosivos.
In the forensic characterization of crimes, information about the
features of the subject is of fundamental importance for their investigation.
This is due to the fact that the properties of the object of encroachment are
naturally related to the peculiarities of the conditions of crime (conditions
of existence of the object). The same correlation exists between the object
of encroachment and the identity of the oender and other elements of the
mechanism of the crime. Thus, the subject of the crime largely determines
the actions of criminals to prepare, commit and conceal the crime, which,
in turn, are associated with the formation of certain traces - sources of
evidence (Volobuev, 2000; Kravchuk, 2015).
Traditionally, the subject of a crime is understood as any thing of the
material world, with certain properties of which the law of criminal liability
connects the presence in the actions of a person signs of a specic crime
(Baulin and Borisov, 2002). Clarication of the exact concept of the subject
of the crime, its content allows more accurately, fully and accurately reveal
the content of the crime (Zagorodnikov, 1951), to establish a connection
between the object and the objective side and other elements of the crime,
Diana Serhieieva, Maryna Kulyk, Polina Antoniuk, Sergii Marko y Nataliia Isagova
Firearms as a means of committing criminal oenses
determine the nature and degree of its social danger (Panov, 1984). It is
this circumstance that necessitates the study of these issues within certain
methods of investigation.
The subject of crimes committed with the use of rearms is of
fundamental importance in the forensic characterization of such crimes, as
it aects its other elements. In particular, it determines the characteristics
of the oender, certain ways of committing and concealing it (Luzgin, 1991),
as well as other crimes related to illicit tracking in weapons, explosives
and ammunition, helps to clarify the manner of crime, determine its
consequences, the identication of the suspect and his accomplices.
Hence the importance of clearly dening the properties, characteristics
of material objects that have entered the orbit of criminal justice and can be
identied as weapons, ammunition, explosives and substances.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodological basis of the study were methods and techniques
of scientic knowledge. Their application is due to a systematic approach,
which makes it possible to consider the problems of research in the unity
of their social content and legal form. The leading research method
is dialectical, which uses laws and categories to determine the nature
of rearms, ammunition, explosives or explosive devices as a means
of committing criminal oenses, as well as legislation governing their
circulation in Ukraine. The use of the laws of formal logic and its methods
such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, allowed to
determine the structural and logical scheme of a scientic article, identify
properties and features of the phenomenon under study, create a general
idea of its content.
The historical and legal method was used to study the state of legislation
and scientic works on the problems of the circulation of weapons;
dogmatic - to interpret legal categories such as “rearms”, “ammunition”,
deepening and clarifying the conceptual apparatus; functional and
typological - in order to identify the most typical subjects of criminal
oenses of this type; method of system analysis, system-structural and
formal-logical methods - to clearly dene the properties, characteristics of
material objects that have entered the orbit of criminal justice and can be
identied as weapons, ammunition, explosives and substances; methods
of modeling and forecasting - for the formation of proposals for improving
certain provisions of the legislation; statistical method - during the analysis
and generalization of the empirical base.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 148-159
2. Analysis of recent research
The study of the theory and practice of issues related to the optimization
of the investigation of criminal oenses, the means of which are weapons,
researched in their works, Scholars such N. Akhtyrska (Akhtyrska, 2022),
P. Bilenchuk (Bilenchuk et al., 2003), I. Bogatyrev (Bogatyrev, 2011),
V. Figursky (Figursky, 2015), M. Klymchuk (Klymchuk et al., 2021), O.
Kravchenko (Kravchenko et al., 2022), M. Maistrenko (Maistrenko, 2010),
A. Martyniuk (Martyniuk, 2017), V. Shevchuk (Shevchuk, 2007) .
The scientic results obtained by these researchers have theoretical
and practical signicance, and some of them do not lose their relevance
and can be used in modern criminal justice. However, some provisions
and recommendations of the predecessors, given the changes in the legal
regulation of the circulation of weapons, are outdated and unusable in
This emphasizes the importance of clarifying the nature of rearms,
ammunition, explosives and explosive devices, identifying the most
common weapons in the commission of criminal oenses committed with
their use, and more.
3. Results and discussion
The main guiding normative documents regulating the circulation
of weapons and dening them are international conventions ratied by
Ukraine, certain Laws of Ukraine, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers
of Ukraine, Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine,
Regulations on Permitting System, Instruction of the Ministry of Internal
Aairs of Ukraine and natural resources of Ukraine, etc.
According to ocial information, the citizens of Ukraine legally own
rearms in the total number of about 1.3 million units. Despite such a
signicant amount in circulation, these legal relations in the country, unlike
all European and most post-Soviet countries, are still not regulated by any
law (On the circulation of civilian rearms and ammunition: Draft Law of
Ukraine 4335, 2020). The diculty of legal qualication of events related
to the circulation of weapons is that in Ukraine there is no general law on
weapons, and instead the existing structure consists of many regulations
issued by various authorities (Martyniuk, 2017).
All issues related to the circulation of this type of weapon are resolved
exclusively by bylaws of the Ministry of Internal Aairs and other ministries
and departments. Moreover, these regulations actually duplicate the basic
provisions of the former Soviet legislation. The vast majority of norms are
Diana Serhieieva, Maryna Kulyk, Polina Antoniuk, Sergii Marko y Nataliia Isagova
Firearms as a means of committing criminal oenses
now an anachronism and do not regulate even established public relations
in the eld of arms tracking (On the circulation of civilian rearms
and ammunition: Draft Law of Ukraine 4335, 2020). This creates
numerous diculties in investigative and judicial practice, forcing access
to international documents, various laws and regulations governing the
handling of various weapons.
The denition of both the general concept of weapons and their type of
rearm is considered in various branches of law through the prism of its
subject, including forensics, forensic ballistics, ballistic weapons, criminal
law, civil law, international private and public law, and also in operational
and investigative activities. The Academic Dictionary of the Ukrainian
Language denes weapons as tools for attack or defense (Dictionary of the
Ukrainian Language, 2012).
At the same time, it should be noted that the denition of the term
“weapon” is not xed at the legislative level, but only its types are described.
Model Law “On Weapons”, in Art. 1 under the weapon means devices and
objects constructively designed to destroy a living or other target and give
signals “(Model Law on Weapons, 1995). It is clear that such denitions
give only a general idea of this category as the subject of crimes committed
with rearms, which requires detailed analysis.
The concept of weapons, depending on the rule of law, is interpreted
dierently - from a narrow meaning - rearms or melee weapons - to, for
example, jet or missile equipment, which is in service with the military
unit (Baulin and Borisov, 2002). A special type of weapon is a weapon
of mass destruction which includes toxic chemicals, chemical, biological
(bacteriological), nuclear weapons.
There is also no common approach among lawyers to the denition of
“weapon”, which means: a weapon designed to hit targets with projectiles
that receive directional movement in the barrel (using the pressure force
of gases formed by combustion of metal charge) and have sucient kinetic
energy to hit a target at a certain distance; objects and mechanisms specially
designed to hit a living target or target, made according to certain models
that meet these objectives and have no other purpose; an object specially
designed (manufactured) for the destruction of a living target, which has
no household purpose. Forensic scientists dene weapons as devices and
objects designed to destroy a living target, to provide sound or light signals
(Bilenchuk et al., 2004).
References characterize weapons as: devices and means used in armed
struggle to defeat and destroy the enemy; means of attack and defense; a
set of means adapted or technically suitable for attack or defense. Combat
weapons can be traditional (rearms, cold steel, pneumatic, metal,
incendiary weapons, mines, artillery, missiles, torpedoes), non-traditional
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 148-159
(laser, electromagnetic, psychotropic weapons) and weapons of mass
destruction (nuclear, chemical, biological, chemical, (Shevchuk, 2007).
In accordance with the provisions set out in paragraph “a” of Art. 3 of the
Protocol “against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Tracking in Firearms,
Their Parts and Components and Ammunition”, supplementing the United
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime of 31 May
2001, rearms are any Portable rearms designed or can be easily adapted
to re or accelerate a bullet or projectile due to the energy of an explosive,
except for old rearms (Law of Ukraine, 2013).
In the annexes to the European Convention on the Control of the
Acquisition and Storage of Firearms by Private Persons, adopted in
Strasbourg on 28 July 1978, “rearms” means: 1) any object prepared and
belonging as a weapon from which a charge , a bullet or other projectile or
harmful gas, liquid or other type, may be released by explosive, gas or air
pressure or other means; 2) trigger mechanism, chamber, drum or barrel
of any of the above items; 3) any charge or material clearly intended to be
ejected by the above items; 4) optical sights with illumination or optical
sights with electronic light-amplifying-infrared device, intended for
installation on one of the above objects; 5) muer for the nozzle on any
of the above items; 6) any grenade, bomb or other projectile containing
an explosive or incendiary device. The following types of weapons are
distinguished: automatic, semi-automatic; multi-charged, disposable,
short-barreled, long-barreled (European Convention on the Control of
Acquisition and Storage of Firearms by Private Persons, 1978).
In this case, rearms do not include items that: have become irreversibly
unusable; do not fall due to weak power under control in the countries
of their use; designed to sound alarms, other signals, rescue operations,
slaughter cattle, hunt or sh with a harpoon or for industrial or technical
purposes, provided that they can be used only for that purpose; are not
subject to control in the country from which they move due to prescription
(European Convention on the Control of Acquisition and Storage of
Firearms by Private Individuals, 1978).
Instruction on the procedure for manufacture, purchase, storage,
accounting, transportation and use of rearms, pneumatic, melee and
melee weapons, domestic devices for ring cartridges equipped with rubber
or similar non-lethal metal projectiles, and ammunition for them, as well as
ammunition to weapons, main parts of weapons and explosives, approved
by the order of the Ministry of Internal Aairs of Ukraine № 622 of August
21, 1998 in paragraph 8.2 denes that rearms are weapons designed to hit
targets with projectiles receiving directed movement in the barrel (using the
force of pressure of gases formed by combustion of metal charge) and have
kinetic energy to hit a target at a certain distance (Order of the Ministry of
Internal Aairs of Ukraine № 164, 1993).
Diana Serhieieva, Maryna Kulyk, Polina Antoniuk, Sergii Marko y Nataliia Isagova
Firearms as a means of committing criminal oenses
According to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of
Ukraine № 10 of December 22, 2006 “On Judicial Practice in Hooliganism
Cases” rearms are devices of factory or artisanal production designed to
hit a living target with a projectile (bullet, shot, etc.), which is set in motion
by the energy of powder gases or other special combustible mixtures (On
Judicial Practice in Hooliganism Cases: Resolution of the Plenum of the
Supreme Court of Ukraine, № 10, 2006).
According to the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of
Ukraine of April 26, 2002 3 “On Judicial Practice in Cases of Theft and
Other Illegal Treatment of Weapons, Ammunition, Explosives, Explosive
Devices or Radioactive Materials”, rearms include all types of weapons
, sports, ried hunting weapons, both mass-produced and homemade or
remanufactured, for the shot of which uses the pressure force of gases
produced by the combustion of explosives (gunpowder or other special
combustible mixtures) (On the case law on abductions and more illegal
handling of weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices or
radioactive materials: Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of
Ukraine, 2002).
V. Figursky and O. Nikiforak understand rearms as a mechanical
device, structurally and functionally designed for multiple action to hit a
target at a distance with a projectile that ies out of the barrel and receives
directional movement through the use of energy generated in the results of
combustion of gunpowder or other charge (Figursky and Nikiforak, 2015).
We consider the most successful to dene this type of weapon as
a rearm in the draft law for 4335, as any portable rearm, which is
designed to hit targets with projectiles that receive directional movement
in the barrel (using the pressure force of gases produced by burning metal
charge) and have sucient kinetic energy to hit a target within a certain
distance, except for old unloaded rearms, which were manufactured up
to and including 1899 and are not intended for ring cartridges with metal
cartridges of central combat and ring ignition. Kinetic energy is sucient
to hit the target, the value of which at a distance of one meter from the
muzzle of the weapon must be equal to or greater than 0.5 J / mm2 (On the
circulation of civilian rearms and ammunition: Draft Law of Ukraine
4335, 2020).
The above allows us to summarize that rearms are objects of property
subject to a special regime of regulation, which can be implemented only
by the Law of Ukraine. It is a type of weapon designed for attack, defense,
sound signals, which is set in motion by the energy of combustion of powder
Scientic analysis of the positions of criminologists and other specialists
in the eld of weapons studies allows to identify a number of essential
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 148-159
features of weapons, namely: - weapons are the object of the material
world in the form of monolithic objects, structures, devices, materials,
substances, chemicals, biological beings ; - weapons are created only as
a result of purposeful human activity; - the basic purpose of the weapon
- causing damage to fatal people or animals. Destructive impact on ora,
fauna, inanimate objects (natural and articial) is an optional feature
of weapons; - an object used as a weapon must not only be specially
designed (constructed) and manufactured, but also suitable for its purpose
(Bogatyrev, 2011).
In view of the above, a thorough analysis is needed to determine
whether the components of ammunition and additional equipment for
weapons belong to the subjects of individual crimes. Bill № 4335 stipulates
that ammunition components are separate components of ammunition
for rearms (gunpowder, metal elements (shells, bullets), metal charges,
capsules, shell casings, warts, gaskets, containers, etc.) (On the circulation
of civilian rearms and ammunition for it: Draft Law of Ukraine 4335,
Weapon accessories are devices specially designed or adapted for
mounting on a weapon, which serve to improve its appearance, ergonomics
(user properties), comfort in use, adaptation to the anatomical features of
the owner, devices (permanent or temporary) to perform appropriate tasks
(self-defense, hunting or sports, etc.). Additional equipment includes recoil
reduction devices, ame arresters, additional sighting and targeting means,
optical sights, optical-electronic sighting devices, night vision sights and
lighting devices (On the circulation of civilian rearms and ammunition:
Draft Law of Ukraine № 4335, 2020).
M. Maistrenko oers the following classication of rearms: a) according
to tactical and technical data: rearms: ried, smoothbore, combined;
short-barreled, medium-barreled, long-barreled; cold: bladed, non-
bladed, combined, chopping, prickly, prickly-chopping, prickly-cutting,
shock-crushing; gas; pneumatic; b) by purpose: military; full-time; civil:
hunting, sports, self-defense; museum, antique (historical); c) by method
of manufacture: industrial; artisanal; unauthorized (Maistrenko, 2010: 33).
At the same time, in many corpus delicti provided for in the Criminal
Code of Ukraine, there are no exceptions to the nature of rearms. That
is, the legislator actually equates smooth-bore hunting weapons to other
types of rearms: in the criminal law sense, smooth-bore hunting and ried
weapons are equivalent (Sokolovsky, 2017).
Some bills do not provide an unambiguous answer to the question
of classifying / not classifying smooth-bore hunting weapons as other
weapons. In particular, in the bill № 4335 Art. 5 to category D refers “long-
barreled smooth-bore rearms” (On the circulation of civilian rearms and
Diana Serhieieva, Maryna Kulyk, Polina Antoniuk, Sergii Marko y Nataliia Isagova
Firearms as a means of committing criminal oenses
ammunition to it: Draft Law of Ukraine 4335). At the same time from the
text of the proposed changes to Art. 263 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (in
the comparative table) of the draft law 4336 it follows that by category
D rearms the legislator means “civilian rearms” (On the circulation of
civilian rearms and ammunition: Draft Law of Ukraine № 4336, 2020).
This inconsistency and arbitrary use of such key terms does not stand up
to criticism, and confuses the understanding of the essence of the changes
proposed in the bills.
Analyzing criminal proceedings on the use of rearms, ammunition,
explosives or explosive devices made it possible to identify the most
common items of the following criminal oenses: rearms (submachine
guns: Kalashnikov - all models, submachine gun submachine gun system
Shpagin, Scorpion pistol, Uzi, Saiga carbine, etc.; anti-tank grenade
launchers; Makarov, Tokarev, Astra, Beretta, Browning, Colt, Glock, Grand
Power and other, revolvers: “Nagan”, “Smith & Wesson”; ries: hunting,
“Mosina”, DSR, etc.); ammunition (ammunition, artillery shells); explosives
(hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, plastid, gunpowder, grenades);
explosive devices (grenades, mines, fuses, detonators, detonating caps).
In order to prevent a free interpretation of the assessment of the actions
of a person involved in the commission of crimes involving weapons, we
consider it appropriate to legislate relations arising from the circulation
in Ukraine of civilian rearms, ammunition, and structurally similar to
weapons and ammunition products.
The above allows us to summarize:
1. The subject of crimes committed with the use of rearms,
ammunition, explosive devices and substances is of fundamental
importance in their forensic characterization, as it aects other
2. Firearms are objects of property subject to a special regime of
regulation, which may be exercised exclusively by the Law of
Ukraine. It is a type of weapon designed for attack, defense, sound
signals, which is set in motion by the energy of combustion of
powder gas.
3. The most correct denition of rearms as any portable rearm
designed to hit targets with projectiles that receive directional
movement in the barrel (using the pressure force of gases formed
by combustion of metallic charge) and have sucient kinetic energy
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 148-159
to hit a target within a certain distance, except for old unloaded
rearms, which were manufactured up to and including 1899 and
are not intended for ring cartridges with metal cartridges of central
combat and ring ignition.
4. Ammunition and explosives are related as part and all, because
explosives are an integral part of ammunition, from which you
can always get explosives. Characteristic features of explosive
devices are determined: single use, due to the design features of the
product; the ability to cause severe eects by releasing, dispersing
or exposing toxic chemicals, biological agents, toxins, radiation,
radioactive material and other similar substances.
5. For the purpose of legislative regulation of relations arising during
the circulation in Ukraine of civilian rearms, ammunition and
ammunition, as well as constructively similar to weapons and
ammunition products, in particular to prevent a free interpretation
of the assessment of the person involved in crimes, the means of
committing which are weapons.
Bibliographic References
AKHTYRSKA, Nataliia; KOTIUK, Oleksandr; SEREDA, Yurii. 2022.
“Correlation of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms with Ensuring the Right
to Life and its ProtectionIn: Cuestiones Políticas. Vol. 40, No. 72, pp.
BAULIN, Yuri; BORISOV, Vyacheslav. 2002. Criminal law of Ukraine. General
part: textbook. Jurinkom Inter. Law. Kharkiv, Ukraine.
BILENCHUK, Peter; KOFANOV, Anlriy; SULYAVA, Alexander. 2004. Weapons
Science: Legal Basis of Firearms Circulation. Comparative analysis of
domestic and foreign legislation: Ukraine. Europe. World: monograph.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 74