Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Publicación cientíca en formato digital
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185
Depósito legal pp 197402ZU34
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 74
Recibido el 04/05/2022 Aceptado el 28/07/2022
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
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avan ces o re sul ta dos de in ves ti ga ción en las áreas de Cien cia Po lí ti ca y De re cho Pú bli-
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
Carmen Pérez Baralt
Co mi Ase sor
Pedro Bracho Grand
J. M. Del ga do Ocan do
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 74 (2022), 91-114
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in
Ukraine and roadmap strategy
Zhadko Kostyantyn *
Viktoriia Іlchenko **
Yuliia Holovnia ***
Inna Stenicheva ****
Viktoriia Datsenko *****
Using an empirically based methodology, the scientic
approaches to dene the concepts of “innovation” and “innovation
policy” are summarized. It is substantiated that the goal of
implementing innovative entrepreneurship is the transition
to an innovative model of development, which requires the
implementation of the following priority tasks: integration of all
stages of innovative entrepreneurship in the region; formation
of competitive regional innovative products; increasing the level of quality
of institutional infrastructure; improvement of information provision of
innovative processes; stimulation of regional business entities to ensure
innovative activity; creation of communications in the “science-production”
system; ensuring quality training of specialists in the eld of innovative
entrepreneurship; development of knowledge-intensive industries; eective
use of innovative potential and intellectual capital of the region. Modeling of
the innovative entrepreneurship prole of the regions led to the conclusion
that the main task, for each of the regions, is to develop measures to increase
the level of formation of its innovative entrepreneurship space, which will
have the eect of optimizing the economic results of the operation and
increase its competitiveness in domestic and international markets.
* Doctor of Economics Sciences, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Economy of
Enterprises at the University of customs and nance, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
** Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Entrepreneurship and Economy
of Enterprises at the University of customs and nance, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
*** Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of public administration, Associate
Professor of the Department of public administration at the State University of trade and economics,
Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
**** Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Economics and
Entrepreneurship at the Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dnipro,
Ukraine. ORСID ID:
***** Candidate of Economic Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Business and International
Relations at the University of customs and nance, Dnipro, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
Keywords: innovation space; innovative entrepreneurship; region;
innovative activity; socioeconomic development.
Política de emprendimiento innovador en Ucrania y
estrategia de hoja de ruta
Mediante una metodología de base empírica, se resumen los enfoques
cientícos para denir los conceptos de «innovación» y «política
de innovación». Se fundamenta que el objetivo de implementar el
emprendimiento innovador es la transición a un modelo innovador de
desarrollo, lo que requiere la implementación de las siguientes tareas
prioritarias: integración de todas las etapas del emprendimiento innovador
en la región; formación de productos innovadores regionales competitivos;
aumentar el nivel de calidad de la infraestructura institucional; mejora de la
provisión de información de procesos innovadores; estímulo de las entidades
empresariales regionales para asegurar la actividad innovadora; creación
de comunicaciones en el sistema «ciencia-producción»; garantizar una
formación de calidad de especialistas en el campo del espíritu empresarial
innovador; desarrollo de industrias intensivas en conocimiento; uso efectivo
del potencial innovador y del capital intelectual de la región. El modelado
del perl innovador de emprendimiento de las regiones permitió llegar a
la conclusión de que la tarea principal, para cada una de las regiones, es
desarrollar medidas para aumentar el nivel de formación de su espacio
empresarial innovador, lo que tendrá el efecto de optimizar los resultados
económicos de la operación y aumentar su competitividad en los mercados
nacionales e internacionales.
Palabras clave: espacio de innovación; emprendimiento innovador;
región; actividad innovadora; desarrollo
In the modern conditions of civilizational development and world
globalization realities with post-industrial and industrial methods of
production, the quality of management of innovative processes of business
entities becomes a determining factor in the competitiveness of national
economies. World experience proves that it is innovative entrepreneurship
at the stage of its development that becomes the main structure-forming
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
element of the competitive market environment, an important driving force
of the development of the economic system.
Ensuring the appropriate level of development of innovative
entrepreneurship in the country makes it possible to increase the level
of competitiveness of the economy and contributes to the growth of the
country’s gross domestic product. Given the role that the innovation sphere
should play in the economic system, one of its most important functions
from the point of view of ensuring economic growth is the production of
The importance of activating innovative entrepreneurship is realized by
any business entity, because it is new innovative ideas, solutions embodied
in a specic product that can provide competitive advantages. However, the
active development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine is hindered
by a number of factors of the external environment, which aects both
the total number of business entities that implement innovations and the
eectiveness of their innovative activities.
Among the important factors that restrain the development of innovative
entrepreneurship, scientists note the insignicant demand from consumers
for innovative products, the insucient amount of funding for the scientic
and technical development of the national economy; limitation of venture
nancing instruments; imperfect motivation for active innovative activity
(Krylova, 2020); high credit rates; imperfection of legislation; high
economic risk; lack of demand for products; lack of information about sales
markets, etc.
The main reasons for the weak development of innovative
entrepreneurship at the regional level are attributed by S. Taran to the
unfavorable investment climate for the implementation of innovative
entrepreneurship in the region, low innovative activity of regional
business entities, the ineectiveness or absence of programs for the
innovative development of the region, insucient nancial support for the
development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, and a low level
of integration in the «science-business-government» system, the low level
of technological structure of the region’s economy (Taran, 2021).
The analysis of the sub-indices of the Global Innovation Index shows
that the main obstacles that hinder the development of innovation
processes in Ukraine are political instability (123rd place in the world),
non-compliance with the rule of law (109), an underdeveloped business
environment (104), the complexity of resolving insolvency issues (117),
low rate of capital formation (104), unsatisfactory investment (121), slow
formation of strategic alliances (113). At the same time, more and more
strengths are forming, which contributes to the growth of entrepreneurial
innovation: the ease of starting a business (52), the development of school
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
education (23), the development of higher education (32), the development
of Internet services (42), research and development (44) have improved ,
ease of obtaining credit (34), protection of investors’ rights (44), level of
trade, competition and market scale (45), level of knowledge of employees
(47), high-tech imports (33), creativity of knowledge (23, including return
of useful models (1)), impact of knowledge (45), diusion of knowledge
(32), development of the eld of intangible assets (23), Internet creativity
(39) (Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO, 2020).
It should also be emphasized that the full-scale invasion of the occupiers
aected various spheres of life in Ukraine, in particular the economy and
the functioning of enterprises. Due to the aggression of a neighboring
country, more than 50% of businesses on the territory of Ukraine are
currently closed, and about 80% of its representatives plan to relocate to
safer regions (almost 50% of businesses are closed due to the war).
According to statistics, as of July 2002, business in the east and south
of Ukraine is recovering worst from the shock of the war in Ukraine. At the
same time, which cannot help but please, more than 35% of enterprises
already have a development strategy taking into account the new realities
(almost 50% of businesses are out of business due to the war).
We believe that the strategy and road map for the development of
entrepreneurship in the regions will contribute to increasing the eciency of
the functioning of the regional socio-economic system, taking into account
as a predicted result the priority and irreversibility of the development
of innovation-oriented sectors, stimulating the development of other
businesses, and contributing to the implementation and increase the export
potential of key sectors, the priority of modernization and technical and
technological renewal of business structures, development of knowledge-
intensive, energy and environmentally ecient, high-tech industries with
increasing economic and social impact, which will strengthen the position
at the meso and macro levels, expand markets and export potential.
Therefore, the issues of developing not only methodological provisions,
but also separate scientic recommendations for the purpose of
implementing priority tasks of innovative entrepreneurship at the national
and regional level, developing a road map for the development of innovative
entrepreneurship in individual regions are currently relevant.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodological basis of the research is the synthesis of the results
of fundamental and applied research of domestic and foreign scientists on
the problems of the development of innovative entrepreneurship, methods
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
of theoretical and empirical research. In the research process, a complex of
general scientic and special methods was used to substantiate the provisions
given in the article, in particular: analysis and synthesis - to compare
the main approaches to the interpretation of the concepts and criteria of
eective strategizing of innovative entrepreneurship; comparison and
grouping - for the systematization of indicators used to evaluate innovative
entrepreneurship; graphic method - for visual representation of the results
of analytical studies; abstract-logical - for theoretical generalization and
formulation of conclusions.
The methods of terminological analysis and theoretical generalization
were used to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations,
the main factors and criteria of eective strategizing of innovative
entrepreneurship; analytic-logical method, method of analysis and synthesis
- for the selection of modern strategies according to the level of formation
of the innovation space and their role in the process of building a road map;
graphical method of visualization and method of mathematical modeling -
in order to build the value of a potential representative region on the basis
of a comprehensive approach to the assessment of the integral indicator of
innovativeness and the rating of regions by the level of innovativeness of
2. Analysis of recent research
The modern innovative development of various sectors of the economy
of Ukraine, individual entrepreneurial structures and households of the
country is characterized by unevenness and disproportionality, often
acquiring signs of chaotic movement, when signicant achievements are
combined with subsequent regression. Processes aimed at accelerating
innovative development in certain spheres of economic activity are
combined with their restraint in others, causing low predictability of
possible changes.
In this regard, scientic research related to the determination of
directions, principles and conditions necessary for a successful innovative
and informative transformation of modern society, which would ensure
the growth of the quality of life of the population and the competitiveness
of the economic system, is being updated (Zayats, 2021). The investigated
problems found their partial solution in the scientic publications of
modern scientists O. Didchenko, A. Tkachuk (Didchenko and Tkachuk,
2015), L. Malyuta (Malyuta, 2013), T. Marchenko (Marchenko, 2021),
O. Mashtaler (Mashtaler, 2020), D. Ocheretny (Ocheretny, 2017),
O. Olshanska (Olshanska et al., 2020), O. Sobko (Sobko et al., 2021),
O. Zarichna (Zarichna, 2018), A. Poklonskyi (Poklonskyi et al., 2021).
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
Therefore, it should be recognized that the development of innovative
entrepreneurship is currently in the center of attention of many scientists,
because it acts as a catalyst for economic processes in any country, ensures
an increase in its export activity, and stimulates the improvement of
many spheres of activity at enterprises and in the economic environment
of the country. This requires a study of the development of innovative
entrepreneurship in Ukraine in order to reveal the factors inuencing its
position in the global economy.
At the same time, it must be stated that despite a signicant number
of publications on the activation of innovative entrepreneurship, to a
greater extent they relate to the development of small and medium-sized
businesses in the eld of creation and dissemination of innovations, and in
some places they do not take into account the conditions of today, which
requires in-depth attention in order to produce them at the regional level
and national levels.
Such directions of further research are the identication of factors
that prevent the activation of the eectiveness of innovative activities of
enterprises and the development of a set of measures to nd opportunities
to eliminate the main obstacles to the development of innovative business.
The purpose of the study is to analyze trends in the development of
innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine at the state and regional level,
to assess and identify reserves for its improvement in order to revive
existential processes in the face of modern challenges, to develop proposals
for the activation of the development of innovative entrepreneurship in
Ukraine, in particular, to analyze and create a model of the dependence
of the functioning indicator entrepreneurship of the region and its rating
according to the level of internal capabilities to carry out innovative
activities and the ability to transform internal capabilities to carry out
innovative activities into results.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Prospects for the implementation of innovative
entrepreneurship policy at the state and regional levels in
The scientic and technological development of an individual country
is determined primarily by its priorities, the means of achieving them,
which are measured by the results and scope of their use. When forming
guidelines for scientic and technical development to create promising
production and technological potential, a signicant role is played by the
state innovation policy, which is developed within the framework of the
national and international development strategy.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
The modern market economy requires the performance of a number of
basic tasks to increase the country’s competitiveness. One of these tasks
is the formation of innovation policy. Because, as international experience
shows, a balanced national innovation policy contributes to high rates of
innovative development.
Given the role that the innovation sphere should play in the economic
system, one of its most important functions, from the point of view of
ensuring economic growth, is the production of innovations. Innovation
is the nal result of innovative activity, in the form of a new or improved
product or technological process, which is endowed with qualitative
advantages in use and design, production, sale, is used in practical activities
and has a social advantage. Innovation strategy is a coordinated set of
management decisions that aect the innovative activity of the enterprise
and have long-term consequences (Didchenko and Tkachuk, 2015).
Innovation policy - state management of the process of creating favorable
conditions for innovative activity, the formation of innovative ideas and
projects, the construction of scientic and research samples of innovations,
their development and promotion to the market. Innovations include the
latest equipment and technologies, modern production processes, scientic,
organizational, managerial know-how and other novelties (Fedulova,
Entrepreneurship is characterized by the mandatory presence of an
innovative component, whether it is the production of a new product,
a change in the portfolio of activities or the establishment of a new
enterprise. A new production management system, quality, application
of new methods of production organization or new technologies are also
innovative moments. In entrepreneurship, it is advisable to consider two
main innovative aspects: the actions of the entrepreneur as a carrier and
implementer of this function; groundbreaking innovative activity as an
entrepreneurial function (Fadeev, 2012).
The legal foundations of Ukraine’s innovation policy are contained
in the Constitution of Ukraine and the following laws of Ukraine: «On
innovative activity», «On investment activity», «On scientic and scientic
and technical activity», «On special regime, investment and innovative
activity of technological parks) and in other legislative acts regulating social
relations in this area. In particular, according to the Law of Ukraine «On
Innovative Activities», the main goal of the state innovation policy is to
create socio-economic, organizational and legal conditions for the eective
reproduction, development and use of the country’s scientic and technical
potential, ensuring the implementation of modern ecologically clean, safe,
energy and resource-saving technologies, production and sale of new types
of competitive products (On Innovative Activity: Law Of Ukraine, 2002).
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
With the aim of implementing the transition to innovative growth, the
Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 526 dated 10.07.2019
approved the Strategy for the Development of the Sphere of Innovative
Activity for the Period Until 2030, which envisages «initiating a
communication mechanism of technological platforms where business and
the state can become potential customers of innovations : on the one hand,
business and the state make an application to solve their problems, and on
the other - scientists, students, inventors oer innovative solutions that will
be further scaled and become the basis for their own innovative business»
(Strategy for the development of the sphere of innovative activity for the
period up to 2030, 2019).
The innovative development of Ukraine takes place in complex socio-
political and socio-economic conditions of uncertain prospects and
instability of its regulatory and legal regulation, which increases the
uncertainty of investors in maintaining a stable demand for innovative
products or returning investments, producers - in the possibilities of
protable production and sales, consumers - in the ability to take advantage
of the innovative product due to its high cost.
It is obvious that the armation of the values of innovative development
as one of the basic principles by which subjects in economic activity should
be guided requires a change from the modern fragmentary format of
interaction of the main subjects to a systemic one with strengthening of
aspects of motivation for cooperation, stimulation of innovative activity of
business structures, the interest of local authorities and public structures in
spreading innovative social practices.
Despite the low international ratings of innovativeness of Ukraine’s
economy, the population positively perceives activities related to their
development, demonstrating openness to science, technology, the latest
technologies, readiness to use its results, as well as understanding the
importance of innovations for the country’s competitiveness in the global
space. However, a pessimistic attitude towards transformational changes
in the economy, a skeptical assessment of the chosen course, and disbelief
in the success of the implemented reforms, mostly related to military
aggression on the territory of Ukraine, oppose the establishment of value
guidelines for innovative development.
Unfortunately, the key barriers to the spread of innovations in Ukrainian
society arise at the stage of forming the relevant directions of state policy,
dening its priorities, goals and tasks for the near and distant future.
And although every year in the country the circle of subjects involved in
innovative activity is constantly growing (public movements also join it),
its eectiveness remains low due to the weakness of mechanisms for state
stimulation of innovative development and insucient investment in the
eld of scientic research.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
Thus, the establishment of value guidelines for innovative development
goes far beyond the acceptance or non-acceptance of innovative ideas or
products of innovative activity. This is a rather wide range of problems,
covering the practice of forming state innovation policy, innovative activity
of business structures and consumer behavior of households. Ukraine should
intensify the formation of the European model of innovative development
in order to reduce the signicant technological lag (due to wear and tear of
xed assets, high resource intensity of production, personnel losses, low
level of innovative activity) and to avoid new waves of systemic crisis of the
domestic economy.
The development of eective measures for the activation of innovative
entrepreneurship, rst of all, requires focusing attention on identifying
the strengths and weaknesses of the development of innovative
entrepreneurship, as well as opportunities and threats for its activation
in Ukraine. In this sense, it is important to assess the existing level of the
innovation process, its supply of personnel and nancial resources, the
level of development of the innovation infrastructure, the establishment
of integration relations between the main participants of the innovation
process, the eectiveness of innovation activities, the presence of demand
for innovative products, etc.
To ensure the further innovative development of entrepreneurship
in Ukraine, I. Kryvyovyazyuk recommends the creation of an eective
mechanism for activating innovative, scientic and technical potentials
and ensuring the possibility of innovative self-development of the country,
which involves the implementation of the following strategic tasks: ensuring
the priority conditions for the country’s innovative development; achieving
such a level of quality and innovativeness of the national manufacturer’s
products that will ensure its high competitiveness on international
markets; optimal combination of state management methods, which will
take into account the potential opportunities of the innovative sector of the
economy of Ukraine; ensuring the formation of favorable conditions for the
development of intellectual potential capable of productively carrying out
activities in conditions of turbulence of the country’s economy; legislative
support for innovative development of business entities (Krivovyazyuk,
It is important to achieve positive results for society thanks to the
comprehensive use of all possible inuence tools, primarily related to the
eective innovation policy of the state. We share the point of view of T.
Zayats, that:
It should be formed as a policy of a systemic and long-term nature, based
on clearly dened quantitative and qualitative parameters, become a kind of
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
«locomotive» for the development of socially responsible business structures
capable of generating innovative ideas and gradually implementing them (Zayats,
2021: 17).
Thus, we can detail the priorities for the development of innovative
entrepreneurship in the region, which include: integration between
all stages of innovative entrepreneurship in the region; formation and
implementation of competitive regional innovative products; increasing the
level of quality of the institutional infrastructure of the region; improvement
of information provision of innovative processes; stimulation of regional
business entities to ensure innovative activity; creation of communications
in the «science-production» system; ensuring quality training of specialists
in the eld of innovative entrepreneurship; development of knowledge-
intensive industries; eective use of the innovative potential and intellectual
capital of the region.
3.2. Strategizing the road map of innovative entrepreneurship
in Ukraine
Phenomena and processes occurring in socio-economic systems depend
on a signicant number of factors. As a rule, each factor does not separately
determine the phenomenon under study in its entirety. Only a set of factors
in their interdependence can give a more complete picture of the nature of
the phenomenon.
Socio-economic systems of the regions are characterized by varying
degrees of formation of innovative entrepreneurship, which is determined
by the action of a signicant number of internal and external factors.
Inuencing these factors can help increase the integrated indicator of the
formation of innovative space for the development of entrepreneurship in
the region.
Typology of regions according to the formation of innovation space is
carried out on two grounds:
1. the achieved value of the integrated rating of the formation of the
innovation space of the region;
2. by the place of the region in the integrated rating of the formation
of innovation space.
To form the types of regions on the rst sign, consider that the lower
limit of the interval series is 0, and the upper corresponds to 1, given that
all indicators have limits from 0 to 1. For the second sign, to determine
the types of regions by place in the integrated rating of the formation of
innovation space, based on the most common typology of innovative
enterprises, according to which among them there are three types -
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
leaders in innovative business, followers, and outsiders. The leaders in the
innovative entrepreneurial activity are proposed to include the regions that
took 1st to 5th place in the ranking, and the outsiders - from 21st to 25th
place. All other regions are followers. We believe that it is optimal to group
regions using at least 5 types. Thus, 15 follower regions are proposed to be
divided into three subtypes.
The expediency of increasing the level of formation of the innovative
space of regional entrepreneurship can be established by constructing the
dependence of the functioning of the country’s regions on the components
of the integrated indicator (Dyba et al., 2013) of the formation of
Ukraine’s innovation space (ranking of region’s innovation in the results)
(Hromozdova and Stenicheva, 2019).
Given the high reliability of this model, it can be used not only to justify
the feasibility of decision-making in the eld of innovation of the regions
but also to predict the results of their implementation.
Before building an appropriate model, it is necessary to determine
which indicator should be used as an indicator to assess the functioning
of entrepreneurial activity in the regions of Ukraine. Most often, the gross
regional product of the region is used as the main indicator for assessing
the functioning of the regions.
However, we believe that this indicator cannot be used to build
dependency models, as the comparability of gross regional products of
dierent regions is questionable. Therefore, it is better to use a relative
indicator - gross regional product per capita, which more accurately reects
the results of entrepreneurship of individual regions and allows a sucient
degree of objectivity to compare them with each other.
That is why it is advisable to build a model gross regional product
dependence per capita in the regions of Ukraine on the indicators: rating
internal opportunities for innovation, rating ability to transform internal
opportunities for innovation into results, indicator of functioning regions.
Based on the data in the table, we propose to build a correlation-
regression model. At the same time, rst of all, it is expedient to determine
the coecients of pair correlation, which will allow us to conclude that
there is a relationship between performance (Y - gross regional product
per person, UAH) and factor indicators (X1 - rating of regions by level of
internal opportunities to innovate). Activities, in points, X2 - ranking of
regions by the level of ability to transform the internal opportunities for
innovation in the results, in points).
Comparing the calculated data with the data of the Shaddock scale,
the following conclusions can be made: the most signicant inuence on
the change of the performance indicator is the region’s rating on the level
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
of ability to transform internal opportunities for innovation into results
(correlation coecient equal to 0.761); the relationship between the
performance indicator and the ranking of regions by the level of internal
opportunities for innovation is also close and direct (the correlation
coecient is equal to 0.756).
Table 1. Pair correlation coecients
Factor indicator Correlation coecient of the
performance indicator (Y) with the
corresponding factor indicator
rating of regions by the level of internal
opportunities for innovation, points (X1) 0,756
ranking of regions by the level of ability
to transform internal opportunities for
innovation into results, points (X2) 0,761
(Own elaboration).
It should also be determined whether the calculated correlation
coecients are signicant, for which they are compared with the critical
value of t - Student’s t test:
- is the pair correlation coecient;
n – is the number of units in the aggregate.
The actual and critical values of the student’s t-test are presented in
table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of actual and critical values of
Student’s t’-test
Variable number X1 X2
t-critical 2,074 2,074
t-calculated 8,650 8,873
(Own elaboration).
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
The table shows that t-critical is less than t-calculated, i.e., the correlation
coecients can be considered signicant. Determine the type of relationship
between indicators (Hromozdova et al., 2020: 4909 - 4915). To do this, we
construct graphs of empirical regression lines.
Figure 1. Empirical regression line between gross regional
product per capital and the rating of regions by the level of
internal opportunities for innovation. (Own elaboration).
As can be seen from the constructed regression line, the relationship
between gross regional product per capital and the ranking of regions by
the level of internal opportunities for innovation is close to linear
Figure 2. Empirical regression line between gross regional
product per capita and the ranking of regions by the level of
ability to transform internal opportunities for innovation into
results (Own elaboration). 0,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000,800
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
As can be seen from the constructed regression line, the relationship
between gross regional product per capita and the ranking of regions by
the level of ability to transform internal opportunities for innovation in the
results can also be represented by the dependence of the linear type.
Therefore, this connection can be represented as follows:
22110 XaXaaY ++=
Using the method of correlation-regression analysis, we nd the
parameters of the regression equation (Bludova et al., 2019). The
constructed dependency function will look like:
21 697,117620713,9891405,31881 XXY ++=
This model was tested for adequacy using Fisher’s test. The actual value
of F - Fisher’s test, obtained as a result of calculations, is 16.57, while its
tabular value is 3.4 at K 1 = 25-2-1 = 22 and K 2 = 2, ie (Froz.> Ftab), which
means that the regression equation is adequate to reality.
The coecient of multiple correlations according to the constructed
research model is 0.775, which indicates a close relationship between
performance and factor indicators.
Thus, the constructed dependence model can be used for further research.
At the same time, taking into account the results of its construction, it can
be argued that the indicators that reect the formation of the innovation
space have a signicant impact on the performance of the regions.
That is why the development of measures to increase the level of
formation of its innovative business space, which will have the eect of
improving the performance of the region, can be considered a priority for
each of the regions.
Such measures can be reected in the roadmap for the formation of
innovative entrepreneurship in the regions.
Unfortunately, traditional approaches to identifying and solving
problems often remain stereotypical: the problem is considered without a
need’s assessment.
Ukraine is actively reforming the decentralization of power. Territorial
communities receive greater nancial and managerial powers. This allows
them to independently plan policy, development, resource allocation,
and respond to existing problems. At the same time, the received powers
must contribute as much as possible to the fulllment of responsibilities
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
for ensuring the principles of sustainable development. This possibility
of coordination is provided by the development and implementation of a
modern strategic document - a road map.
This document should be agreed upon within the Strategist 4.0 expert
community and intended for business leaders, as well as Industry 4.0
innovators and other stakeholders involved in shaping the innovation
space of the region’s socio-economic system. According to the ocial data
of regional road maps, the formation of innovative entrepreneurship in
Ukraine does not exist.
The result of creating a road map is an appropriate scenario of the
process or the implementation of certain measures, taking into account all
the requirements, restrictions, risks, deadlines, and alternatives. The issue
of construction and application of road maps is considered in more depth
in the works of foreign scientists and practitioners.
In general, the road map is a medium- or long-term plan for the
development of any socio-economic process (Farrukh et al., 2001). This
strategic planning tool is fairly new. The rst road maps were developed in
the United States in the 1970 s by large industrial corporations - Motorola
and Corning and were a simple but eective method of planning certain
areas of future development of corporations, which allowed to link strategic
and operational objectives, adjust global the purpose of management and
to establish the necessary resources to achieve it.
A positive aspect of the roadmaps was the ability to identify the
performers responsible for certain activities reected in the roadmap.
Subsequently, road maps began to be used in the eld of public
administration of economic policy. Thus, in 1970–1981, road maps were
rst used in the United States to gradually deregulate some of the country’s
industries, to reduce government spending and ination.
The development of tools for the public administration of economic
development and industry in the world has led to the improvement of road
maps on an in-depth scientic basis. Today, the scientic literature presents
a variety of approaches to dening the essence of the concept of “road map”,
which are mainly based on a comprehensive approach that combines the
achievements of economics, management of mathematical modeling, and
In general, most authors emphasize such features of road maps as
the denition of goals for each direction of the map; the need to form
development priorities; the need to justify development scenarios; building
communication links between processes within the map.
With the development of the theory of strategic management and the
improvement of approaches to planning and forecasting socio-economic
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
processes in the regions, road maps have taken a special place among the
innovative tools of regional management.
It should be noted that in the context of this study, the road map
combines these two functions and is a list of goals and key tasks to create
innovative space regions of Ukraine for the next ve years. It can also be
part of the Strategy for the Development of the National Innovation System
and an action plan for the formation of innovative business space on both
the meso and macro levels, as well as a document aimed at implementing
common priorities.
Given the lack of available nancial resources to conduct large-scale
reform of the national scientic and technological systems required is the
development strategy of interaction research infrastructures and industry.
Lack of demand from the national economy in the medium term for the
formation of innovation space, you can use the roadmap for the formation
of innovative entrepreneurship in the region as a ready business plan with
indicators to monitor its implementation to receive technological assistance
from donors in Ukraine. The roadmap for the formation of innovative
entrepreneurship in the region is based on the principles of interactivity,
which provides for the possibility of making adjustments at any stage of the
map in any indicator.
The construction of the roadmap for the formation of innovative
business space in the region was based on the denition of priority goals
for the development of the region, as well as the stimulation of specic joint
actions and projects aimed at improving the results of innovation.
Involving Ukrainian business in the Single Market can create a
corresponding demand from national and European business to science
for scientic support of the formation of innovative business space of the
regions and the solution of common social problems.
Recommendations for inclusion in the road map:
formation of a permanent working group on the formation of
innovative entrepreneurship in the region;
creation of a coordination committee between managers of public
funds by agreeing on pooling nancial, organizational, and human
resources to achieve a common goal;
implementation of a mechanism to promote the development of
technologies for sustainable development in terms of forming the
agenda and holding an annual forum for the implementation of
measures for the formation of innovative entrepreneurship in the
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
creation of a joint international fund with donors of Ukraine for the
formation of innovative entrepreneurship in the region and its key
Roadmap for the formation of innovative business space:
Step 1: Gather enough information.
Accordingly, the rst step includes (depending on local characteristics)
a quantitative study of the formation of innovative business space in the
The authors conducted a comprehensive study of the regions of
Ukraine on the level of formation of the innovation space. On this basis, a
working hypothesis was formed, namely - for the formation of innovative
business space of the socio-economic system of the region it is necessary to
identify strengths and weaknesses of the region in the eld of innovative
entrepreneurship, their opportunities, and threats, to build a matrix for
diagnosing strengths taking into account the interdependence of indicators
that reect the formation of innovative business space, conrmed by the
results of modeling, and the results of the functioning of the regions as a
whole. A questionnaire was formed to identify priorities and identied risks
of mainly methodological and methodological nature.
Step 2: to establish the joint work of the public, representatives of local
governments, businesses.
Developing a vision for the innovation space of the regions.
A vision is an idea of the image of the future. Developing a vision is one
of the steps to create a roadmap for the formation of an innovative business
space of the socio-economic system of the region as a strategic document.
Relevant foresight studies of innovation activities and certied strategic
programs of regional development research can be additional documents.
Risks: passivity of participants.
Step 3: Develop an action strategy to expand the innovation space of the
regions or their integration to obtain a synergistic eect.
Monitoring the status of implementation of the developmental steps is
one of the sections of the Strategy, which is described in detail in a specic
document. For eective monitoring, it is necessary to create a monitoring
group with the participation of government ocials and the public, as
they are the main actors in the process of forming an innovative business
space. Provide for the denition of “nodes” and indicators for assessing the
implementation of the process of formation of innovative entrepreneurship
and the appropriate system of control over its implementation.
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
According to the built model, the road map provides an opportunity
to increase the rate of innovation entrepreneurship and as a result of the
implementation of the measures envisaged in it - an increase in gross
regional product and Ukraine’s position in international rankings of
innovations and more.
It is established that for the Mykolaiv area which is chosen as the
representative region of a cluster and, the important feature of innovation
space is its big territorial disparities. Practically all research and design
institutions are located in Mykolayiv. The main problems that need to be
addressed include:
insucient eciency of the existing innovation infrastructure
facilities in the region;
low level of interaction and cooperation between the subjects of
innovation, including regional and local authorities;
lack of innovation structures in the eld, which provide 100
innovators with several specialized services for the development,
promotion, prototyping, innovation, etc.;
the level of interaction between enterprises and research institutions
is insucient for qualitative structural changes in the region’s
Given the main problems that hinder the development of the
scientic and technological potential of economic transformations
in the region, the main directions of joint eorts soon should be:
development of a modern research base and infrastructure for
technology transfer in scientic institutions and free economic
creation of infrastructure of industrial parks and techno parks for
scientists and business;
introduction of an eective mechanism of the mutually benecial
partnership of the triple spiral “power-business-science”;
creation of centers of innovations and technology transfer;
innovation centers; experimental zones and laboratories, centers for
increasing productivity and technology transfer, innovative venture
funds; centers for commercialization of intellectual property rights,
development and implementation of the Program of scientic,
technical, and innovative development of the region; creation of
innovative and creative clusters in the region.
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
The basic strategic priority within the road map of the Mykolaiv area
is the development of innovation-oriented sectors of the economy, which
will give a push for the development of other spheres, and also will
promote the realization of export potential of key sectors of the economy,
modernization and technical and technological re-equipment of industrial
enterprises, high-tech industrial productions with the growing economic
and social return, expansion of the markets for the production of domestic
Assessing the research and innovation potential of the region in terms of
types and subtypes of economic activity, taking into account the potential
of related industries, it is determined that the basis for innovation space
can form such economic activities as processing fruits and vegetables and
baby food based on eco-technologies; development of the aqua industry;
mechanical engineering, including shipbuilding. These areas are relevant
to achieving the goals of sustainable development, facilitating the transition
to a resource-saving economy, creating competitive advantages in domestic
and foreign markets; supporting structural change, oering new and better
jobs, and social innovation.
The formation of an innovative business space makes it possible to
unlock the regional potential for structural and technological change, as
well as for industrial modernization on an innovative basis. The growth
of the role of innovation will be achieved through the development of
innovation-oriented sectors of the economy. Achieving the strategic goal is
expected through the implementation of innovative projects.
The following innovative projects are included in the road map for the
Mykolaiv area:
Table 3. Innovative projects on the road map of the
Mykolaiv area
Project Expected costs and results
Development of the Innovation
Cluster “RInnoHUB”
Stimulating the development of innovation
infrastructure and supporting innovation
activities (UAH 5,000 thousand - UAH 12,000
Economic and social business
is an incubator for OTG Entrepreneurship support (UAH 3,600,000 -
UAH 6,000 thousand)
Incubator for starting a
business in the eld of
aquaculture (AQUABATOR)
Stimulating the development of innovation
infrastructure and supporting innovation
activities (UAH 5,000 thousand - UAH 12,000
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
Support for the institutional
development of the Maritime
Cluster of Ukraine
Entrepreneurship support (UAH 3,600,000 -
UAH 6,000 thousand)
Modern irrigation is the basis
of innovative development of
agricultural production of the
Mykolaiv area
Stimulating the development of innovation
infrastructure and supporting innovation
activities (UAH 5,000 thousand - UAH 12,000
Construction of the industrial
park “New Bug” in the territory
of the Novobuzhsky city
council of Mykolaiv area
Stimulating the development of industrial
investment (UAH 12,000 thousand - UAH
48,000 thousand)
Construction of Berezan
industrial park in Berezanskaya
OTG of the Mykolaiv area.
Stimulating the development of industrial
investment (12000 thousand UAH - 48000
thousand UAH)
(Own elaboration).
Monitoring of the achievement of the strategic vision will be based on
control over the implementation of strategic goals. The main quantitative
indicators for each strategic goal for the monitoring period will be the
indicators arising from the list of projects to be implemented.
Expected results - gross regional product (in actual prices) per capita
70,336 thousand UAH and approaching the regional level to the national
average, while maintaining the growth trend of gross regional product per
capita - not less than 75%. Dierentiation of gross regional product per
capita (ratio to the average in Ukraine) by 0.83% approaching the level of
the region to the level of the national average.
According to the built model, the road map provides an opportunity
to increase the indicator of innovation space and as a result of the
implementation of the measures envisaged in it - an increase in gross
regional product and Ukraine’s position in international innovation
rankings, etc.
Therefore, at the national level, the state should become a catalyst of
the innovation process and a reliable assistant for subjects of innovation
activity, it is necessary to create and implement an economic model of
innovation activity, which would be based on clear economic criteria of high
eciency at all stages of the innovation system, from fundamental research
and development to production development. Orientation to an innovative
path of development requires the subjects of economic activity to rebuild
the management system, to create, based on marketing principles, a
Vol. 40 Nº 74 (2022): 91-114
system of operational search for new areas and ways of realizing one’s own
potential based on new products, technologies, methods of production and
sales organization. Fulllment of the above conditions and awareness of
the importance of innovative transformations by business entities, interest
in the implementation of a complex of investment and innovative ideas,
will ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian products on the world market,
ensure the strengthening of the potential of business entities and contribute
to sustainable economic growth of the Ukrainian economy.
The priority directions for the development of innovative
entrepreneurship in the region include: integration between all stages of
innovative entrepreneurship in the region; formation and implementation
of competitive regional innovative products; increasing the level of quality
of the institutional infrastructure of the region; improvement of information
provision of innovative processes; stimulation of regional business entities
to ensure innovative activity; creation of communications in the «science-
production» system; ensuring quality training of specialists in the eld
of innovative entrepreneurship; development of knowledge-intensive
industries; eective use of the innovative potential and intellectual capital
of the region.
A scale for determining the point assessment of opportunities and a
scale of threats to the formation of an innovative space have been created.
The general view of the prole of the region according to the formation of
the innovation space was considered. It is substantiated that, taking into
account the fact that the most typical is the situation in which the formation
of the innovation space of the region is at a critical level, it is advisable to
build the innovation prole of the region for the region, which is a typical
representative of this cluster.
An innovation prole of the regions of Ukraine for 2019 was built, which
made it possible to determine that Mykolaiv region can be considered
the most typical (representative) representative of this cluster, since the
quadratic deviation of the integral rating of the formation of the innovation
space here is minimal and amounts to only 0.002 points. Its innovative
prole was built precisely for this representative region.
The basic strategic priority in the framework of the road map of the
Mykolaiv region is the development of innovation-oriented sectors of the
economy, which will provide an impetus for the development of other areas,
as well as contribute to the realization of the export potential of key sectors of
the economy, the modernization and technical-technological re-equipment
of industrial enterprises, the development of knowledge-intensive, energy-
and ecologically ecient and high-tech industrial productions with growing
economic and social returns, expansion of sales markets for the products of
domestic manufacturers.
Zhadko Kostyantyn, Viktoriia Іlchenko, Yuliia Holovnia, Inna Stenicheva y Viktoriia Datsenko
Innovative entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine and roadmap strategy
Evaluating the research and innovation potential of the Mykolaiv region
in terms of types and subtypes of economic activity, taking into account
the potential of adjacent industries, it was determined that the following
types of economic activity can form the basis for an innovative space:
processing of fruits and vegetables and production of baby food based on
eco-technologies; development of aqua industry; mechanical engineering,
including shipbuilding.
These directions are relevant for achieving the goals of sustainable
development, contribute to the transition to a resource-saving economy,
create competitive advantages in domestic and foreign markets; support
structural change by oering new and better jobs and social innovation.
The modeling of the innovative prole of entrepreneurship of the
regions of Ukraine made it possible to come to the conclusion that the
primary task for each of the regions is to develop measures to increase the
level of formation of its innovative entrepreneurial space, which will have
the eect of improving the economic results of the operation of this region
and increasing its competitiveness on national and international markets.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en octubre de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 74