Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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Eduviges Morales Villalobos
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 901-918
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 18/03/2022 Aceptado el 14/05/2022
Protection of the rights and legitimate
interests of the individual in a hybrid war
Petro Rekotov *
Viktor Nikitenko **
Tetiana Korshykova ***
Oleksandr Zherebko ****
Ihor Samoilenko *****
The objective of the article was to reveal r the main topics
related to the denition of «hybrid warfare» and «legal policy of
the state in a hybrid war», «legal policy of the state in the eld
of cybersecurity». The need to nalize legislation on the Internet
taking into account international human rights standards was
emphasized. Given the categorical uncertainty and unwillingness
of Ukraine’s current legal framework to resist new threats in a
hybrid war, it is advisable to terminologize and standardize the conceptual
apparatus in the legal system of cybersecurity, harmonize national
legislation with international acts, as well as promoteexibility in relevant
areas of activity. It is alsonecessary to legally regulate the use of the Internet
to help increase the liability of providers and site owners for the location
of inaccurate and deliberately harmful information, as well as to establish
a mechanism to inuence unscrupulous subjects of information law in
cyberspace. It is concluded that a separate area in criminology should be
the protection of information sources and information security issues in a
hybrid war.
Keywords: information warfare; crime prevention; cybercrime;
individual rights; legal policy.
* Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Information
Economics, Entrepreneurship and Finance at the Zaporizhzhia National University, Zaporizhzhia,
Ukraine. ORСID ID:
** Candidate of legal sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of legal support of business activity
at the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics; Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID: https://orcid.
*** Doctor of Philosophy, Lecturer at the Department of Criminalistics and Forensic Medicine of National
Academy of internal Aairs, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
**** Candidate of legal sciences, Head of the department of normative and methodical activity
and standardization, Kyiv Scientic Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, Kyiv, Ukraine.
***** Chief forensic expert of the department of trasological, ballistic, explosive and weapons research of
the laboratory of forensic research, Kyiv Scientic Research Institute of Forensic Sciences, Ministry of
Justice of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORСID ID:
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
Protección de los derechos e intereses legítimos del
individuo en una guerra híbrida
El objetivo del articulo fue revelar los principales temas relacionados
con la denición de «guerra híbrida» y «política jurídica del estado
en una guerra híbrida», «política jurídica del estado en el campo de la
ciberseguridad». Se hizo hincapié en la necesidad de ultimar la legislación
en Internet teniendo en cuenta las normas internacionales de derechos
humanos. Dada la categórica incertidumbre y falta de voluntad del actual
marco legal de Ucrania para resistir nuevas amenazas en una guerra híbrida,
es aconsejable terminologizar y estandarizar el aparato conceptual en el
sistema legal de ciberseguridad, armonización de la legislación nacional con
actos internacionales, así como impulsar la reexión en áreas de actividad
relevantes. Tambien es necesario regular legalmente el uso de Internet para
ayudar a aumentar la responsabilidad de los proveedores y propietarios
de sitios por la ubicación de información inexacta y deliberadamente
dañina, así como para establecer un mecanismo para inuir en sujetos
inescrupulosos del derecho de la información en el ciberespacio. Se
concluye que un área separada en criminología debería ser la protección de
las fuentes de información y los problemas de seguridad de la información
en una guerra híbrida.
Palabras clave: guerra de la información; prevención del delito;
ciberdelito; derechos individuales; política jurídica.
In today’s world, the terms «information society», «information
impact», «information technology» are increasingly used. These terms
are widely used due to the need to exchange information between people
and the processes of informatization of society. Currently, the process of
information exchange is accelerating, attempts are being made to inuence
other people through information (Kamneva, 2016).
At the same time, the achievement of strategic goals (military, political,
economic) of individual criminal states (their leaders) is achieved through
information warfare - the process of suggestive inuence on groups of
people through specially prepared communication technologies and
information materials. Today in everyday and scientic circulation the
term «information war» is increasingly used, which in a broad sense is
any negative information impact on the enemy, and in a narrow sense - a
new one that does not t into the international legal qualication, type or
method of conduct. armed conicts (Korotkiy and Koval, 2010).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
Today, people are vulnerable to a large array of information that is
aggressive, discriminatory, destructive, manipulative in nature and is the
object of information warfare or even hybrid warfare, covering not only
information but also economic, nancial, political spheres, encroaching on
liberal values, which are a sign of the XXI century, are anthropocentrism and
sociocentrism. The purpose of hybrid methods and techniques is to instill
in the minds of citizens a negative attitude and distrust of the government,
contempt for national heroes, traditions, shrines, creating confrontation
on religious grounds. Along with asymmetric conicts and unconventional
wars (situations where open hostilities are not taking place), there is also
the notion of «hybrid wars», which are now increasingly used (Reeves and
Barnsby, 2013).
The development of the system of protection of individual rights and
freedoms, protection of public relations in the state is an integral part of
the national policy of developed countries, and the eectiveness of such
policy depends on the ability of governments to choose mechanisms for its
implementation. A thorough study of this problem in the transformation
of society requires a new approach to modern jurisprudence, which
would provide a comprehensive study of tactics and strategies of legal
policy, principles, goals and functions based on existing developments in
lawmaking, value concepts and relevant methods of individual sciences
(Rudanetska, 2014). Legal policy should guarantee the achievement of
consensus between members of society, public authorities and the public,
as well as non-governmental organizations (Ilyashko, 2017).
As practice shows, insucient attention to the issues of parrying
information threats can cause signicant damage to the political system of
any state up to the destruction of the state itself. The hybrid war against
Ukraine requires the state to adequately counter and develop a certain
policy to respond to challenges. Ukraine’s policy in the context of European
integration processes should be aimed at ensuring the rights, freedoms
of man and citizen, harmonization of all spheres of state activity with
international standards.
The legislation stipulates that one of the directions of the state
information policy of the state is information security (On the national
security of ukraine: law of ukraine, part 4, article 3; on the concept of
the National program of informatization: the law of Ukraine, part 1 On
the Concept of the National Informatization Program: Law of Ukraine).
Information security is understood as the protection of the individual,
society and the state from destructive and other negative inuences in the
information space (Gapeeva, 2017: 26), an integral part of the political,
economic, defense and other components of national security (On the
concept of the National informatization program: law of Ukraine, 1998).
Information security is understood as the protection of the individual,
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
society and the state from destructive and other negative inuences in the
information space (Gapeeva, 2017).
As noted in the Strategy of Foreign Policy of Ukraine, approved by the
Decree of the President of Ukraine, there are new challenges in the digital
space, including the lack of clear legal regulation in this area, which leads to
misuse of digital data to harm both individuals and states and international
organizations. Among the means of hybrid warfare that the aggressor
state uses against Ukraine and other states in the region are the use of
energy as a means of pressure; interference in elections; disinformation
and manipulation campaigns; cyberattacks on critical infrastructure,
government agencies, nancial institutions, etc. On the strategy of foreign
policy of Ukraine»: Decree of the President of Ukraine, 2021).
The state, despite the existence of internal conict with the intervention
of the aggressor country to it, does not deviated from the declared European
values (Herasymchuk et al., 2021). But, hybrid wars combine dierent
regimes of warfare, including criminal action (Gorbulin, 2017). Therefore,
it is worth focusing on the role of crime in hybrid warfare and on ways to
combat it both at the general legal level and by organizational means to
combat cybercrime.
1. Methodology of the study
The methodological basis of the study is based on the methods of
dialectical, formal-logical, historical, structural-functional, institutional
analysis, as well as content analysis of legislative and regulatory acts
and the method of evaluation of opinions. Using the dialectical method,
the author’s tasks to dene the concept of «hybrid war», «state policy in
a hybrid war» and «legal policy of the state in the eld of cybersecurity»
were solved. The formal-logical method allowed to reveal contradictions in
the legislation, features of separate regulatory legal acts, and also helped to
draw conclusions and to give oers concerning the further improvement of
the legislation and the decision of the set tasks.
The application of the historical method allowed to reect the historical
need to adjust public policy in a hybrid war, to ensure cybersecurity.
The structural-functional method allowed to consider the peculiarities
of Ukraine’s legal policy to protect the rights and legitimate interests
of individuals in a hybrid war caused by the aggression of the Russian
Federation as a whole system, to explore its structural elements and identify
features of investigating crimes in cyberspace. With the help of the formal-
legal method the denitions concerning the essence of research categories
were substantiated, the conceptual-categorical apparatus was formed.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
The comparative legal method was used in the study of domestic and
foreign legislation on the legal regulation of protection of rights and
legitimate interests in a hybrid war, in particular, in the investigation of
certain criminal oenses in the eld of cybersecurity in Ukraine. The
method of system analysis and synthesis was used to compare the concepts
of «hybrid war», «armed aggression», «individual rights», «state policy»,
«security», «cybersecurity». The institutional method of research is used
in the work. At the same time, the methodology of the system analysis in
relation to the object of the legal policy of the state to ensure the rights
and interests of the person in the information war was made up of system,
structural-functional and evolutionary methods. Statistical and sociological
methods were used to obtain and analyze empirical data on the subject of
research, characteristics of phenomena, analysis of law enforcement and
substantiation of conclusions. The most important methodological role
in the study was played by the conceptual provisions and the conceptual
and categorical apparatus of the theory of state and law, international
humanitarian law, constitutional law and criminal procedure.
2. Analysis of recent research
Analyzing the degree of scientic development of research problem, it
should be emphasized that in general, the science of international law and
the cycle of other legal sciences lacks an understanding of the concept of
«hybrid war». Important publications on this topic have been made by such
scholars as V. Gorbulin (Gorbulin, 2017), F. Homan (Homan, 2009),
O. Ilyashko (Ilyashko, 2017), J. MсCuen (MсCuen, 2008), L. Veselova
(Veselova, 2021), V. Vlasyuk, Y. Karman (Vlasyuk and Karman, 2021), R.
Wilkie (Wilkie, 2009) and others.
Recognizing the importance of the contribution of these researchers in
the development of these issues, it should be recognized that the problem
of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the individual in a
hybrid war in the literature is not given enough attention. There is no
comprehensive, systematic research, and most modern scientic work
deals only with general issues of criminal law policy or its specic area.
Also, a thorough analysis of the works of scientists gives grounds to
state the lack of unity in approaches to the specics of the investigation of
cybercrime related to the policy of information warfare. All the above, as
well as insucient development at the theoretical level of this issue and
the presence of organizational and legal gaps in the study area, determines
the relevance of the chosen topic and requires legal regulation of certain
problematic aspects in a hybrid war on the basis of both legal sciences and
modern science. opinions of related sciences.
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
3. Results and discussion
In jurisprudence, “hybrid warfare” is a fairly new concept, and therefore
little studied. It has entered an active discourse in recent years in connection
with Russian aggression. Ukraine faced the problem of defending state
sovereignty and borders in the conditions of a hybrid war, which has other
ways than, for example, the Second World War.
Therefore, it is necessary to rethink the phenomenon of war, its course
and consequences, to react quickly, to develop radically new approaches. At
the same time, it should be taken into account that in the latest war the use
of information and communication technologies, highly qualied human
resources, the art of international politics, re-equipment of the economy,
etc. have become crucial. Hybrid warfare is a complex and inert process, it
is not always controlled, it cannot be stopped “as instructed from above.”
Unlike the traditional wars of the past, it does not end with the signing of
an armistice.
The current war on the territory of Ukraine is called “hybrid”, presenting
it as a new way of implementing aggressive policies. But almost all its tools
(an attempt to consolidate its inuence in Ukraine through the support of
loyal Ukrainian political circles, the internal political division of Ukrainian
society through propaganda, and nally open military intervention,
attempts to present aggression as an internal civil conict) were tried by
Russian leaders from the seventeenth to the eighteenth centuries. This
scenario was most clearly manifested in the activities of the Bolsheviks
against the Ukrainian People’s Republic during the Ukrainian Revolution
of 1917–1921.
It should be emphasized that armed aggression is only one of the
instruments of the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine, the last
argument when all other means of subduing Ukrainians have exhausted
themselves. Aggression is carried out in several dimensions: military,
political, economic, social, humanitarian, information. Elements of hybrid
warfare have long been propaganda based on lies, manipulation and
substitution of concepts, denial of the very fact of war and the participation
of the aggressor state in it; accusing Ukraine of its own crimes, distorting
Ukrainian history; trade and economic pressure and energy blockade;
terror and intimidation of citizens; cyberattacks and attempts to destabilize
critical infrastructure.
Hybrid threats include a range of dierent regimes of warfare, including
standard weapons, irregular tactics and formations, terrorist acts (including
violence and coercion) and criminal disorder (The origins of the concept
of a hybrid war, 2015). Threats can be more characterized as a hybrid
balance of traditional and irregular strategies and tactics, it is decentralized
planning and implementation, the participation of non-state actors using
both simple and complex technologies (Reeves and Barnsby, 2013).
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
Some scholars point out that hybrid warfare combines military, quasi-
military, diplomatic, informational, economic, and other measures to
achieve strategic policy goals (Homan, 2009). It is characterized by such
methods as bribery, intimidation, crime, kidnapping, looting, violence
against civilians, seizure of state institutions, organization and conduct of
terrorist acts (Martin van Creveld, 2018).
The American researcher J. McQueen sees in a hybrid war a combination
of traditional and asymmetric forms of violence with the simultaneous
involvement of the local population in the conict and misleading the
international community, or leveling its inuence (McCuen, 2008).
According to him, virtually any hybrid war combines traditional forms
of violence, cyber warfare, terrorism, organized crime, irregular military
formations and private military companies. American analyst R. Wilkie
proposed to consider as a hybrid war a conict in which the state or non-
state group uses terrorist violence, irregular military, indiscriminate
violence, criminals and mercenaries, in order to destabilize the political and
economic status of the opponent (Wilkie, 2009).
Thus, considering the concept of “hybrid war”, we can conclude that it
means a modern type of war, where the conict uses a variety of means
of attack and defense of states that go beyond conventionally dened
options and types of warfare. Scientists are already identifying a list of
possible real weapons that can be used by the parties. The term weapon, in
this case, includes not only material traditional weapons, but also model-
organizational and informational weapons.
At the same time, despite the urgency of understanding hybrid warfare
to characterize modern military conicts, the denition of this term is
absent both in the recently adopted Law of Ukraine “On National Security
of Ukraine” (Law of Ukraine “On National security of Ukraine”, 2018),
which is a component of the concept of national security, which limits the
scientic development of this phenomenon in the system of views on the
nature and character of modern military conicts, principles and ways to
prevent their occurrence.
Thus, we see the need to form a conceptual and terminological apparatus
for the legal provision of cybersecurity and its consistency not only with the
terminology of current domestic legislation and international acts, but also
with adequate content for the hybrid threat of cyber threat.
The law of armed conict, which is synonymous with international
humanitarian law or the law of war, is a signicant part of all international
law that regulates and controls the actions of the parties to a conict. It
consists of both contractual and customary rules. This right is a fundamental
right that is binding on all parties to an armed conict (Kudors, 2015).
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
The main purpose, as well as the humanitarian and functional signicance
of the law of armed conict, is that this law guarantees protection for war
victims, whether civilians, prisoners of war, wounded or sick, who will be
determined whether acceptable measures of war have been applied, and
no prohibited means were used. This specialized branch of law, which
denes both state and individual obligations, limits the impact of war,
and establishes clear rules for its conduct, in case of violation of which,
international legal sanctions or prosecution of war crimes can be applied
(Klimchuk, 2015).
The current state of international peace, under the inuence of the
constant growth of innovative technologies, development and slowing down
of economies of various subjects of international law, strengthening of data
transmission devices and other new means, is undermined by the discovery
of a new phenomenon of “hybrid war”. The problem arises in how one can
determine the place of hybrid warfare in international law, especially given
the current right to war and the law of war. Awareness of the existence of
a new threshold of danger raises the level of defense of the party to which
these tools are addressed (Vlasyuk and Karman, 2021).
Today there are a large number of international treaties and customary
norms that regulate the issue of war - both its beginning and the rules of its
conduct. They are given a signicant role, but as it turned out, these rules
are not able to regulate legal issues that arise in modern wars. Hybridization
of war only exacerbates these already complex problems and may lead to
the fact that the law of armed conict will not matter and will not be able to
resolve the legal issues of modern hybrid warfare, assuming that in such a
situation there will be no legal control and protection of the parties.
Some scholars rightly point out that if the trend towards the development
of the law of armed conict as something outdated and irrelevant continues,
participants in armed conict, as well as the entire international community,
will begin to consider international law as more anachronistic than the legal
imperative (Reeves and Barnsby, 2013).
If the authority of law is reduced, traditional legal prohibitions will be
violated with impunity, and only certain notions of morality will be able to
somehow limit action during war. Opponents of the state and non-state will
believe that the observance of such ancient legal norms contains signicant
shortcomings and can no longer regulate their actions. As a result, the
parties to the conict will ignore the obligations under the law of armed
conict and attribute titles to their actions as self-defense or manipulate the
very content of the law of armed conict through the strategic application of
lawfare (asymmetric, hybrid warfare) (Kudors, 2015).
Modern international law does not include the concept of “hybrid
war”, which in turn leads to the corresponding consequences. The lack of
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
regulation of this newly discovered phenomenon accelerates the emergence
of new means of attack in wars, for which the perpetrators cannot be held
responsible due to the lack of norms that bind the parties.
The law of armed conict was developed by the joint action of the
international community, which was able to resolve the most pressing issues.
Today, a new challenge has emerged - hybrid warfare. In order to prevent
the possibility of undermining eorts to humanize war, the international
community must recognize that the question of the eectiveness and
practicality of the law of armed conict must expand as a new “hybrid” type
of war develops.
Ignoring this trend makes modern legal eorts ineective, ineective
means of resolving modern armed conicts, which continues to undermine
condence in the law of armed conict. Instead of continuing outdated
practices, the international community should push for the addition and
incorporation of the concept of hybrid warfare and weapons into the law of
armed conict.
Whether through an international treaty or the formation of a new
international custom, the international community must renew the law of
armed conict to resolve various issues, as created by hybrid warfare, while
emphasizing that comprehensive humanitarian protection under the law of
armed conict is inviolable. At the same time, the disclosure of the concept
of “hybrid war” in the context of international law should be carried out
in inseparable connection with the realities of warfare, which go beyond
the conventionally established standards and rules (Vlasyuk and Karman,
The main principles of the legal policy of the state in the temporarily
occupied territories in a hybrid war include: the priority of human rights;
legality; social conditionality; scientic validity; stability and predictability;
legitimacy; morality; justice; publicity; combination of interests of the
person and the state; compliance with international standards; objectivity;
adequacy; optimality; expediency; systematicity; purposefulness; sequence;
resource security; humanistic orientation and democratic nature of the
In our opinion, the legal policy of the state in a hybrid war can be dened
as part of public policy, which is a reasonable and consistent activity of
public authorities, local governments to ensure an eective mechanism for
legal regulation of public relations in the temporarily occupied territories
in a hybrid war, is expressed in a set of ideas, measures, tasks, programs,
guidelines implemented in the eld of law and through law and is based on
fundamental legal principles.
Implementation of the Strategy of Ukraine’s foreign policy will be
carried out in compliance with the following principles: compliance
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
with international law - compliance with generally accepted norms and
principles of international law, fulllment of Ukraine’s international
obligations under international treaties and membership in international
organizations, compliance with international agreements; human-
centeredness - recognition and armation of respect for human life and
dignity, human rights and freedoms as the highest values; protection,
promotion, promotion of rights and legitimate interests of Ukrainian
citizens abroad, rights and legitimate interests of foreign Ukrainians in
other states (“On the strategy of foreign policy activity of Ukraine” Decree
of the President of Ukraine, 2021).
We believe that the content of the Strategy should include issues of
cybersecurity in Ukraine in a hybrid war based on minimizing the risks
of cyber threats by the aggressor through the implementation of a set of
measures for the formation and implementation of public administration
in this area to determine vulnerability and stability of society and state. In
our opinion, the key measures of this Strategy, namely: raising awareness,
ensuring resilience, prevention, crisis response and recovery, increasing
cooperation with the European Union and NATO, as well as other foreign
and international partner organizations.
One of the main tools of hybrid warfare is cyber attack, which can
do as much damage as weapons of mass destruction. Any sophisticated
cyber weapon can act as a platform that is rst implemented in networks
and computers, then performs spy functions, and at the right moment is
activated and acts as a weapon that destroys military and civilian facilities
and infrastructure. The peculiarity of virtual attacks is that it is very dicult
to prove the involvement of a state in them. Thus, cyber warfare and cyber
espionage are ideal weapons of hybrid warfare.
The main methods of cyberattack are: vandalism; cyber espionage or
information gathering; propaganda; attacks to disrupt computers and local
area networks; cyberattacks aimed at destroying the critical infrastructure
of cities, industrial centers, disrupting transport, communications and
other critical facilities.
Vandalism and propaganda in cyberspace in recent years have become one
of the most eective ways of waging information warfare. As the experience
of the «color» revolutions of the last decade shows, the Internet and social
networks are becoming one of the most important fronts of psychological
warfare. Also, the methods of information warfare in cyberspace are the
creation of fake accounts, throwing false or biased information, coordinating
anti-government speeches, conducting propaganda.
Cyber espionage is a very eective method of gathering classied
information. It can be used to obtain a list of hostile agents or informants
or to steal the latest developments in military or industrial technology. It
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
is believed that Chinese hackers are most actively involved in industrial
espionage, most often the targets of their attacks are enterprises and
research centers in the United States and Western Europe.
In recent years, Ukrainian courts have ruled on the following articles
of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: 109 (actions aimed at forcible change or
overthrow of the constitutional order or the seizure of state power); 110
(encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine); 111
(treason); 114-1 (obstruction of the lawful activities of the Armed Forces and
other military formations); 161 (violation of equality of citizens depending
on their race, nationality, religious beliefs, disability and other grounds);
258-2 (public appeals to commit a terrorist act); 295 (calls to take actions
that threaten public order); 436 (propaganda of war) (Criminal code of
Ukraine, 2001).
Most of the verdicts were handed down by the courts in relation to
statements that aect the national security of Ukraine in cyberspace and
the media. In particular, for encroaching on the territorial integrity and
inviolability of Ukraine, actions aimed at forcible change or overthrow of the
constitutional order. In 74 % of cases, defendants entered into agreements
with the prosecutor, admitting their guilt. More than 80 % of cases resulted
in courts releasing convicts from serving a probation period of one to three
years (Mirny, 2021). This indicates that the state does not see for society
a signicant danger in the dissemination of this information, as well as
danger from these people.
In some cases, the motivation of sentences in such criminal proceedings
is inappropriate, and the assessment of the fact of a criminal oense is
transferred to forensic experts who conduct forensic-linguistic, complex
examinations and semantic-textual examination of written speech. Judges
often cite information that has become the subject of a crime, refer to an
expert opinion and impose a sentence, while the international standard is
that if a court has to decide whether to restrict access to information, it must
analyze it on its own. content and context to make decisions. Moreover,
these examinations are conducted by institutions that are subordinate to
the executive branch and therefore cannot be considered independent. This
undermines the right to an impartial and fair trial.
Some scholars and experts focus on the formal approach of Ukrainian
courts to national security. Thus, when passing sentences, courts impose
the same penalties regardless of the size of the audience that is aected
by illegal content. The verdicts do not reect how the future fate of illegal
information is resolved. In particular, 80 % of criminal proceedings
ended on probation. Probation requires the convict to fulll a number of
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
As a result, the court may order the oender to delete illegal information,
to replace the conditional term with a real one. In our opinion, this is the
protection of the state’s interests in the conditions of information warfare.
Also, experts of the coalition «For Free Internet» pointed out that the courts
may use information from the portal «Peacemaker» as the only source of
evidence. That is, the court does not assess such evidence either in terms
of its reliability or in terms of belonging and admissibility (Mirny, 2021).
The importance of nalizing Internet legislation should also be pointed
out. It is necessary to develop a law taking into account international human
rights standards. Risks, Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine,
including in cyberspace, have demonstrated the importance of separate
legal regulation.
The aggression of the Russian Federation in the form of a hybrid war
clearly showed the low ability of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to
act systematically and eectively in the face of threats to internal security,
revealed a lack of reliable mechanisms for coordination and coordination
between them and showed unwillingness to respond to hybrid law
enforcement system as a whole and its individual units and ocials. In
particular, the central oces of law enforcement agencies were unable to
respond quickly and inuence changes in the operational situation, and
their territorial bodies and leaders - to take responsibility for making even
perfectly legal decisions.
This was a consequence of the existing problems in ensuring public
administration of law enforcement agencies, namely: the lack of a single
strategic leadership of law enforcement agencies, which would be carried out
in accordance with the general principles of the rule of law and international
standards of law enforcement; secrecy from society and lack of eective
public control over their activities, as well as lack of responsibility of both
managers and ordinary law enforcement ocers, their unwillingness to act
exclusively in accordance with the law; excessively complex and cumbersome
structure of law enforcement agencies with duplication and the presence of
uncharacteristic functions; imperfections of current legislation in the eld
of internal security, lack of clear delineation of anti-terrorist, anti-sabotage
and counterintelligence activities of law enforcement agencies and military
formations, the presence of an excessive number of bylaws, contradictions,
the Constitution and laws of Ukraine; low level of competence of the
management sta, their corruption, use of positions not for the purpose
of maintenance of public safety, and for the sake of personal enrichment;
imperfect system of personnel selection and training, etc.
Therefore, within the main basic tasks of law enforcement agencies such
as the protection of the constitutional order, state sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the state, the ght against crime, protection of rights, freedoms
and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state as a whole, there
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
are new important tasks to combat hybrid threats: rst, ensuring the
internal security of the state by strengthening the eectiveness of the ght
against the intervention of the secret services of the aggressor country in the
internal aairs of Ukraine, including with espionage, destructive activities
of agents of inuence in state structures and civil society, all types of hostile
intelligence, as well as by combating terrorism, separatism and criminal
structures that threaten the internal security of Ukraine and contribute
to the destabilization of society; secondly, achieving steadfast positions
in the protection of national interests in the information and cyberspace,
constant monitoring of the situation, eective and prevention of conicts in
interethnic, interfaith, interregional and other areas of national and social
relations, promoting their stabilization; third, the protection of the national
interests of the state at the international level through diplomatic, political,
economic, energy, judicial and other methods.
In our opinion, an eective step in improving the public administration
of law enforcement agencies capable of guaranteeing the security, rights
and freedoms of citizens could be the creation of a state body responsible
for coordinating strategic management in the country’s internal security,
counterterrorism, emergency prevention and elimination of their
The Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine will
set up specialized units to investigate crimes committed in the context of
armed conict. Such structural units will be organized as part of the central
oces of these entities, as well as their regional and territorial bodies in
Donetsk and Luhansk regions. They will work directly with the Department
for Supervision of Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed in the
Armed Conict of the Oce of the Prosecutor General and the relevant
departments in the Donetsk and Luhansk Regional Prosecutor’s Oces.
The need to create a single such system is long overdue, and specialization
will improve the quality and eciency of the investigation. At the same time,
the investigation of war crimes, crimes against humanity, acts of aggression
require a high level of special knowledge (Police and sbu will create special
units for the investigation of crimes during armors).
The realities of the so-called “hybrid war” have posed a number of
legislative and law enforcement challenges in the eld of criminal law
policy of the Ukrainian state, the answers to which have not yet been
found. Peacetime legislation should ensure the regulation of legal relations
in conditions of military aggression in the presence of an inevitable and
immediate threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine,
human rights and freedoms.
One of the elements of evidence in criminal proceedings is the collection
of evidence. But the inability of our pre-trial investigation bodies to
conduct procedural actions in uncontrolled territories forces us to look for
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
alternative ways to solve the problem of documenting (proving) criminal
proceedings on criminal oenses committed in those territories.
The use of evidence-based evidence in criminal proceedings from
international human rights organizations monitoring human rights in
areas of armed conict and journalistic investigations into individual facts
is dicult to overestimate. Another way out of this situation is to set up
joint international investigation teams to investigate individual crimes. The
current criminal procedure legislation provides such opportunities. Yes,
Art. 571 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine stipulates that joint
investigative teams may be established to conduct a pre-trial investigation
of the circumstances of criminal oenses committed in the territories
of several states, or if the interests of these states are violated. The
establishment and operation of joint investigation teams is an important
measure of international cooperation in criminal proceedings, which
consists in the coordinated activities of representatives of the competent
authorities of dierent states to investigate crimes of an international
nature (Сriminal procedure code of Ukraine, 2012).
Any criminal investigation or trial is a “ght for information”. Insucient
information (lack of evidence or their falsity) complicates the process of
establishing the fact of the crime, the perpetrators, the motives of the crime
and so on. In such circumstances, it is important to obtain evidentiary
information about the fact of the crime, the use of forensic and other special
knowledge. The task of criminology is to develop and apply tools that allow
you to collect, investigate, use evidence.
The task of criminology is to develop and apply tools that allow you
to collect, investigate, use evidence. In modern conditions, criminology
is designed to develop the latest tools aimed at combating organized
and transnational crime, corruption, human tracking, drug tracking,
terrorist nancing and other criminal acts. A separate area in criminology
should be the protection of information sources and information security
issues. In the context of global threats and changing criminal manifestations,
an important role should be given to the use of modern forensic knowledge.
Means of criminology must meet information challenges, successfully
combat crime in an information (hybrid) war.
In general, it should be noted that the problem of improving public
administration of law enforcement in a hybrid war is still insuciently
studied and needs more detailed study and discussion. Ukraine will be
able to counter hybrid threats only by radically reforming its own law
enforcement system in the direction of strengthening the possibility of
both vertical coordination of actions of all law enforcement agencies and
horizontal ties between them.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 901-918
Legal policy of the state in a hybrid war – a type of public policy that is a
reasonable and consistent activity of public authorities, local governments
to ensure an eective mechanism for legal regulation of public relations in
the temporarily occupied territories in a hybrid war, which is expressed in
a set of ideas, measures , tasks, programs, guidelines implemented in the
eld of law and through law and is based on fundamental legal principles.
The information component of national security requires the formation
of a secure cyberspace and the systematic implementation of legal
instruments of a preventive nature. It is necessary to develop adequate
mechanisms of legal regulation, determine the appropriate legal status
of the national cybersecurity system in Ukraine, improve the forms and
methods of legal regulation in the eld of combating hybrid threats.
The formation of the national legal institute of cybersecurity is directly
related to the development of international law in this area in the eld of
information and telecommunications security of society. The legal policy
of the state in the eld of cybersecurity is a legally regulated activity of
cybersecurity entities aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens,
society and the state in the information space, preventing their violation,
identifying cyber threats and restoring violated rights, freedoms and
legitimate interests of individuals. carried out by means of international
humanitarian law and national legislation with the possibility of applying
coercive measures and bringing the perpetrators to justice.
According to the content, the Strategy of Ukraine’s foreign policy should
include Ukraine’s cybersecurity in a hybrid war by minimizing the risks of
the aggressor spreading cyber threats by implementing a set of measures
to form and implement public administration in this area to determine
vulnerability and stability of society and the state. The key measures of this
Strategy are, namely: raising awareness, ensuring resilience, prevention,
crisis response and recovery, increasing cooperation with the European
Union and NATO, as well as other foreign and international partner
It is important to nalize the legislation on the Internet taking into
account international human rights standards. Given the categorical
uncertainty and unwillingness of the current legal framework of Ukraine to
withstand new threats in a hybrid war, it is necessary to terminologize and
standardize the conceptual apparatus in the legal system of cybersecurity,
harmonization of terminology of national legislation with international
acts. It is also necessary to legally regulate the use of the Internet to help
increase the responsibility of providers and site owners for the placement
of inaccurate and knowingly harmful information, as well as to establish
a mechanism for inuencing unscrupulous subjects of information law in
Amir Kondori y Seyed Hossein Sadeghi
Review of the nature of Iran’s foreign policy in its constitution and its comparative study with
other countries
In the modern information society it is necessary to constantly,
systematically and timely take eective measures to combat cybercrime
in all spheres of public and state life, business and socio-humanitarian
environment. Given Ukraine’s course to enter the global information
space, a national model for cybersecurity of enterprises, institutions and
organizations needs to be built; coordination of eorts and interaction of
law enforcement agencies, special services, the judiciary, as well as their
proper stang and logistics, exchange of information on the prevention
and combating of such criminal oenses.
Given the cross-border nature of cybercrime, law enforcement
cooperation in investigating such criminal oenses at the operational
level needs to be established; creating and ensuring the functioning of the
mechanism for resolving jurisdictional issues in cyberspace. A separate
area in criminology should be the protection of information sources and
information security issues. An important role should be given to the use
of modern forensic knowledge, and the means of forensics should meet
the information challenges, successfully combat crime in an information
(hybrid) war.
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73