Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 73
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po ti cas de la Uni ver si dad del Zu lia.
En tre sus ob je ti vos fi gu ran: con tri buir con el pro gre so cien tí fi co de las Cien cias
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nes Cien tí fi cas y Tec no ló gi cas Ve ne zo la nas del FO NA CIT, La tin dex.
Di rec to ra
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Co mi Edi tor
Eduviges Morales Villalobos
Fabiola Tavares Duarte
Ma ría Eu ge nia Soto Hernández
Nila Leal González
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Re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas. Av. Gua ji ra. Uni ver si dad del Zu lia. Nú cleo Hu ma nís ti co. Fa-
cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 73 (2022), 868-882
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 14/04/2022 Aceptado el 28/05/2022
Digital Transformation of
Public Administration: Sociocultural
forms of organization in education,
science and innovation
Nataliia Ridei *
Walat Wojciech **
Nataliia Tytova ***
Liydmyla Stepanenko ****
Aleksanian Armen *****
The article identies and establishes the main problems
in the implementation of the digital transformation of public
administration in education, science and innovation, in
particular, focuses on the lack of conceptual characterization. The
study is due to the lack of foundation of the theoretical and methodological
approaches to the digital transformation of public administration. The
article shows that the digital transformation of public administration is a
requirement of the current times, since the new society is in the process
of computerization and dissemination of innovation in dierent areas. In
fact, the need to add public administration in the digital transformation
by socio-cultural means as the basis of innovative society in education and
science has been corroborated. In the course of our research, we used the
method of integration of the synthesis of the structure of the image and the
analysis of content, research and descriptive method, the characterization
* Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor of Ecology Department for Adult Education National
Pedagogical Drahomanov University, St. Pyrogova, 9, Kyiv, Ukraine. ORCID ID: https://orcid.
** Doctor of Humanities in the eld of pedagogy (specialties: general pedagogy, general didactics)
Professor UR Institute of Pedagogy: Head of the Department of General Didactics and Educational
Systems, Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: head of the laboratory of lifelong learning.
College of Social Sciences University of Rzeszów ul. Fr. J. Jałowego 24 35-010 Rzeszów. ORCID ID:
*** Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Professor Head of the Department of theory and methodology of
vocational training Department of theory and methodology of vocational training National Pedagogical
Drahomanov University St. Pyrogova, 9, Kyiv. ORCID ID:
**** Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Sciences and Humanities and Foreign
Languages Professor Department of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education National
Pedagogical Drahomanov University St. Pyrogova, 9, Kyiv. ORCID ID:
***** Postgraduate Department of Management and Social Security Banking University St. Sichovykh
Striltsiv, 11, Lviv. ORCID ID:
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
of educational activities in the framework of digital transformation. By way
of conclusion, the results of the study conrm that digital transformation
is a requirement of the current times and that it is also an unpostponable
Keywords: information society; globalization; integration; digital
transformation; socioculturalism.
Transformación Digital de la Administración Pública:
Formas socioculturales de organización en educación,
ciencia e innovación
El artículo identica y establece los principales problemas en la
implementación de la transformación digital de la administración pública en
la educación, la ciencia y la innovación, en particular, se enfoca en la falta de
caracterización conceptual. El estudio se debe a la falta de fundamentación
de los enfoques teóricos y metodológicos de la transformación digital de la
administración pública. El artículo muestra que la transformación digital
de la administración pública es una exigencia de los tiempos actuales, ya
que la nueva sociedad está en proceso de informatización y de difusión de la
innovación en diferentes ámbitos. De hecho, se ha corroborado la necesidad
de sumar la administración pública en la transformación digital por medios
socioculturales como base de la sociedad innovadora en la educación
y la ciencia. En el curso de nuestra investigación, se utilizó el método de
integración de la síntesis de la estructura de la imagen y el análisis de
contenido, la investigación y el método descriptivo, la caracterización de
las actividades educativas en el marco de la transformación digital. A modo
de conclusión, los resultados del estudio conrman que la transformación
digital es una exigencia de los tiempos actuales y que además es un proceso
Palabras clave: sociedad de la información; globalización; integración;
transformación digital; socioculturalismo.
Globalization challenges and socio-economic, political, innovative, and
educational transformations in the life of Ukraine, the declaration in modern
society of the ideas of multiculturalism, inter-ethnic tolerance actualize
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
the need for citizens with developed socio-cultural values. The expediency
and importance of training competent, competitive specialists with well-
established socio-cultural values also predetermine the factors existing in
our state, which prevent the upbringing of a developed personality.
Since the XXI century is the period of Generation Z, i.e., the period in
which information and communication technologies are rapidly developing,
and young people are growing and developing under such conditions,
society needs new approaches in the educational and scientic eld. In
an innovative society, all branches of economic activity have become the
latest professions using digital technology. Such professions need quick
adaptation and mastering.
Thus, there is a need to introduce new approaches to educational
activities. Economic activity is in the process of being transformed into
a digital one; accordingly, there is a need to master digital professional
competence for society. In other words, the digital transformation of
society is taking place under such conditions. This process is accompanied
by the coverage of educational activities and learning procedures by online
technologies. In order to quickly assimilate society by information and
communication technologies to new forms of activity in the eld of digital
economy, it is necessary to use tools and technologies that form an eective
perception of the digital space. Such technologies are sociocultural forms of
educational and scientic activity.
The digital transformation of the new post-industrial society is taking
place in all spheres of economic activity. Therefore, there is a need to regulate
the process of digital transformation, including public administration. In the
context of our study, especially theoretical and methodological importance is
acquired by the research of Vasil’eva (2016), Keshelava (2017), Yakushenko
and Shimanskaja (2017), Yahodzinskyi (2016) and many others. However,
research on digital transformations in public administration is lacking in the
scientic literature. The purpose of this article is to analyze and investigate
the eectiveness of digital transformation of public administration of socio-
cultural forms of organization in education, science, and innovation.
1. Methodological foundations of the study
The methodological basis of the study consists in the disclosure and
study of approaches to the principles of formation of the main conceptual
categories and denitions (Allessie, 2019). In the course of the study, a
systematic comprehensive theoretical and methodological approach to the
analysis of the essence of digital transformation in public administration is
proposed, in particular the denitions of the concepts revealing the content
of the study.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
The scientic views of representatives of dierent social sciences are
systematized, which allowed to clarify the concept: “digital transformation
in public administration”; “socio-cultural forms of educational and scientic
activities”, innovation - as the main components of the studied diculty.
It was established that public administration is the most important
aspect of the formation of digital transformation (Troshani, 2018). Since
the digital transformation covers all spheres of economic activity, it is
necessary to determine the economic, political, social factors of public
In the course of the study, we dened the following tasks:
1. To substantiate the main approaches to digital transformation in
society on the basis of research by scientists.
2. Determine the components of public administration.
3. To describe innovativeness in the context of the formation of post-
industrial society as a manifestation of the requirements of the time.
2. Methods
In order to thoroughly analyze the scientic works used exploratory and
descriptive methods in the context of scientic. The method of synthesis of
image structure, generalization and classication, methods of formation of
socio-cultural values were applied to determine the concepts that illuminate
the main content of the study. Also, in order to thoroughly investigate the
theoretical foundations on this issue, a content analysis was carried out,
on the basis of which the results of the study were determined using the
conclusions of scientists on the issue.
3. Analysis of recent studies
Scientic approaches to sociocultural forms of organization of educational
and scientic activity as the main requirement of innovative society time
are analyzed. Modern scientic discourse intensies the research of a
wide range of domestic scientists on various aspects of axiological issues,
in particular, devoted to the disclosure: conceptual ideas of axiological
approach; pedagogical and educational values in the format of pedagogical
axiology (Shaposhnykova, 2015). Based on the research and conclusions of
scientists, it can be argued that the digital transformation covers dierent
spheres of society and requires understanding and mastering the main
aspects in the process of educational and scientic activities.
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
4. Results
The main phenomenon of the study is the idea of the eectiveness of
socio-cultural forms of educational and scientic activity as a leading,
determined by the historical and cultural process in the context of the
implementation of digital transformation in public administration.
Our research work involves analysis and justication of the main
approaches to the study of digital transformation in society based on the
research of scientists (Shuliakov, 2017). We have identied the need for
everyone to use digital technologies, because such a trend increases the
ability of people to obtain well-being in society, fair access and use of
resources in achieving their life goal.
The components that form the resource provision in the satisfaction of
their life needs are the components of public administration. Therefore,
we identied the main structural components of public administration,
namely the institutions of power, organizations that regulate the social life
of people, nancial and economic structures, etc.
We also noted that the digitalization of society takes place in a modern
globalized society, total use of information and communication technologies
in its life. Therefore, we have described innovativeness in the context of the
formation of post-industrial society as a manifestation of the requirements
of the time (Potapchuk et al., 2020).
The implementation of socio-cultural forms of digital transformation of
public administration occurs with the use of information and communication
technologies of innovative post-industrial society. Digitalization becomes
a global process of a new generation, including in the system of public
administration, and this is the basis of the concept for our study.
5. Discussion
The period of modern history is characterized by the development of
information technology, their penetration into almost all spheres of social
life. This trend forms the latest value orientations of mankind, which
is reected in the denition of approaches to the formation or reform of
basic social institutions resulting from the activities and needs of citizens,
prompts the reform of the basics of educational activities. There is a need
for the formation of computer competence in children in the process of
learning activities, as well as in adults (Vasil’eva and Kononenko, 2016).
However, the main role in the formation of post-industrial society is played
by the representatives of the new generation, who will possess computer
skills much better than the representatives of the previous generation.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
The diculty of educating such a “new generation” lies in the lack
of professionalism of “teachers”, because they were not users of digital
technology as widespread as in the period of the twentieth century.
Therefore, the educational process of the new generation is a paradigm of
person-centered learning, which should include not only children, but also
adults. Such an educational paradigm is strategic in the implementation of
fundamental specic conditions for the introduction of digital technology
in all spheres of human activity.
We investigated the transformation of digital technologies in the context
of public administration, analyzing sociocultural forms of organization as
the most eective in the process of educational and scientic activities in
the context of the innovative requirement of the modern globalized world.
In the course of the study, we nd that the digital technologies of today
form the basis of economic, social, political development of society (Atzori,
The development of the elements of digital society becomes the main
priority because the ability to apply digital technology in the context of the
formation of an innovative post-industrial world depends on the holistic
progress of humanity and determines the holistic success of various
institutions of social development. Such a requirement of the time forms
new needs of mankind in the educational process, scientic achievements,
social achievements, and also becomes determinative in the context of
formation of the value attitude of man to innovative approaches to the
knowledge of new categorical concepts.
Education and science are a phenomenon that is an indicator of the
civilizational-evolutionary process and at the same time is a criterion for
creating new foundations in the conditions of human development separately
and society as a whole. The latest trends indicate the continuous progress
of man, which has become the basis for the formation of information and
communication space of a new generation. On the one hand - innovative
digital technologies - know-how, on the other - the result of previous
experience of mankind (Yahodzinskyi, 2017). Every new discovery by man
is made only by using the experience of previous eras (Rokich, 1976). To
enhance the prospective development of a successful society, it is necessary
to use prior knowledge and transform it into a digital environment. Such
a formula is a requirement of the times, the basis for the development of
Globalization and informatization of the XXI century are characteristic
features of the new society with continuous progress and change of
innovations in dierent areas, which requires new approaches to
democratization, humanization, and the need to acquire competencies in
dierent spheres of human activity. The phenomenon of human innovative
society is an integrative methodological approach regarding the network
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
distribution of social interaction in the context of educational activities with
the use of information and communication technologies.
In order to realize the goals of digital transformation, it is necessary to
ensure the possibility for most people to be informationally competent.
This perspective can be realized by organizing sociocultural events in the
public space (Bremers and Wouter, 2016).
Socioculturalism of a person is his quality, which is formed in a
combination of such components as: social relationships, economic
indicator of personal well-being of the person, professional image, social
role. Accordingly, in the process of educational activities it is advisable to
use sociocultural activities that more eectively inuence the perception of
human innovations.
Thus, an eective form of cognition of the digital world is the use of
social networks, which are of interest to a wide range of society (Brown et
al., 2017). People communicate online and at the same time improve their
PC user skills and information and communication competence at a rapid
pace. The use of information technology allows people to interact closely in
an online space, forming a virtual world that requires separate approaches
in terms of education and science.
People communicate in social networks, express their opinions on
various socio-economic and political trends of social development, thus
there is a public opinion, which can be tracked in the online space (Allman,
2018) opinions, as well as opportunities for them in expressing their views,
and, accordingly, in a certain decentralization in the context of formation
of social needs of the new generation. The participants of the online space
appear in a new modernized social role - actors in public administration.
So, a new society is formed in the world, which embodies a set of
social activities of active characters with the use of digital technology.
That is, it is necessary to introduce innovative technologies in order to
develop human beings and form the motivation for them to obtain social
achievements in order to improve their well-being (Galasso et al., 2016).
This reality encourages governments of dierent states to implement digital
technologies in social and economic life by applying digital transformation
in public administration, in particular in national legislation, infrastructure
development projects and social projects. Therefore, we believe that in the
future it is necessary to involve society in social projects.
Digitalization includes all spheres and areas of social development. Each
society is shaped by certain traditional evolutionary trends. Therefore, each
nation needs its own model of digital society development. The realization
of digital transformation depends on ways to implement and implement
an eective system of conceptual approaches and educational activities,
as well as cultural and civilizational aspects and experiences of the global
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
community in various spheres (Gertler et al., 2016). Accordingly, it is
impossible to choose a universal system of public administration because
each state has its own approaches and ideas about the use of digital
The main positions of public administration are the institutions
created in the state. Yes, there is an educational center that inuences the
formation of a society with certain value orientations and competencies.
An important institutional feature of society is its power. The state has
formed its components of the power structure, which are interconnected
with public opinion: are its attribute and at the same time the cause of its
formation (Williams and Valayer, 2018).
Public administration in a democratic society, relies on public opinion
through the institution of public relations organizations. The main
disadvantage of such a system is the unreliability of the perception of public
opinion, mainly determined by the analysis of statistics. Such a system is
incompetent, because there are shortcomings in the denition of statistics,
their interpretation and analysis.
Thus, the problem of public administration is the inaccuracy of human
factor analysis in shaping public opinion. Therefore, in order to improve the
eective model of public administration it is necessary to introduce digital
technologies. This trend is a requirement of the times in the conditions of
the formation of an innovative post-industrial society.
An integrated system of indicators and indicators, social and political
trends, is necessary to determine the feasibility of the public administration
model and to identify trends in the development of the digital transformation
of society as a whole, in particular its technical and technological
components (Galasso et al., 2016). In addition to the system of indicators
and indicators, methods of monitoring, analysis and forecasting of the
situation in this area in the short-, medium- and long-term perspective
should be developed and ocially approved, and the relevant resources
for information and analytical support should be allocated, regulations for
interaction of information users and requirements for the information itself
should be established, i.e. a system of information and analytical support of
the process of digital transformation of public administration systems at all
levels should be created.
The most eective in assessing the rational approach to the digital
transformation of public administration and determining the optimal
model, taking into account the level of development of digital technology
should be used composite ICT indices (e-indices), built on the basis of sets
of ICT indicators, with the specic set of indicators and the methodology of
index construction largely depend on the selected priorities.
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
To eectively implement the digital transformation of public
administration, it is necessary to create a unied information space for the
public, government institutions, private business, and public organizations.
This approach can be ensured by sociocultural forms of organizing
educational and scientic activities. First of all, it is necessary to properly
apply digital technologies in the cooperation of such institutions in public
administration. The educational process in the conditions of formation of
innovative society requires a built-up holistic set of ideas about what the
public administration system looks (or should look like), its structure and
principles of functioning, how it interacts with dierent subjects, and how it
adapts to changes in the external environment (Kay and Goldspink, 2016).
Sociocultural forms of work in education in the digitalization of society
involve the creation of various online forms for research and public
opinion study. Common technologies are the creation of educational blogs
that popularize educational activities and increase the eectiveness of
information and communication technologies, contributing to a thorough
study of the impact of public administration on the self-development of
individuals in society and the possibility of ensuring their well-being.
Eective approaches to organizing sociocultural activities for society to
use digital technologies is to create a system of access to information needed
by society (Floridi et al., 2018). Yes, specic sociocultural activities can be
identied: the introduction of digital education in all spheres of public life;
the creation of conditions for public interaction in a digital partnership;
the creation of a market economy with its inherent characteristics
(competitiveness, free labor, private ownership of the means of production)
in an information environment; determining the factor of public inuence
in the development and popularization of social networks.
Thus, the determining factor in the formation of public administration is
the satisfaction of the economic needs of the individual and society as a whole
(Allman, 2018). Based on these factors the model of public administration
is determined, which should ensure the welfare of the individual in society.
The new generation and innovation in social development has led to the
denition of the main trend of public administration - the introduction of
digital transformation.
A relevant requirement in public administration is the modernization
and innovative equipping of public services. Such measures are the creation
of electronic services for businesses, citizens (Lappo, 2015). In the context
of public administration and the structuring of this system, the concept of
public services in the information environment was developed, providing
for the development of all electronic services through the Internet, mobile
communications, digital television, or service centers.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
The creation of electronic services aims not only to provide information
services in various areas, but also to attract the public to information
technology, and most importantly, to improve the eciency of government
activities in the context of the formation of public administration. The
digital transformation of public administration is rapidly embracing all
spheres of human activity.
An important area of digital service is the use of Internet banking.
Such electronic service is in demand among the population. But electronic
banking has certain risks, particularly in the context of security measures
(Noonan, 2017). Yes, in the process of performing various transactions,
fraudulent actions often occur. This trend should encourage authorities to
create appropriate online security measures. The corresponding needs must
be addressed in the context of cooperation of all structural components of
public authority at all levels, both central government and local government.
The introduction of electronic service contributes to a closer cooperation of
all levels of government. The existence of the electronic system of public
administration reproduces the conditions of close cooperation and mutual
The modernization of the public administration system involves the
introduction of a digital platform in order to increase the level of cooperation
in society between dierent social elements seeking to meet their needs
and create well-being in an innovative post-industrial society. The system
of digital governance should reect not only the implementation of the
achievements of previous generations, but also the nal revolutionary
reform of the new social requirements for the informatization of all spheres
of human life and economic activity. This trend involves the renewal and
modernization of public administration, as well as social projects (Abualrub
and Stensaker, 2018).
The main component of the formation of innovative environment
is information and communication technologies that form a dualistic
perception of reality (Oswald, 2018). On the one hand, they are a tool for
the realization of the goals, and on the other hand - the basis and result of
the acquired past experience.
Thus, the digital transformation of public administration is one of
the key requirements of the new times in the context of educational and
scientic activities, which form a personality capable of self-actualization in
the context of sociocultural events (Lappo, 2017). In the future perspective
of the study, it is necessary to study in detail the digital transformation
of public administration in the context of decentralization, as new
institutions of local government are formed, as well as the perspective of
the implementation of sociocultural activities in education, as society is at a
stage of rapid information development.
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
Summarizing the above, it should be noted that the problem of digital
transformation of public administration has not been suciently studied.
Researchers combine digital technologies and their impact on the formation
of consciousness of a new generation in the new times. Also, researchers
have researched that public administration is the basis for the regulation of
socio-economic and social needs of society.
In the course of our research, for the rst time, a holistic interdisciplinary
analysis of the phenomenon of sociocultural events in domestic and
foreign works was carried out and the context of their interpretation in
philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology and pedagogy was
determined; substantiated theoretical and methodological foundations
for the formation of socio-cultural events as the basis for the formation
of digital transformation in public administration, which is based on the
paradigmatic integrity of personality-oriented ideas, semantic paradigms
of education and the synthesis of culturological, axiological, socio-cultural,
systemic, acmeological, scientic approaches.
The results of the study conrm the features of modern society, which is
in the process of post-industrial development and requires the introduction
of digitalization in dierent spheres of social life. A phenomenon of the new
times is the introduction of information and communication technologies,
which are used in educational activities, as well as in terms of communication
between people. Informatization has covered all areas of human activity.
Yes, a widespread process of modernity is infodemia, a concept that covers
the attention among the masses of the people and can be the cause of the
spread of inaccurate information.
We have dened the basic concepts that illustrate the problem of
implementing sociocultural activities. We have analyzed the underlying
context of digital transformation, dened the concept of innovation
and public management. We have proved that digital transformation
contributes to the improvement of people’s living conditions and increases
the opportunities for human self-actualization in society.
In the course of the study, we have dened the content of the concept
of “digital transformation of public government”, considered either within
the categorical series “e-government”, “open society”, “e-democracy”,
correlated mainly with the concept of information society, or within the
categorical series “e-government”, “information management”, “service
state”, correlated with socio-economic relations. This distinction reects
the results of scientic discussion about the impact of informatization
processes on the development of society and the state (including social
management), which began in humanitarian knowledge in the 80s of the
XX century and set the main directions of conceptualization of the term
“digital transformation of public administration”.
Vol. 40 Nº 73 (2022): 868-882
In addition, the use of the terms “digital transformation of public
administration” leads to unjustied expectations about replacing or
supplementing the traditionally existing categories of “state” and
“government” with electronic content (like the term “electronic mail”). If
it is possible to emphasize the essential dierence in the use of the terms
“digital transformation” and “innovation” from the use of these terms in
the denitions of “digitalization” of society and “public administration”,
then this dierence should be immediately marked at the beginning of any
study of these problems and the lack of unity of views on these categories
introduces a certain confusion in the scientic process.
As a result of the discussion, the idea that the development of digital
information communication and the integration of computer technology
into public administration systems provides only the initial conditions,
but not the automatic transformation of these systems in accordance
with the ideals of humanism and individual freedom, as a result of which
a social-value justication of strategy and practice. their implementation
is necessary. The eective use of information technologies implies their
assessment from two points of view - social target certainty (acceptability of
the goals of their application) and instrumentality (manageability), which is
set by the requirements of software development. The dominance of “digital
transformation,” in which system developers operate with elements that
often have no purpose, and humans are seen only as a system for processing
data, leads to the levelling of the importance of technology.
The essence of the concept of “sociocultural values” is disclosed as basic
life meanings, determined by the history and culture of a certain nation,
which are motivators and regulators of social relations and personality
behavior and are reproduced in the process of its life; the content-component
structure of this phenomenon, each of which, in accordance with the
leading types of socio-cultural values, provides an aspect of socio-cultural
macro-values (value attitude towards the traditions of other peoples;
value attitude towards intercultural communication and interaction;
intercultural tolerance), socio-cultural meso values (patriotism, cultural
heritage of the Ukrainian people) ; sociocultural microvalues (national
identity, professional excellence, self-esteem).
Based on the ndings of researchers and, accordingly, our observations,
we can argue that an important requirement of the new generation is the
total use of digital technologies, which do not form something completely
new, but change the established orders of social life, transforming them
into a conscious perception of the world.
We have identied the role of information and communication
technologies as a tool for shaping digital technology. The transformation of
digital technology involves the introduction of sociocultural activities in the
context of the educational process as the most eective for the population.
Nataliia Ridei, Walat Wojciech, Nataliia Tytova, Liydmyla Stepanenko y Aleksanian Armen
Digital Transformation of Public Administration: Sociocultural forms of organization in
education, science and innovation
We identied the main priorities and directions in conducting digital
transformation in public administration through the use of educational
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en julio de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 73