Instituto de Estudios Políticos y Derecho Público "Dr. Humberto J. La Roche"
de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas de la Universidad del Zulia
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Esta publicación cientíca en formato digital es continuidad de la revista impresa
ISSN-Versión Impresa 0798-1406 / ISSN-Versión on line 2542-3185Depósito legal pp
ppi 201502ZU4645
Vol.40 N° 72
ISSN 0798- 1406 ~ De pó si to le gal pp 198502ZU132
Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas
La re vis ta Cues tio nes Po lí ti cas, es una pu bli ca cn aus pi cia da por el Ins ti tu to
de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che” (IEPDP) de la Fa-
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cul tad de Cien cias Ju rí di cas y Po lí ti cas. Ins ti tu to de Es tu dios Po lí ti cos y De re cho Pú bli co
Dr. Hum ber to J. La Ro che. Ma ra cai bo, Ve ne zue la. E- mail: cues tio nes po li ti cas@gmail.
com ~ loi chi ri nos por til Te le fax: 58- 0261- 4127018.
Vol. 40, Nº 72 (2022), 690-703
IEPDP-Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Políticas - LUZ
Recibido el 15/09/2021 Aceptado el 21/12/2021
Legal regulation of articial
intelligence and robotic systems:
review of key approaches
Dmitry Kuteynikov *
Osman Izhaev **
Valerian Lebedev ***
Sergey Zenin ****
The aim of the article is to study various approaches to legal
regulation of AI articial intelligence and robotic systems in the
European Union, USA, and China. These regions are the world’s
largest centers of technological development and therefore each
of them has perfected a unique approach to legal regulation on
the limits, scopes, and proper uses of AI. His achievements are
widely used by other countries. The authors used the methods of
analysis of scientic documents, laws, and legal regulations. In addition,
this article reviews the basic conceptual approaches available in the world
for the formation of legal regulation in the eld of the use of AI and robotic
systems. It is concluded that policies regulating articial intelligence are
not limited to one area and, in general, are intended to protect the rights
and freedoms of citizens, regardless of the eld of application of AI in the
social order.
Keywords: articial intelligence; robotics; legal status; human rights;
technological innovations.
* Kutan Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
** Kutan Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
*** Kutan Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia. ORCID ID:
**** Tyumen State University, Tyumen, Russia; Kutan Moscow State Law University, Moscow, Russia.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
Regulación legal de la inteligencia articial y los
sistemas robóticos: revisión de enfoques clave
El objetivo del artículo es estudiar varios enfoques de regulación legal
de la inteligencia articial IA y los sistemas robóticos en la Unión Europea,
EE. UU. y China. Estas regiones son los centros de desarrollo tecnológico
más grandes del mundo y, por lo tanto, cada una de ellas ha perfeccionado
un enfoque único para la regulación legal sobre los límites, alcances y usos
adecuados de la AI. Sus logros son ampliamente utilizados por otros países.
Los autores utilizaron los métodos de análisis de documentos cientícos,
leyes y reglamentos legales. Además, el artículo revisa los enfoques
conceptuales básicos disponibles en el mundo para la formación de la
regulación legal en el campo del uso de la IA y los sistemas robóticos. Se
concluye que las políticas que regulan a la inteligencia articial no se limitan
a un área y, en general, tienen como propósito proteger los derechos y
libertades de los ciudadanos, independientemente del campo de aplicación
de la IA en el orden social.
Palabras clave: inteligencia articial; robótica; estatus legal; derechos
humanos; innovaciones tecnológicas.
The legal and technical regulation of autonomous technologies is being
discussed and developed. Many countries have adopted national strategies
for developing articial intelligence and robotics, which, among other
things, contain general approaches to regulating their use. Currently, the
legislators of many states who declare their intentions to become leaders in
this area face an important task of selecting the concept of legal regulation
to form their regulatory framework.
There are dierent approaches to regulation from the US, Europe, and
China. On the one hand, these regions are the world’s largest centers of
technological development. On the other hand, each of them has developed
a unique approach to the legal regulation of the above-mentioned relations.
1. Methods
Author study the AI legal regulation and robotic systems in certain
countries and regions (EU, USA, and China).
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Legal regulation of articial intelligence and robotic systems: review of key approaches
The rst paragraph considers the legal framework for regulating the use
of AI in EU countries. The main research object is the draft regulation “On
harmonized rules on AI (AI Act) and amending certain union legislative
acts”. The key idea of this document is to apply a risk-based approach in
regulation, whose essence is to classify AI-driven systems into dierent
categories depending on their potential threat to health, safety, and
fundamental human rights.
The second paragraph examines the specic regulation of public
relations and the use of AI systems in the US. Both at the federal and state
levels, there are no cross-cutting laws that form a unied legal approach to
regulating the area in question. This is a conscious legal policy based on the
principle of “ad hoc” regulation that presupposes the regulation of social
relations as they naturally develop.
The third paragraph dwells on the legal regulation of using AI in
China. The main framework of legal regulation in the country is the “New
Generation AI Development Plan” which denes the key goals and principles
for developing this sphere of public relations. Despite ambitious concepts
and the introduction of innovations, the development of legal regulation in
the eld of AI-driven and robotic systems is associated with political risks.
2. Results
EU countries are about to adopt a unied end-to-end regulatory act
that will aect dierent spheres of public relations. This regulation should
utilize a risk-based approach focused on a person. In this connection, the
main criterion is the potential threat posed by AI to individual rights. The
advantage of such a regulatory system is that it is not limited to one area and,
in general, aims at protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens regardless
of the eld of AI application. However, this also conditions a disadvantage
associated with the fact that an excessive number of regulatory requirements
for actors involved in the development, distribution, and use of AI-powered
systems can signicantly slow down the growth of the industry, which will
have a negative impact (at least in economic terms) on the quality of life.
In the US, there are no cross-cutting laws that form a unied legal
approach to regulating the area in question both at the federal and state
levels. This is a conscious legal policy of the state based on the principle
of “ad hoc” regulation that presupposes the regulation of social relations
as they naturally develop. Thus, the regulatory legal acts adopted in the
US are fragmented and not uniform from the semantic perspective. Legal
regulation is not complex and aects certain spheres (for example, transport
and medicine) or narrow issues (for instance, hiring discrimination) related
to the development and functioning of AI-powered systems. This approach
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
is benecial from an economic viewpoint since it does not imply the creation
of a massive mechanism of legal regulation. At the same time, there is a
risk that a signicant number of incidents in the eld of human interaction
with AI-driven systems will occur before a sucient regulatory framework
is formed in the US.
In China, legal regulation is based on the “New Generation AI
Development Plan” which denes the key goals and principles for
developing this sphere of public relations. This concept represents only a
general model and goals of future legal regulation. Accordingly, it should
be considered in connection with other regulatory legal acts. On the one
hand, China has adopted ambitious development concepts in the eld of
AI systems and robotics. This country introduces innovations into public
life much more actively than the EU and US due to centralized regulation.
On the other hand, their actual implementation is entrusted to private
companies and local authorities, and the state retains ample opportunities
for control in all spheres.
3. Discussion
3.1. Legal basis for regulating AI application in Europe: risk-
based approach
The EU is actively seeking its own way of developing AI (Straus, 2021).
The European Commission is committed to implementing a set of policies
aimed at stimulating the industry while respecting fundamental human
rights. This body put forward three proposals to transform Europe into a
space where innovations actively develop, ensure the safe use of technology,
and support a favorable business environment. These proposals include: a)
a legal framework for the regulation of AI; b) an approach to establishing
accountability for AI-related incidents (planned for release in the last
quarter of 2021 rst quarter of 2022); c) updating industry-specic
legislation (e.g. safety regulations, the General Product Safety Directive –
Q2 2021).
In the course of the study, we paid special attention to the legal concept
embraced in a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council
laying down harmonized rules on AI (AI Act) and amending certain union
legislative acts issued in April 2021 (EUR-Lex, 2021). The key idea of
this document is to apply a risk-based approach in regulation. It aims at
classifying AI-driven systems into dierent categories, depending on their
potential threat to health, safety, and fundamental human rights. Thus, AI-
powered systems can be recognized as means that create: a) an unacceptable
risk; b) a high risk; c) a low risk.
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Legal regulation of articial intelligence and robotic systems: review of key approaches
AI-powered systems with an unacceptable risk are completely prohibited
because their use violates the universal values recognized by the EU. In
particular, the use of various systems that aect the person’s consciousness
against their will is not allowed, namely, various manipulative techniques
that address various groups of the population: children, seniors, persons
with mental disorders, etc.
If the previous category does not cause any controversy, the next one is
rather ambiguous. High-risk AI systems fall under a whole set of regulatory
requirements and are allowed on the European market if they fully comply
with them. The criteria for assigning a specic AI-driven system are their
functional characteristics and goals. Within this group, they are divided
a. AI systems to be used as a safety component of products subject to
prior third-party conformity assessment.
b. AI systems, whose exploitation can aect the state of human rights
and whose list is indicated in a separate annex (for example, use
in law enforcement, the administration of justice, or the eld of
Such requirements represent a system of continuous risk management:
monitoring, identifying, and assessing them with due regard to the
available technical capabilities; thorough testing of these systems during
development and before commission based on the purpose of a specic AI-
powered system. Particular attention should be paid to data processing, i.e.,
information should be up-to-date, representative, correct and complete.
Finally, the third category includes low-risk AI systems that do not need
any regulation. However, attention is drawn to the fact that responsible
actors might comply with codes of ethics when creating, developing, and
using such systems.
The use of AI systems raises legal issues at the level of national legislation
in European countries. These issues concern, inter alia, human rights,
condentiality, fairness, algorithmic transparency, and accountability
(Wachter et al., 2021). Many states emphasize the need to assess the
existing legal framework and enact new legislation to provide favorable
legal conditions for the successful implementation and operation of AI-
driven systems.
For example, Belgium adopted a Royal Decree on tests with automated
vehicles in March 2018 (Belgisch Staatsblad, 2018). In 2017, a similar act
was adopted by the Danish parliament that amended the road trac law to
allow tests of unmanned vehicles. In addition, Denmark has amended the
Danish Financial Statements Act which stipulates that the largest companies
adhering to data ethics policies must provide compliance information, while
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
companies that do not have a data ethics policy are required to explain why
they do not have such a policy.
In 2020, Finland adopted a new law aimed at developing the
smooth operation and safety of transport, creating the prerequisites for
digitalization and automation of road trac (Belgisch Staatsblad, 2020).
The Netherlands also adopted and implemented regulations on self-driving
vehicles, automated decision-making by law enforcement agencies, and
the prevention of discrimination in employment when using automated
systems (Government of the Netherlands, 2019). Finally, Lithuania passed
a law on autonomous driving which allows driving cars without humans on
board (Chancellery of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania, 2021).
Thus, countries start to develop industry-specic regulations for certain
areas of AI that are currently not covered or insuciently covered by the
existing EU legislation. In this context, it is worth mentioning unmanned
vehicle regulations. Many states have enacted regulations allowing the
testing of unmanned vehicles and related technologies on public roads.
Other signicant areas of regulation are data (namely, in health care) and
automated decision making. For example, Norway works on proposals to
amend its health register to distinguish between the use of data for patient
care and the rules for obtaining consent from individuals. Slovakia also
prepares a new Act on Data to better dene data protection rules, disclosure
principles, data access, and open data rules.
In addition, many European states consider creating special legal
regimes for experimentation with AI, for example, by developing regulatory
sandboxes. While several EU member states have announced it in their
national AI strategies, the overall development of regulatory sandboxes for
AI is still insucient.
Based on the foregoing, Europe is about to adopt a unied end-to-end
regulatory act that will aect dierent spheres of public relations. This
regulation should utilize a risk-based approach focused on a person. In
this connection, the main criterion is the potential threat posed by AI to
individual rights. The advantage of such a regulatory system is that it is
not limited to one area and, in general, aims at protecting the rights and
freedoms of citizens regardless of the eld of AI application. However, this
also conditions a disadvantage associated with the fact that an excessive
number of regulatory requirements for actors involved in the development,
distribution, and use of AI-powered systems can signicantly slow down
the growth of the industry, which will have a negative impact (at least in
economic terms) on the quality of life.
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Legal regulation of articial intelligence and robotic systems: review of key approaches
3.2. Use of AI systems in the US: specic regulation of public
In the US of America, there has been an increase in the number of AI
regulations submitted to the federal legislature over the past few years.
Thus, the 115
Congress (2017-2018) received 50 bills mentioning AI,
and the 116th Congress (2019-2020) considered 175 (The United States
Congress, 2021). This indicates a signicant interest on the part of
legislators to regulate this area. However, only seven of such bills were
adopted and entered into force. In addition, these acts are not connected
and are concerned with such dierent issues as funding, the development
of scientic centers, defense, and international relations.
Currently, the sphere of AI is regulated by bylaws issued by executive
authorities. The rst document was the Executive Order of the President of
the US of February 11, 2019, No. 13859 “Maintaining American Leadership
in AI” (hereinafter referred to as the Order) (The White House, 2019). It
denes ve key principles to develop state policy in the eld of developing
AI. The Order formulates such principles of state policies as promoting the
introduction of technological breakthroughs; the development of technical
standards; the training of workers with skills in the development and
application of AI technologies; protecting the American values, including
civil liberties and privacy, increasing public condence in AI technologies;
developing an international environment to support US developments and
open up new markets with due regard to the need to conceal technological
advantages and critical AI-powered technologies from strategic competitors
and rival countries.
Based on this Order, the Administration of the President of the US
approved the Memorandum for the heads of executive departments and
agencies in November 2020 (The White House, 2020). This document sets
out the principles that should be followed by the executive authorities to
develop normative and non-normative approaches to the implementation
and operation of AI systems, both at general and sectoral levels. These
principles are laid down in the following manner:
Creating public condence in AI systems.
Public participation in decision-making.
The use of the most objective and scientically grounded information
in the activities of executive authorities.
The application of a risk-based approach in regulating the use of AI
Considering the benets and costs of using AI systems.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
The use of result-oriented exible approaches to regulation.
Analyzing possible discriminatory consequences from the use of AI
Ensuring the transparency and accountability of decisions made by
AI systems.
Securing the functioning of AI systems at all stages.
Implementing interdepartmental coordination between various
government bodies.
Under this document, if the existing regulatory framework is sucient
for the use of a specic technological solution in the eld of AI, or the
development of new legislation is incommensurable with the predicted
economic benets of this solution, then its use should be stopped or
replaced with non-regulatory approaches, including guidelines or programs
for the implementation of public policies in certain sectors of the economy,
pilot programs and experiments, and voluntary consensus standards and
Following the entry into force of the President’s Order, the House of
Representatives adopted a Resolution “Supporting the development of
guidelines for ethical development of AI” (The United States Congress,
2019). It contains tasks correlating with the provisions of the Order,
whose implementation should be ensured: the interaction of industry,
government, academic community, and civil society; the transparency and
“expandability” of AI systems; empowering women and underrepresented
or marginalized groups of society; information condentiality and personal
data protection; career opportunities for dierent social classes; the
accountability and oversight of all automatic decision-making systems; life-
long education in engineering, social sciences, and humanities; equitable
access to technological services; the interdisciplinary research of safe and
useful AI; the security and control of AI systems.
At the state level, the most regulated aspect of AI is the use of unmanned
vehicles. More than half of the states have enacted legislation that, to one
degree or another, allows the use of such vehicles on public roads (National
Conference of State Legislatures, 2020).
Let us consider the existing laws in dierent states. Illinois passed
the AI Video Interview Act (Illinoys General Assembly, 2020), requiring
employers to notify interviewees that AI might be used to assess them.
Before the interview, they should get the consent of candidates, provide
information on how AI works and what criteria are used to assess their
professional suitability. Alabama has two laws that recognize the impact
of AI technologies on the growing number of jobs in the state (Waggoner,
2019a) and set up a state commission on AI to review and advise on all
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Legal regulation of articial intelligence and robotic systems: review of key approaches
aspects of developing and using AI in various spheres (Waggoner, 2019b).
California passed a law that requires each government agency to provide
information to the public prior to approving a subsidy for the development
of warehouse distribution centers, regularly report on the reduction or
replacement of jobs due to automation to the Governor’s Oce of Business
and Economic Development (Medina, 2019). By a 2019 law, the state of
New York established an interim state commission to study the regulation
of AI, robotics, and automation until December 2020 (Savino, 2019).
In 2021, more than 10 states introduced draft laws or parliamentary
resolutions related to the regulation of AI. All of them are under consideration
and are related to such issues as the development of AI (Alabama); the
use of methods that minimize the risk of adverse consequences caused
by the automated decision-making systems made by government bodies
(California); tax benets (Hawaii); establishing requirements for ensuring
the fairness and transparency of automated decision-making systems used
by government agencies, as well as the condentiality of consumer data
(Massachusetts); the verication of computer system algorithms and logical
formulas used by the unemployment agency (Michigan); the prohibition of
discrimination against certain categories of the population by automated
decision-making systems (New Jersey); the establishment of a commission
to oversee the impact of technology on the labor market and the state’s
economy as a whole (New York); the establishment of an advisory group
to eliminate bias in government software (Vermont); the development
of guidelines for public procurement and the use of automated decision-
making systems to protect consumers and increase market transparency
In the US, there are no cross-cutting laws that form a unied legal
approach to regulating the area in question both at the federal and state
levels. This is a conscious legal policy of the state based on the principle
of “ad hoc” regulation that presupposes the regulation of social relations
as they naturally develop. Thus, the regulatory legal acts adopted in the
US are fragmented and not uniform from the semantic perspective. Legal
regulation is not complex and aects certain spheres (for example, transport
and medicine) or narrow issues (for instance, hiring discrimination) related
to the development and functioning of AI-powered systems (Pasquale,
2019). This approach is benecial from an economic viewpoint since it does
not imply the creation of a massive mechanism of legal regulation. At the
same time, there is a risk that a signicant number of incidents in the eld
of human interaction with AI-driven systems will occur before a sucient
regulatory framework is formed in the US.
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
3.3. Concept of AI legal regulation in China
In July 2017, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
announced a strategy for the development of AI called the “New Generation
AI Development Plan”. This strategy sets the national goal to become a
global leader in AI by 2030 and to take a leading position in the development
of AI-related regulatory frameworks, ethics, and standards. The concept
represents only a general model and goals of future legal regulation.
Accordingly, it should be considered in connection with other regulatory
legal acts.
The concept determines three main stages in the development of China
until 2030:
By 2020, the AI industry’s competitiveness will have entered the
rst echelon internationally. The AI development environment
will be further optimized, opening new applications in important
domains, and initially establishing AI ethical norms, policies, and
regulations in some areas.
By 2025, China will achieve breakthroughs in basic theories for AI
so that some technologies and applications achieve a world-leading
level. China will have seen the initial establishment of AI laws and
regulations, ethical norms, and policy systems.
By 2030, China’s AI theories, technologies, and applications should
achieve world-leading levels, making China the world’s primary
AI innovation center. China will have formed a more mature
new-generation AI theory and technology system for meeting the
challenges of technical development (China Science & Technology
Newsletter, 2017).
According to a group of researchers from Oxford and the Alan
Turing Institute, this concept was developed by the state but the actual
implementation of these innovations and transformations will be carried
out by the private sector and local authorities (Roberts et al., 2021).
The Chinese regulation is also characterized by quick adaptation to
new technological solutions in a wide market. In contrast to the above-
mentioned countries, China actively uses unmanned vehicles on public
roads in marked areas (Ziyan and Shiguo, 2021), is the rst state to create
automated Internet courts and a unied social rating system.
China approved the “Smart Car Innovation and Development Strategy”
that denes several goals until 2025 (National Development and Reform
Commission of China, 2020):
Dmitry Kuteynikov, Osman Izhaev, Valerian Lebedev y Sergey Zenin
Legal regulation of articial intelligence and robotic systems: review of key approaches
The large-scale production of self-driving cars working in certain
conditions or third-level automation cars.
The deployment of level four autonomous cars for specic
environments (robotic taxis, unmanned trucks, and commercial
Comprehensive standards for self-driving vehicles covering
technological innovation, infrastructure, legislation, supervision,
and network security.
China has achieved considerable results in the eld of data protection.
In 2016, the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China was
adopted which established regulatory requirements like those of the EU
and US. Since China is a state with an authoritarian political system, data
condentiality is more connected with the decisions of state authorities
rather than with the creation of a unied legal framework supported by
independent court decisions.
Based on the results of the study, authors can conclude, an excessive
number of regulatory requirements for actors involved in the development,
distribution, and use of AI systems can signicantly slow down the growth
of the industry, which will negatively (at least in economic terms) aect the
quality of life. A review of the US legislation has revealed that at the federal
and state levels there are no cross-cutting laws that form a unied legal
approach to regulating the area in question. Legal regulation is not complex
and aects certain spheres (for example, transport and medicine) or narrow
issues (for instance, hiring discrimination) related to the development and
functioning of AI-powered systems.
On the one hand, this approach is benecial from an economic viewpoint
since it does not imply the creation of a massive mechanism of legal
regulation. On the other hand, there is a risk of human rights violations. In
China, ambitious development concepts have been adopted in the eld of
AI systems and robotics. This country introduces innovations into public
life much more actively than the EU and US due to centralized regulation.
In the process of adopting regulatory legal acts, the state reserves a lot
of opportunities for unlimited participation in the activities of private
companies and uses innovations to create a unied system of control over
all spheres of public life.
This issue is common to other spheres of social and economic activity;
therefore, the freedom of private and public organizations is severely
limited by the state’s interests. By adopting regulatory legal acts, the state
Vol. 40 Nº 72 (2022): 690-703
provides a lot of opportunities for unlimited participation in the activities
of private companies and actively introduces innovations to create a unied
system of control over all spheres of public life.
On the one hand, China has adopted ambitious development concepts
in the eld of AI systems and robotics. This country introduces innovations
into public life much more actively than the EU and US due to centralized
regulation. On the other hand, their actual implementation is entrusted
to private companies and local authorities, and the state retains ample
opportunities for control in all spheres.
The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research under research project No. 18-29-16193.
Bibliographic References
BELGISCH STAATSBLAD. 2018. Royal Decree on experiments with automated
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Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en enero de 2022, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.40 Nº 72