Received: 10/10/2023 Accepted: 04/12/2023 Published: 04/03/2024
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34335
The prevalence and severity of pododermatitis can be used as
indicators of the husbandry conditions and animal welfare that were
present during the production cycle. The objective was to assess
the frequency and extent of pododermatitis in broiler chickens in
the wilaya of Batna and to study the risk factors associated with
these lesions. This study focused on 30 broiler chicken ocks from
different regions and slaughtered in two poultry slaughterhouses.
Pododermatitis was measured in slaughterhouses according to the
Welfare Quality® method (2009) on a sample of 100 chickens/ock.
At the same time, a survey was conducted among poultry farmers
to collect the necessary information on the farms concerned. The
results showed very high variability in the distribution of the scores
of pododermatitis according to the region of production. The
results also revealed poor rearing conditions and a high prevalence
of pododermatitis, which amounts to about 78%, ranged from mild
skin inammation (score 1) to severe ulcers (score 4), while 22%
showed no lesion (score 0). In conclusion, in order to reduce the
frequency of pododermatitis, it therefore seems necessary to control
the breeding conditions, in particular the state of the moisture litter,
the environmental parameters and the breeding density.
Key words: Broiler; pododermatitis; lesions; score; welfare
La prevalencia y gravedad de la pododermatitis se pueden utilizar
como indicadores de las condiciones de cría y bienestar animal
presentes durante el ciclo de producción. El objetivo fue evaluar la
frecuencia y extensión de la pododermatitis en pollos de engorde en
la wilaya de Batna y estudiar los factores de riesgo asociados con
estas lesiones. Este estudio se centró en 30 bandadas de pollos de
engorde de diferentes regiones y sacricados en dos mataderos de
aves. La pododermatitis se midió en mataderos según el método
Welfare Quality® (2009) en una muestra de 100 pollos/parvada. Al
mismo tiempo, se llevó a cabo una encuesta entre los avicultores para
recopilar la información necesaria sobre las granjas en cuestión. Los
resultados mostraron una variabilidad muy alta en la distribución de
las puntuaciones de pododermatitis según la región de producción.
Los resultados también revelaron malas condiciones de crianza y una
alta prevalencia de pododermatitis, que asciende a aproximadamente
el 78%, desde una leve inamación de la piel (puntuación 1) hasta
úlceras graves (puntuación 4), mientras que el 22 % no mostró ninguna
lesión (puntuación 0). En conclusión, para reducir la frecuencia de la
pododermatitis, parece necesario controlar las condiciones de cría,
en particular el estado de la cama, los parámetros ambientales y la
densidad de cría.
Palabras clave: Pollo de engorde; pododermatitis; lesiones;
puntuación; bienestar
Prevalence and factors affecting foot–pad dermatitis in broilers in
Eastern Algeria
Prevalencia y factores que afectan la dermatitis plantar en pollos de engorde en el este de Argelia
Tarek Boussaada
* , Aya Liani
, Nadjah Guergueb
Scientic and Technical Research Centre for Arid Areas (CRSTRA). Biskra, Algeria.
Batna1 University, Institute of Veterinary and Agronomic Sciences. Batna, Algeria.
*Corresponding author:
Foot-pad dermatitis in broilers in Algeria / Boussaada et al. ________________________________________________________________________
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Footpad dermatitis (FPD), also known as pododermatitis, foot burn
or footpad lesions, is a contact dermatitis that causes necrotic lesions
to form on the plantar surface [1]. FPD is becoming an increasingly
signicant issue in the poultry industry worldwide, affecting broilers,
laying hens, and broiler breeders with an average annual rate of around
20%, and can reach up to 100% in severe cases [2].
In commercial broiler production, the prevalence and severity of
contact dermatitis can be used as a welfare assessment measure.
FPD is more prevalent than other types of contact dermatitis [3],
suggesting that it plays an essential role in the welfare of broiler
chickens. FPD can develop as a result of prolonged contact with
poor litter quality. However, Meluzzi et al. [4] reported a high positive
correlation between wet litter and FPD, which can lead to economic
losses for affected broiler chicken ocks.
Factors inuencing the prevalence and severity of FPD in chicken
ocks have been reviewed by Shepherd and Fairchild [5] and by
Amer [6]. These authors reported that FPD is primarily associated
with various factors that inuence the litter moisture content, such
as drinking systems, feed composition, ambient conditions (e.g.,
temperature, ventilation, ammonia levels, relative humidity), litter
type and material, health status, and stoking density. Therefore,
broiler welfare can be improved by controlling rearing factors related
to contact dermatitis, scratches, fractures and bruises [7].
Several studies have been conducted to assess the prevalence of
FPD in broiler chickens and turkeys in many countries around the world.
Ekstrand et al. [8] found a prevalence rate of 32% mild and 6% severe
FPD in 101 ocks in Sweden. In France, Martrenchar et al. [9] reported
a prevalence rate of 85% in broilers, while Allain et al. [7] found a lower
prevalence rate of 56%. In the Netherlands, De Jong et al. [10] reported
a prevalence rate of 25% mild and 38% severe FPD in 386 ocks. In
Germany, Freihold et al. [11] reported a prevalence rate of 33% mild
and 41% severe FPD in broilers. The differences in prevalence rates
could be due to differences in management practices, breed, housing
conditions, and other environmental factors.
In Algeria, few studies have been published on this issue [12], with
most focusing solely on animal welfare assessment [13, 14]. However,
none of these authors have investigated correlations between the
welfare indicators and rearing factors.
The objective of our study is to assess the prevalence and severity
of FPD in broilers at slaughter age in the wilaya of Batna and to study
the risk factors associated with these lesions for future prevention.
Data collection
This study was performed at two poultry slaughterhouses located
in eastern Algeria (Batna) over the course of five months from
December 2021 to April 2022. FPD among 30 broiler chicken ocks
from 7 different regions was assessed among 100 birds per ock. The
information about the broiler farms and management of the ocks
were also collected and analyzed.
Assessment of the condition of Footpad dermatitis
To assess the condition of FPD, a sample of 100 birds chosen at
random was examined from each ock. FPD was graded by direct
observation at the slaughterhouse using the Welfare Quality method
guidelines [15], which allocate ve scores based on the severity and
the area affected as follows:
» Score 0: absence of FPD
» Score 1: presence of mild redness on one or both footpads
Score 2: presence of moderate redness on one or both footpads,
or mild lesions affecting less than 50% of the footpad area
Score 3: presence of severe redness on one or both footpads,
or moderate lesions affecting less than 50% of the footpad area
» Score 4: presence of ulcers or severe lesions affecting more
than 50% of the footpad area
The sampled broilers were all examined by the same observer, and
the percentages of birds affected by these lesions were calculated
by ock and by region.
The investigations were carried out on 30 broiler farms located
in seven different regions of the wilaya of Batna. A questionnaire
was completed from information provided by broiler farmers and
available documents. The data collected concerned characteristics
of the poultry–houses (location, dimension, feeding and watering
system, type of ventilation and heating), rearing practices, stocking
density, feed origin, strain, breeder age, chick origin, mortality rate,
slaughter age, threshing and dipping weigh, diseases, vaccinations,
treatments and litter types.
Statistical analysis
The distribution of pododermatitis scores in broiler flocks at
slaughter age was assessed using a radar chart, considering the
production region as the variable of interest. Questionnaire results
were analyzed using the ANOVA test at 5% level of significance,
to determine the effect of rearing condition variables on the
pododermatitis of broiler chickens. Pearson correlation was calculated
to measure the strength of the relationship between rearing factors
and the mean pododermatitis scores of broiler chickens observed at
the slaughter age. Statistical testing was used with SPSS software
(Statistical package for social science version 21, IBM/SPSS).
Prevalence of pododermatitis in the wilaya of Batna
The distribution of FPD scores in broiler chickens in the wilaya of
Batna are shown in the FIG. 1. The results presented demonstrate that
the percentage of chickens with the most severe lesions (score 4) was
relatively low, at 9%. The majority of chickens (38%) had moderately
severe lesions (score 3), while 22% of chickens showed no lesions (score
0). Additionally, 22% of chickens had lesions that fell into the intermediate
severity range (score 2), and 9% had only minor lesions (score 1).
In broiler production, FPD prevalence and severity are considered
indicators of poor animal welfare and inappropriate rearing conditions.
Our study, conducted in eastern Algeria, revealed that FPD prevalence
varied depending on the production region and rearing factors in
broiler houses. The distribution of FPD scores showed that, out
of all the samples taken in the study region, 22% of broiler ocks
had scores of 0 and 2. Conversely, the highest rate of broiler ocks
FIGURE 1. Graphical representation of FPD score prevalence in broiler chickens
in the wilaya of Batna, Algeria (2021–2022)
FIGURE 3. Mean of FPD scores by production region
FIGURE 2. Graphical representation of FPD scores (%) by production region
_____________________________________________________________________________Revista Cientifica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIV, rcfcv-e34335
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(38%) exhibited severe lesions (score 3), while the lowest rates were
associated with scores 1 and 4, with only 9% prevalence.
Our study's ndings contrast with those reported by Ferhat et al. [12]
in a study conducted in the same region, where a high prevalence of FPD
was observed in the studied broiler ocks, with a prevalence of 80.5%
(scored 2 to 5). The severity of FPD varied from mild skin inammation
to severe ulcers that covered more than half of the footpad surface.
The study's results showed the presence of all ve scores, with score
2 being the most common, occurring in 36% of the cases.
Prevalence of pododermatitis by production region
The distribution of FPD scores for the broiler ocks was highly
variable across the studied regions. (FIG. 2). The highest percentage
of broilers with no lesions (score 0) was observed in the Seggana
(50%) and Tazoult (48.5%) regions. Broilers from Seggana and Taya
had no serious or very severe lesions (score 4), while broilers from
Zana El Beida, Taya, and Chemora showed the highest percentage
of severe lesions (score3). The percentage of broilers with minimal
(score 1) and intermediate (score 2) lesions varied heterogeneously
across the regions, ranging from 6 to 26% and 17 to 29%, respectively.
Fig. 3 shows the mean FPD scores for each region. Broiler ocks from
Tazoult had the lowest mean score (0.8), followed by Seggana (1.15).
The highest mean score was observed in Chemora (3.07), while broiler
ocks from other regions had mean scores ranging from 2.02 to 2.46.
Overall, the results demonstrate that there is a high degree of variability
in the distribution of FPD scores across the studied regions, with some
regions having signicantly better or worse results than others.
The prevalence of FPD in broilers worldwide varies depending
on the region, management practices, and production system. In
Algeria, the rearing conditions differ from European countries in
terms of poultry houses, stocking density, litter type, climate, and
other factors. Additionally, the scoring systems of FPD vary widely
between countries, making it dicult to compare study results. For
example, a study conducted in French slaughterhouses showed that
70.80% of poultry footpads displayed severe lesions [7], while in the
Netherlands, almost the same proportion of ocks had severe footpad
lesions, and only 35.5% had no lesions [10]. However, Dinev et al. [3]
reported a FPD prevalence of 21.87% in Bulgaria, while an average
of 35% of poultry in Spain had FPD [16]. In the UK, a prevalence rate
of 51.6 for FPD was reported [17].
Characterization of the broiler farms studied
The majority of broiler houses had uncontrolled ambiance (70%).
A signicant observation within poultry houses is the inadequate
control of humidity. The visited poultry buildings, for the most part,
lack dedicated humidity control facilities and essential sensors for
optimal environmental management. Unregulated ventilation and
humidity within these poultry houses result in damp litter, a factor
strongly implicated in the development of footpad dermatitis in
broiler chickens [18]. However, many houses were equipped with
some essential features, such as radiant heating (63.33%), automatic
feeding systems (56.67%), bell drinkers (66.67%), and dynamic
Foot-pad dermatitis in broilers in Algeria / Boussaada et al. ________________________________________________________________________
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ventilation systems (93.33%). In terms of ooring, straw was used
in 60% of the farms, while wood shavings were used in 40% of the
farms. The stocking density during the rearing period was between
10 to 14 birds per square meter, with a mean ock age of 48.1 days at
slaughter (see TABLE I).
The results in TABLE II show that many of the studied rearing factors
(ambiance, heating, lighting, feeding and water system, litter type
and density) signicantly affected the mean FPD scores of broilers
at the slaughter age.
The analyses on effects of rearing conditions on the FPD showed
that the ambiance in the poultry houses significantly (P=0.001)
inuenced the mean FPD scores at slaughter age (TABLE II). Flocks
reared in controlled poultry houses had lower FPD scores than
ocks reared in uncontrolled poultry houses. However, Heating
systems signicantly (P=0.001) affected the mean FPD scores. Birds
reared in poultry houses equipped with forced–air space heater had
signicantly lower FPD scores. While, ventilation did not signicantly
affect the mean FPD scores of broiler chickens at the slaughter age.
The effect of lighting program on mean FPD scores was also
observed. Flocks exposed to 22–23 h hours of light showed lower
FPD scores. There was a signicant (P=0.001) effect of feed and water
equipment. Flocks reared in houses equipped with bell drinkers and
manual feeding system had higher FPD scores than ocks reared with
nipples and automatic feeding system.
Litter material signicantly (P=0.001) inuenced the mean FPD
scores. Flocks reared on wood shavings had lower scores of FPD than
Eect of rearing condition variables on the mean FPD scores
of broiler chickens observed at the slaughterhouse
Variables Levels
Mean FPD
Controlled 0.88
Uncontrolled 2.42
Natural ventilation 1.59
Dynamic ventilation 1.98
Radiant heater 2.44
Forced–air space heater 1.13
24 h 2.27
22–23 h 1.10
Feeding system
Automatic 2.40
0.001Manual 2.66
Auto and manual 0.99
Watering system
Nipples 1.12
Bell drinkers 2.37
Litter types
Straw 2.38
Wood shavings 1.32
Low (10 birds·m
) 1.42
Medium (11–13 birds·m
) 2.36
High (14 birds·m
) 2.46
Characterization of the broiler houses involved
in the survey of pododermatitis
Variables Description Flocks (%)
Controlled 30.00
Uncontrolled 70.00
Natural ventilation 6.67
Dynamic ventilation 93.33
Radiant heater 63.33
Forced–air space heater 36.67
24 h 26.66
22–23 h 73.33
Feeding system
Automatic 56.67
Manual 10.00
Auto and manual 33.33
Watering system
Nipples 33.33
Bell drinkers 66.67
Litter types
Straw 60.00
Wood shavings 40.00
Low (10 birds·m
) 43.33
Medium (11–13 birds·m
) 53.33
High (14 birds·m
) 3.33
ocks reared on straw. There was also a signicant (P<0.006) effect
of density during the rearing period, as high density (≥14 birds·m
led to higher scores of FPD at slaughter age.
Several studies have investigated the relationship between the
severity of FPD in broilers and various rearing factors, such as
litter quality, management practices, stocking density and feed
composition [9, 10, 19, 20]. Litter types is one of the most important
factors affecting incidence and prevalence of FPD in broiler chickens.
However, the development of FPD could be due to a prolonged contact
with poor bedding materials [21, 22].
In the present study, broilers raised on straw had a 20% higher
prevalence of FPD than those raised on wood shavings, which is
consistent with the ndings of Skrbic et al. [23] who reported a higher
incidence of FPD in broilers raised on straw. Boussaada et al. [22]
and Sirri et al. [24] also found that litter type signicantly affected
contact dermatitis development, with broiler ocks raised on wood
shavings showing less dermatitis than those raised on straw.
Litter quality and various management factors were also found to
be linked to contact dermatitis development, as reported by Allain
et al. [7] and Kaukonen et al. [25]. According to Taira et al. [18], litter
moisture is essential for the prevention of FPD. However, lowering
litter moisture could stop FPD and prevent the spread of the disease.
The design of drinkers can significantly influence the overall
moisture level of the litter, which in turn affects the occurrence of
FPD [5]. According to Ekstrand et al. [8], ocks reared with small
drinker cups had a higher FPD prevalence compared to those reared
on nipple drinkers. However, nipple drinkers were found to result in
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more scratches compared to other types of drinkers [7]. In turkeys,
small water cups were observed to have a lower occurrence of FPD
compared to bell drinkers [8]. This was conrmed by this study.
Correlation between FPD scores and rearing factors
As shown in TABLE III, the FPD scores showed a signicant positive
correlation with mortality (r=0.451; P<0.05) and stocking density during
rearing period (r=0.562; P<0.01). There was also a correlation between
slaughter age and mean FPD score (r=0.637; P<0.01). Moreover, a
signicant positive correlation was found between the severity of
FPD and lighting program (r=0.676; P<0.01). However, no signicant
correlation was found between FPD and the other parameters studied.
FPD. Additionally, maintaining high–quality litter can help reduce
footpad ulceration.
This study's results suggest the need for further research on a larger
number of farms and chickens to improve animal welfare in Algeria and
beyond. Expanding the scope to include a greater number of farms
and chickens will enable a more comprehensive exploration of the
factors inuencing FPD. By doing so, it were can better understand
the factors contributing to FPD and develop effective interventions
to address the issue.
The authors would like to thank the staff of the broiler farms and
slaughterhouses for their willing support of the research.
Conict of interests
The authors of this study wish to unequivocally state that no conicts
of interest exist concerning the publication of this manuscript.
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Pearson correlations between rearing factors and the mean FPD
scores of broiler chickens observed at the slaughterhouse
Slaughter age
Body weight
–0.354 0.451
**P0.01; *P0.05
In the present study, we observed a positive correlation between
the stocking density and the scores of FPD. This is supported by
Haslam et al. [19] who reported that the severity of footpad lesions
in broilers was positively correlated with stocking density, with birds
reared at higher stocking densities exhibiting more severe lesions.
However, some studies found that stocking density had no effect on
contact dermatitis development [7].
Fast–growing broiler ocks and the slaughter age are among the
typical risk factors that are often considered in the context of FPD.
For this study, mean FPD scores were correlated with slaughter age
of broilers. This is consistent with the results of previous studies
that investigated the relationship between slaughter age and FPD,
including De Jong et al. [10], Bassler et al. [26], and Tullo et al. [27].
With regard to other rearing factors, proper ventilation, heating
systems, and lighting program in poultry houses have been linked to
improved bird health and lower prevalence of FPD. Martrenchar et al.
[9] reported that poor ventilation is associated with an increased risk
of footpad lesions in broilers, and recommended improving ventilation
in poultry houses. In addition, Tullo et al. [27] suggest maintaining
appropriate temperature and humidity levels in poultry houses to
prevent footpad lesions, while Kim et al. [28] found that broilers
exposed to 24 hours of continuous light or intermittent lighting
(4L:2D) had signicantly higher footpad dermatitis scores compared
those exposed to 18 hours of continuous light (18L:6D) or 8 hours
of continuous light followed by 16 hours of darkness (8L:16D). This
indicates that providing longer periods of darkness can reduce the
prevalence and severity of footpad lesion in broilers.
The prevalence of FPD in the studied farms highlights the
importance of controlling rearing conditions, particularly
environmental parameters and breeding density. To mitigate the
problem, modernizing production tools is necessary to better manage
broiler farms and anticipate the occurrence and development of
Foot-pad dermatitis in broilers in Algeria / Boussaada et al. ________________________________________________________________________
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