Received: 24/07/2023 Accepted: 05/09/2023 Published: 13/10/2023
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Revista Científica, FCV-LUZ / Vol. XXXIII, rcfcv-e33296
Encapsulating materials preserve the viability of probiotics under
gastrointestinal conditions. The aim of the research was to evaluate
the protective effect of an encapsulating matrix, composed for the rst
time with three prebiotic materials to maintain the viability of a mixed
culture of spray–dried microencapsulated probiotics under simulated
gastrointestinal and prebiotic conditions. Microcapsules of four
formulations with better viability were then evaluated by inoculating
microencapsulated and free strains in MRS broth, adjusting three pH
values, bile salts, broth with and without carbohydrate (prebiotic test),
incubated at 36 ± 1°C / 24 h; then the percentage of post–treatment cell
survival was calculated. Showing that, formulation 1 presented higher
barrier protection with average counts: 7.31 log CFU·g
lactobacilli and
7.75 log CFU·g
(Saccharomyces boulardii) / 4 h (SGF), reaching 6.78 log
in the four formulations (SIF) with a higher average survival rate
79.79% and 85.06% SGF and SIF, in vitro. On the other hand, the prebiotic
test maintained average counts of 9.40 log CFU·g
(Lactobacillus spp.)
and 6.99 log CFU·g
(S. boulardii) / 24 h. The protection exerted by the
microspheres under simulated gastrointestinal and prebiotic conditions
at therapeutic levels (≥ 10
) was demonstrated.
Key words: Gastrointestinal barrier protection; probiotic strains;
prebiotics; survival; microencapsulated strains
Los materiales encapsulantes conservan la viabilidad de los probióticos
en condiciones gastrointestinales. El objetivo de la investigación fue
evaluar el efecto protector de una matriz encapsulante, compuesta por
primera vez con tres materiales prebióticos para mantener la viabilidad
de un cultivo mixto de probióticos microencapsulados por secado por
aspersión, bajo condiciones gastrointestinales y prebióticas simuladas.
Seguidamente, se evaluaron las microcápsulas de cuatro formulaciones
con mejor viabilidad, inoculando cepas microencapsuladas y libres en
caldo MRS, ajustando tres valores de pH, sales biliares, caldo con y sin
carbohidrato (prueba prebiótica), incubados a 36 ± 1 °C / 24 h; luego
se calculó el porcentaje de supervivencia celular postratamiento.
Demostrando que, la formulación 1 presentó mayor barrera de protección
con recuentos promedio: 7,31 log ufc·g
lactobacilos y 7,75 log ufc·g
(Saccharomyces boulardii) / 4 h (SGF), alcanzando 6,78 log ufc·g
en las
cuatro formulaciones (SIF) con una mayor tasa de supervivencia promedio
79,79% y 85,06% SGF y SIF, in vitro. Por otra parte, la prueba prebiótica
mantuvo recuentos promedio de 9,40 log ufc·g
(Lactobacillusspp.) y
6,99 log ufc·g
(S. boulardii) / 24 h. Se demostró la protección ejercida
por las microesferas en condiciones gastrointestinales y prebióticas
simuladas a niveles terapéuticos (≥ 10
Palabras clave: Barrera gastrointestinal; protección; cepas
probióticas; prebióticos; supervivencia; cepas
Survival of a mixed culture of microencapsulated probiotic strains against
the gastrointestinal barrier in vitro
Supervivencia de un cultivo mixto de cepas probióticas microencapsuladas
frente a la barrera gastrointestinal in vitro
Luz Alba Caballero–Pérez
* , Rene Tejedor–Arias
, Elaysa Josena Salas–Osorio
University of Pamplona. GIBA Research Group. Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia.
University of Havana, Pharmacy and Food Institute. Havana, Cuba.
Universidad de los Andes, Department of Biopathology. Mérida, Venezuela.
*Corresponding author:
Microencapsulation improves probiotic survival in vitro gastrointestinal model / Caballero–Pérez et al. ____________________________
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Probiotics are live microorganisms that when consumed in adequate
amounts colonize in the digestive tract, conferring a health benet
to the host, which is why today the food industry shows a growing
interest in the incorporation of probiotic microorganisms for the
elaboration of Functional Foods (FA), particularly in fermented dairy
products (yogurt, fermented milk and cheese) and non–fermented
products such as ice cream [1]. The medicinal or therapeutic ecacy
of these foods depends on the number of colony forming units per
mL or gram (CFU·mL
or g) of viable probiotic microorganisms in
the product at the time of consumption. The minimum amount
recommended by the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and
the food industry in general was 10
According to Avila–Reyes et al. [3], the ability of probiotic
microorganisms to survive and develop in the host will directly
inuence their probiotic effects. Probiotic bacteria must be protected
from the adverse environment represented by the food matrix and
the gastrointestinal tract, in order to avoid a negative sensory
impact when they are incorporated into foods, as supplemented,
exposed to food conditions that could be adverse or favorable: pH,
humidity, temperature, oxygen concentration, water activity, nutrient
availability, presence of inhibitors, among others, which can affect
their viability and stability during storage and commercialization as
functional foods. Therefore, it is necessary to improve preservation
and protection conditions that guarantee the integrity of probiotics
when they are incorporated and processed in food matrices, as well
as to ensure their viability and activity when they are released in the
intestine where their action is required [3, 4].
The acid–tolerant capacity of bacteria is one of the common
characteristics among microorganisms of the Lactobacillus genus [5,
6]. Lactobacillus plantarum strains are considered a unique probiotic
because of their ability to resist acidic conditions by possessing
cellular mechanisms to maintain intracellular pH close to neutrality,
withstanding lower pH values than most other microorganisms [5]. On
the other hand, it was evaluated the viability of L. rhamnosus in relation
to the conditions of an acid medium, caused by fermentation, with the
resistance of the microorganism to pH close to 4.0, demonstrated
that this species produces lactic acid eciently through carbohydrate
intake, preferably using hexoses [7]. The yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae var. Boulardii, has been widely used as a preventive and
therapeutic agent in the treatment of diarrhea under the presentation
of lyophilized or heat–dried, the Word Gastrointestinal Organization
(WGO) recommends consuming 5 × 10
CFU of S. boulardii for certain
gastrointestinal disorders [8, 9, 10]. The ability of S. boulardii yeast
to grow over a wide pH range is known [8, 11].
One of the methods to prevent the decrease of cell load and/or
damage of probiotic bacteria is encapsulation. Microencapsulation
is a process by which bioactive materials are coated with other
protective materials or their mixtures as an alternative to maintain
high viability of microorganisms, protecting the core material from
environmental stress, such as oxygen, high acidity and gastric
conditions, and can be used to cross the gastric barrier with little
harmful effects. Among different microencapsulation techniques,
spray drying is commonly used because of advantages such as
low operating costs, high production rates, low moisture content
in the nal product, and possibility of industrial–scale application
[12], involves atomization of the feed solution in the hot air–drying
chamber, where water is evaporated from the atomized droplets to
form a dry powder [13]. Prebiotics dened as the food of probiotics
and generally represented by oligosaccharides and bers that are not
digestible by humans, are resistant to gastric acidity and digestion
by small intestine enzymes and provide a fermentable carbohydrate
for probiotic bacteria in the colon. High molecular weight β–glycan
glucose polymers (polysaccharides) are found naturally in the cell wall
of various living organisms such as bacteria, yeasts, fungi and plants
(cereals such as oats (Avena sativa) and barley (Hordeum vulgare)) [14].
Their combination can reinforce each other's effect, hence,
the synergistic combination of probiotics and prebiotics, termed
"symbiotics", which improves viable counts of lactobacilli and
bidobacteria compared to probiotic or prebiotic alone [9, 15]. The
addition of prebiotics in the encapsulation of probiotic microorganisms,
in what could be dened as a "co–encapsulation", can favor the viability
and ecacy of these benecial microorganisms in the gastrointestinal
tract. Some authors have reported that this co–encapsulation can
improve the functionality of the immobilized microorganism, generating
higher counts compared to encapsulation without prebiotic [16].
Several studies have been carried out on microencapsulation using
encapsulating materials such as: sodium alginate, calcium alginate,
chitosan, modied starch, maltodextrin, xantha gum, among others
[17, 18], achieving the preservation of probiotic microorganisms during
food storage and processing; However, they have the disadvantage
that all materials are porous to a greater or lesser degree, which
allows ion exchange directly affecting the pH inside the capsule
and consequently decreases the bioactivity of probiotics, reason
why the trend today is to use mixtures of encapsulating materials
to enhance and increase the viability of microorganisms improving
their protective properties against gastric and intestinal barrier
conditions [13, 19].
However, the survival of a mixture of three probiotic microorganisms
(two lactobacilli and one yeast) microencapsulated by spray drying
in a system composed of three prebiotic polymers as encapsulating
material subjected to in vitro gastric juice conditions has not been
evaluated. Therefore, the present research proposed to evaluate the
protective effect of a prebiotic encapsulating matrix on the survival of
the encapsulated microorganisms, using for the rst time a mixture
of sodium alginate, native cassava (Manihot esculenta) starch and
oat our (β–glycan) against gastrointestinal and prebiotic barriers
in vitro, as an innovative alternative.
The work was carried out at: Nanotechnology Laboratory, University
of Pamplona, Laboratory of Applied Engineering and Bioprocesses
and Fermentations Berastegui headquarters, University of Cordoba,
Colombia. A pilot spray dryer, Vibrasec S.A©, model PSALAB 1.5,
stainless steel co–current ow, Medellín, Colombia, was used.
Encapsulating agents
The following were used: Native cassava starch. Starch Factory of
Sucre SAS, Innovayuca©; Sodium Alginate SQ 942. Trademark Cape
Crystal Brand©; Oatmeal. Original Ground Oats, Trademark Quakert ©.
The population was comprised of 28 mixtures of encapsulating
material obtained through the Design expert version 10 program and
supplemented with an approximate probiotic microorganism count
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of 1 × 10
. The sample was made up of four formulations
composed of sodium alginate, oat flour (β–glycan) and native
cassava starch. In order to dene the best formulation to be used in
microencapsulation, restrictions were dened: moisture content
(3 to 4%), viability (> 8 CFU·mL
) and viscosity (100 to 250 mPa.s),
[3, 4, 20, 21]
The sample consisted of four formulations composed of sodium
alginate, native cassava starch and oat our (β–glycan) in different
percentages (%) respectively: formulation 1 (0.49 – 2.13 – 9.38);
formulation 2 (0.49 – 9.38 – 2.13); formulation 3 (0.62 –7.90 – 3.48);
formulation 4 (0.92 – 10 – 1.08).
The probiotic microorganisms evaluated were: Freeze–dried strains
of Saccharomyces boulardii, CNCMI – 745, Biocodex SAS©, using YGC
broth, Merck©, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Acumedia© brand for
their counts; Suspension strains of L. plantarum JCM1149, isolated
strain in the Biotechnology Laboratory; Freeze–dried strains of L.
rhamnosus GG, Merck©, there were used for counting broth and agar
MRS, Scharlau© brand.
The cell viability of free and microencapsulated probiotic
microorganisms (four selected treatments) subjected to Simulated
Gastric Fluid (SGF), Simulated Intestinal Fluid (SIF), and prebiotics,
was evaluated, selecting the treatment with the best resistance to
the three in vitro conditions.
Evaluation of the in vitro viability of microencapsulated probiotic
microorganisms to gastric and intestinal uid barrier conditions
The resistance of free and microencapsulated microorganisms
under the condition of SGF and SIF, [22, 23], with modications. To
represent SGF conditions, MRS broth was prepared, supplemented
with 1% pepsin by adjusting the pH to 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 using
concentrated HCL [22], To prepare SIF, the amount of bile salts
necessary to reach a concentration of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3% (v/v) was
dissolved in MRS broth, adjusting the pH to 7.5.
The broths obtained were sterilized according to the manufacturer's
instructions. A 1:10 dilution was made from 1 g of the mixture of
microencapsulated probiotic strains and 1 mL of a mixture of strains
without microencapsulation (control) in 9 mL of peptonized water
homogenizing with constant agitation for 30 min. 100 µL of each
mixture was inoculated into 10 mL of SGF and SIF, respectively,
incubated at 36 ± 1 °C. Counts were performed by serial dilutions at
times 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 h to assess cell viability [22]. Percent survival was
determined according to the following equation [3]:
Percentage of survival
EC. (1)
Where: N
represents the total number of viable cells after the
treatments (SGF–SIF) and N
represents the initial number of viable
cells inoculated before the treatments (SGF–SIF).
Evaluation of the viability of microencapsulated microorganisms
submitted under in vitro prebiotic conditions
Based on the formulation of the MRS broth, model broths with and
without the main carbon source (sucrose) were prepared and 10 mL
tubes were prepared, which were inoculated with 100 µL of the 1:10
mixture obtained in the previous methodology and incubated at 36 ±
1°C. Counts of the SGF and SIF cultures were performed by means of
serial dilutions at times 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 24 h to assess the capacity
for cell multiplication. Additionally, the pH and the titratable acidity
were determined [3].
All the data were statistically analyzed using a factorial ANOVA, with
the viability of the probiotic strains as an independent variable with
a condence level of 95%. It was performing multiple comparisons
by Tukey test to establish where there were signicant statistical
differences between the four formulations and the viability of the
mixture of microencapsulated microorganisms.
Evaluation of the in vitro viability of microencapsulated microorganisms
under gastric, intestinal and prebiotic barrier conditions
The results obtained in the different viability tests under gastric,
intestinal and in vitro prebiotic barrier conditions are presented below.
Viability of a mixed culture of microencapsulated probiotic strains
in a prebiotic matrix under Simulated Gastric Fluid (SGF) barrier
conditions in vitro
FIG. 1, shows how formulation 1 presents a higher barrier of protection
in the three microencapsulated strains subjected to pH (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0),
maintaining average counts of 7.31 log CFU·g
for lactobacilli and 7.75 log
for S. boulardii during 4 hours of exposure. While microcapsules
of formulations 2, 3 and 4 showed lower barrier protection; however,
they maintained counts above the recommended therapeutic level
(> 6 log CFU·g
). At the same time, greater protection was observed
in the encapsulated lactobacilli with an average reduction of 1.82 log
, and in the yeast a reduction of 2.05 log CFU·g
; while the free
microorganisms showed an average reduction of 3.52 CFU·mL
demonstrating that the four formulations used with different mixtures
as wall material when forming the microcapsules, provide different
degrees of protection to the encapsulated strains of L. plantarum, L.
rhamnosus and S. boulardii strains.
Several researchers indicate that the production of symbiotic
microcapsules with the combination of wall matrix employing prebiotic
material (fruit–oligosaccharides (FOS), denatured whey protein isolate
DWPI) by spray drying method has potential applications in functional
food industry with good results [16, 24, 25].
As shown in TABLE I, formulation 1 composed of sodium alginate
(0.49%), native cassava starch (9.38%), oat our (β–glycan) (2.13%),
shows the highest in vitro survival rate among the four formulations,
maintaining the viability of the mixed culture of three microencapsulated
probiotic strains with an average of 79.79% during 4 h of exposure at pH
values 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 in SGF, in vitro. On the other hand, formulations
2, 3 and 4 show an average survival rate of 47.030 and 49.10%, being
statistically different with respect to formulation 1 and the free
microorganism strains (P<0.05). On the other hand, formulations
2, 3 and 4 show an average survival rate of 47.030 and 49.10%,
being statistically different with respect to formulation 1 and the
free microorganism strains (P<0.05). It is observed that there are
signicant differences (P<0.05) in the average survival rates at the
three pH values evaluated (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0) being higher the average
survival rate at pH 3.0 with 63.726, while the type of probiotic strain
does not present signicant differences in the average survival rate
(P<0.05) indicating that the strains used have similar behavior against
the simulated gastric barrier.
FIGURE 1. Viability of mixed culture of three microencapsulated strains against the Simulated Gastric
Barrier (SG) at an exposure time of 4 h. Lactob: Lactobacillus
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cells at pH 2.0 with respect to those microencapsulated by spray
drying using various materials (whey protein, milk powder, alginate,
chitosan, inulin, among others) conferring greater protection against
SGF, in vitro [10, 13, 18, 25, 26].
Viability of three strains of microencapsulated probiotic microorganisms
in a prebiotic matrix under intestinal barrier conditions SIF in vitro
The tolerance of prebiotic microcapsules to the bile salt
environment is an important property [31], The viability results of
the three microencapsulated strains against the SIF intestinal barrier
in vitro at an exposure time of 4 h are presented below (FIG. 2).
The results in FIG. 2 show that the three encapsulating materials
used in the four formulations tolerate SIF barrier conditions, in vitro,
at bile concentrations (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%). The free strains showed
a reduction of 1 log CFU·g
, with lower microbial growth at the bile
concentration of 0.3% (7.09 log CFU·g
); however, the average counts
were higher than the required therapeutic values. A decrease of 3.05
log CFU·g
was observed after 4 h of exposure to barrier conditions
(SIF, in vitro), reaching a mean value of 6.78 log CFU·g
in the four
formulations, probably due to the protective effect exerted by the wall
of the prebiotic microcapsules, results similar to those reported by
other authors who have demonstrated in vitro the protective capacity
of different materials against the SIF barrier [11, 13, 18, 25, 26].
It can be observed in TABLE II that the prebiotic microcapsules
of formulation 1 presented statistically signicant differences with
P<0.005, with the highest average survival rate (85.060%) with respect
to formulations 2, 3, 4 and the free probiotic microorganism strains,
showing signicant differences with P<0.005 in the three values of
the average counts of microorganisms against the percentages
Survival rate of three microencapsulated probiotic
strains in a prebiotic matrix versus SGF, in vitro
Dependent variable: Microorganism growth (CFU·mL
Independent variables Categories Mean P value
3 63.726
2 58.131
1 51.229
Free of microorganisms 65.526
Formulation 1 79.790
Formulation 2 47.030
Formulation 3 47.030
Formulation 4 49.100
Type of strain
Lactobacillus 58.241
S. boulardii 57.149
Averages that do not share a letter are signicantly different
The above demonstrates that the mixture of polymeric materials
used in the four formulations evaluated, offers a protective barrier
to gastric simulation conditions in vitro because the prebiotic and
encapsulating properties are enhanced by combining sodium alginate
with oat our (β–glycan) and native cassava starch, which provide
bre and polysaccharides of high resistance to the gastric barrier,
exerting greater protection on the mixed culture of encapsulated
probiotic strains [11, 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]. Results that coincide
with authors who determined a strong reduction of viability in free
FIGURE 2. Viability of mixed culture of three microencapsulated strains against the intestinal barrier (SIF)
at an exposure time of 4 h. Lactob: Lactobacillus
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of bile evaluated (0, 1, 0.2, and 0.3%) showing that the mixture
of encapsulating materials used in formulation 1 offered a better
protective barrier against SIF conditions, in vitro maintaining
the viability of the mixed culture of probiotic strains in the three
concentrations of bile after 4 hours of exposure for both lactobacilli
and yeast S. boulardii.
Likewise, the survival rate according to the type of probiotic strain
evaluated showed no signicant statistical differences with a P>0.05,
between Lactobacillus and S. boulardii yeast, demonstrating that the
probiotic strains used have the capacity to tolerate bile salts, being
able to develop their metabolic activities without being completely
inhibited during the 4 h of exposure to SIF, in vitro, results that
coincide with research that have evaluated the capacity of tolerance
to bile of different strains [17, 18].
The results were similar to those reported by other authors who
found a relatively high tolerance of S. boulardii to temperature, acid
pH and bile salts up to 0.3% (w/w) using whey protein as encapsulation
material, adding CaCl
or gum Arabic as optimal wall material, achieving
high viability of S. boulardii, showing that microcapsules produced
at higher drying temperature (125°C) showed higher resistance to
gastric solution compared to lower drying temperature (80°C) with
low resistance to the solution of gastric juice, demonstrating that
the combination of different encapsulant materials enhances the
protective capacity of microcapsules improving viability against
simulated gastric conditions. Furthermore, viability decreased with
increasing exposure to SIF, in vitro [23, 24, 25, 30].
In the same sense, the results of this research suggested that
the combination of prebiotic polymeric materials (sodium alginate,
oat our and native cassava starch) of formulation 1, improves the
survival of the mixed culture of probiotic strains against in vitro
gastrointestinal simulation conditions, maintaining the average
survival between 79.79 and 85.060%, demonstrating that this mixture
of encapsulating material improves its protective barrier properties,
results similar to those of other authors that suggest greater stability
of the microcapsules produced with prebiotics than those that used
only other types of material, showing higher initial counts, with
respect to free bacteria [20, 26, 27, 28].
Survival rate of three probiotic strains microencapsulated
in a prebiotic matrix against SIF barrier, in vitro
Dependent variable: Microorganism growth (CFU·mL
Independent variables Categories Mean P value
Bile 0,1% 74.898
Bile 0,2% 70.031
Bile 0,3% 64.117
Free of microorganisms 72.978
Formulation 1 85.060
Formulation 2 67.426
Formulation 3 56.441
Formulation 4 66.503
Type of strain
Lactobacillus 71.054
S. boulardii 68.310
Averages that do not share a letter are signicantly different
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Viability of three strains of microencapsulated probiotic
microorganisms in a prebiotic matrix with and without a carbon source
TABLE III show the results of the prebiotic test carried out on
the four selected formulations, using controls with and without a
carbon source to verify the prebiotic capacity of the encapsulating
matrix. It was observed that there were significant statistical
differences between the average counts of the four formulations
and the controls with and without carbon source with P<0.05, with
formulation 1 having the highest average count (9.0958 log CFU·g
) in
relation to formulations 2, 3, and 4 and the controls (with and without
carbohydrates), being this growth lower in the mixture of free strains
without carbohydrates (6.6758 log CFU·mL
) compared to those
exposed to MRS media with carbon source (sucrose), which may
be related to the use of the carbohydrates present in the prebiotic
microcapsules as a carbon source in the four formulations evaluated
by the three strains of encapsulated microorganisms.
where yeast activity decreased with increasing exposure time,
showing that yeast has a more demanding carbohydrate requirement
to reproduce and survive than Lactobacillus, since yeasts do not have a
metabolic system to fragment polysaccharides. [4, 9, 32], needing the
availability of sugars for growth; Another reason to explain this dilemma
is the proportion of lactic acid bacteria, LAB, which produce acids
derived from metabolism (fermentation), inducing acidic conditions
necessary for their preservation by using the carbon source that served
as a substrate for the mixed culture of probiotic strains, while yeast
may be unable to change the acidic conditions in such a short time.
Many authors indicate that the consequence of the antagonistic
effect, derived from the metabolites accumulated in the medium,
are produced by the fermenting bacteria, especially acids such as
propionate, acetate or lactate and their negative impact on the
growth rate of yeasts, all of which would indicate that when LAB
concentrations increase and these release greater quantities of
substances into the medium, a phase of cellular quiescence or
temporary halt to the multiplication of other organisms such as
yeasts will occur [9, 33, 34].
FIG. 3 shows that the acidity production increased with increasing
exposure time (24 h) of the microcapsules in MRS broth without
carbon source (negative control), corroborating that the three
materials (sodium alginate, oat our (β–glycan) and native cassava
starch) of the microcapsules, were used as carbon source in the four
formulations by the mixed culture of microencapsulated probiotic
strains, nding that there are no statistically signicant differences
with P>0.05 between the means of the acidity percentage values of
the four formulations.
While the control samples (with and without carbohydrate source
(sucrose) presented signicant differences with P<0.05, indicating
that the production of lactic acid and the reduction of pH values, as
well as the simultaneous depletion of carbon sources as a reduction of
growth microbial, they explain that LAB and yeast used the prebiotic
material the microcapsules wall (starches, bers (β–glycan)) as a
substrate to produce acids derived from metabolism (fermentation),
inducing acidic conditions necessary for their preservation and
maintaining their viability during the exposure time (24 h), behavior
similar to that reported by other authors who found that encapsulated
probiotic microorganisms use the wall material as an energy source,
preserving their viability during the exposure time [3, 19, 32].
It should be emphasized that recent studies have shown that β
glycan from oats possesses great prebiotic potential that cannot
be digested by human digestive enzymes or absorbed in the upper
intestinal tract, while possessing the ability to provide a carbon
source to the intestinal microbiota within the distal intestinal tract
region [15, 16], therefore it can be deduced that the use of oat our in
combination with other prebiotic materials enhances their properties,
offering a feasible alternative to maintain the viability of a mixed
culture of probiotic strains.
Viability of mixture of probiotic microorganisms
with and without carbon source
Dependent variable: Microorganism growth (CFU·mL
Independent variables Categories Mean P value
12 9.93228
0 9.42142
8 8.94561
4 8.83226
16 8.58331
20 7.91603
24 6.54270
with carbohydrates 11.8969
Formulation 1 9.0958
Formulation 2 8.1944
Formulation 3 8.1908
Formulation 4 7.5238
without carbohydrates 6.6758
Type of strain
L. rhamnosus 9.664
L. plantarum 9.129
S. boulardii 6.994
Averages that do not share a letter are signicantly different
The above is related to the exposure time, where statistically signicant
differences with P<0.05 are observed from time 0 to 24 h, with a decrease
in counts as the exposure time to MRS broth with and without carbon
source increases due to the depletion of the carbon source. Similar
behavior has been reported by other authors, who indicated that the
encapsulated microorganisms use the wall material as an energy source,
maintaining their viability during exposure [3, 4, 19, 25, 29, 32] .
It should be added that there were statistically signicant differences
with P<0.05, between the mean counts of Lactobacillus (9.664 and 9.129
log CFU·mL
) and S. boulardii yeast (6.994 logCFU·mL
) of the four
formulations boulardii (6.994 log CFU·mL
) of the four formulations,
FIGURE 3. Percentage of acidity produced in MRS broth with and without carbon source (sucrose), in vitro
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The mixture of polymeric material composed of sodium alginate,
oat our (β–glycan) and native cassava starch, exerts a protective
barrier in gastrointestinal conditions in vitro, being an innovative
alternative to improve the survival of a mixture of strains of probiotic
microorganisms microencapsulated by spray drying, maintaining
therapeutic levels (≥10
The best protective effect in the prebiotic microcapsules was in
formulation 1 composed of sodium alginate (0.49%), native cassava
starch (9.38%), oat our (β–glycan) (2.13%), showing a higher survival
rate of the mixed culture of microencapsulated probiotic strains in
the in vitro gastrointestinal and prebiotic barrier conditions.
The prebiotic microcapsule wall material in all four formulations,
composed of sodium alginate, oat our (β–glycan) and native cassava
starch serve as a carbon source maintaining the viability of a mixed
culture of microencapsulated probiotic strains.
Nanotechnology Laboratory of the University of Pamplona for their
support and collaboration in providing the facilities, equipment and
materials required for the development of the project.
Conicts of interest
All the authors state that there is no signicant nancial conict
of interest or any other type of interest that could arise in the results
or interpretation of this article.
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