Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia <p>The Journal of the Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad del Zulia is a publication of the Agronomic Research Institute of the Faculty of Agronomy, Universidad del Zulia, published since 1968 and is supported by the Universidad del Zulia, in order to disseminate the results of researchers Venezuelans and other parts of the world, related to the agricultural field. The Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ) publishes four issues per year, i. e., every three months, under continuous publication format (rolling pass). , with original and unpublished scientific articles, technical notes, review articles, quick communications, extensive summaries of congresses and scientific meetings related to the agricultural area for the consideration of the Editorial Committee. The journal publishes research products of high scientific quality and promotes the exchange of publications and scientific activity at the agricultural level, in the areas of Plant Production, Animal Production, Food Technology and Socioeconomics. The topics included in these areas are: agrosystem management, environment, agricultural biotechnology, meat science, milk science, rural development, agricultural economics, agricultural entomology, fertilizers, post-harvest physiology, plant physiology, physiology and animal reproduction, pastures and forages, animal and plant genetics and improvement, weeds, animal nutrition, plant pathology, agri-food safety, agri-food systems and soils.</p> en-US (Jorge Vilchez Perozo) (RevicyhLUZ) Mon, 01 Jul 2024 18:28:36 +0000 OJS 60 Evaluation of Antarctic strains of Bacillus sp. as plant growth promoting bacteria <p>In agriculture, efficient microorganisms are used, among them plant growth-promoting bacteria. This work aimed to determine,&nbsp;<em>in vitro</em>, the mechanism of action in strains of&nbsp;<em>Bacillus</em>&nbsp;sp. isolated from Antarctica. The analyzed characteristics of the bacterium were: catalase and hemolysis tests, Gram stain, phosphate solubilization, growth without a nitrogen source, siderophore production, and survival at different values of pH, NaCl, and temperature, which confirmed the ecological plasticity and adaptation of these strains in environments other than their origin. According to the desirable characteristics, the T5, GB-70, and B-6 strains were chosen and added to two substrates: clay and clay-compost mixture, which were sterilized and placed in 200 mL glass bottles, and a corn seed was planted in each of them. After two weeks, the following parameters were evaluated: length of root (LR), seedling height (AP), and shoot diameter (DT). The simple effect of the strains as independent variables and their interaction did not significantly affect the response variables evaluated, recording the following averages: 12.84 cm (LR), 15.28 cm (AP), and 2.26 cm (DT). Considering the substrate, the compost + clay significantly (p&lt;0.05) influenced the LR and DT characteristics of the seedlings, with averages of 14.44 and 2.38 cm, respectively. The observed mechanisms of action distinguish promising strains that could be validated at the field level in agricultural production systems when inoculated in organic fertilizers.</p> Ángela Zambrano-Solórzano, Ángel Guzmán-Cedeño, María Pincay, Jonathan Chicaiza, Diego Zambrano Copyright (c) 2024 Ángela Beatriz Zambrano-Solórzano, Ángel Monserrate Guzmán-Cedeño, María Fernanda Pincay Cantos, Jonathan Gerardo Chicaiza Intriago, Diego Efrén Zambrano Pazmiño Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the genetic of three Hairless Pig breed populations in Mexico <p>The objective of this research was to carry out a molecular genetic characterization of three Hairless Pig (HP) breed populations located in México in the states of Nayarit, Oaxaca and Yucatán to identify variations, selection effects and population genetic relationships. From blood samples, a total of 163 animals from three populations of HP were successfully genotyped. Genotyped SNP data was employed to compute genetic diversity, population structure and landscape genetic analysis. The parameters of minor allele frequency (MAF), observed heterozygosity (Ho) and Wright’s fixation index (FIS) pointed out that the population of Nayarit is the one with the greatest genetic diversity (MAF: 0.362, Ho: 0.336, FIS: 0.061). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree analysis showed diversification among the three HP populations and pointed out a closer genetic relationship between the HP populations and the Iberian pig breed. The Admixture analysis showed as well common ancestry shared from commercial and Iberian breeds in the HP populations in different gradients. For the analysis of the relationships between geographic and genetic distances, Mantel test was computed and the results described a distribution pattern of the geographical locations along the genetic distances similar to the clustering pattern of the PCA and Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree analysis. The results obtained manage to present the HP poor conservation state and the need to stablish a genetic conservation program meaning an effort to prevent the loss of a significant cultural, natural and genetic resource.</p> Gilberto Lemus, Javier Rodríguez, William Burgos, Clemente Lemus, Carlos Carmona Copyright (c) 2024 Gilberto Lemus Avalos, Javier Germán Rodríguez Carpena, William Orlando Burgos Paz, Clemente Lemus Flores, Carlos Alfredo Carmona Gasca Mon, 01 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000