© The Authors, 2021, Published by the Universidad del Zulia*Corresponding author: danilo.lopez@ciens.ucv.ve
Danilo López-Hernández
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916
ISSN 2477-9407
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47280/RevFacAgron(LUZ).v39.n1.16
Crop Production
Associate editor: Dra. Ana Gonzalez
Bray I
Acid soils
P adsorption
Dissolution of Monte Fresco phosphate rock and their effects on phosphorus fractionation in
Venezuelan soils
Disolución de la roca fosfórica Monte Fresco y sus efectos sobre las fracciones de fósforo en suelos
Dissolução da rocha fosfórica de Monte Fresco e seus efeitos sobre frações de fosforo em solos
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto de Zoología
y Ecología Tropical, Centro de Ecología Aplicada, Apdo.
47058, Caracas 1041A, Venezuela.
Received: 08-03-2021
Accepted: 08-11-2021
Published: 15-02-2022
Incubation tests analysed the reaction of Monte Fresco phosphoric
rock (PR) with nine Venezuelan soils representative of different agro-
ecological conditions, and contrasting physical-chemical and mineralogical
characteristics linked to the PR dissolution process. The soils presented
different capacities to dissolve the PR; response, generally associated with its
intrinsic characteristics. The highest PR dissolution value (ΔP) was found in
the soil Iguana (50 mg P.kg
soil), soil with appropriate properties to induce
this process: acidic pH and low content of total and available P, followed with
intermediate values (7-22 mg P.kg
soil) for Barinas and Casupal with acidic
pH and moderate content of total P. The other soils had low dissolution rates
(1.4-3.0 mg P.kg
soil) and higher P content. Finally, Veguitas and Bajo Seco
soils with pH ≥5.6, and high total and available P contents and exchangeable
calcium, showed no PR dissolution. The process of dissolving the PR during
incubation is complex, it is activated with the presence of hydrogen ions
around the fertiliser but can be affected by enzymatic and microbiological
events as PR interacts with the soil, so that the dynamics of PR dissolution
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.2-6 |
Mediante ensayos de incubación se analizó la reacción de la
roca fosfórica (RF) Monte Fresco con nueve suelos venezolanos
representativos de diferentes condiciones agroecológicas y con
contrastantes características sicoquímicas y mineralógicas ligadas
al proceso de disolución de la RF. Los suelos presentaron diferentes
capacidades para disolver la RF; respuesta, en general, asociada a sus
características intrínsecas. El mayor valor de disolución de la RF (ΔP)
se encontró en el suelo Iguana (50 mg P.kg
suelo), caracterizado por
tener pH ácido y bajo contenido de fósforo total (Pt) y aprovechable.
Siguieron, con valores intermedios (7-22 mg P.kg
suelo) los suelos
Barinas y Casupal con pH ácidos y contenidos moderados de P-total.
Otro grupo de suelos, con mayor contenido de P presentaron bajos
índices de disolución (1,4-3,0 mg P.kg
suelo); mientras que los
suelos Veguitas y Bajo Seco con pH ≥5,6 y altos contenidos de P
total, disponible y calcio intercambiable, no mostraron disolución de
la RF. El proceso de disolución de la RF durante la incubación es
complejo, se activó con la presencia de los hidrogeniones alrededor
del fertilizante, pero puede ser afectado por eventos enzimáticos
y microbiológicos a medida que la RF interacciona con el suelo,
de manera, que la dinámica de la disolución de la RF presenta
Palabras claves: Bray I, suelos ácidos, adsorción de P, solubilización
Os testes de incubação analisaram a reação da rocha fosfórica
(RF) de Monte Fresco com nove solos venezuelanos representativos
de diferentes condições agroecológicas, e de características físico-
químicas e mineralógicas ligadas ao processo de dissolução de
RF contrastando. Os solos apresentaram diferentes capacidades
para dissolver o RF; resposta, geralmente associada com suas
características intrínsecas. O maior valor de dissolução de RF (ΔP) foi
encontrado no solo Iguana (50 mg P.kg
solo), solo com propriedades
adequadas para induzir esse processo: pH ácido e baixo teor de P
total e utilizável, seguidos de valores intermediários (7-22 mg P.kg
solo) dos solos Barinas e Casupal de pH ácido e teor moderado de
P total. Os demais solos apresentaram baixas taxas de dissolução
(1,4-3,0 mgP.kg
solo) e maior teor P. Por m, os solos Veguitas e
Bajo Seco com pH ≥5,6, e alto teor total e disponível de P e cálcio
intercambiável, não apresentaram dissolução de RF. O processo de
dissolução da RF durante a incubação é complexo, ativado com a
presença de hidrogenias ao redor do fertilizante, mas pode ser afetado
por eventos enzimáticos e microbiológicos à medida que a RF interage
com o solo, de modo que a dinâmica da dissolução de RF utua.
Palavras-chave: Bray I, solos ácidos, adsorção de P, solubilização
In highly weathered environments, phosphorus (P) appears as a
limiting element for plant and animal production because it is xed
by amorphous iron and aluminium oxides and hydroxides that abound
in the soil prole (López-Hernández and Burnham, 1974; Brenner et
al., 2019). To counteract these low levels of available P, it is necessary
to use appropriate doses of phosphorous fertilisers that are supplied,
either as soluble sources, of high cost, due to their pretreatment,
or as insoluble phosphate rocks (PR), of lower value, mainly only
applicable in the case of acid soils (Rajan et al., 1996; Cicek et al.,
The reactivity of PRs increases with soil acidity (hydrogen ion
concentration around the PR granule), generally associated with
relatively high levels of exchangeable Al (high Al saturation); so that,
in soils with a pH greater than 5.6, the PR practically do not supply
available P to the crops. On the contrary, the low saturation of calcium
and phosphates in solution, characteristic of acid soils, as well as a
high content of organic matter in the soil, favour the solubilisation
of PRs (Rajan et al., 1996). On the other hand, a high phosphate
retention capacity in the soil can also facilitate PR solubilisation,
although this P, once released from the rock, can be quickly retained
by the solid adsorbent matrix and do not enter in solution (López-
Hernández, 1977; Rajan et al., 1996; Romero and López-Hernández,
2018). Regarding total P levels, soils with medium phosphate levels
are considered more suitable for the application of PR than soils
extremely decient in phosphates (Rajan et al., 1996; Romero and
López-Hernández, 2018).
PRs have been directly applied in many previous trials in different
soils and for different crops in Venezuela (Sequera and Ramírez,
2013). None-the-less, that the agronomic and economic effectiveness
of Venezuelan phosphate rocks has been well studied (López de R.
et al., 1994), there have been little research on the phosphate rock-
soil interaction, an aspect of agronomic interest that would allow
determining: in which soils, the application of phosphate rocks
would be more efcient. An evaluation as this kind revise particular
importance in the case of Venezuelan PR Monte Fresco (PRMF), due
to its proven reserves, and its potential to be used, under adequate
treatments, as source of soluble phosphorous fertiliser (Casanova,
The objective of this work is to study the reaction (dissolution) of
the Monte Fresco phosphate rock in nine Venezuelan soils that present
contrasting physicochemical and mineralogical characteristics, the
chosen soils are representative, at the national level, of areas with
different agroecological conditions (table 1). The experimentation
includes incubation experiments where the reaction of the PR with
the chosen soils is analysed.
Materials and methods
Nine contrasting soils in physicochemical characteristics linked to
the phosphate rock dissolution process: pH, exchangeable aluminium
and calcium, total and available phosphorus, organic carbon, P
adsorption capacity and cation exchange capacity (CEC), were used.
The soil samples come from uncultivated soils located in different
areas of the country (table 1), and correspond to the surface horizon (0-
15 cm) of composite samples formed from subsamples. For chemical
determinations, the samples were air-dried and then sieved to obtain
the fraction of soil less than 2 mm. The routine methodologies for soil
characterisation correspond to those used at INIA, Maracay (Romero
and López-Hernández, 2018; López-Hernández and Romero, 2019).
In the incubation experiments, the Monte Fresco phosphate rock,
located in the state of Táchira, Venezuela, was used. MFPR has a total
P content of 9.3% and a solubility in citric acid of 0.71%, this PR has
an apatite content of 64% (Pérez and Smyth, 2005).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
López-Hernández. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e2239163-6 |
Table 1. Geographical location and classication of the soils
Soils Location Classication
Estación Experimental
Bramón, Táchira
Typic Tropudult
Mantecal Mantecal, Apure Fluventic Ustropepts
Barinas Pie de Monte, Barinas Oxic Paleustalfs
Casupal Norestes llanos de Monagas Oxic Paleustults
Palmeras Guárico Typic Paleustults
Iguana II Santa María Ipire, Guárico Plinthic Paleustults
Estación Experimental
La Iguana, Guárico
Ustoxic Quartzipsamment
Typic Ustropepts
Bajo Seco
Estación Experimental
Bajo Seco, Miranda
Typic Humitropepts
Source: Author
Determination of the phosphate adsorption index (PAI)
The PAI was determined using the Bache and Williams method,
which consists of determining a point of the adsorption isotherm
(López-Hernández, 2016). This adsorption point was obtained by
stirring 1 g of soil with a solution of 0.0025M KH
and 0.02M
KCl for 18 h in a 1:20 ratio. At the end of the stirring period, the
suspension was ltered or centrifuged, and the P content in the
supernatant solution was analysed using the Murphy and Riley
photocolorimetric method. Adsorption values (x) were expressed in
mg P/100 g soil, and the nal concentration of P in solution (C) in
µmol P.L
. The Bache and Williams index was calculated as x/log C.
The mineralogical analysis was performed using the X-ray
diffraction technique on plates prepared with the clay fraction
(Reynolds and Moore, 1989).
Incubation of soils with PR
Portions of approximately 500 g for each of the soils studied
were fertilised with doses equivalent to 300 mg P.kg
of PRMF.
Subsequently, 50 g of each fertilised soil were placed in seven glass
jars and incubated at 100 % available humidity and at an approximate
temperature of 25 °C. The incubation periods correspond to 1, 3, 7,
15, 30, 60 and 100 days. Control samples (without phosphate rock)
were simultaneously incubated under the same conditions.
Extraction and determination of available P after incubation
At the end of the incubation period, available P extractions
were carried out in triplicate (4 g of soil) using the Bray I method
according to Romero and López-Hernández (2018). The P in solution
was determined by the photocolorimetric method of Murphy and
Riley reviewed by López-Hernández (2016). The difference, between
the level of P extracted from the treated soil and the P extracted in
the control, corresponds to the dissolved P (ΔP) of the PR. The P
that exceeds the control in soils fertilised with PR comes from the
dissolution of the rock, thus, ΔP can be considered as an indirect
estimator of dissolution and allows inferences to be made about the
degree of reaction of the PR (Rajan et al., 1996).
Changes in available phosphorus fractions as a function of
incubation time
Triplicate samples of two of the chosen soils (Iguana and Bramón)
were fertilised with doses of 300 mg P.kg
of PR Monte Fresco
and incubated in glass jars at 100% available humidity and at an
approximate temperature of 25 °C for 3, 15 and 30 days. At the end of
each incubation period, the soils underwent a partial P fractionation
according to a modication of the Hedley method (López-Contreras
et al. 2007). The extracted phosphorus in the different fractions was
measured by the classic method of Murphy and Riley.
Statistical analysis
The Statistical Analysis System (SANEST) was used,
corresponding to nine independent samples (soils) where seven
treatments (times) are compared. Analysis of variance and comparison
of means were performed by Duncan’s bilateral test with a probability
value of P≤0.05. The relationship between PR dissolution values and
other soil properties was established using Pearson’s correlation
Results and discussion
As can be seen in tables 2 and 3, the soils presented very different
physicochemical characteristics. In general, medium textures
predominate, although there are three soils (Casupal, Iguana and
Iguana II) with sandy textures (table 2). The Bramón and Mantecal
soils presented the lowest pH (4.1 and 4.2, respectively); another
group had a pH of 4.6-5.5, while the samples from Veguitas and Bajo
Seco had a pH of 5.8 and 6.1, respectively. The organic carbon (CO)
content was highly variable (0.30-6.54%): the Iguana and Casupal
soils presented very low CO values (0.30-0.33%), with low values
were Iguana II (0.75%), Palmeras (0.78 %) and Mantecal (1.04%),
while Barinas, Veguitas and Bramón presented an intermediate
CO content (1.27-1.85%); a high content of CO (6.54%) was only
presented by Bajo Seco (table 2).
Veguitas, Bajo Seco and Bramón soils are characterised by high
levels of total and available P (Bray I), while Iguana, Iguana II and
Casupal presented low values of total and available P, the rest of the
soils maintain intermediate values (table 2). The highest P adsorption
indices were recorded in Bramón, Mantecal, Bajo Seco and Palmeras,
the rest presented low values (table 2).
Table 2. Main chemical characteristics of the soils analysed.
Soils pH %OC
P total
P Bray
(x/ log C)*
Bramón 4.1 1.85 468 15.2 23.6 FA
Mantecal 4.2 1.04 328 4.6 13.6 F
Barinas 4.6 1.27 266 4.5 8.0 FAa
Casupal 4.7 0.33 211 5.7 6.6 aF
Palmeras 4.7 0.78 275 2.5 11.8 F
Iguana II 5.3 0.75 190 1.5 4.6 Fa
Iguana 5.5 0.30 163 1.8 5.7 a
Veguitas 5.8 1.34 955 23.7 5.7 F
6.1 6.54 601 31.8 10.6 FAa
*x= mg.P.100g
soil; C=µmol.P.L
. Source: Author
The CEC were high in Bajo Seco and Veguitas soils, very low
in Iguana and Casupal, the rest of the soils analysed presented
intermediate values (table 3). Bajo Seco and Veguitas registered high
values of exchangeable Ca and Mg, as did the Bramón soil (despite
its low pH), the rest of the soils presented low levels of exchangeable
Ca, as expected, since they are well weathered soils (tables 1 and 3).
Bramón, Mantecal and Barinas presented the highest contents of
exchangeable Al and total acidity, while Casupal, Palmera and Iguana
II maintained intermediate values, and the lowest values of these
chemical parameters were found in Iguana, Veguitas and Bajo Seco,
this information is in agreement with the highest pH values associated
with these soils (table 2).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.4-6 |
Table 3. Exchangeable bases, total acidity and cation exchange
capacity (CEC) of the soils analysed.
Soils Ca
Bramón 2.50 1.22 0.33 0.23 0.9 0.8 6.6 1.7
Mantecal 1.50 1.48 0.65 0.85 0.4 1.1 6.0 1.5
Barinas 0.50 0.48 0.06 1.00 0.5 1.1 5.0 1.6
Casupal 0.75 0.48 0.05 0.69 0.2 0.3 2.4 0.5
Palmeras 0.75 1.72 0.39 0.54 0.3 0.7 3.9 1.0
Iguana II 1.25 1.48 0.46 0.69 0.3 0.5 3.8 0.8
Iguana 0.25 0.22 0.19 0.23 0.1 0.1 1.2 0.2
Veguitas 4.25 2.98 0.19 4.08 0.1 0.1 8.9 0.2
10.50 3.48 0.11 5.77 0.1 0.2 19.8 0.3
Source: Author
The mineralogical composition of the soils (table 4) evidenced
the dominance of kaolinite as the main phyllosilicate, except for
Bramón, where vermiculite predominates, and Veguitas and Bajo
Seco, where micas dominate.
PRMF dissolution values and their relationship with soil
The PR dissolution values (ΔP) at 100 days of incubation
corresponded to three categories (table 5). A group with the highest
PR dissolution capacity (DC) represented by Iguana, Casupal and
Barinas; the highest DC value was found in Iguana (50.0 mgP.kg
a soil that showed appropriate properties to induce this process:
acidic pH and low content of total and available P. Barinas and
Casupal with lower DC than Iguana (7 and 22 mg.kg
, respectively)
presented also acidic pH, but intermediate contents of total and
available P. Another group of soils (Palmeras, Bramón, Mantecal
and Iguana II) with low DC indices (1.4-3.0 mg.kg
) and different
physicochemical properties, occupied a second category, while
soils with pH higher than 5.6 (Veguitas and Bajo Seco) were located
in a third DC category, represented by negative ΔP values, which
indicated that in that incubation period, the Bray I reagent extracted
a higher proportion of available P from the control soil. The high
proportion of P extracted from the control soil is in agreement with
the high levels of P in these soils (table 2).
However, It is important to highlight the low dissolution
values of Bramón, Iguana II and Mantecal soils, since they are
soils characterised by having acid pHs and signicant levels of
total acidity (0.8-1.7 cmol.kg
, table 3), therefore, with potential
to dissolve PR. Any potential dissolution of the rock would be
counteracted in Bramón and Mantecal by the high levels of
total and available P. However, the Iguana II soil had a marginal
PR dissolution, which is surprising, since its physicochemical
characteristics are very similar to those of Iguana, the soil that
recorded the highest ΔP value (table 5). The only difference found
between both soils was the presence of halloysite and traces of
vermiculite in the mineralogical component of the Iguana soil
(Table 4), and a slightly higher natural fertility in the Iguana II soil
(table 3). The Veguitas and Bajo Seco soils presented pH above 5.6,
high contents of total P, available P and exchangeable calcium, so
it was not expected, in these soils, greater PR dissolution (Romero
and López-Hernández, 2018; Rajan et al., 1996).
Table 4. Mineralogical composition of the soils studied.
Soils Kaolinite Quartz Mica Vermiculite Feldspars Others
Bramón ++ ++ + ++++ nd G
Mantecal ++++ ++++ ++ ++ 0.25+ nd
Barinas ++++ 0.3 + 0.3+ +
Casupal ++++ 0.5H ++++ Tr nd 0.1+ G, Esm.
Palmeras ++++ + + + 0.25+ G,P,Cl
Iguana II ++++ +++ 0.5+ nd nd Esm.
Iguana +++ H ++++ 0.5+ + 0.25+ nd
Veguitas +++ +++ ++++ nd + G,P,Cl
++ 0.5+ +++ nd nd G,Pa,Gi
H= Halloysite; P= Pyrophyllite; Cl= Chlorite; Pa= Paragonite; G= Goethite; Gi= Gibbsite; Esm= Smectite; Tr= Traces; nd= no determined.
Table 5. Values of phosphorus extracted with the Bray I solution (mg P.kg-1) in unfertilized soils (without RF) and treated with PR (with
Soils Without PR With PR
P Bray with PR- P Bray without PR
Iguana 2.5 52.5 50.0
Casupal 8.0 30.0 22.0
Barinas 2.5 9.5 7.0
Palmeras 2.2 4.2 2.0
Bramón 2.0 2.2 2.0
Mantecal 4.5 7.5 3.0
Iguana II 1.6 3.0 1.4
Veguitas 3.8 2.5 -1.3
Bajo Seco 2.0 1.8 -2.0
*The difference between the level of P extracted from the treated soil and the control corresponds to the dissolved P (ΔP) of the PR. Source: Author
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
López-Hernández. Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e2239165-6 |
Previous analysis of the use of PR Monte Fresco carried out by
López et al. (1994) for the Palmeras soil, noted a slight increase
in the P and Ca content of the soil after treatment with PR, and a
good residual effect on the yield of Andropogun gayanus after the
third year of application, which indicated a moderate dissolution of
PR Monte Fresco in this soil. Likewise, Pérez (1995) presented a
comparison of various extraction methods of available P in PRs with
different solubilities using also Palmeras soil. From Pérez´s results
it was inferred that, unlike, what was reported in this study, there
was a greater dissolution of PR Monte Fresco compared to other
soils located in the region, none-the-less, the levels of available Ca
in the Palmeras sample used by Pérez (1995) were lower than the
value reported here.
Dynamics of PR dissolution in soils
In table 6, the average ΔP values were recorded over an
incubation period of 1-100 days. Although the information did not
show a clear behaviour pattern, a tendency was observed for the ΔP
values to increase from 1-15 days of incubation for the Bramón,
Casupal, Palmeras, Iguana and Veguitas soils, which then slightly
decreased from 30-60 days, but with strong increases at 100 d in
Iguana and Casupal. In the case of the Mantecal, Barinas and Iguana
II soils, the averages were quite close along the experimental period,
with few signicant differences during incubation. Finally, the Bajo
Seco and Veguitas soils showed large uctuations in the levels of P
from dissolved from the PR throughout the incubation period, with
some negative values during incubation.
The PR dissolution process is complex and it is activated by
the presence of hydrogen ions around the fertiliser granules, which
contribute to the solubilisation of insoluble apatites (Morillo et
al., 2007). This process, essentially chemical may also involve
enzymatic and microbiological events that occur as PR interacts
with the soil in an appropriately humid environment. Such is the
case of the release of hydrogen ions or organic acids due to the
activity of P-solubilising bacteria (PSB), which could induce
greater PR solubilisation (Mora et al., 2017; 2019; Hunt et al.,
2007). Thus, as the incubation process occurred in the tested soils,
there was a redistribution of P in the different fractions affected
by these chemical and microbial dissolution-immobilisation events.
A more rigorous analysis of the changes in the most available
P fractions was carried out by means of PR fertilisation (300 mgP.
kg-1) of the Iguana and Bramón soils (gures 1 and 2, respectively)
and observing the changes in P-fractions throughout the incubation
period. During incubation, changes in the levels of P-resin,
P-bicarbonate, P-microbial, Pi and Po-NaOH were observed.
Table 6. ΔP values (mgP.kg
) extracted with the Bray I solution
t different incubation times.
In the Iguana soil, the most available fractions of P (P-resin
and P-NaHCO
) had a signicant increase in the rst 15 days of
incubation, while the P-microbial and Pi-NaOH did not undergo
greater modication, on the contrary, Po-NaOH decreased
signicantly in that period (gure 1). For the Bramón soil, in
general, there was a tendency to increase P values throughout the
incubation period (3-30 days) in the P-resin, Pi and Po-NaOH and
P-microbial fraction (gure 2). This last fraction presented quite
high values at 30d (70 mg P.kg
), very possibly related to an intense
microbial activity associated with the high content of organic
carbon (Ravindran and Yang, 2015), and the adequate availability
of nutrients (Ca and Mg) existing in that soil (table 3). Thus, the
conjunction of all these processes throughout the incubation helped
to explain the uctuations in the dissolution values.
ΔP (mgP.kg
) during incubation time
Soils 1d 3d 7d 15d 30d 60d 100d
Iguana 1.8a* 9.0b 10.0b 25.0c 20.0c 10.0b 50.0d
Casupal 6.0a 11.5b 9.0ab 25.0c 5.5a 11.0b 22.0c
Barinas 8.3b 6.8b 3.8a 10.0b 8.3b 11.3b 7.0b
Palmeras 3.0a 3.8a 2.8a 7.8b 6.8b 4.3a 2.0a
Bramón 2.0b 4.0b 3.0b 10.0d -2.0a 5.5c 2.0b
Mantecal 0.5b 1.8b -3.0a 2.8b 3.3b 1.0b 3.0b
Iguana II 1.8a 1.3a 0.0a 1.5a 0.7a 3.5a 1.4a
Veguitas -1.5b -1.5b -1.5b 6.0d 2.0c 3.0c -1.30b
10.0d -2.0b 9.0d -11.0a 0.0b 3.0c -2.0b
*Means followed by different letters between different times differ signicantly
at 5% by Duncan’s two-sided test. Source: Author
Figure 1. Changes in available P fractions during incubation,
Iguana soil. Means followed by different letters differ
Figure 2. Changes in available P fractions during incubation,
Bramón soil. Means followed by different letters
differ signicantly.
A correlation analysis of the dissolution value (ΔP) at 100
days of incubation with the different properties of the analysed
soils showed, in general, low correlation coefcients for the soil
characteristics and PR dissolution (table 7). All the parameters
analysed, except P adsorption, tend to negatively affect the
dissolution, however, only the total P content reached signicance
(P<0.10); the CEC and the P Bray I approached, although without
reaching the level of signicance. Undoubtedly, the small number
of soils analysed due to logistical reasons affected the signicance
of these results. Herrera and Casanova (1997), in tests with several
PR, point out that it was not possible to detect a single characteristic
of the rocks that explains the differences between the amounts of
phosphorus extracted with Bray, it is noteworthy that they also
worked with a reduced number of soils (5).
This scientic publication in digital format is a continuation of the Printed Review: Legal Deposit pp 196802ZU42, ISSN 0378-7818.
Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ). 2022, 39(1): e223916. January - March. ISSN 2477-9407.6-6 |
Table 7. Pearson correlation coefcient between the PR dissolution index (ΔP) and the different soil properties; ns and *, non-signicant
and signicant at 0.1%, respectively.
pH Exchangeable Al Exchangeable Ca % C P total P Bray I CEC IBW
Pearson correlation coefcient
-0.645* -0.506
Source : Author
The soils of the selected agro-ecological zones presented
different behaviours regarding the ability to dissolve the Monte
Fresco phosphate rock. In general, this response was associated with
the intrinsic characteristics of the soil, such as: pH, content of total
and available P and exchangeable calcium, although a signicant
statistical association was only found with the content of total P. The
Iguana soil, with a high capacity to dissolve PR due to its acidity and
low P content, generates a good PR dissolution, while the Bajo Seco
and Veguitas soils, less acidic and with high contents of total and
available P, induce a poor or no dissolution of the rock.
The nancial collaboration of the Institute of Zoology and Tropical
Ecology and the Faculty of Agronomy of the Central University
of Venezuela is appreciated, this work was carried out with the
invaluable participation of the MSc. G. Romero, who, unfortunately,
could not be located for his inclusion as a co-author of the article.
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